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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

The waiter is an NPC, ark sent me a list of the character he wanted counted as PC's, the waiter wasn't on that. In addition the waiter doesn't have a character sheet. It is most definitely an NPC.



...Why did you quote me in that?...

"Well, if you want to talk to me alone, then drop the viens so that my guards can continue on their way," Jackal said. He gripped his staff, preparing to kill the vine person- "WHY ARE YOU SENDING THEM AWAY?! THEY MIGHT WANT TO KILL THEM TO!" His voidpsren yelled.

@Blessing of Potency

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I think I’m still looking at the waiter..?

And yes, through rules set out earlier regarding NPCs I’m allowed to do this.

Ace turned as the man who had pointed the killer out to him returned with another in tow. They fired on the waiter, though the one that had arrived fired on him as well. He hit the deck, grateful that the shots were off target. He climbed up and then ripped out Diamonds. He turned to the serial killer, as shots wizzed by him. He fired Diamonds, emptying a whole clip into the man, before pulling out another clip and emptying it as well. The first volley plugged the man in chest. The second hit him in the face, smashing the nose in and continuing through the skull. The man dropped

[slightly more graphic images ahead]


As the screams rose again, Ace walked over, his Tin was gone, interesting. The body on the ground was pooling blood, it wasn’t getting up. But men in a world like this often got up from things like that. Ace kicked the face of the skull in, destroying the head completely. The screams were louder then they had ever been. Ace collapsed and passed out.


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Snipexe, while you are technically, allowed to do this, don't you think that is being a bit of a bad sport?

Walker moves through the church, helping people up, and protecting them from the rouges who try to kill them. He sees a group of people fighting that weirdo that attacked him on his first date with Melody, and moved across the building, trying to find Jackal.


"Now-"KILL HIM! IT WILL BE FUN!"- what exactly-"WHY ARE YOU TALKING? KILL HIM!"- do you want to talk about?" Jackal said, ignoring the screams of the voidspren in his mask.

@Blessing of Potency

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I'd say that when you have an NPC that is basically acting like a PC, including thread hopping, as well as having him be rather powerful and committing enough war crimes to make an African warlord blush you're sort of inviting that kind of thing to happen.


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I know, but I also know that ark was going to make him a full character when he got room. I'm just giving a civil argument against this, before Ark sees this and gets incredibly furious, like I know he will. It doesn't affect me, I am just doing this for a friend. In fact, I think The Jackal, would reasonably replace him if he dies, so it is kind of good for me. As long as nobody kills Jackal, I am fine with whatever way this goes.


Edited by Darth Sir Woodrack Groot
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10 minutes ago, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

Walker moves through the church, helping people up, and protecting them from the rouges who try to kill them. He sees a group of people fighting that weirdo that attacked him on his first date with Melody, and moved across the building, trying to find Jackal.


"Now-"KILL HIM! IT WILL BE FUN!"- what exactly-"WHY ARE YOU TALKING? KILL HIM!"- do you want to talk about?" Jackal said, ignoring the screams of the voidspren in his mask.

@Blessing of Potency


I would except that Ark has been using him like a pc without limits, has been using him to attack players without permission, what Kenod said, and has just refused to let him die on multiple occasions other then this.

edit: ninja’d

So what that Ark gets mad at me, I don’t really care.


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10 minutes ago, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

As long as nobody kills Jackal, I am fine with whatever way this goes.


On that note you probably want to get him out of the location pretty immediately if you want him to survive. The GBs are now attempting to fight the DA, the Church, and TUBA forces at the same time. Unless they've sent the entire GB army then they're going to be mostly dead around now and the rest won't last long either.


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Shar blinked, staring. "That was... anti climactic..." He hurried forward, dropping to his knees next to the unconscious man who'd killed the psychopath. "Hey Dan! Help me out here! Let's use some basic first aid until the rest of our home is clear. Then we can get him to the hospital wing."

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2 minutes ago, Voidus said:

On that note you probably want to get him out of the location pretty immediately if you want him to survive. The GBs are now attempting to fight the DA, the Church, and TUBA forces at the same time. Unless they've sent the entire GB army then they're going to be mostly dead around now and the rest won't last long either.



The problem with that is that if he runs away, he would be hunted down by the GB. I hope Potency is going to bribe him to go away, but otherwise, this isn't goign to end well for him. At least he won't die, unless potency kills him. Potency, can you please not kill the Jackal?

@Blessing of Potency

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6 minutes ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Shar blinked, staring. "That was... anti climactic..." He hurried forward, dropping to his knees next to the unconscious man who'd killed the psychopath. "Hey Dan! Help me out here! Let's use some basic first aid until the rest of our home is clear. Then we can get him to the hospital wing."

"Right," Dan said, giving his gun to Shae and checking out the unconscious guy. "Okay, take off your shirt and rip it up into bandages," he said to Shae.

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Just now, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

The problem with that is that if he runs away, he would be hunted down by the GB. I hope Potency is going to bribe him to go away, but otherwise, this isn't goign to end well for him. At least he won't die, unless potency kills him. Potency, can you please not kill the Jackal?


If they don't leave then I'd say he'll be looking at capture at the very least, I don't imagine it's particularly likely for someone to just politely ask someone to leave when they've invaded their house and started murdering children.

Whisper led the group she was with outside, then pointed up at the sky and gestured in Alleycant again to one of the denizens.

"She says to keep an eye out for anything incoming." The denizen translated for the few of them who weren't quite proficient enough to decipher her rapid message. "Cut off their escape routes?"

The leader of the group nodded, pulling a long metal tube out from a bag that definitely didn't look like it should be able to fit something that long. With a malicious grin he supported the tube with his shoulder and aimed one end of it towards the sky.

"We got it covered, you head back inside." The leader said.

Whisper nodded and darted back into the building. Most of the children had been safeguarded now and it seemed like the enemy numbers were thinning out. They had the momentum now, all they had to do was push.

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Chirithia was really enjoying herself. She had reconstructed so many humans today. Each one was like a piece of anatomical artwork, laid out just for her. She found a soldier missing a limb and got to examine the cross section of a human male’s arm, though his wails were irritating so she Soothed all of his emotions away as she grew him a new one. She found a child a bulletwound in it’s head and clicked her tongue. The human cerebral system was a beautiful work of art, throwing bullets at it was like spray painting a mosaic. Her normal surge of Progression wasn’t going to cut it, so she pulled out a vial from her lab coat and removed a thin golden spike, hardly bigger than a sewing needle. She inserted it with precision into the appropriate bind point, then inserted several more spikes at various locations. They were identical in size, but consisted of different alloys, and each played a crucial part in this Hemalurgic operation.

Luxembourg, her assistant and the Denizen responsible for maintaining the Steel Bubble around the group, saw a burly man bleeding out on the floor. As he went over to collect a sample, the bubble shifted enough to leave Chirithia exposed. A Ghostblood soldier rounded the corner and caught sight of the group. He unleashed a spray of bullets, two of which pierced Chirithia’s chitinous arms, breaking off a few hordelings . But more importantly one struck her subject. She clicked in irritation, even as half of her torso flew from her coat to devour the man alive. She continued working on the human child while part of her acquired some more nutrients.

“Luxembourg, stay focused please or I shall have to reassign you. Permanently.”

Luxemborg gulped and speedily returned to her side, wanting to keep his form corporeal. Chirithia finished the spiritual grafts while keeping a steady flow of Progression going, making sure to address cognitive and spiritual damage. As the child’s body began tapping the gold reserves it had just gained, Chirithia is settled and removed several spikes in quick succession. The whole process took 10 seconds and the child was opening it’s eyes in confusion.

Chiritia chirped in a satisfactory manner, then patted the child on the head as one would a young dog. She admired the dental structure once more, resisting the urge to take samples, then pushed it out of the way and moved on to the next subject, a woman covered in burns. Chirithia smiles at the prospect of skin grafts and dermal reconstruction. She set to work as the rest of her hordelings returned from their meal.

Dinner and a show, what a wonderful day this was! Science was so much FUN.

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So here's a good suggestion for letting the Jackal get out alive. He'll come willingly with the Church and give his testimony about the GBs being responsible in front of the full senate. In return he won't be harmed and will either get a reduced sentence or amnesty (depending on how helpful the testimony is).


Edited by kenod
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