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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Hi guys! @beantheboy12 and I had a duel on The Last Post Wins and it ended up turning into a pretty cool story. If you want to check it out, go and look at TLPW, but I can summarize.

Essentially I was a Shard (the Shard of Thought) but my powers have been stolen from me. Now, having nowhere to go, I am traveling with AJ (Bean) - the man who partially caused my descension or whatever. AJ is on the run (for reasons I honestly do not know) and so we're trying to survive while also trying to piece our lives together. The only thing I really know about my own past is that I was called Tamika, and I'm still not very comfortable with the fact that I am now mortal. If this sounds like something you'd like to help us with then say so! We'd love to expand this little story into something much bigger. You can join with as much or as little Investiture as you would like, as an antagonist or helper. Just make sure to be within reason. No fullborns, no Shards. 

Edit: This RP will take place in any thread tagged "Fallen". You may join at any point in the story, just give a short bio of your character on this thread.

Edited by Shard of Thought
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Oh YES I'm in this. can I be one of those SUPER ANNOYING antagonists that aren't even that evil, but are only evil because they just WON'T DIE?

Not that my character won't die. But it'll be very annoying. ;)

Edited by Gancho Libre
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A metaphorical second. :)

EDIT: Ok, this actually took like 5 minutes, but I had to do some other stuff as well. I didn't make the bio very detailed at all, but since she's a Loki-type character, I thought details weren't necessary. :)


Name: The Weeper

Gender: Female

Investiture: Twinborn: A-Brass and F-Zinc. She uses Mental Speed to read people, then uses brass to tear them apart.

Appearance: A tall woman with black hair and blue eyes. Is often seen holding a short dueling cane like a scepter.

Nationality: Scadrian Noblewoman

Player type: Side Character: Antagonist


It's short, but I think if she develops at all, it'll happen in-thread. If I need more, just say the word!

@Shard of Thought

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Here, let's start the RP.

@Shard of Thought, could you change the OP so it includes the fact that you can introduce your character into the PM any way you want?

I'll make a PM now.

Actually no. We might be better off getting people in if we just tag all threads with "Fallen"

Edited by beantheboy12
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