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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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He raised an eyebrow. "Really? But then I could no longer focus on your handsome figure~..." He winked, blushing and chuckling. That had come out more flirtatious than he'd intended. He didn't mind to terribly, not when he could blame the alcohol, but it still had him blushing. He drank this glass as well, slowly getting used to the odd burning in his throat. 

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“Don’t worry, it sharpens your focus towards some things,” Dan said. “What it really does is make you stop caring about consequences. Like,” he leaned over and kissed the side of Shae’s face, then sat back, “my chair could’ve fallen over, but I don’t really care anymore, and I’m not that drunk.”


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Shae blushed, glaring at him. "Yeah? Well what if I wanna murder someone? This doesn't seem nearly as safe to drink if it removes someone's ability to care about the consequences of them killing someone. Anything could happen while you're drunk, anything! Doesn't that seem a little, I don't know... unsettling to you?" He'd drained another glass. He was getting used to the burn now, really used to it. He might even be able to chug it.

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“If you wanted to murder someone,” Dan said, rolling his eyes, “you’d be too confused and drunk to do it. Your plan is flawed. And anyway,” he continued, “you’re still in control of your actions. You just see your options differently.”


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He snorted, chuckling. "Oh really? Well, that's comforting... please tell me I won't wake up to my having painted you nude. That would be pushing the limits of what I'd call 'decent'. I'm not sure I'd ever touch alcohol again..." He chuckled, blushing at the idea.

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He blushed. "Oh hush- I'd probably convince you to follow me, then wait for you to pass out before stripping you to do the painting- otherwise I'd never get it done. So yes, way more time..." He blushed, to wanting to even think about that right now. "Why are you flirting so hard with me?" He hummed, curious.

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Dan rolled his eyes, glaring at him. "Gee thanks, I so love being called adorable." He sounded sarcastic, but his smile told a different story than his words. "How much do I have to drink to get drunk? He was on his fourth glass, and he was starting to grow a tiny bit dizzy. Was he more susceptible than last time? What was wrong with him?

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“Tesans, which my dad was,” now he was saying things wrong, apparently, “are completely immune, but I’m not ‘cause my ma was Winged and she aren’t. You have Breaths? Okay, it makes you more colorful, right? Not that I think you aren’t already... you’re very handsome.”


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He blushed. "That was bad grammar... you should slow down, maybe..." He looked at himself, acknowledging that he was faintly more colorful and vibrant. He wondered why he wasn't acting as drunk as Dan, downing the sixth glass he'd gotten. 

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He took it, tilting his head in confusion. Then he downed it. He winced, not throwing up only because he'd already burned his throat to near numbness already. He looked at him, blushing. "Dark colors are sexy... you use them in paintings like the ones I made of you and me... it makes everything else about the focus more obvious, and it draws the eyes if done right... 'specially when everything else is bright and colorful, dark colors draw the eye." He giggled, blinking shortly after and thinking in confusion about the fact that he'd giggled. That wasn't normal for him. Odd.

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He nodded, holding down another bout of giggles; why was everything so funny suddenly? He stood on unbalanced legs, leaving against the counter and groaning. He took a deep breath and stood, having had plenty of practice walking while incredibly dizzy or nauseated. He smiled at Dan holding out his hand. "I'm ready!" He was going to be grateful they paid for their drinks in advance. 

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Shae sat down next to him, smiling and leaning against him. Then he realized Dan was shirtless. Was that normal? He couldn't think straight, but if Dan was shirtless, he probably should be too... Shae sat back up and pulled off his shirt, getting stuck at the end and grunting as he tried to finish getting it off of him.

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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Dan noticed Shae having trouble and grabbed the shirt with his teeth, moving his head to get it all the way off. He set it aside and sat there for a moment, until he became conscious of the fact that Shae wasn’t wearing a shirt anymore. He looked at Shae’s chest and couldn’t stop himself from drooling, not that he wanted to stop. 


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He smiled, sighing slightly. Then he hugged Dan, humming as he nuzzled Dan's neck, acting a bit like a dog because Dan reminded him of them and he thought that Dan might think it was cute. 


And I think here is where we go to the pm as a precaution. Right?


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