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When the light clears, Thought and AJ are in a small rancid smelling dark room.

AJ then creates a small portal that he slips through back to the alley with SepLar and creates a portal for them to escape through. @Dr. Dapper @Invocation

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SepLar tripped and fell through the portal with a crash, but not before giving the Skybreaker a rude sign with her left hand.

She leaned against the wall and breathed out. The Armorlings retreated back into her body with a clicking. She breathed out and ran her hads through her hair.

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"I honestly don't know what you expected to happen, there. Radiant Plate is significantly harder to break than its counterpart." Okameahelemakeakaheuhanei'ike'oleikameanānaeho'opa'i aims a wave of Division at the wall where the lawbreaker entered, hopefully destroying that particular exit.

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Stormlight-enhanced reflexes and strength guiding him, Okameahelemakeakaheuhanei'ike'oleikameanānaeho'opa'i jumped, anticipating an attack. He then watched as a small beam zipped under him, barely missing. "How many times are you going to do this?" He asked, Lashing himself into place in the air.

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AJ watched in joy as the beam made contact and ice began to grow from the spot of contact, encasing his stomach in a thick layer of ice as well as his chest and legs.

AJ took a deep breath and grabbed the strongest of his clips from his belt. Only 3 people knew what this one did.

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"Ice does not affect me, but perhaps something else you have will. You are lucky, this day, to have met someone who does not fight, only defends. Next time you may not be so lucky." Okameahelemakeakaheuhanei'ike'oleikameanānaeho'opa'i Lashed himself up and south rapidly, breaking the ice with Division as he flew. I wish the others were not quite so useless. Perhaps it is time for me to move on again, he thinks.

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AJ sighs as he flew away. He wouldn't have to waste what precious ammunition of this one he had. He teleported himself back to the alleyway and blasted the cement foundation with a grenade. When the dust cleared, the two people he had teleported through with a crack were seen in the uncomfortably small space.

@Dr. Dapper @Shard of Thought

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