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It was raining.  A soft silvery drizzle more than proper rain, not that there was anyone awake to see it.  The sun had fully set hours ago and everyone was dreaming their dreams.

In one house however, something stirred.  Something not of this world.  Shadows seeped through the gaps in the windows and under doors.  They gathered at the foot of a bed, it's sole occupant sound asleep.

The Shadows flowed over the bed as they made their way towards the sleeper.  Sensing something was wrong, the sleepers eyes snapped open but it was too late.  The Shadows poured down the sleepers throat and up their nostrils.  The sleepers eyes momentarily turned black as the night itself before clearing.  In just a matter of seconds, the sleeper was left nothing more than a husk that now housed the Shadows themselves.

Tremble mortals!  The Lord of Shadows has entered the game!

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Just now, Alvron said:

It was raining.  A soft silvery drizzle more than proper rain, not that there was anyone awake to see it.  The sun had fully set hours ago and everyone was dreaming their dreams.

In one house however, something stirred.  Something not of this world.  Shadows seeped through the gaps in the windows and under doors.  They gathered at the foot of a bed, it's sole occupant sound asleep.

The Shadows flowed over the bed as they made their way towards the sleeper.  Sensing something was wrong, the sleepers eyes snapped open but it was too late.  The Shadows poured down the sleepers throat and up their nostrils.  The sleepers eyes momentarily turned black as the night itself before clearing.  In just a matter of seconds, the sleeper was left nothing more than a husk that now housed the Shadows themselves.

Tremble mortals!  The Lord of Shadows has entered the game!

Excellent, excellent. @Mailliw73 @Walin Right now, in order to run the game, I will need to start you off as players, but if anyone else joins before the end of signups, you'll be pushed back to pinch hitters. Hope that's alright with you. 

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5 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Excellent, excellent. @Mailliw73 @Walin Right now, in order to run the game, I will need to start you off as players, but if anyone else joins before the end of signups, you'll be pushed back to pinch hitters. Hope that's alright with you. 

That’s alright with me. Especially if Alv is playing. ;) Going head to head and working with him are equally fun. And I’ve done both in the last two games I’ve played, so I’m excited to see how this one goes. 

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Turn 0
"Welcome back to ABC news, live from New York City. With Amazon having officially retracted their intent to build a new headquarters inside Queens, the area Amazon was going to build on has been turned into yet another pizza shop. Also, with the heavy rains expected later this week, grocery stores have been hit hard by crowds of customers expecting the worst. However, our weather models predict the storm going farther north, more towards Vermont. Despite this, the tourism element remains strong, especially with an incoming spring break."
As promised, the rest of the non-hidden rules will now be revealed. 


Turns will be 23 hours long, accounting for time to get the next turn up.
      Each player will have 2 actions available to them each turn.
      There will be a Turn 0, in which some more rules will be revealed, clarifications will be made, and players will have a chance to plan with their teams in a google doc. After Turn 0, docs will close, and all actions and the lynch will be able to occur each turn. 
       Lynch rules are standard, vote in red, retract in green. You will be voting for other bodies, using the body you have. Tie votes will result in all victims being lynched. One random body will be lynched if there are no votes. The lynch only kills the body, not the player; rather it forces the Player to hop. If a player does not take an action to hop into another body, they will become stranded, and consume one of their hops. 
When a body is lynched, the items they hold (minus the wallet) will be randomly distributed among the bodies who voted upon them.

      Bodyhopping: As an action any cycle, a player may choose to body-hop. This action may be performed three times per game, and becoming stranded outside of a body for any reason counts as one of those actions. If a player is stranded without any hops left, they are eliminated. Players may select any body to attempt to inhabit. If they choose an inhabited body, they are rebuffed unless they are a strong spirit, but they will take over any uninhabited body unless it is contested. In the case of a body being contested, and when no Strong Spirits are involved, a random player will get the body and the others are rebuffed. Being rebuffed does not take up a body-hop slot unless another player moved into the rebuffed player’s previous body, in which case the player becomes stranded and loses a hop. 
      Bodies- Each Body will have an "identity." Each "identity" has certain abilities or items that it is possible for it to have. The goal of the game will be for your team (there are 4 teams) to collectively own 17 items at some point in the game. Each identity will have at least a single item, with the RNG having laid out some more items. Each body will also additionally have a phone and a wallet, both of which DO NOT count towards the 17 items. The Wallet informs the player of the body's identity. The Phone allows for you to create PMs, using phone numbers attached to each phone. You may use this action to create a group PM, however the person to submit the PM must have all the correct phone numbers put in. 
     The order of actions is thus: item pass, item abilities, abilities, lynch, body hop.
Revealed Roles:
Strong Spirit: Strong Spirits have the capability to win any contest of body hopping with a normal spirit. In competition with other strong spirits, a random strong spirit will get the body while the others will be rebuffed. 
Revealed Identities: 
None yet

Feel free to ask clarifying questions. The Turn will be over at 10PM MST, 3/5/19, at which point all mayhem will break loose. There is no lynch or actions this turn, just planning and clarifications. 
Player List:
1. Lumgol
2. Coop772
3. Elandera
4. Devotary of Spontaneity/ Somne
5. Itiah
6. Xinoehp512
7. Young Bard
8. Snipexe
9. Randuir
10. Cadmium Compounder
11. Shqueeves
12. Roadwalker
13. Sart
14. Alvron
15. GreenRover
16. Walin

Edited by Steeldancer
extending turn
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  • Alvron locked and unpinned this topic

Ok quick rule establishment while I'm thinking about it. Turn 0, it's fine to post in thread with your real accounts. However, once Turn 1 starts, all thread posts must be using your bodies (anonymous accounts)
PMs are coming out as fast as I can type them on an empty stomach. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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The husk that now held the Shadows sat in a cafe.  It required sustenance.  The husk scanned the menu until someone came over to take his order. 

Devotary of Spontaneity/ Somne
Young Bard
Cadmium Compounder

The husk pointed at the first item on the list and licked his lips.  The server scurried away.

All the husk had to do now was to wait....

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Not having access to the flesh puppets' memories could be so inconvenient at times, lamented Somne yet again, chasing down their latest quarry in a taxi. This current body had obviously known how to drive, yet Somne still hadn't quite figured it out, despite having practiced for years. No host had ever lasted long enough for Somne to receive actual instruction, so the extent of their driving experiences were the many times they had used a vehicle to close the distance to a target, only to inevitably crash and be forced to obtain a new body. This was no great loss of course; the puppets killed themselves frequently enough in car accidents that one more didn't look suspicious, and the time gained by driving far outweighed the time lost by switching bodies. After the first few accidents, Somne learned to carry a weapon if at all possible to dispose of a crippled but still living puppet. Luckily, this taxi's now deceased passenger had carried a pocketknife, so Somne was prepared for when this latest driving adventure came to an abrupt end.

Somne had alerted their team members as to the situation, and awaited any incoming messages as the taxi barreled its way towards its fleeing target, a younger-seeming man glowing bright yellow, evidently attempting to be slightly more subtle than a car accident. If the taxi managed to survive the next few seconds, Somne believed they could probably run over the target and steal his stuff before regrouping with the rest of the team. Grinning, Somne pressed the puppet's foot firmly on the accelerator and aimed for the sidewalk.

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Announcement- Droughtbringer and I have discussed things for a bit, and we have decided to extend Turn 0 for an extra 24 hours. All other turns will proceed at a 24 hour pace, but to make sure everyone gets a chance to check in, turn 0 will end on 3/5/19, at 10 PM. 
Edit: New rule clarification. Phones can be used to create group messages, but you must have submitted all the correct phone numbers for the action to be successful. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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8 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Ok quick rule establishment while I'm thinking about it. Turn 0, it's fine to post in thread with your real accounts. However, once Turn 1 starts, all thread posts must be using your bodies (anonymous accounts)
PMs are coming out as fast as I can type them on an empty stomach. 

Can we also post using our Anon accounts on this cycle? Or do we have to just use our Normal accounts?

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Ok, also, If a PM is started between two bodies, and one of the bodies is hopped/snatched/whatever else you may call it, Does the PM continue, or do you have to start new PMs with that person after?

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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1 minute ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Ok, also, If a PM is started between two bodies, and one of the bodies is hopped/snatched/whatever else you may call it, Does the PM continue, or do you have to start new PMs with that person after?

Between phones, a PM is forever. If a new player hops into a body, they will be able to see the PMs attached to the phone that body has. 

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