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The Forgetful Archivist

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Here's the game I will truthfully answer any question, whether it be silly or serious. However I reserve the right to encode and or hide my answers, but not in such a way to make it impossible to solve. Let the game begin.

Edited by The Forgetful Archivist
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What is you favourite type of cheese?

What would be the Lord Ruler's favourite type of cheese?

What pokemon would the Stormfather use?

What polytheistic god would you like to meet?

How would you rank the star wars movies?

But what about dragons?

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Smoked Gouda.

Goat Cheese.

A cool one (I don't know the names of any, and I'm too lazy to look it up).

Probably the Horned God

Ok, bad, lame, great, classic, good, meh, You've got to be kidding me, just when I thought it couldn't get worse...


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1 hour ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:





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21 hours ago, Pagliacci said:

What pokemon would the Stormfather use?


21 hours ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

A cool one (I don't know the names of any, and I'm too lazy to look it up).

Thundurus, guys, trust me.

TFA, are you still a Ghostblood?

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23 hours ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

Here's the game I will truthfully answer any question, whether it be silly or serious. However I reserve the right to encode and or hide my answers, but not in such a way to make it impossible to solve. Let the game begin.

What isn't your social security number?

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TEEEFAAAH! TFA! Welcome back! My Google is refusing to cooperate today, and I’ve got some really pressing question that I need answered.

Is it okay to play squash with gourds? Or do you have to use squash?

Are yes me what?

Finally, which Sanderson book best represents your personality? (The choose your own adventure style quiz in the spoiler tag below may help.)


Morning: Hello, brave adventurer! As the time-indicator-thingy suggests, it is morning time. You have just awoken. You roll out of bed and look in the mirror conveniently located on the wall in front of you. What do you see?

A Nifty Knight ready for battle!


Mid-morning: Attracted by the sounds of warfare nearby, you hurriedly don your armour and prepare to join your fellow knights on their glorious crusade to do something or other! As you rush outside your house, you have time to grab one thing. What do you pick up?

A Scrumptious Sandwich! You’ll need the energy boost around lunchtime.


Noon: You arrive at the battle in a timely manner. As you fight the hoards of she-koalas with your Fists of Fury, you have a warrior’s confidence knowing that you have packed a lunch to nibble on later if you get hungry. Everything is going great, until…

A Really Rabid she-koala approaches!


Oh, you’re just looking for a challenge, aren’t ya?

Afternoon: You square off against the challenger. It’s big, but you have a plan. You pull your sandwich from your armour-pocket and offer it to your opponent as a peace offering. She promptly bites your head off, but you achieved a moral victory. Result: You are The Way of Kings: there’s a lot more morality in you than people expect.

A Tiny Toddler pulls your leg! (Yes, it’s a human toddler. Three years old. Super cute.)


The toddler rips your leg off and u die! Result: You are Calamity: the ending for you seemed a little abrupt.


A Super Sword! You’ll need the weapon to kill people with.


Noon: Armed to the teeth and ready to slay it today, you travel down the road you think will take you the right way. After a few minutes of travelling, you come to a fork. You have two options, which do you take?



Afternoon: Your choice was of little consequence because the trails reunited shortly afterwards. After an hour of walking, you finally reach the battle. You stand on a hill overlooking the masses of warring soldiers, contemplating your next move. What do you do?

Charge into the fray!


Evening: Huzzah! You run down the hill, swinging your sword. Foes fall in droves, cursing your name. It’s all very exciting, but taxing. You begin to get hungry. If only you’d brought something too eat. Your sword begins to swing more sluggishly. Your feet feel like lead. Eventually, you collapse of exhaustion. Your battle is over. Result You are Warbreaker: you like endings where the main character dies.

Charge your cellphone!


Evening: You plug your phone in and wait for it to charge. As you’re distracted by the battery icon, a catapult shot crushes you. Result: You are The Alloy of Law: more modern than people expect.

Charge your nemesis with a crime!


Evening: As you stand atop the hill, your enemy sneaks up behind you and steals your armour. Quickly, you jump into action. You file a report at the local police office and follow the case up until the court proceedings stage. Unfortunately, while you’re playing lawyer, an enemy warrior stabs you. I’ll bet you wish you’d brought a spare suit of armour. Result: You are The Dark Talent: tragic.




Afternoon: After an hour of walking, you finally reach the battlefield. You stand on a hill overlooking the masses of warring soldiers, contemplating your next move. What do you do?

Charge into the fray!


Evening: Huzzah! You run down the hill, swinging your sword. Foes fall in droves, cursing your name. It’s all very exciting, but taxing. You begin to get hungry. If only you’d brought something too eat. Your sword begins to swing more sluggishly. Your feet feel like lead. Eventually, you collapse of exhaustion. Your battle is over. Result You are Warbreaker: you like endings where the main character dies.

Charge your cellphone!


Evening: You plug your phone in and wait for it to charge. As you’re distracted by the battery icon, a catapult shot crushes you. Result: You are The Alloy of Law: more modern than people expect.

Charge your nemesis with a crime!


Evening: As you stand atop the hill, your enemy sneaks up behind you and steals your armour. Quickly, you jump into action. You file a report at the local police office and follow the case up until the court proceedings stage. Unfortunately, while you’re playing lawyer, an enemy warrior stabs you. I’ll bet you wish you’d brought a spare suit of armour. Result: You are The Dark Talent: tragic.




An extra suit of armour! You’ll need the backup if someone steals the one you’re wearing.



Evening: You run towards the sounds of battle, but the dead weight is slowing you down. So much so that you miss the whole thing and get stuck outside after dark when all the Garbagatajanananas are hunting. You are devoured! Result: You are Oathbringer: for some reason, you think that the heavier something is, the better. NOT ALWAYS, BRO. NOW THE GARABAGAABABANHAS GOT U!




What even is that? No one knows what that is. U loses. Result: You are Soulburner: keeping a low profile, for now.


A Smart Scientist in a trendy lab coat!


Still morning: Are you sure about this? You could be a Nifty Knight.

I made my choice. Don’t question me, Archer.


Fine! Mid-morning: You’re a famous scientist! That means you either messed up big time or have a TV show on the Disney channel! That has no relevance to your daily routine, though. Your watch alarm reminds you that it’s time to go to work, so you gather your things and head out the door. Before you leave, what do you do?

Turn of the lights.


Your hand hovers above the light switch, but something seems off. The hairs on the back of your neck perk up as Thaaanos fli cks hisss fiNGErs. U deads. Result: You are Skyward: I appreciate your existence, but you were ‘wasting’ resources in some people’s opinion could have been used elsewise. *cough Stormlight 4 cough*

Turn off the lihgts.


Your hand hovers above the light switch, but something seems off. The hairs on the back of your neck perk up as you enttter the Twwilighht Z one. Result: You are The Rithmatist: Peter thinks you may have flaws.

Turn off the lights.


Mid-morning: You’re a famous scientist! That means you either messed up big time or have a TV show on the Disney channel! That has no relevance to your daily routine, though. Your watch alarm reminds you that it’s time to go to work, so you gather your things and head out the door. Before you leave, what do you do?

Turn 0ff the lights.


EVERYTHING EXPLODES! Just kidding. You live out this scenario over and over again for the rest of eternity. The reason you’re famous is because you invented time travel. Unfortunately, you locked yourself in a time loop shortly thereafter. Tough luck. Result: You are Elantris: very novel. (Geddit? Because it's a novel? And novel? LOLOLOLOLOL!)

Break the time loop.


Noon: Having broken the disruption in the time-space mumbojumbo with sheer willpower, you are able to go to work. You drive your car to the city, sit down at your desk, file papers blah, blah, blah. You’re just writing reports today, so you’re VERY bored. What is your response to this mind-numbingness?

Dance with Confidence!


NO. JUST, NO. Result: You are Elantris. I gave you a good one so you’d stop that horrible… I don’t even know how to describe that. AAARRRGGGGHHH. IT’S BURNING MY EYE-HOLES.

Blow something up!


Evening: You blow up your desk. Understandably, you’re fired immediately. You now have no job, but at least you’re not bored any more. Result: You are the Wheel of Time: Soooooooo long (for now).





Turn off the lights.


EVERYTHING IMPLODES! Just kidding. You live out this scenario over and over again for the rest of eternity. The reason you’re famous is because you invented time travel. Unfortunately, you locked yourself in a time loop shortly thereafter. Tough luck. Result: You are Allomancer Jaks: unexpected, if you’re not prepared for what you’ll find.



Thanks for the heads-up. Sure, I’ll switch. ;)


Result: You are Aether of Night: a lot like the other stories. Suspiciously so. *glares at the book cannibals* See Nifty Knight story arc.




No one knows what that is. U dead. Result: You are Adamant: it’s just not happening.



Edited by Archer
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You have Elantris on there twice.

TFA, I too am interested to know what you are, but instead I shall ask you this question: Do you own any pets?

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  • 11 months later...
11 hours ago, AonEne said:

Since I know you have a cat, I shall amend this question; how's your guys' cat doing? 

She is doing great!! Just this morning she brought me a present! She showed up at the back door holding a dead bird in her mouth, she was very proud and so was I. This is a rather big accomplishment seeing as she only has one eye...

On 3/3/2019 at 7:34 PM, Archer said:

Is it okay to play squash with gourds? Or do you have to use squash?

For best results I would use a crooked neck squash, in a pinch pumpkins can be used. If you are feeling CRAZY you can use a banana squash but I really wouldn't, banana squash are much better as soup.

And to answer the question that is at the forefront of your minds, Yes I have been keeping an eye on all my friends as well as my enemies. :D

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5 hours ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

She is doing great!! Just this morning she brought me a present! She showed up at the back door holding a dead bird in her mouth, she was very proud and so was I. This is a rather big accomplishment seeing as she only has one eye... 

That's adorable! Well, rest in peace to the bird, but yay for her. 

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