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The city of the lake


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AJ stood up quickly and cursed as he gestured for Thought to fire. "Two people," he thought. "This'll be harder than before." He created a portal leading to the street outside behind him and guarded it as he waited for Thought to escape.

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I should RP more often. This is really fun.

Oradon didn't have time to dodge the net and not slam into the wall, so he chose to simply slide under the net and land on his back at the far side of the room. Quickly springing up again, he spun around and fired a spray of non-lethal rounds at AJ. His contract was only the woman, and he didn't want to cause an unnecessary death.

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You can post pictures of characters on the Gallery if you drew them, Cartographer, otherwise post on Fallen.


2 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

SepLar jumped out the window, rifle held in one hand. She hit the ground with both feet and pointed her rifle at the woman.
"Neither of you move, or l shoot her!"



You are pointing your gun at me, correct?


Edited by Shard of Thought
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Oradon stared, slack-jawed, for a moment before drawing Speed and ducking out of the way of the laser. He noticed the open, broken window and leaped out it as well, flaring his Pewter to land on the ground without hurting himself. "Go ahead, do my job for me." He remarked to the individual (Male, Female, Something, he couldn't tell).

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

SepLar jumped out the window, rifle held in one hand. She hit the ground with both feet and pointed her rifle at the woman.
"Neither of you move, or l shoot her!"

AJ continued to move. He hopefully had armed her well enough for this moment.

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You put art for Fallen in the RP art section, Dapper. 

Thought froze when the kandra pointer her gun at her. 

When the other man dropped down toward her, she paled, stepping back. Storms. She had left her dueling cane in the room. But... she did have her gun on her. 

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“Storm it! And me? You’ll just shoot her and leave me? I’ll storming kill you both!” He places two clips in his gun. Steelrunners were hard, but not impossible to defeat. And the other, well, he just needed to pack a punch.

He grabbed a bundle of cloth and teleported at her. The bundle contained the three medallions he bought her.

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"As if I would tell you. Confidentiality of the buyer? Ring a bell? Besides, for enough money, I'll do whatever anyone wants. In this case, it's to shoot the former Shard of Thought, here. And I won't let any of you stop me." Oradon takes careful aim directly into Thought's eyesocket and tightens his finger on the trigger.

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