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Book 2 speculation *Spoilers*


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Still expecting a Adolin/Shallan/Renarin love triangle, but I'm hoping for a Shallan/Renarin outcome. And I think Kaladin killed her brother Helaran.

Not a big fan of gay pairings, especially from out of the blue like Adolin/Kaladin would be. I got a bit annoyed with the Robin Hobb's 2 Rain Wild books because I felt like the gay characters were just there so that almost every single character could be happily paired up with someone, it felt a bit forced.

I'd like Kaladin to work out his own personal philosophical and military issues before he starts worrying about the ladies. But not Shallan or Jasnah.

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Some "bromance" between Kaladin and Adolin would be fine.

I also have this strange idea of a Shallan/Szeth relationship. There's been a lot of speculation of how Szeth pending attack on Dalinar could turn out (personally, I'm betting on Talenel now) and in the past I had this idea of Shallan pulling out her shardblade at the last second, surprising Szeth and almost killing him - imagine Szeth charging towards Shallan (who'd be unarmed at the time and clearly defenseless since woman dont fight) only for a killer blade to appear between them at the last possible moment, so close that Szeth thinks he's about to die and almost welcomes it but natural instincts/orders means he's not allowed to die so has to do a clumsy emergency dodge which puts him in a bad position allowing him to be captured. In my scenario, Shallan had been looking into Szeth's eyes at the time and realised that he had in fact wanted to die, making her curious. I think Shallan can be a "healing hands" type character (and considering her brothers she's fairly used to "damaged" people) and Szeth is already going pretty crazy - he could certainly do with some "healing". Could be interesting but I'm not going to ship it.

Personally, I don't mind who ends up with who or noone at all so long as it's done well. There's lots of potential for fun :)

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Some "bromance" between Kaladin and Adolin would be fine.

I also have this strange idea of a Shallan/Szeth relationship. There's been a lot of speculation of how Szeth pending attack on Dalinar could turn out (personally, I'm betting on Talenel now) and in the past I had this idea of Shallan pulling out her shardblade at the last second, surprising Szeth and almost killing him - imagine Szeth charging towards Shallan (who'd be unarmed at the time and clearly defenseless since woman dont fight) only for a killer blade to appear between them at the last possible moment, so close that Szeth thinks he's about to die and almost welcomes it but natural instincts/orders means he's not allowed to die so has to do a clumsy emergency dodge which puts him in a bad position allowing him to be captured. In my scenario, Shallan had been looking into Szeth's eyes at the time and realised that he had in fact wanted to die, making her curious. I think Shallan can be a "healing hands" type character (and considering her brothers she's fairly used to "damaged" people) and Szeth is already going pretty crazy - he could certainly do with some "healing". Could be interesting but I'm not going to ship it.

Personally, I don't mind who ends up with who or noone at all so long as it's done well. There's lots of potential for fun :)

Yeah, I mispoke before. I'm very much down with this ship as well.

And D/N is pretty cute as well.

That said, I hope that Stormlight Archive goes the WoT route and we don't even know who the cool characters are going to be yet. Maybe they aren't cool yet. Maybe they haven't been introduced yet.

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Some "bromance" between Kaladin and Adolin would be fine.

I also have this strange idea of a Shallan/Szeth relationship. There's been a lot of speculation of how Szeth pending attack on Dalinar could turn out (personally, I'm betting on Talenel now) and in the past I had this idea of Shallan pulling out her shardblade at the last second, surprising Szeth and almost killing him - imagine Szeth charging towards Shallan (who'd be unarmed at the time and clearly defenseless since woman dont fight) only for a killer blade to appear between them at the last possible moment, so close that Szeth thinks he's about to die and almost welcomes it but natural instincts/orders means he's not allowed to die so has to do a clumsy emergency dodge which puts him in a bad position allowing him to be captured. In my scenario, Shallan had been looking into Szeth's eyes at the time and realised that he had in fact wanted to die, making her curious. I think Shallan can be a "healing hands" type character (and considering her brothers she's fairly used to "damaged" people) and Szeth is already going pretty crazy - he could certainly do with some "healing". Could be interesting but I'm not going to ship it.

Personally, I don't mind who ends up with who or noone at all so long as it's done well. There's lots of potential for fun :)

I'm not really into that ship, Szeth is too old for Shallan, imho, but I gotta admit the scenario is kind of cool.

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Cool maybe, but I don't think it's likely. For one thing, I'm having real difficulty coming up with a scenario in which Szeth attacks Shallan.

Hmm, fair enough. I did say "there's been a lot of speculation of how Szeth pending attack on Dalinar could turn out" but I didn't go into everything I had thought of.

Szeth's been ordered to make a "messy" attack on Dalinar. Which likely means public. Dalinar's skilled and got good people to defend him, so a battle could get somewhat extended, meaning that other characters could get there if they're not there at the start. For example, there's been plenty of speculation of Kaladin getting involved - all quite reasonable. Shallan and Jasnah could be there at the start, or arrive there during the battle.

Dalinar is Jasnah's uncle, so she wouldn't just sit back if she felt she could make a difference. We saw what she did to those thieves, including one she didn't even need to touch - medium/long distance attack, which would be very useful. However, I suspect it wouldn't work too well on Szeth since he'd be carrying lots of Stormlight.

So imagine Jasnah attempting to attack Szeth but it not working very well, so he decides to go kill her before she gets a better chance to hurt him. This is when Shallan jumps in as a sort-of human shield, while until that point she'd probably be cowering in a corner or something (she doesn't like violence). But why would she do something so dangerous? Well, she respects Jasnah for one. She might guess that she's likely be killed by Szeth anyway (since he's probably killing everyone). There might be another motivation too - Shallan needs some way to save her family, and that means a load of cash, and maybe the easiest way is Jasnah decides (for various reasons) to lend her the money personally, or arranged for Shallan to get a loan - so if Jasnah gets killed then her loan, and hence her family, could be in deep trouble.

Hope that makes some kind of sense :)

Heh, I like to play around with various ideas - this isn't a prediction, just some ideas/scenarios I came up with for fun. I tend to think of them as simple but they take a while to actually write up...

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I'm thinking that fight is going to wind up being Adolin and Kaladin vs Szeth, seeing as Adolin is said to be a better fighter then Galivar was and Galivar gave Szeth some trouble I'd say they may have a decent chance of winning.

Then the trick will be stopping Adolin from killing Szeth, since he'd WANT to.

I'm calling Syl to defeat Szeth by reminding him more forcefully of all the horrors he's committed so his voices finally drive him insane and he stabs himself with Kingkiller. (name I just made up for Szeth's blade, since it doesn't have a name yet.)

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I don't know if Warbreaker was one of the books he was refering to, because while the Returned are indeed resurrected, there were no "deaths and resurrections" during the course of the story. All the Returned had been brought back before the story began, which isn't quite the same thing as having someone die and come back during the main story. The impression I got from that annotation was that we wouldn't just be learning about someone coming back from the dead in the past: it would actually happen to a character we see die.

Could happen in Nightblood though.

As for Stormlight Archive, if it does happen, I'm guessing it won't be for a while yet, and it will probably be related to some yet unrevealed and highly limited aspect of the magic. Something we know can't be repeated.

What if someone tried to use the Old Magic to raise a dead loved one?

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...as for Kaladin's lack of romance, we've hardly seen him interact with any girls at all, save Laral and that kind of got torpedoed, he did seem attracted to her though.

There was also two passing references to a girl named Tarah.

"I let Tien die, I failed my spearmen, the slaves I tried to rescue, Tarah..." He hadn't thought of her in some time. His failure with her had been different from the others, but a failure it was nonetheless.


What would have happened to him, if Tarah hadn't coaxed him out of his single-minded dedication? Would he have burned himself out, as she'd claimed?

I got the impression whoever she was/is she had been fairly important to him.

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But not important enough to ever meet in person in Kaladin's flashback book.

I agree with you, I just think it's odd.

I suspect it might be Mr. Sanderson showing that there is a metaphorical gun on the mantelpiece. There are quite a few things that have been mentioned in passing for all the major characters that haven't been looked at very closely yet. I'm betting most of those passing references will be brought up in greater detail in later books.

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I suspect it might be Mr. Sanderson showing that there is a metaphorical gun on the mantelpiece. There are quite a few things that have been mentioned in passing for all the major characters that haven't been looked at very closely yet. I'm betting most of those passing references will be brought up in greater detail in later books.

Yes, but this was Kaladin's flashback book. This was the big chance to talk about his past. We can still reveal stuff about him, but the other books will be focused on other characters.

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Brandon's religion means he's highly unlikely to have two of his main characters in a gay relationship. Besides I don't see any signs in story that either of them has any interest in men, as for Kaladin's lack of romance, we've hardly seen him interact with any girls at all, save Laral and that kind of got torpedoed, he did seem attracted to her though.

now Brandon has said that Drehy is gay, and I can totally see Drehy getting an unrequited crush on Kaladin, I doubt it'll be a major part of the plot though.

Remember, the only homosexual we've seen in a Brandon book was a Forsaken.

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Yes, but this was Kaladin's flashback book. This was the big chance to talk about his past. We can still reveal stuff about him, but the other books will be focused on other characters.

Brandon has also said that there's a possibility of Kaladin getting a second PoV book later in the series, which implies that there is at least a lot of potential material there that can be both interesting, and relevant to the story arc.

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I'm not so sure about that, after all: (Mistborn:Final Empire spoiler)

Kelsier dies 1/3 of the way through the Mistborn series.

good point but 1/3 of the way through is very diff from 2/10, which is still basically the beginning of the tale. Also on the back of the book it says: "The world can change. Surgebinding and Shardwielding can return; the magics of ancient days can become ours again. These four people are key. I juss dont think that the plots developed enough too kill off a "key" character but like you mentioned sanderson's done it before.

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Kaladin won't get Plate because it interferes with Surgebinding. Or, well, maybe it doesn't if one has taken the oath of the Knights Radiant.

I thought it was more that they weren't compatable, modern plate is essentially a fabrial and so the surgebinding sucks it's power source leaving you in a half ton of un-powered power armor.

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well szeth doesnt use one because it interferes with his lashings some how (i think possibly it doesnt count as him touching something or it stops him from putting lashes on himself), he said nothing about draining it dry and he knows alot more about inhaling stormlight then any1 else weve seen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just have to scream for a second. There is now a progress bar for Stormlight 2 on Brandon's blog!!! It's still at zero but I read somewhere that he has a lot plotted out already, so hopefully it's going to be filling up fast after AMoL revisions are done.

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well szeth doesnt use one because it interferes with his lashings some how (i think possibly it doesnt count as him touching something or it stops him from putting lashes on himself), he said nothing about draining it dry and he knows alot more about inhaling stormlight then any1 else weve seen.

Actually, that's not quite right- prolouge, bottom of pg 29 in my copy "...his lashings interfered with the gemstones that powered shardplate..."

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