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Obviously Wyoming is on Roshar

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I've always imagined the highstorms to be a combination of something like those supercells and the haboobs we get in Phoenix.  


For reference:




AN ARIZONAN!!!! HIIIII!!!! Oh and do add to that... Southern Arizona right now made me think that maybe one of the DustBringer abilities is to make people with allergies stop breathing, I'm came to this conclusion by... NOT BEING ABLE TO STORMING BREATH!!! 

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Ah, another fellow Arizonan. Greetings! You know all about the Stormwalls/Haboobs that we get here.

And yeah, the allergy situation is bad. My office is a cacophony of people sneezing and/or blowing their nose. Not canon by any means, but I'll go ahead and blame this on Dustbringers (the name is too perfect).

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I work on an airport and sit in an open kinda of shack thing right in the line of the wind. Contacts are dry and nose is runny. I'm pretty certain Arizona is Roshar and Northern Arizona like Flagstaff and Pine Top are in Shinovar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, another fellow Arizonan. Greetings! You know all about the Stormwalls/Haboobs that we get here. And yeah, the allergy situation is bad. My office is a cacophony of people sneezing and/or blowing their nose. Not canon by any means, but I'll go ahead and blame this on Dustbringers (the name is too perfect).


Man, those poor Dustbringers can't catch a break...

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