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The city of the lake


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The patter of footsteps could be heard, and then a shout, and then more footsteps.

“It took a lot more drowned constables than I’m willing to admit to find this place,” Cslien’s megaphone day voice echoed off the walls. He only had half of his police force left.

His police force stirred. They obviously didn’t like what he was saying so he switched to tapping Connection and they stilled, Connected to him and calmed.

“And I mean, I really don’t want to kill you. I think this is somethbig we could all laugh about in a couple years, really. So, how about we get you some hot chocolate and you turn yourself in? Because I really don’t want to kill anyone, but I could easily store Connection and has this whole place massacred which honestly makes me sick, but I’m not above doing it. So let’s be friends and prevent that?”

The tone was honest. Csilen did want friends. And these fugitives seemed like such nice people.

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"Stay down here," AJ said. "I'm going to go up to the roof for a better view." He created a portal and jumped through onto the roof where he saw the man. The chief of police. "Storm it, it is him," he muttered. He focused on a point above the area where the constable was and created a portal to stick his head through. It was a strange sight, a floating head, but it would work.

"And if turn myself in, what will you do to me?

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7 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

“And if turn myself in, what will you do to me?”

“Put you for trial,” Csilen said bubbly and cheerfully, “And get you some years in prison. Maybe life. But isn’t that better than slow death? And I promise, you’ll get your defense lawyer, we’ll provide that, and the Elendel prisons aren’t so bad anyway.”

He smiled at the floating head. “But I’m a man of my word, so we’ll have hot chocolate first, if you and your lady friend want some,” he said warmly.

Edited by I think I am here.
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29 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“Put you for trial,” Csilen said bubbly and cheerfully, “And get you some years in prison. Maybe life. But isn’t that better than slow death? And I promise, you’ll get your defense lawyer, we’ll provide that, and the Elendel prisons aren’t so bad anyway.”

He smiled at the floating head. “But I’m a man of my word, so we’ll have hot chocolate first, if you and your lady friend want some,” he said warmly.

AJ shook his head. "I don't think you could catch us if you tried. Plus, a guy named Tom Joebob has offered us a very tempting deal for protection."

@I think I am here.

Edited by beantheboy12
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Oradon lay still on the bed of a healer. His leg wound was serious, but he would live. With a serious bandage and a wooden crutch, he was soon up and hobbling around. He left for his apartment on the other side of town, intent on finding out everything he could about the Sliver and her companion. He would follow them until his mission was complete. The added cost for his wound by an unknown Kandra would only let him demand more money from this anonymous employer. He grinned as he stepped through the threshold. This would be a challenge.

Edited by The Cartographer
I am bad at terms for shard pieces.
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26 minutes ago, The Cartographer said:

Oradon lay still on the bed of a healer. His leg wound was serious, but he would live. With a serious bandage and a wooden crutch, he was soon up and hobbling around. He left for his apartment on the other side of town, intent on finding out everything he could about the Splinter and her companion. He would follow them until his mission was complete. The added cost for his wound by an unknown Kandra would only let him demand more money from this anonymous employer. He grinned as he stepped through the threshold. This would be a challenge.


Techinically I'm a Sliver...


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