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Somebody dropped. “Hey! Hey!” Csilen shouted, running to the bleeding man, but he was already dead. When someone died, it was bad, especially when you were Connected to them. Csilen stood up. “You know, we can solve this without violence,” he said. “And yes, I did order to shoot you, but I wasn’t really thinking straight at the time, but now, I am.”

He channeled Connection at them. They were friends with him. Old time friends.

Edited by I think I am here.
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AJ felt the presence of the connection in his mind. No, he thought. No!

He fired a bullet straight at Csilen's head, realized what he just did, then teleported it as to fire it straight upward.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" He roared.

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4 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

AJ shot a glare at Elend and fired a net at Csilen.

Csilen immediately went back into the crowd of constables, letting someone else take the net. He emerged out of the group again while the caught constable tried cutting the net himself with his knife.

“Look, I would really prefer, if we didn’t try this stuff, if that’s okay?” He said. “Because, I mean, I much prefer my current psyche now to the, uh, alternative.” He smiled, though it was a nervous smile. A bullet whizzed, and almost hit him, and the male fugitive shouted.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Csilen said genuinely, but still kept the Connection up. “Believe me, I really don’t want to give you uncomfort, but if you just come with us we can make it go away.”

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Csilen smiled. “But, you guys are fugitives, which, correct me if I’m wrong, are wanted across multiple cities.” He shrugged. “As much as I really don’t want to resort to vioence, I still have to catch you, and in all honesty, I think you’ll find being caught by me is better than... the other guy.” He looked at the woman and targeted Connection at her. Maybe she could say something.

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“Not really, but —” and the three teleported away. Csilen scoffed and looked to an officer. “They just interrupted me in the middle of what I was going to say. Rude.”

He looked into the sky, and slowly relinquished his Connection, became normal, average. Unremarkable. But Csilen was not average. He stored Connection, becoming cold, vicious. “I want our constable-perimeter, except isolated to a 100 meter radius of this point. Now we know their general area.”

He paused.

“And this time, kill them as painfully as possible.”

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