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When did Jasnah learn to fight?

The Night Watcher

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(3 posts in one day. I'm on a roll. Reading OB for 3 hours this morning makes me curious.)

Anyway, I seem to remember Jasnah being competent with a Shardblade. That could just be my love-struck brain embellishing that time when she threatened someone with her Blade (can't, for the life of me, remember who), but even if it is, it's slightly odd that she can hold back a legion of Fused with no martial training. Alone. Unless I'm missing something about the fantastical abilities provided by Elsecalling, which, don't get me wrong, I totally want but am skeptical of.

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1 hour ago, The Night Watcher said:

(3 posts in one day. I'm on a roll. Reading OB for 3 hours this morning makes me curious.)

Anyway, I seem to remember Jasnah being competent with a Shardblade. That could just be my love-struck brain embellishing that time when she threatened someone with her Blade (can't, for the life of me, remember who), but even if it is, it's slightly odd that she can hold back a legion of Fused with no martial training. Alone. Unless I'm missing something about the fantastical abilities provided by Elsecalling, which, don't get me wrong, I totally want but am skeptical of.

I don't think there's a moment where it's stated/shown she's trained with a shardblade (although I wouldn't be surprised if she was, given her family's skill with it and Jasnah's overall secrecy). For the final battle in OB I thought it was more of Jasnah simply being more proficient with her powers than most Fused she was fighting and her predicting where they were going to be. 

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Yeah, her strength wasn't in her blade. It's her Soulcasting. Which was ridiculous. 

As it stands in Thaylen city, she was basically just shaping reality around her. Without the Perp I don't think any of it would have been possible... But with it Soulcasting is stupidly overpowered. 

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Jasnah is smart. Also, Jasnah is always striving for any advantage she can get. She surely trained to fight somewhere. Not sure exxactly how, but she must have tried something. Maybe she didn't practice much with the blade because she had no way to do it secretly, but she certainly took some time to figure out her powers.  that's what she would do.

Do notice, by the way, that using a blade to skewer someone doesn't require any training. That's my personal experience, attacking is easy and parrying is just mildly more complicated.

No, what's really difficult about using a sword is to hit the opponent without getting hit yourself. attacking leaves you open, and if you are close enough to strike the opponent, the opponent also can strike you. Most of my sparring with the instructor ended in a mutual kill or wound. After that exprience, I got  much more appreciation for adolin's duels: he most often trades blow, hitting the opponent on weakened plates while taking hits where he's still whole. that's actually how it would probably go.

Anyway, as I said, what's difficult is to hit without being hit. However, if your sword is twice as long as your opponent's while still being just as manueverable, and if you can afford to be hit without much fuss 'cause you'll regenerate, this solves the problem. You can look like a pro with minimal effort, just for how stupidly overpowered you are.

Also, using sword against armor is difficult, as you need to hit just right to get past the armor. Again, if your sword bypasses the armor completely, that's one less problem.

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-I don't recall any feats of impressive skill from Jasnah with regards to her physical martial ability. She just ran fast, jumped high, and blew stuff up with Soulcasting. That said:

-Ivory seem a to be a swordsman. He can teach her to effectively use her Blade.


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As everyone has said, Jasnah only used her shardblade twice in the entirety of Oathbringer. The scene with Amaram involved her holding her glowing hand out hinting to me she was ready to soulcast him. The first use of her shardblade was when she did a broad swipe across multiple normal human enemies possessed by the Thrill. The second was when she noticed a fused swooping in due to the spren warning her of its presence, and she just again swiped the blade for a quick kill. No draw out battle. No skill necessary (to me). Now if she went up against a competent swordsperson, and held her own by blade alone, then I would say something is up, but that doesn't happen. 

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