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The city of the lake


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I was thinking I would attack the pair, probably fail against an Epic, then eventually slowly help them unravel how to get the Shard back and if it's connected to who hired me.



Edited by The Cartographer
Just adjusted the wording.
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SepLar walked through the streets of the city, armor out and gun slung over her shoulder. 

Well, this is not what I expected at the bottom of the lake. 

"Well, what did you expect?" 

Maybe some ruins or something. I dunno, but not this. 

"I'm not too surprised by a city. What startles me who lives here."

She continued to walk, studying the map that a shady looking man had scribbled for her. It suposedly led to the inn where her the pair was staying. 

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SepLar looked at the name written on her map, then back at the inn. They were the same. If the shady informant was to be trusted, this was the inn where the Epic and his friend were staying at. She directed the Armorings on her head to retract, revealing her face and stepped inside. 

She flagged down the innkeeper.

"Yes?" the plump man asked

"I'm looking for a man and a woman. They would have checked in not too long ago. I need to know where they are."

"Ah I know them. Why do you need to know this?" 

"None of your concern."

The innkeeper started to respond but then decided otherwise. 

"Um... they're upstairs, third room on the left."

"That wasn't too hard, was it. Thank you for your time." 

She handed the man a few notes and went upstairs. Quickly finding the third door on the left, she unslung her rifle, braced it against her shoulder, and kicked the door open. 

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Oradon watched as the woman crashes into the inn. Cursing, he leaped through the door and followed her up the stairs, barreling into the room after she did, burning pewter and ready to draw upon his metalminds at any time. His pistol quickly found it's way into his hand.

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