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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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Shae woke up the next morning, right around the time that the monk and Osla met each other. He yawned, then snuggled into the weirdly comfortable pillow in front of him. It was abnormally formed, and he liked it- though he was annoyed at how uncomfortable his shirt was. He blinked, opening his eyes to stare at Dan's chest as he realized something. He hadn't removed his shirt, so he hadn't fallen asleep intentionally or in his room. He blushed when he realized where he was and what he'd been pressing his face against. He squeaked, rolling away and using his hands to force himself up just enough that running let him keep his balance- which he chose to do by sprinting for the stairs and flying down them with an embarrassed blush covering his face. What had he just done? Why had he... He suddenly remembered why, everything flooding back as he went an even deeper shade of red and pressed his back against the wall of a hallway not far from the stairwell. Oh colors... he wasn't going to get himself out of this tangle very easily, was he?

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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Dan woke up a couple of minutes after Shae bravely ran away. He got into a sitting position, and noted that he hadn’t been sleeping on his stomach like he always did. 

Memories came flooding out st him from last night. I guess Shae just remembered himself and got uncomfortable. I hope we can still be best friends after this. He sat on the roof for a few more minutes, until he saw someone climbing onto the roof. 

“Uh, hi, Sh... Darrell?” Where the hell had Darrell come from? Why wasn’t he on Valnore with everybody else? “What are you doing here?” Dan asked as the shorter man walked over and looked over Dan’s nest. 

“Oh, just seeing the sights,” Darrell said with a grin, then looked at Dan with a malicious grin on his face. “Like your face whenever you look at that short guy. Shae, isn’t it?” 

“Yes, that’s his name. And what do you mean by ‘my face whenever I see him’? Isn’t my face pretty normal all the time? Also, why and for how long have you been here?” 

“Second question first,” Darrell said. “I came here because you went here, y’know, so we could reacquaint ourselves or whatever, but then I saw you walking around with that Shae... and that’s what I mean. You obviously have a huge crush on him.” 

“No, I do not,” Dan said, trying to sound matter-of-fact as his face started turning red. “He’s just really nice.”

“Yes, you do. Your pupils dilate whenever you look at him.” 

“That’s just a myth and you know it, Darrell.” 

“I don’t think so.” 

A pause. Dan tried to sort through the confusion in his head. After talking with him last night, and all those other things they’d done together in the past weeks... well, who wouldn’t love Shae after that? He was so... kind. 

“I guess maybe I do,” Dan mumbled. 

“Okay, now say that to his face,” Darrell said with a strange smile. 

“No. I don’t want to endanger our friendship.” 

“Well, you should’ve thought of that further... and honestly, how have you not smelled him yet?”

Then a familiar scent hit Dan’s nose. He turned in the direction it had come from, and saw Shae standing there, within hearing range. 

“Good luck,” Darrell said, walking away and brushing past Shae to get to the stairwell.


Edited by Sherlock Holmes
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Shae had decided to go up and apologize to Dan for being so rude- then he'd come up to the top of the stairs. He'd only heard the conversation after Dan had said he was nice, which made him happy, but... then Dan had confessed he had a crush on him. Shae was still staring in shock when the stranger brushed past him, and he only vaguely heard the 'good luck' that had been thrown Dan's way. He was blushing a deep scarlet, and he had no idea what to do, or what to say, or what he felt about it. Honestly, if he tried to think about it too hard, he'd probably end up passing out right now. Just from being so overwhelmed he wouldn't be able to handle everything. He realized he still hadn't moved, and that he was sort of stuck right then, a bit out of it. Scratch that, totally out of it. At least it gave him time for self-introspection...

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“Just come sit over here,” Dan said, not moving his face from his hands. Well, now I’m going to lose my best friend. Why did he seem kinda like he was flirting with me last night, then? Does he think that last night was a mistake now? His ears pressed way back against his head, and he knew that he’d screwed up big-time. Still, he could smell Shae, and it was kind of distracting.


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He blinked, that managing to break the haze of confusion around his thoughts. "Dan... you know I don't hate anyone. If I hated you, it would defeat the whole point of that. Come on..." He couldn't make himself chuckle. "I'm... just in shock..." He blinked, then remembered what he'd painted. He knew one thing that might make Dan feel better, and he was willing to give it a shot- he'd need Dan to see that painting, and before that he needed to calm him down. "We are best friends... nothing will change that..."

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He blinked. "Then they were stupid..." He cleared his throat, actually responding to him this time. "Actually yes- I finished the painting. I'm waiting to forge it so you can see the b-before and after... I-I think it'll... It might... ah..." He blushed deeply, suddenly growing very nervous and uncomfortable. Should he actually do this?

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He blushed. "S-sure..." He stood, almost not managing the feat, and didn't stop blushing. "I-I... have it in my actual room... I didn't want anyone to see it, and I... I was planning on burning it soon after you see it..."  He cleared his throat, shuffling uncomfortably. 

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“What are you all jittery about?” Dan asked, then walked over and took off the canvas. 

Dan’s face immediately turned a very deep red, and he took a half-step away out of sheer shock. He stared at it for a minute, then looked over at Shae and said, “Dude, if you actually look like that, I would pay to fu... I mean, uh. Dude.” He looked back at the painting.


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Shae whimpered, blushing and hiding his face, If the rest of him weren't already so red, one might not have been able to see his blush. He pointed with his elbow to a stamp and inkwell that rested on the desk, this one somewhat similar to the one that he'd given Dan. And it would have a similar effect, though a little more intensively. It would change to painting to better match the desires of whomever stamped it- and that had taken him so many hours of experimenting that he didn't know if he should be proud or horrified. Luckily it was as easy as if he'd simply been told the pose desired before he'd painted. Otherwise it might've been more difficult. Shae continued to blush deeply, crouching and hiding.

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Dan picked up the indicated Stamp, and, not knowing what it would do, stamped the corner of the painting with it. 

The painting changed. Dan started involuntarily drooling. “Haaaa,” he mumbled as he looked at it. “Okay, I’ll pay ten times more,” he barely managed to force out of his mouth. Well, if he looks like that...


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He whined. "I'm not that attractive..." He was just glad that Dan was feeling better now at the very least. He had one more part planned for this little pick-me-up show he had ready for Dan. He just needed to get over himself real quick and shove down his embarrassment.

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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