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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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Shae ran in front of the children, quickly checking on them and grabbing his best skull forger trainee, setting him to work carving a stamp to fix the wall- it wouldn't least long, but better than nothing. He'd care for the... he refused to acknowledge the death right now, pretending the kid was sleeping. He turned to help Dan. 

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Btw, isn't this a guild that is part of the governing council attack another guild that's part of said council without provocation? I really want to see you guys justify this to the rest of the government, and I also really want to see what kind of sanctions the rest will come up with, given that this is basically a member of the government going against what is the reason the government was formed in the first place.


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Oh, this is probably gonna start a war. But it's gonna be fun.

The Waiter grinned, letting his feet lift of the ground, moving with the force, twisting with the movement until he slid out, firing at Dan's back as he did so. He cackled, firing towards Shae as well.

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Just warning you, The Waiter is incredibly well trained.

He laughed twisting the arm in his hand in a sharp jerk, and moved slightly, catching the leg on his shoulder. He gripped it, and pulled up fast, enough to make him fall to the ground, or break his leg.

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How trained? Shae is one below Dan, and Dan is Expert. 

Shae whipped out his other hand to catch himself before he hit the floor, wincing as it scraped some stone fragments. He kicked back with his free leg, having an easy path to the man's face thanks to this position. He did his best to ignore the pain in his arm from being so twisted- he could handle worse...

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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One of the children from the group nodded to herself, she'd seemed to just be waggling her fingers in the air for a moment but now sprinted towards the fray, her lithe body sped across the grounds with the speed of a professional athlete, though as she approached the walls she felt that strength fading and grimaced. Those glyphs might be hindering them just as much as their attackers.

Nontheless with a practiced motion she leapt from the ground, arm wrapping around the neck of a nearby soldier. The momentum of her mad dash slammed into his trachea and with a quick, mid-air twist of her body she felt something in the mans neck snap.

She also felt the Stormlight dissipate from her body as the wall took that too, her form shimmered as the illusion was dispelled, her dishevelled appearance became cleaner and the short, ragged black hair she'd supported previously shifted to a short auburn coloured pony-tail. Sprouting from the top of her head, two small cat-like ears perked up.

There goes that disguise.

She saw a person of interest nearby, the one who'd sabotaged several dining establishments, they seemed to be engaged with one of the defenders of the church, both sides trading experienced blows.

That seems to be a focal point, some support there should help shift the overall tide.

Whisper wasn't particularly fond of wading into a battle, she kept her attention wide, making sure to avoid any particularly concentrated areas of fire as she made her way towards where Shae and the waiter fought. She preferred behind-the-scenes work or using her illusions but with both of those options out of the picture she'd need to offer some support in a different way.

She hurled a small metallic spike in the direction of the waiter, however the two were both in close quarters, hitting only one of them was going to be difficult.


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Shae gasped, flinching as the spike slashed through a bit of his arm. Perfect... another scar. He stood, leading forwards and tackling the strangers legs from behind. That much would be impossible to dodge- just because the man was focused elsewhere and the battle was loud enough to cover the sound of him getting up. Hopefully it was enough to help Dan get in a decent shot. 

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The Waiter would have been hit. But at that moment, one Skybreaker shoved him out of the way. He sprinted out of the room, Skybreaker following. They had better things to do. The Waiter spoke into his earpiece. "Kill the children. We need to make them angry enough that they all attack."

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Jackal came over the top, and slashed through all the defenders he could see. He turned to the ninjas. There were ten pewter arms, three bloodmakers, a second oath windrunner, 7 minor epcis with concealment, two with lightning manipulation, one with intangibility, but only to something he saw coming, and twelve were just very good, and said, "Work in groups of threes. Kill anyone you see without the Ghostblood Mark. This emblem on my chest counts. Lightings, with me,"

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Whisper ducked into the middle of their path, arms outstretched to block them from proceeding any further.

Not the greatest plan in the world. She thought to herself ruefully.

Her eyes darted around the room, looking from place-to-place. Trying to find anything she could use to gain an edge. If she could distract them for just a moment then the ones who were behind them could catch up and finish them off.

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Shae growled to himself, chasing after him. He refused to let that murderer escape. He was fast, definitely fast. That was his best skill, aside from forgery and art. And teaching, as proven when the wall repaired itself thanks to the forgery of his student. It was far from permanent, but it was easily enough for now. 

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3 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Whisper ducked into the middle of their path, arms outstretched to block them from proceeding any further.

Not the greatest plan in the world. She thought to herself ruefully.

Her eyes darted around the room, looking from place-to-place. Trying to find anything she could use to gain an edge. If she could distract them for just a moment then the ones who were behind them could catch up and finish them off.


Is this to me?


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