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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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17 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

The man turns around, and a wall of thorns appears on the other end of the hallway. Turning back around roots come out of some of the doors along the hall and grab the Jackals companions and drag them away. 

“There, no more distractions.” Erlend says.

@Darth Sir Woodrack Groot

So, uh, how is this possible without investiture?


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51 minutes ago, Element of Chaos said:

You attack random, innocent civilians, target the children, and got an army here in maybe five minutes. It took them a few minutes after the fight started to get here- you have less right to question than we do. 

Shae punched someone as they came around the corner, kicking their chin and refusing, ducking, and ramming an elbow into their crotch before using him bending over to upper cut him into unconsciousness. He muttered, stealing the man's gun. He'd learn how to use it later- for now he planned to use it the way nature intended: as a large bump of metal he could bludgeon people with. He couldn't fight, huh Dan? Oh, they'd be talking later. And training. For now, he'd just find people and take them down one by one. Surely Dan couldn't get mad about that...



Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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47 minutes ago, Element of Chaos said:

Is Whisper NPC or PC?




A group of children huddled together, they shivered silently in a small, locked room. A few of them who were older than the others appeared to be trying to calm the younger children down and keep them silent.

The door to the room burst open, a number of soldiers filing in along with what appeared to be an Epic hurling lightning around. The soldiers opened firing, slaughtering the children indiscriminately as the Epic began to fry them and their bodies fell to the floor, lifeless.

A moment later the room burst into flame, incinerating all that dwelt inside.

A nearby statue began to move, grinning at the sudden explosion. The illusions of the children inside the room all vanished, one of them covering the grenade that Whisper had dropped inside. She moved on again, searching for the next group.

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Marcus Alexander Carlson stepped into the building.

This was the first time the field agents were being called into action in Ages! Finally a chance to practice spike jitsu!

Pulling two spikes from his bandolier he charged into the fray toward one of the pewter arms. He started tapping his brass at the same time, heating himself up so that his skin was above boiling temperature. He ran toward the pewter arm and jumped onto him, attempting to shove the spikes in the man's arms.

@Darth Sir Woodrack Groot


I will note that the mans clothes are fireproof and do not heat up easily, as well as the spikes. The spikes aren't metal, but they are of a highly insulating plastic.


Edited by MacThorstenson
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Whisper moved from room to room, she never stayed in one place, never kept the same form, never used the same tactic. She changed to appear as a Ghostblood soldier as another group rounded the corner. Another illusion of Guards of the temple distracted them long enough for her to take them out one by one before they noticed what had happened.

She found another grenade, and left the illusion of a child over the top of it. When another soldier had happened upon the illusion and opened fire on it he'd blown the rest of his group up along with himself."

When she found any groups of children she created more illusions of them running in a different direction to lure the attackers away.

She hid DA ambushers, revealed stealthy attackers, misled trackers and stalked lone soldiers. She ran swiftly, silently, and attacked without warning but with a surprising ferocity.

Maybe next time they'll learn not to split forces in an unknown building.

She met back up with some DA forces as they wiped the blood from spikes, looking around for the next target. She pulled a spare spike out from her own pocket, twirling it around in one hand in an Alleycant signal to let them know who she was. She stayed with their group for the moment, taking a moment to rest, recharge her spheres and surveyed their surroundings.

Planning the next move.

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Dan was sweeping down and grabbing enemies two at a time, hauling them into the air and dropping them from ridiculous heights. When the soldiers on the ground continued firing after the gunpowder from their fallen fellows was out of the casings and in the air, it exploded and killed even more. After some time of this, there was no attackers left in the courtyard, Dan was tired and had three bullet wounds, and there was a helicopter to deal with. 

Dan flew up and rammed into the window, kicking it open, then dragged the pilot out and dropped him. The helicopter had controls inside... and a steering stick-thing. Dan shoved it to the side and went back to the battlefield. “Fire on that helicopter,” he told his soldiers, and they did, and it blew up. “Okay, hunt down everyone inside the buildings with a Ghostblood mark, but don’t shoot anyone else.” 

The soldiers flooded into the halls and shot down the Ghostblood soldiers as they came.

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^ On, above, and outside. You can't just fly over, it extends up into the air quite a ways- otherwise the complaints about its stupidity and uselessness would be better founded. After all,  it's designed by someone who doesn't understand gun powder. Most of the things in this battle are like magic to him, so he mainly prepared against Elantrians, Forgery, Dustbringers, Awakeners, and Allomancers. Those are the ones he has experience with and knowledge of- the rest of what's been happening was a bit of a shock, and he's planning to update the walls now that he's had more first hand experience. 


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Shae was only functioning Thanks to adrenaline by this point. Memories that he'd tried to forget were trying to overwhelm him thanks to the explosions he'd been hearing, and all it would take to completely incapacitate him would be to see another child's body, or- He turned a corner and saw Dan, covered in blood and injured. That was it, he blanked, starting forward as everything just overwhelmed him and he collapsed to his knees, his limbs feeling weak and shaky. That single moment replayed over and over, and over again... 


The wall that head been forged shut by the kid vanished, and any still alive in there ran to the art studio, frantically trying to find a place to hide- Shae had taught them Aons here, and Forging- heed taught them art and a bit of music, and so much else... it felt like a safe place, and the only thing they found was a wall. This version of the school, this fortress, it had no art studio. So they hid in a nearby room, locking the door after making certain that it was empty. Two kis began drawing in the air, only one actually managing to make an Aon. That kid started layering multiple Aons everywhere, going slowly out of fear. He was the only one who could draw them, and he knew enough by now to start strengthening the walls around them. Not much, but he made the Aons a lot. It wouldn't stand up against a bomb, but a person would struggle to get the door open. 

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Dan saw Shae, and stopped moving. He ran over to Shae and pushed him against a wall, then looked around and saw that there were no other people around. It was safe. Dan nuzzled Shae’s face, then winced and licked off all the blood he’d gotten on Shae’s nose and cheek. He looked Shae up and down, then licked the wound on Shae’s arm. It was freaking him out so much to see Shae like this, but he still managed to stay outwardly calm. “You okay?”

Edited by Sherlock Holmes
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Shae blinked, tasting copper in his mouth. The raw confusion from that made him burn tin, and then the pain hit and he flinched back, gripping his skull as the memory crumbled around him. He winced, blinking and looking around. "What... Dan?" He winced, tenderly testing his jaw. Then he slapped the man. "You just punched me, didn't you!?" He glared at him. Then he kissed his cheek. "Thanks. Now, where do we go to take more of them down? And where is that psychopath? I want to tear out his throat and feed him his own heart." He clenched his fist, looking around to try and figure out where the man was. 

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KanMien and Kumiko warped into the complex, weapons drawn, Kumiko in cat form. Kumiko looked around her, amazed at the plants, while KanMien sighed, remembering the last time they were in a monastery.
"Focus," they called out to Kumiko.
"I know," she replied back. "I'm aware this place is dange..." her voice cutting off as two Ghostbloods rounded the corner.
Both groups looked at each other in surprise, but the Ghostbloods recovered quickly, and rushed in to attack them. Unfortunately for them, Kumiko had recovered quicker, and as one of the men tried to attack her she flipped over him, slashing his jugular with her claws along the way. While the other man was distracted by Kumiko, KanMien took the opportunity to put three rounds into his chest, killing him as well.
Walking over to Kumiko, KanMien put their hand on her head. "Take his form," they said at her, pointing at the man they had shot. "After that, we'll split up. Just kill anyone wearing their uniform."
Kumiko nodded. "What about you?" She asked. "Are you going to take the other one?"
KanMien hesitated, but shook their head. "Taking his form would take too long," they said. "I'll just go like this." They threw one more look at Kumiko, who now had the same appearance as the man they had killed, except for the wounds. "Also," they told her, "if you get in trouble, just AlleyTravel out of here. We're supposed to help, not get ourselves killed."
Kumiko nodded, and walked off. KanMien watched the direction she had walked off in for a bit, before turning around and moving away in the other direction.

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He looked up at him. "Dan,  you are dating someone who had long ago decided to protect the people he cares about, especially children. Right now, there are children being slaughtered. Now, I'm not going to let them die. I will die in their place if need be- but I'm not hiding. Now, if you ask me to run and hide again, I'll slap you again. If you wanted someone who would run, and hide, and obey you no matter what, you should've chosen a man without scars. Where. Is. He?"

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