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9 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Alright so here's my character. I'm unsure about the whole magic part, so if you think something fits better just tell me, or if you have a good idea. The only thing I don't want to use is the ritual magic, as I picture her as intuitive and not structured.

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Name: Amara

Age: 25

Investiture: innate magic (whatever gets decided, preferably something that would help with healing, or with potions)

Skills: healing, healing potions, knowledge about plants

Physical: red-blonde hair, green eyes, stout, small, hands usually reddish coloured

Weaknesses: scared of heights, stubborn, holds firmly to her convictions

Character: will help everybody regardless of their past, quiet, firm

Family: 5 siblings (Ashara, Vohannes, Neil, Robert, Sophia), only her mother is still alive

Homecountry: Kuria, a smaller town somewhere

Backstory: Amara is from a small village and learned her skills from the village's healer. She spent years observing and helping the old woman and is happy that she got this chance. Her father is a tailor and her brothers will follow into his footsteps. When it was neccessary she helped sewing, but most of the time she was in the woods, collecting plants or learning how to deal with the small and large injuries and illnesses of daily life. Amara never planned to leave her home, instead she looked forward to a quiet life with a husband. Her knowledge would secure her a place in the village's community as well as the repect of those living there. One day she caught the eye of a travelling rich man and he decided to keep her. Friends warned Amara and she escaped. Originally she wanted to return to her village, but then she met some ill bandits and stayed with them, until they were feeling well again. During that time she realized, that there are many people who need her skills more than those back in the village and therefore set out to travel the world. She just started her journey and looks forward to see many different places and meet new people. She dreams of one day having her own business, as the live of a journeyman is hard and she barely earns enough to pay for her expenses. If she ever had enough money, she would buy herself a place to earn the title of a medic and learn this craft as well, as medics are supposed to have more knowledge. One day she would like to open a clinic and offer medical treatment to the poor ones.


Nice. Added her her to the unofficial list.

As for the Innate magic, I'm not sure how that'll work, but the the current state is like this (I think, but it'll probably change a bit):

  • Innate magic is divided into two types, Ritual and Natural. A person can only have one type.
    • Ritual side: A person who looks at a symbol has an instinctive knowledge of what the symbol does, and can see symbols around things affected by Natural magic or enchantments, knowing their effects, and possibly being able to copy these symbols.
    • Natural side: A person will get a type of aura vision, being capable of seeing the emotions of people, as well as their health and other details like if they have magical abilities. They can also see how magical energy flows, and where it concentrates, being able to map ley lines and find hot spots, and might also be capable of sensing spirits and other magical beings/objects.
    • Weirder variations might possibly exist if Natural magic or Soulworking starts interfering with this? Not an actual established thing, just me questioning if we want this.
  • These two types are generally divided among gender lines (guessing Ritual being male and Natural being female?), but it isn't an absolute, and there are a fair number of Innates with the type that is normally reserved for the other gender. It isn't known if mental gender affects what an Innate is born with (read, decide for yourself when creating non-cisgendered characters) but Fleshcrafting (read, gender reassignment spells) isn't capable of changing the type of Innate magic a person has.
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45 minutes ago, kenod said:

Nice. Added her her to the unofficial list.

As for the Innate magic, I'm not sure how that'll work, but the the current state is like this (I think, but it'll probably change a bit):

  • Innate magic is divided into two types, Ritual and Natural. A person can only have one type.
    • Ritual side: A person who looks at a symbol has an instinctive knowledge of what the symbol does, and can see symbols around things affected by Natural magic or enchantments, knowing their effects, and possibly being able to copy these symbols.
    • Natural side: A person will get a type of aura vision, being capable of seeing the emotions of people, as well as their health and other details like if they have magical abilities. They can also see how magical energy flows, and where it concentrates, being able to map ley lines and find hot spots, and might also be capable of sensing spirits and other magical beings/objects.
    • Weirder variations might possibly exist if Natural magic or Soulworking starts interfering with this? Not an actual established thing, just me questioning if we want this.
  • These two types are generally divided among gender lines (guessing Ritual being male and Natural being female?), but it isn't an absolute, and there are a fair number of Innates with the type that is normally reserved for the other gender. It isn't known if mental gender affects what an Innate is born with (read, decide for yourself when creating non-cisgendered characters) but Fleshcrafting (read, gender reassignment spells) isn't capable of changing the type of Innate magic a person has.

I'll just wait until that one is sorted out and then add it accordingly. The natural side fits her better.

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17 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

On the topic of gender reassignment spells, I’m not sure if those would be a thing in world as they would require an extremely advanced biological knowledge. For true gender realignment surgery you would need to change the DNA itself. 

Brain chemistry altering rituals would also require an extremely advanced knowledge of anatomy. So while both of these would technically be possible I don’t know if people would be able to actually do them. 


About the above, I think that the 'feminine' innate (I'll call them yang innate for now) can see the aura or soul, right? So they'd be able to see the circles that manipulate their spiritual gender and physical gender should be different. They might recognize a circle that accomplishes that change even if they cannot create it themselves. Maybe the body circle that decides gender and the spirit or cognitive one being different leaves a sense of being broken or incomplete, and then that change would be easier to accomplish than most physical ones. 

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6 hours ago, kenod said:

Seems interesting, and might also have the potential to grow into a larger plot (or at least get the gang together). My only question is why our characters would be allowed to help. For some it would be fairly simple, since Sayers would be logical to call, and a Mage from the Academy helping would make sense as well, but having strangers help out with this would seem rather weird, since these mines sound like the type of thing that would be a fairly sensitive matter, that you don't want strangers to interfere in, let alone some of our weirder characters.

Yes good point. I have a few more ideas that may work better, but I need to type them up properly so this doesn't become an epic ramble. ^_^

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19 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

I just realized I never answered this. I'm more than happy to edit my interpretation of this. Could you give me an idea of your thoughts on how they would use Ritual magic?

I imagined a type of Ritual magic that could 'bind' natural creatures, limiting their power.

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34 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I imagined a type of Ritual magic that could 'bind' natural creatures, limiting their power.

That's a great suggestion! I have to admit Ritual magic really confuses me so I won't me much help there, but if you can work out a way for them to do this, then I think we should definitely put this into their arsenal of tools. This may be what the more "militant" arm of the organization does if the simple belief-change won't work.

Okay new plot idea below:


The council of Kuria has enacted a census of all magical practitioners/constructs. A bonus of [insert enticing but not absurd amount of currency here] has been offered to those who travel to their nearest city and register themselves, instead of being sought out. In the capital city of Roshek, the population has swollen with mages and innates and all manner of interesting folk coming forward to claim their bonus, but all is not well in the city. There are whispers of something lurking in the shadows of the Fens (I’m taking some liberties here, but I think this idea works. Basically, the city of Roshek is built on very marshy, silty floodplain land. At one point, the original city sunk halfway into the silt, and people simply built more city over the old one. Since we’re feeling a kind of Venice/Amsterdam feel for Kuria in general, I think this makes sense. The old city is now partially submerged, and is largely a slum called the Fens. Also I've always wanted to write about a city built on a city :P). We can take the “random people disappearing” idea from my previous suggestion, but have it be just kind of beginning to happen, with people whispering about something lurking down in the old city, rumors of the “hungry dark,” etc. That way everyone is in the city, and then they all have something to do/find out.

@kenod @MacThorstenson @Steel Inquisitive @ShadowLord_Lith

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5 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

About the above, I think that the 'feminine' innate (I'll call them yang innate for now) can see the aura or soul, right? So they'd be able to see the circles that manipulate their spiritual gender and physical gender should be different. They might recognize a circle that accomplishes that change even if they cannot create it themselves. Maybe the body circle that decides gender and the spirit or cognitive one being different leaves a sense of being broken or incomplete, and then that change would be easier to accomplish than most physical ones. 

So what would the purpose of this be? I can't really see anyone using a spell to change spiritual gender, since you're basically altering your soul for no good reason.

The only usages for this I can see are really dark ones similar to conversion therapy, or reducing gender equality by forcing anyone who wants a "man's" job would be forced to change their gender.

5 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

That's a great suggestion! I have to admit Ritual magic really confuses me so I won't me much help there, but if you can work out a way for them to do this, then I think we should definitely put this into their arsenal of tools. This may be what the more "militant" arm of the organization does if the simple belief-change won't work.

Okay new plot idea below:

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The council of Kuria has enacted a census of all magical practitioners/constructs. A bonus of [insert enticing but not absurd amount of currency here] has been offered to those who travel to their nearest city and register themselves, instead of being sought out. In the capital city of Roshek, the population has swollen with mages and innates and all manner of interesting folk coming forward to claim their bonus, but all is not well in the city. There are whispers of something lurking in the shadows of the Fens (I’m taking some liberties here, but I think this idea works. Basically, the city of Roshek is built on very marshy, silty floodplain land. At one point, the original city sunk halfway into the silt, and people simply built more city over the old one. Since we’re feeling a kind of Venice/Amsterdam feel for Kuria in general, I think this makes sense. The old city is now partially submerged, and is largely a slum called the Fens. Also I've always wanted to write about a city built on a city :P). We can take the “random people disappearing” idea from my previous suggestion, but have it be just kind of beginning to happen, with people whispering about something lurking down in the old city, rumors of the “hungry dark,” etc. That way everyone is in the city, and then they all have something to do/find out.

@kenod @MacThorstenson @Steel Inquisitive @ShadowLord_Lith

Sounds good. Once we're there, do you have a plot hook to get us to meet and/or group up? We might also want to just have the characters form a few small groups (2/3 people) first, and then expand later.

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6 minutes ago, kenod said:

Sounds good. Once we're there, do you have a plot hook to get us to meet and/or group up? We might also want to just have the characters form a few small groups (2/3 people) first, and then expand later.

I think that smaller groups initially makes more sense to me, but I don't mind much either way. Several of the group could be staying in the same hostel perhaps, and rumors of a disappearance in the area are particularly new or intense? A few people could meet at a census station? If you have an idea I'd love to hear it.

I also edited my character. I've changed his name to fit the naming conventions better, made him younger, less powerful, and more interesting (I think). More room for development.


Name: Aldred, beginning to be known as “The Itinerant”

Magic: Natural; Hero level

Age: 23

Skills: Extreme persuasion/ability to negotiate with other Natural magic entities and create binding covenants; “deal-making”. He has begun to be able to sense the presence of other Natural magic, not like an Innate, more like kind of a pulsing feeling, like a loud hum, which gets stronger as he moves closer to the source. He cannot see leylines or other yin-Innate skills.

Weaknesses/Conflicts: He is beginning to feel compelled to go to certain places, whether or not he wants to go there, though he can still resist for now. He is starting to lose some of his memories, but still retains the majority of his psyche, making these losses deeply disturbing to him. He is not a very skilled fighter, his battles are fought with words. As he becomes more and more enhanced via Natural magic, he is beginning to have a crisis of faith, with his pride battling against his teachings.

Backstory: Aldred joined the Orthodoxy when he was 13, and shortly after his first sanctioned mission it became clear that even without the favor of Vania (goddess of logic and education) he was a gifted negotiator with a silver tongue. By 15, he was already taking the lead on missions. However, Aldred was also fascinated by Natural magic, and he saw how often the communities would lament the need to abandon belief in a local spirit or creature due to some benefit of their presence (despite the accompanying negative aspects). Aldred soon became obsessed with the idea of the “perfect contract,” something that could leave both the creature and the mortal community satisfied. The other Sayers, especially the older ones, frowned upon these ideas. They considered belief in the “lesser constructs” to be foolish, even in situations where there were no negative aspects to the relationship. Aldred disagreed.

One day, when a sanctioned mission took a very bad turn, the Sayers encouraged a small valley community to evacuate until further aid had arrived. But, everyone knew that the villagers would not make it long in the wilderness away from their farmsteads and settlements. Aldred did not agree with the abandonment of the settlement, and he snuck off from the group and convinced the village elders to let him try and negotiate with the spirit. He did so, brokering a charter between the spirit and the village.

Aldred was punished for disobeying his superiors, but the efficacy of Aldred’s contract could not be denied. The Sayers enjoyed a very productive season in the surrounding area after word spread of their earlier success. The mission eventually finished, and the Sayers were called back to their home city for a rest from duty. However, Aldred did not want to stay put. He took up solo missions, travelling to increasingly far-flung places, and reported nothing but success. His relationship with the Orthodoxy is strained to breaking, but he is confident in himself and his solutions and won’t back down on his methods.

Aldred is now about 23. He remains clever, charismatic, and smooth-talking, always looking to make the perfect deal, find every loophole, and get as much as he can for whoever calls on him. He is seeking to make a true name for himself, but as Natural magic begins to truly settle around him he wonders whether or not it’s worth the consequences that are beginning to manifest.


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1 hour ago, Turtle373 said:

is the academy going to be in Roshek? That could help group up some of the characters.

I get the impression that the academy is closer to a trade school/university hybrid, so I definitely think that there would be a large and impressive academy there but I'm not sure if it's THE Academy. But yes, there would be an academy location there.

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Updated my character. @kenod


Name: Jürgen Jäger (Yur-gen Jay-ger)

Physical Characteristics: Tall (6’1”). Dark, short hair. Blue eyes.

Age: 32

Investiture: Legend. Abilities include: He never misses a shot. He has increased speed when firing his bow, allowing him to shoot two arrows per second. He can sense his prey (This is more of a general feeling, only good enough to get him within a mile.) He has slightly increased strength and stamina.

Skills: Very skilled archer and hunter. He’s good at woodcraft. He knows how to make arrows.

Equipment: Long bow and quiver. Hunting knives. Camping gear.

Weakness: The influence of Natural magic is weighing on him heavily. He always feels the need to be hunting. Is often rash. He tends to be reckless. Social skills are lacking. He is poor at hand to hand combat.

Family: Has a mother, father and three younger siblings (Two brothers and a sister).

Home: Grew up in a remote village near Brats.

Backstory: Grew up with family and learned how to hunt with his father. His village was attacked when he was twelve by a monster. Zack killed the monster with his bow and his village honored him as a hero. As he grew up he would always be on the important hunting trips as his skill with the bow was already great (Natural magic had already started affecting him). He became well known in his village and the neighboring villages as the greatest hunter of all time. He killed many wild beasts and became a Legend when he was 22. Growing restless (there were no more beasts to be hunted close to his village) he decided to head for the academy to learn what he could of the Rituals.

Guild: Unaffiliated.  

Personality: Brash. Slightly arrogant. Kind hearted. Loyal. Passionate. Sincere.  

Fighting Style: Distance fighter. He can pick off a large group of enemies from a distance with ease.

Not 100% sure about pronunciation..... But it has a cool meaning! Jürgen means earthworker/farmer and Jäger means Hunter!

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18 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Not 100% sure about pronunciation..... But it has a cool meaning! Jürgen means earthworker/farmer and Jäger means Hunter!

I love his name. I didn't even know what Jürgen means. :lol:

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2 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

I just googled popular German baby names! Do you know if I got the pronunciations right?  

I do. And no, you didn't :lol:

Jäger - Ya (like the first 'a' in Anna) - ger (the 'e' like in ending), you stress the first syllable

Jürgen - the sound of the 'ü' doesn't exist in english, the closest is what you wrote.

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11 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Updated my character. @kenod

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Name: Jürgen Jäger (Yur-gen Jay-ger)

Physical Characteristics: Tall (6’1”). Dark, short hair. Blue eyes.

Age: 32

Investiture: Legend. Abilities include: He never misses a shot. He has increased speed when firing his bow, allowing him to shoot two arrows per second. He can sense his prey (This is more of a general feeling, only good enough to get him within a mile.) He has slightly increased strength and stamina.

Skills: Very skilled archer and hunter. He’s good at woodcraft. He knows how to make arrows.

Equipment: Long bow and quiver. Hunting knives. Camping gear.

Weakness: The influence of Natural magic is weighing on him heavily. He always feels the need to be hunting. Is often rash. He tends to be reckless. Social skills are lacking. He is poor at hand to hand combat.

Family: Has a mother, father and three younger siblings (Two brothers and a sister).

Home: Grew up in a remote village near Brats.

Backstory: Grew up with family and learned how to hunt with his father. His village was attacked when he was twelve by a monster. Zack killed the monster with his bow and his village honored him as a hero. As he grew up he would always be on the important hunting trips as his skill with the bow was already great (Natural magic had already started affecting him). He became well known in his village and the neighboring villages as the greatest hunter of all time. He killed many wild beasts and became a Legend when he was 22. Growing restless (there were no more beasts to be hunted close to his village) he decided to head for the academy to learn what he could of the Rituals.

Guild: Unaffiliated.  

Personality: Brash. Slightly arrogant. Kind hearted. Loyal. Passionate. Sincere.  

Fighting Style: Distance fighter. He can pick off a large group of enemies from a distance with ease.

Not 100% sure about pronunciation..... But it has a cool meaning! Jürgen means earthworker/farmer and Jäger means Hunter!

Added it.

Also, I created a google doc for characters, and linked it to the planning sheet (Link to character doc). This will make it easier to keep track of, since I can't edit the OP. Also, this document is editable by everyone, but please post new characters or character edits here as well, since it'll make it easier for everyone to see them.

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Ok, I'm scrapping Mak and committing a Heresy. 

Making a non Mac Character.


Name: Thorstein Magnuson.

Investiture: Extremely accomplished Enchanter (Ritual magic User with experience in\ enchanting).

Age: 767. Looks like an extremely fit 35 year old.

Skills: Great fighter with the sword, knife, and Axe. Woodcarver and weapons smith.

Equipment: 3 axes with the Sharpness and strength of 10 Iron axes. One is about 3 feet long and One handed, the other is 5 feet long and two handed.He also has a shepherd ax. The two handed ax is a Dane ax. He has a box full of scrolls that have a few pre-made rituals on them. A few of them are general procedures for taking a spiritweb off of a specific plant and removing aspects like the identity, others are for applying enchantments to objects. Two of them provide a specific modification for shrinking and increasing the size of object via voice commands. Another one 'Locks' the enchantments via another verbal phrase that makes it so people can't change its size during combat. He also has a coin that glows when it moves, and a bag that he can put all his shrunken gear down in.

Weakness: Is proud and stubborn. If he decides to do anything, then he will not change his mind. If someone insults his honor or pride, he will make them apologize or pay for their insults.

Personality: A fun helpful guy until you piss him off. He is also kind of wise, but really overestimates his own wisdom and experience. He also loves stories and legends.

Home: He was born on the other continent, in the middle of it to a old culture. 

Family: Parents that died centuries ago, all of his siblings save one brother are also dead. He married and raised a family when he was 300 years old. They have all passed on. His descendants are present in his home village and he visits them occasionally. His brother also took up ritual magic and travels, occasionally crossing paths with Thorstein.

Backstory: He was born in his village and lived a normal life, fascinated by the runes the local Mage used to transform things. To him, these were the powers of the gods and the hero's from stories. When he was 15 he was taken on as an apprentice, where the mage taught him all he knew about enchanting. Once he was 30, he was sent off to the local academy where he spend the next 150 years learning about ritual magic and enchanting. He then spent the next 100 years experimenting with enchanting, fascinated with the stories of the gods and how they were able to speak words and make things happen. 

At the end of this period he discovered how to integrate words into ritual magics. With this success behind his back he raised a family in his home village. Once his wife died of old age, he didn't want to stay around because he wasn't ready to die. He left and started traveling the world. Exploring and learning whatever he could. He spent the next 350 years traveling, watching, and learning. He can live in any area of the continent on his own via woodcraft, and knows most languages. He studied old mages, their burial grounds, and their legacies, fascinated with their stories and their histories.

Now he is in Kuria, and wants to talk to all the mages and find out their stories as they come to be registered.

I can put all the info of the google doc into the OP when its all finalized, and then I think we can get started RPing?

Edited by MacThorstenson
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8 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Ok, I'm scrapping Mak and committing a Heresy. 

Making a non Mac Character.

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Name: Thorstein Magnuson.

Investiture: Extremely accomplished Enchanter (Ritual magic User with experience in\ enchanting).

Age: 767. Looks like an extremely fit 35 year old.

Skills: Great fighter with the sword, knife, and Axe. Woodcarver and weapons smith.

Equipment: 3 axes with the Sharpness and strength of 10 Iron axes. One is about 3 feet long and One handed, the other is 5 feet long and two handed.He also has a shepherd ax. The two handed ax is a Dane ax. He has a box full of scrolls that have a few pre-made rituals on them. A few of them are general procedures for taking a spiritweb off of a specific plant and removing aspects like the identity, others are for applying enchantments to objects. Two of them provide a specific modification for shrinking and increasing the size of object via voice commands. Another one 'Locks' the enchantments via another verbal phrase that makes it so people can't change its size during combat. He also has a coin that glows when it moves, and a bag that he can put all his shrunken gear down in.

Weakness: Is proud and stubborn. If he decides to do anything, then he will not change his mind. If someone insults his honor or pride, he will make them apologize or pay for their insults.

Personality: A fun helpful guy until you piss him off. He is also kind of wise, but really overestimates his own wisdom and experience. He also loves stories and legends.

Home: He was born on the other continent, in the middle of it to a old culture. 

Family: Parents that died centuries ago, all of his siblings save one brother are also dead. He married and raised a family when he was 300 years old. They have all passed on. His descendants are present in his home village and he visits them occasionally. His brother also took up ritual magic and travels, occasionally crossing paths with Thorstein.

Backstory: He was born in his village and lived a normal life, fascinated by the runes the local Mage used to transform things. To him, these were the powers of the gods and the hero's from stories. When he was 15 he was taken on as an apprentice, where the mage taught him all he knew about enchanting. Once he was 30, he was sent off to the local academy where he spend the next 150 years learning about ritual magic and enchanting. He then spent the next 100 years experimenting with enchanting, fascinated with the stories of the gods and how they were able to speak words and make things happen. 

At the end of this period he discovered how to integrate words into ritual magics. With this success behind his back he raised a family in his home village. Once his wife died of old age, he didn't want to stay around because he wasn't ready to die. He left and started traveling the world. Exploring and learning whatever he could. He spent the next 350 years traveling, watching, and learning. He can live in any area of the continent on his own via woodcraft, and knows most languages. He studied old mages, their burial grounds, and their legacies, fascinated with their stories and their histories.

Now he is in Kuria, and wants to talk to all the mages and find out their stories as they come to be registered.

I can put all the info of the google doc into the OP when its all finalized, and then I think we can get started RPing?

Nice character.

As for starting RPing, that sounds good, though I have a final proposal regarding Innate and Natural magic I'd like to make.

Basically, I want to propose a third type of Innate magic, Inherited magic. Basically, if someone affected by Natural magic has children, their Investure has a high chance to alter their children to some extent, giving them a special type of Innate magic, often related to their parents abilities.
This would have a few rules of course:

  • the level of power the Innate has is lower than their parent had at the moment of their conception. How much lower can vary though.
  • Not every child of this parent has Innate abilities, and the exact ability and the strength of these abilities can vary between siblings.
  • The Innate's level of power will not change if their parent's status changes. Note that this does not take Natural magic into account. For example, take a demi-god who has two children, one where their parentage is known and one where it isn't. The demi-god ascends. The child where people know the god is their parent will now be seen as the child of a god, and will receive prayers and stuff, which will enhance their powers. The child whose parents aren't known will keep their old level of power though, since nobody knows about them.
  • The type of ability they get can vary, and doesn't have to be a perception ability, and can be an active ability, or just being more skillful at something or being stronger.
  • The type of ability they get will often be related to their parent, but this doesn't have to be, and can also be related in a more tangential way,such as the child of a spirit being able to see spirits and interact with them, even those normal humans can't see. In same way, the child of a famous archer might be a natural warrior, or hunter, and might not have any skills with bows. On the other hand, the child of this archer might not be a great warrior or archer but might instead get the ability to form arrows out of light.
  • (Unsure about this one, needs discussion) Active abilities might need Investure crystals to be used, since the children do not have access to Natural magic like their parent. Another possibility might be that they can do low-power things without the crystals, or boost their abilities using them. Of course, this means that if they got access to Natural magic they could use that to fuel their abilities instead.
  • (Unsure about this one, needs discussion) People can only have one type of Innate magic. People who have this type of Innate magic cannot use Yin-Innate magic or Yang-Innate magic. Note that this doesn't mean a person with this type of Innate magic can only have one ability. Multiple abilities are possible, but rarer, and generally require more powerful parents. If a person has multiple abilities they'll also tend to be related, or different expressions of the same base ability. It is also possible for children of Natural magic users to have a standard type of Innate magic instead, or a variation on it.
  • (Unsure about this one, needs discussion) Children of these legacies would also inherit their parent's abilities, but without much variation, and at a much lower power-level. Active abilities would fade from a family-line the fastest, and are generally gone within 4 generations. General skills, physical characteristics and perception abilities would fade slower, with slight traces remaining even after 7 generations, but at a point where it isn't really noticeable as supernatural anymore.

Basically, this is meant as a general guide-line for creating character or NPCs who are children of spirits, heroes, gods and other Invested beings. I'm not really including any specific abilities, but I felt that it might be good to have a general idea of how this would work, and possibly debate it a bit.

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I think that makes sense. But we probably want to call these people demigods, so we better come up with a new name for that level of invested naturalists.

1 hour ago, kenod said:

Not every child of this parent has Innate abilities, and the exact ability and the strength of these abilities can vary between siblings.

I would think that this would be pretty rare.

1 hour ago, kenod said:

The Innate's level of power will not change if their parent's status changes. Note that this does not take Natural magic into account. For example, take a demi-god who has two children, one where their parentage is known and one where it isn't. The demi-god ascends. The child where people know the god is their parent will now be seen as the child of a god, and will receive prayers and stuff, which will enhance their powers. The child whose parents aren't known will keep their old level of power though, since nobody knows about them.

I don't think that children of humans that have not ascended would receive any noticeable benefits, unless perhaps they were descended from a god somewhere.

1 hour ago, kenod said:

(Unsure about this one, needs discussion) Active abilities might need Investure crystals to be used, since the children do not have access to Natural magic like their parent. Another possibility might be that they can do low-power things without the crystals, or boost their abilities using them. Of course, this means that if they got access to Natural magic they could use that to fuel their abilities instead.

If nothing else, they should be able to get power from their godly parent.

1 hour ago, kenod said:

(Unsure about this one, needs discussion) People can only have one type of Innate magic. People who have this type of Innate magic cannot use Yin-Innate magic or Yang-Innate magic. Note that this doesn't mean a person with this type of Innate magic can only have one ability. Multiple abilities are possible, but rarer, and generally require more powerful parents. If a person has multiple abilities they'll also tend to be related, or different expressions of the same base ability. It is also possible for children of Natural magic users to have a standard type of Innate magic instead, or a variation on it.

I think that it's fine for demigods to also have Innate magic. It's basically using Natural magic, and other Natural users can still use Innate.


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I like it and don't like it at the same time. I like it because it feels like a natural part of this world. I don't like it because it makes character crafting very lazy. At least with Natural magic you have to explain how they got the ability, but with this you can just say that you're the child of someone else and don't need to explain anything else. Basically I don't like it because it removes all the restrictions. If you guys want to use it, then I'm not against it. Maybe we could say it's very rare?

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I think that it's fine for demigods to also have Innate magic. It's basically using Natural magic, and other Natural users can still use Innate.

Wait Natural magic users can use Innate magic? I thought that was an inborn trait?

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