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If you could give them anything...


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25 minutes ago, Zea mays said:

Are there dogs in Shinovar? Kaladin needs a puppy. 

A real puppy, none of this axe-hound things.

Definitely. Like a snuggly golden retriever puppy to lick his face.

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I would show kaladin some of those tv series based around doctors. Doctor House, ER, whatever, I've never seen any myself but I know there are a ton.

Because kaladin complained that doctors are never heroes in stories, so I could show him wrong.

Jasnah and Navani are interested in different topics, but both could make good use of wikipedia. So yes, internet for both.

As a general, I'd love to give dalinar a modern armored division or two, that would also prove invaluable against the voidbringers. Or perhaps an aircraft carrier with full complement. But lacking those, satellite reconnaissance.

not sure what to give adolin. he doesn't need anything specific, though he could use some help. but no simple way to deliver it; though now he has good friends he can rely on and a wife he also can rely on, and that's all that can be done for him. Unless said wife goes all crazy, in which case it's not going to help him at all.

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The question I ask myself is, what would happen if an actual therapist were to sit down and try assess Kaladin's issues. I'm naming him because he has (as stated by Sanderson) pretty much textbook depression.
From what we have in the books, the word "depression" isn't known and psychotherapy is non-existent, or rather, people with severe mental health issues are quite stormed when in the hands of ardents.

So if a good therapist talks to Kaladin and tries explaining to him what depression is (or can be), that he's had it almost his whole life and that something most likely can be done, how would he react?
He could have a minor "so that means I'm weaker than everybody else and can never be happy?" breakdown, but then, he knows a lot about medicine and is very able to think rationally about medical issues and the concept of biochemistry wouldn't be too hard for him to understand.
If you get him to understand his condition and that it can be managed, via therapy and medication, would the medication still be something he would see as an "Intruder" that needs to be healed away Stormlight instead of doing the healing?

Or could Stormlight even heal depression if the patient sees his condition as a sickness instead of "it's just who I am"?

Ooouuuh, I'd like to ask Sanderson about that.

Edited by Winds Alight
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Dalinar: A few radios and a few crates of next gen guns as well as rocket launchers.

Amraam: Some self help books.

Taravangian: Book  of crossword puzzles and a trip to the psych ward.

Mraize: Tickets to the destination of his choice on a really slow boat.

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Hrm. Kal thinks Axe-hound puppies are itchy and annoying, like beards.

Hoid and his etymology musings...   I suppose he does have exhaustive knowledge of every species in every environ on every world and the derivation of their current appelation in every spoken and dead language. He is Hoid.

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3 hours ago, CrazyRioter said:

I think you might be better off giving Kaladin some axehound puppies rather than an actual puppy, given his reaction to horses. Rosharian animals may be weird to us, but they are familiar to him.

but even Kal could not resist a fluffy ball of golden retriever snuggling his poor sad face. once he got past the weirdness of the fur in general, that is. lol :D

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I desperately want to give Lift an Unsealed Bendalloy medallion (Not a spike, that would open her up to some unsavory things). 

I want to give Pattern a computer.

I want to give Renarin a Scholar's education, without all the life-long slavery of the Ardentia.




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