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Proposed character bio below. She's already a little crazy so I'm sure she'll be a disaster by the end. :P 


Name: Renata

Age: 20

Investiture: None

Skills: Intermediate Scholarship (literacy, scribe duties, shorthand), Smart, can run quickly

Physical: Black and red hair (Veden with Horneater in heritage) cropped above shoulders, dark grey eyes, thin build, oval face with minor freckles, has a tattoo of her own name on the inside of her left forearm, wears glove on her safehand

Weaknesses: Does not usually like being touched, absolutely cannot stand to have her hair touched or stroked, trouble sleeping, has to remind herself of who she is at times (hence the tattoo on her arm)

Character: Inherently suspicious of kind people, curious, adaptable, can be ruthless if needed, somewhat aloof/distant, lonely but scared

Family: Mother and brother dead 

Homeworld: Roshar

Guild Affiliation: none

Backstory: Renata worked as a scribe in the household of a minor lighteyed Veden lord when the civil war broke out. Her older brother was quickly conscripted and killed, and then the war came to her own doorstep. The majority of her household was killed in the fighting, and Renata and her mother escaped to a more rural portion of Jah Keved, hoping to find shelter. They took up residence in the household of an older brightlady who lived alone up against the foothills of the Horneater Peaks. At first, Renata and her mother had a good life away from the war, with her mother helping with household chores and Renata taking up scribing duties for the brightlady. She had lost her own daughter, and took a liking to Renata, saying she reminded the woman of her daughter. Things began to get strange when the brightlady started calling Renata by her dead daughter's name. Months went by, and soon Renata was being forced to play the part of the woman's dead daughter. She was not allowed to see her own mother, or speak about her real life. Every night, the woman would brush and braid Renata's long hair, then lock her into her daughter's old room. Eventually, Renata was able to outwit the woman, locking her in the room instead and escaping. She found her own mother dead, and fled up into the Horneater Peaks. Renata was picked up, half-frozen and almost starving, by a group of world-hoppers heading to the perpendicularity. They managed to get through and Renata decided to stay in the Alleycity as they passed through. She cut her hair too short to ever braid again, and now works as a message courier and scribe.


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1 hour ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Proposed character bio below. She's already a little crazy so I'm sure she'll be a disaster by the end. :P 

I like her. She remindes me a bit of Damaya which makes her even cooler. ^_^

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Character time!


Name: Wilhelm Wendigo

Age: 31

Investiture: None

Skills: Killing people with knives, tracking people by smell and footprints, skilled in making animal traps to catch things in.

Physical: Shorter than average, thick arms and legs but a big bony stomach. In some places he’s thin enough bone can be seen and in some places he’s fat. Black hair and a single right brown eye, which he can pack a lot of emotion in. Left eye is covered in a brown eyepatch. Teeth are all crooked and sharpened and around his mouth and hands are caked in blood which he tries to wipe off. Frost in hair and eyebrows.

Weaknesses: Is a recovering cannibal, and has to constantly resist urges, has major health issues due to cannibalism and doesn’t have one eye. Hates his life.

Character: Worried and concerned. He tried distancing himself from others so he doesn’t lose control and he tries not to make any connections with others. He’s a cannibal, and sometimes is mostly animal than human. His psyche is already a little off.

Family: Disowned him when they found he was a cannibal and were executed anyway for birthing him.

Homeworld: South Scadrial

Guild Affiliation: none

Backsetory: Was a normal kid in the Fallen nation of South Scadrial. Fallen were mocked and discriminated against. One time, an allomantic airship crash left him and his crew isolated in the tundra. Out of desperation he ate them, to survive. He was rescued but the experience permanently broke him and he began craving human. He was attacked numerous roles and his health deteriorated, he lost an eye and survived on trapping villagers to eat. They called him the Wendigo, or whatever the South Scadrian equivalent of that is.

At one point he started to realise what he was doing and regretted, but knew no nation would ever let him back, so he still survives on rabbits and occasionally human, really tries to keep himself in check.


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3 hours ago, kenod said:

Are our characters supposed to be from a specific planet? Also, can the world building necessary for creating our characters be shared @Voidus?

I've been assuming that at least some characters will be worldhoppers, if not most, so cosmere planets are fine to use.

I've been a bit occupied with IRL over the last week, had some family from out of town visiting, so I haven't been able to do as much worldbuilding as I'd want but I'll try to power through it and get something that you guys can use for character backgrounds for native characters shortly.

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On 2/28/2019 at 2:29 PM, Voidus said:
On 2/28/2019 at 10:11 AM, Arky-boi said:


Preference is non-Invested individuals. Someone like Hellbent is very likely to be an early casualty if they were in the setting.

Early casualty, here I come!

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49 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I've been a bit occupied with IRL over the last week, had some family from out of town visiting, so I haven't been able to do as much worldbuilding as I'd want but I'll try to power through it and get something that you guys can use for character backgrounds for native characters shortly.

Sounds good.

Here's a tentative biography for a character. It's going to need some editing before I'm happy with how it works (like cutting out the negative adjectives), but it should give some idea.


Name: Ashira Celeste Blanche Addington

Age: 22

Investiture: Cadmium Misting (Pulser)

Skills: Embroidery, looking pretty, being a doll, and acting like the brat she is. The only thing remotely useful is her Investiture which she uses when she wants people to go away or leave her alone.

Weaknesses: Just about everything. She’s scared of anything creepy crawly or dirty and has no muscle on her.

Appearance: Stick straight platinum blonde hair that reaches her waist, bright blue eyes, and a slim figure. She is almost always found with immaculate nails and a posh looking dress. Ashira also wears a glove up to her elbow on her safehand, just to be extra modest (as well as have a vial of cadmium) despite being Scadrian.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Family: Ashira has a younger brother, Timothy (age 18), and her father. Her mother died when she was 8 and she was raised mostly by her governess.

History: Her family became rich centuries ago when an ancestor discovered a unique way to slice bread. Ashira grew up getting whatever she wanted and learned the art of being a proper lady. She gained a passion for running a fashion industry* and her work took her to Alleycity where she’s been ever since. It is expected that in a few years her father will try to marry her off to someone who will take over his business after his death (Timothy was planning on going into law).

*read: sitting around looking pretty and complaining when things aren’t done perfectly

She's not quite at the right level of obnoxiousness yet. There's still something missing from her life story - I can feel it.

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Really sorry for the delays on this everyone, hoping to power through some more worldbuilding shortly and we can get started sometime this week. Think we have enough characters for it.

Unless anyone wants to RP as a native of the world this takes place on then I think we'll keep the worldbuilding behind closed doors for now, keep everything a bit of a surprise and let people explore to figure things out. From the viewpoint of the Alleyplanet this is going to be a pretty unexplored place so not a lot of information would be known about it, the major guilds may know a little bit.

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I still tend back towards the Reckoner RP way of threads, with one thread for the RP and another for out of character discussion. Helps prevent threads from getting bogged down with a bunch of OOC stuff that people need to skip over if they just want to read the plot.

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Updated character. It shouldn't be changing anymore.


Name: Aderet Celeste Blanche Addington

Age: 21

Investiture: Cadmium Misting

Skills: Talking, embroidery, fashion, a blood-curdling scream

Weaknesses: Physical activity. She is afraid of many things.

Appearance: Platinum blonde hair reaching past her waist, bright blue eyes, a slim figure, and manicured nails. Aderet will almost never be found out of a dress, typically floor length, with her safehand covered (also concealing some spare vials of cadmium).

Home Planet: Scadrial

Family: A younger brother (Timothy, age 18) and father. Her mother died when she was eight and a Vorin governess took care of her for nine years.

History: Aderet is the heiress to her family’s business. They’ve been running it for centuries, some even date it back to the Final Empire. A recent break off from the DA caused them some loss in investors, so now her father is working to marry her off in order to form an alliance that will save their company while still being sided with TUBA. She’s spent her life learning how to navigate social situations and being a proper young lady, never spent much time refining her Allomancy.

Theme Song: Lavender’s Blue

Guild: None


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  • 2 weeks later...



Name: Hellbent-Son-Palm

Investiture: Shardblade

Skills: Shardblade fighting, hand to hand


Height: Seven feet (~2.1336 meters)

Build: Muscular, broad shouldered

Eyes: Violet

Hair: None

Skin: Dark

Clothing: Leather Pteruges (Weird leather skirt thing)

Backstory: Hellbent-Son-Palm was born to a Scadrian-Alethi mother and a Darksider father. They had been running from enemies, and moved to Roshar, hiding among the Shin, where no one would suspect them of living. He grew up among them, and was the child who was a soldier. He eventually ran away, killing his mother and taking her shardblade while he did so. He, as a lighteyes with a shardblade, had high rank, and used it to gain training. He tired of this after many years, and went back to the Shin, making his father (Who didn't know he'd killed his mother) tell him how they got to the world. He became a worldhopper, exploring the worlds.


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