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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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He blinked. "Oh... Okay... If you want, I guess." He chuckled, blushing and looking down. He pulled his shirt off slowly- not to be sexy, but because he was nervous and reluctant- and then set it aside, hugging himself nervously. He was still uncertain why he was feeling so nervous about this- Dan went around shirtless all the time after all, right? And they'd already sparred and wrestled shirtless, so what was so different about this?

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Dan opened his mouth to say that Shae had sexy muscles, but stopped himself, since Shae would probably pass out of embarrassment if he did. "You look, uh, nice," he said instead. "You don't have to be nervous, okay?"


Edited by Sherlock Holmes
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He blushed, biting his lip. "Th-thanks... and, I-I know... I don't know why I feel so weird... I'm not used to people seeing my sc... chest..." He cleared his throat, scooting closer to Dan and hugging him. "I'll get used to it..."

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"Night," Dan said. He was honestly kind of glad that it was cold today, otherwise Shae's close-by body heat would've made him sweat. He shifted so that he was on his stomach, and spread one of his wings over Shae, and folded the other on top of his back. He fell asleep a minute or so later.


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Dan woke up in a weird position. He was laying on his stomach on a cold table.

He rolled and slipped off the table, barely managing to land on his knees on a tiled floor. “Oof,” he said, opening his eyes and looking up. Shae was slumped over a nearby table, probably drooling on whatever he’d been drawing when he’d fallen asleep.

Dan stood up and walked over to Shae, slipping the sheet of paper out from under Shae’s arms. He inspected it and saw that Shae actually hadn’t drooled on any of it, then set it back on the table and shook Shae’s shoulder. Shae was adorable when he was asleep, but Dan had to go drill some soldiers, so he wanted to wake Shae up first.


Edited by Sherlock Holmes
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Shae blushed, smiling and watching him leave. "Goodbye..." He hummed, then looked at the drawing in front if him. He'd been drawing a laughing off the sacred four, with curling lines and decorative plants surrounding them. Only, if you looked very, very closely, you'd see that those decorations were actually forging symbols. He'd written the legends if each into the portraits, knowing that no one would every see it most likely. Frankly, he didn't care. It wasn't a stamp, so he didn't care who saw it. He finished the sketch, then started working on the painting, humming softly. 

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Dan landed at the training grounds. Only six of the forty soldiers in the squad he was being a replacement-sergeant for were here. He sighed and waved over the soldiers who were here as six more arrived. “You guys have the last ten minutes off, on me,” Dan said, and the soldiers saluted him with smiles on their faces. 

Over the next ten minutes, everyone got there. They weren’t greenies, not quite, but they hadn’t had enough discipline drilled into them yet. Most of them were older than Dan, but he was taller and more somber than any of them, so they respected him to a decent degree as he got them all working. He had to hit one or two when they started making loud jokes about having a ‘baby sergeant’, but eventually everyone was working and Dan could relax. 

“So did it work?”

Dan spun around and almost attacked the person who’d snuck up on him, but stopped when he saw who it was. “Hi, Darrell,” he said to Darrell, relaxing and turning to face the soldiers again. 

“Did it, though?” Darrell asked again, walking over and standing next to Dan. 

“Did what work?” Dan growled, annoyed. 

“The stunt I pulled to get you to confess to Shae,” Darrell explained sufferingly. 

“Well... yes, kinda,” Dan said, trying to keep a blush off his face. 

“Please, elaborate.” 

“He brought me down to his room,” Dan did not want to tell Darrell to see what, “and kissed me, then asked me to be his boyfriend.” He said it quietly enough that none of the soldiers could hear, though he didn’t know why he didn’t want them to know. 

Please tell me you said yes,” Darrell said, like Dan was a kid who had been offered a winning lottery ticket and may have declined. 

“I did.” 

This, for some reason, made Darrell smile. “How’s it been going?” 

“Definitely good. We haven’t fought about anything yet, and he’s amazing.” 

“Well, that’s good,” Darrell said, rolling his eyes. Then he paused and his face turned somber, maybe even slightly embarrassed. “So... I didn’t come here to see you. Your dad asked me to tell you something.” 

“What is it? To not be gay, I’m guessing.” Dan joked, but he was seething inside. Why did his dad have to try and ruin his life even from another planet?

“Actually, he wanted me to tell you that he’s sorry for yelling at you, and avoiding you, and lecturing you, and all that.” 

Dan’s breath stopped for a moment. Could his dad actually be sorry about something for once? But no...

“Couldn’t even bother to come here himself and say it to my face, could he? But that’s my dad, I guess. He always was a coward at heart.” Dan’s anger had subsided somewhat, but nothing Darrell said couldn’t change the fact that Dan’s dad had insulted him all those years, kept him away from guys the best he could, and in general been a huge jerk. 

“Agreed,” Darrell said, “but he still wanted you to know.” He glanced down at his watch, and said, “Sorry, I have to go. See ya around.” He turned and walked away without another word, and Dan didn’t try to stop him. 

He didn’t know how he felt about all this. Why should how his dad thought of him change him if his dad wasn’t around? But... he still kind of felt like a weight had been moved from his back, or his heart, or whatever. 


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Shae hummed, setting down the brush and thinking. He hadn't learned much about Whiterose's stance on his and Dan's relationship. He bit hits lip, thinking. He'd rather know for certain and leave after accepting whatever penance he was given than live without knowing... though... he also didn't know if he could leave... time to go ask. 

He grabbed his sketch, standing and going to search out the high priest. 

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Shae eventually found him, smiling and stepping up to him. "My lord, please, I sush to speak with you. I... I feel it is urgent, though I know not what your own beliefs on my worries may be." He skipped into his formal speech with him by sheer instinct. 

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1 hour ago, DoomStick said:

What was that?

“I don’t know sir, though if you ask the guard they probably will.”

9 minutes ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Shae eventually found him, smiling and stepping up to him. "My lord, please, I sush to speak with you. I... I feel it is urgent, though I know not what your own beliefs on my worries may be." He skipped into his formal speech with him by sheer instinct. 

“I see, and what is so urgent? If it’s your boyfriend you needn’t worry.” Erlend says. 

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He nodded, sighing. "It is a strange concept for me, foreign, if I'm honest. I have never thought of love before, much less of a man... I had not seen such a relationship either before, and it worried me... but if... if you do not frown upon it, then... that gives me a much greater peace of mind." He smiled, relieved. "I did have one other question. What do you think of this as a painting?"

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