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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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Shae blinked, staring after the man, then looking at Dan. That guy had ruined the moment... "To Kalad with this, come on Dan- let's go to your nest where other idiots can't annoy us." He held out his hand, annoyed and angry enough at the guy to not think twice about taking charge for once. He still looked furious, and now certainly wasn't the best time to argue about things- besides, walking side by side meant he wasn't trying to dominate Dan, just let off frustration. Maybe his agitation would show Dan that...

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He led him up to Dan's nest, sitting there and glaring out over the complex. "I swear, if I ever see that man again, I'll kill him..." He was annoyed, and wanted Dan to sit next to him- He wanted a way to calm down... Dan was the least violent option he could think of.

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He hummed, just enjoying the hug for a moment. But he needed more. "I love you..." He immediately began to scratch at Dan's belly after saying that, blushing at the fact that he'd said it aloud, and knowing that if Dan acted adorable it would distract him enough to let him calm down fully.

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She grinned, continuing to pet him. He'd do so until the sun was setting, then see how mad Dan would get. That might actually be pretty funny- hopefully Dan would forgive him too.

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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Sorry, fell asleep.

Shae chuckled, breathing mildly heavily. His arms were burning from that exertion, but he felt way better than he had a couple of hours ago. He sat there, smiling at Dan and waiting to see if he got mad or not. He'd lost hours of his life to belly rubs after all.

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He was still smiling. "Skipped lunch to rub your belly... I sort of forgot about it. But you were adorable, and- even if my arms feel like lead- I feel way better now. Thank you..." He smiled, only blushing slightly. Honestly, he had forgotten about lunch. He'd gotten so absorbed by rubbing Dan's belly and watching him be so adorable... He hoped he hadn't hurt the man's shoulders.

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He blushed, biting his lip. "Um... sure... thank you... Okay Dan, I... I'll try... I just... forget about it sometimes..." He looked away remembering when he lived on Nalthis as a nine year old on the street with no parents and no way to survive. He'd gotten used to begging, and then... then he'd found a bit of ash and some white cloth, and he'd sketched his mother with them. Someone had seen it as they walked past, and that was how he'd managed to get out of the gutters and back on his feet. Even then, he hadn't always known where his next meal would come from much of the time- he'd just gotten used to skipping a meal or two everyday when he needed to finish his paintings, and then it had become habit. His body was still used to that, and he often forgot about food.

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