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Stormlight B-Days


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So, my mom just had her birthday and she got all the things she wanted. I thought, What would Kaladin want? 

So folks, what do you think the characters of Stormlight Archive would want for their birthdays? Also, what is the weirdest thing you got for your B-Day? :lol:

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Jasnah would ask for some secret knowledge. If not that, then the Heralds. And if not that, then something to help with the Desolation. Dalinar would agree with this while Navani would roll her eyes and request Shallan's help picking out decorations for a homemade cake (Jasnah would never eat it otherwise). 


Rock would want "Happy Birthday" sung in his native language. He would never ask, but Bridge 4 would do their best anyways. 


Adolin would want fashionable clothes. Kaladin would give him a Bridge 4 uniform (and demand it back by the end of the day...but wouldn't be too upset if it turned up "missing" or with a couple of "design suggestions"). Shallan would give him fashionable clothes. Jasnah would give him some book to read with Shallan. Dalinar would give him a new Ryshadium. And Renarin would help make a meal that Evi used to make. 


Dalinar...probably wouldn't really advertise it (I mean, neither would Jasnah, but when you're a queen...). Jasnah would give Dalinar a book about the Radiants. Adolin, Renarin, Kaladin, and (secretly) Sebarial would do their best to make sure Urithiru was running smoothly, so Dalinar could relax for a day with Navani. Hoid would come in and sing a special song.


Edited by Use the Falchion
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19 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Odium would want his freedom + a better PR agent.

Considering some of the people he's turned I'm not sure he has many problems in the PR department. He doesn't have a 100% strike rate but then again who does?

I'd give Pattern a scientific calculator as a pet he could talk to and an Esher painting so he could study visual contradictions in his spare time.

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1 minute ago, Bigmikey357 said:

Considering some of the people he's turned I'm not sure he has many problems in the PR department. He doesn't have a 100% strike rate but then again who does?

Well he does want to rebrand though I'm not sure anyone would take help him of their own accord.

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On Lirin's birthday Hesina would probably make him take a day off.

Then, on Hesina's birthday he would do so without anyone asking him, spending the day with her.

Kaladin would be there on both days, dividing his time between thinking about how the day would go if Tien was there and enjoying with his family, but in general, happy to know days like this still exist.

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I think Jasnah would want the complete set of the works of the great philosophers and some real jam!!

@WannabeWorldhopper and @Kelsier'sGodComplex


When's Hoid's birthday?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

I have not said when Hoid's birthday is. Because it's on Yolen, I don't even know if the days will line up, when we finally get there, to our world.

Idaho Falls signing (Dec. 29, 2018) Edited by Nathrangking
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Lift: FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!! (like loads of it).

Wyndle: A stronger replacement so that he doesn't have to carry around a super-fat Lift.

Dalinar: a time machine so that he can go back and NOT burn down Rathalas.

Axies: An ancient, huge book, entitled: Fantastic Beasts Spren and Where to Find them

Lopen: A really big palace, with super cool Voidbringer killer machines and the king of Herdaz's daughter as his wife. 

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If Dalinar didn't burn down Rathalas, he wouldn't have gone to the Nightwatcher. Then we wouldn't know that he could have talked to Cultivation. I think that is some crucial information. But everytime I think of that, I tear up a little. 



Do Adolin and Renarin know about what happened? In the books, Shallan asks Adolin where his mom is, and Adolin tells her that assassins killed her. HMMMMMM?



Sorry if I spelled her name wrong, haven't read OB in a while.

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