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Lucky Number Tien

Child of Hodor

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10 is the magic number of the Rosharan system. There are 10 gas giants in the system, 10 Essences, 10 Surges which are tied to 10 fundamental forces of the cosmere, 10 Dawncities, 10 Silver Kingdoms, 10 Oathgates. 10 Months of the year, 10 weeks per month.  

But Tien is Ten + i.  As if he wasn't a special and unique enough snowflake he has the magic number in his name. What could it mean!!! (It doesn't mean anything)

 Maybe they wanted to name him Ten, but his parents have country accents so it sounded drawn out southern Tieeen. 


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8 hours ago, Quantus said:

Tien = 10 + i

i is the Imaginary Number, the Square Root of Negative 1

The most Negative One around is Odium

Tien is ODIUM!!!

I knew it! No one is actually that adorable and sweet!!! He’s EVIL!!! Maybe all of the rocks that he was trying to give Kal were oathstones that just ended up not working!

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11 hours ago, TheGirlWhoLookedUp said:

So does that mean Roshone is the good guy, by sending Tien to war? Or maybe he was influenced by Tien/Odium and it all a ruse to get Kaladin to join the army!:blink:

Nah, I will never believe Roshone to be that significant anywhere at all.  But it was technically Amaram that sent him off, and that put him on the battlefield instead of the messengers...

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14 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Some random soldier, I think. [that killed tien]

Well I don't think it was all that random, because the Skybreakers were targeting him, right? So it definitely could have been a random soldier that did the job, but a skybreaker was there somewhere. (The Ghostbloods knew about it all, so we found that out in one of their letters to Shallan for those who don't remember.)

54 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Nah, I will never believe Roshone to be that significant anywhere at all.

Also 100% agree with this statement lol

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1 hour ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Just when I thought I was over Tien...

Uh same! 

No actually I was reading a COMPLETELY unrelated book, and there was a character named Tien and I actually like teared up and had to stop for a sec. It's not okay.

Although I suppose if our theory of him being Odium is true...maybe not so much? Well innocent until proven guilty, am I right?

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15 hours ago, Mailnaise said:

Uh same! 

No actually I was reading a COMPLETELY unrelated book, and there was a character named Tien and I actually like teared up and had to stop for a sec. It's not okay.

Although I suppose if our theory of him being Odium is true...maybe not so much? Well innocent until proven guilty, am I right?

I'm learning French at the moment, and Tien is literally a French word, and it's not ok

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14 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

What does it mean?

Yours. Indicates possession or ownership. It's like Tu en espanol. Has other meanings, but none that are bad. Maybe there is a slang usage though. 

le tien yours
la tienne yours
les tiens yours
les tiennes yours


From the neuter of Latin tuus


tien (feminine singular tienne, masculine plural tiens, feminine plural tiennes)

  1. (archaic) your; belonging to you (singular
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