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Alleyverse Character Discussion


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10 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

Yeah. I can do that, just as long as the Ghostbloods are involved in this crime ring It'd fit right in with my character plot. I'm not sure if it's allowed for me to use a guild I created but technically left because of life and such for my plot purposes. I've heard that there aren't any "evil" characters anymore really so I'd figured it be ok. But let me know. And I going to assume he is approved. Just add something into my sheet that I forgot. I want his alignment to be Chaotic Good.

Edit: Where is a good place to start. I've seen two threads.

Aftermath thread is for reactions and scenes taking place less then a week after the forgery ends, The vigil starts about a week after and contains scenes that happen roughly in that time period.

There will eventually be a whole city vigil happening in that thread, I think the idea is that its currently the day of and the vigil will start at night.

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31 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

I've heard that there aren't any "evil" characters anymore really so I'd figured it be ok. But let me know.

Just to clarify, a character can definitely act "evil" in the RP, work against other PCs (especially if the conflict is planned out OOC), have a corruption arc, or any number of other things. Many of the DA characters are doing/will do this, for example. It is more just the idea of an established "villain trope" character that is more to be avoided. But please if anyone wants to lead their poor character down a dark and twisty path, do it! :P

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22 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Just to clarify, a character can definitely act "evil" in the RP, work against other PCs (especially if the conflict is planned out OOC), have a corruption arc, or any number of other things. Many of the DA characters are doing/will do this, for example. It is more just the idea of an established "villain trope" character that is more to be avoided. But please if anyone wants to lead their poor character down a dark and twisty path, do it! :P

as you say, eldest one. 

On a side note, I'm thinking of creating an epic possessed by a small piece of Ruin, functionally a spren of ruin.

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Hate to bother again but before my character sheet is official I'd like to ask if I can change my minor meditation to tai chi meditation but more for the mental and physical health than the self defense but it will still be used. It mainly to help him cope with his traumas 

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1 minute ago, Lord Meeker said:

Hate to bother again but before my character sheet is official I'd like to ask if I can change my minor meditation to tai chi meditation but more for the mental and physical health than the self defense but it will still be used. It mainly to help him cope with his traumas 

Of course! Thanks for letting us know. And yes, the Vigil thread is the place to put your character if you wish to introduce them at a more "fresh start" place and not address the events of the Forgery with them,

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Just now, ZincAboutIt said:

Of course! Thanks for letting us know. And yes, the Vigil thread is the place to put your character if you wish to introduce them at a more "fresh start" place and not address the events of the Forgery with them,

I updated it in the character thread where I posted it as well. So everything is up to date and can be posted with the others 

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8 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

Quick question, would I need to post sheets for the antagonists to my character? It would just take a lot of unnecessary room on the sheet that was just approved.

Sorry for the double post.

The antagonists? Do you intend to RP them as well? Sorry, I'm a little confused.

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4 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

The antagonists? Do you intend to RP them as well? Sorry, I'm a little confused.

Yeah I am. I thinking of ideas for opposition for my character that lean more NPC than anything else. I obviously haven't got to rp yet but every vigilante needs a nemesis or a few villains to fight. Mainly thinking Ghostbloods. But the new crime syndicate would probably be better.

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2 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

What's the rule for Bondsmith-level powers/bonds? Or a Nightwatcher-level spren possessing a person?

Its hard to say until we see the character, but because of how lore intensive those kind of things have to be (and the potential implications of such a character), we might be asking you more questions then usual.

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On 11/5/2022 at 6:37 PM, MacThorstenson said:

Its hard to say until we see the character, but because of how lore intensive those kind of things have to be (and the potential implications of such a character), we might be asking you more questions then usual.

fair, the current plan I'm working on is an OP character for a lot with Balance, limited further interactions with others.

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a few quick questions:

-if my character hasn’t fully learnt soulcasting, what level of merit would that be?

-could i leave the backstory section blank but put some backstory information in the rest of the sheet? I sort of want ti discover my character as I rp.

-are items a character has merits? is the knowledge of how to repair those items/do general maintenance an them a merit?

-uh, does allycity have art galleries?

-is New Seran a place that’s been mentioned before in allyverse?

sorry this was a bit more than a few :p.

edit: oh also does my character need to have a major merit or are the stats just a limit?

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5 minutes ago, Turtle said:

a few quick questions:

-if my character hasn’t fully learnt soulcasting, what level of merit would that be?

-could i leave the backstory section blank but put some backstory information in the rest of the sheet? I sort of want ti discover my character as I rp.

-are items a character has merits? is the knowledge of how to repair those items/do general maintenance an them a merit?

-uh, does allycity have art galleries?

-is New Seran a place that’s been mentioned before in allyverse?

sorry this was a bit more than a few :p.

edit: oh also does my character need to have a major merit or are the stats just a limit?

Heya, welcome!

Depends on how they are soulcasting and what their limits are, if they've just got like one of those single-type transformation Fabrials I could possibly see this being a minor but it's probably a normal merit.

I do understand discovery writing and would love to cater for that but not sure if we want to set a precedent of allowing backstoryless characters. I would suggest as an alternative something we were hoping to set up this era which is a kind of noncanonical thread where people could discover their characters a bit before jumping into the AV proper.

Items could be merits but it depends on what kind of item, like complex or rare Fabrials certainly, anything too far out of the ordinary may need to be reflected as a merit but generally most items are kind of assumed accessible. Basic maintenance probably not, repairs however may be, again depends on the item. Like being an Artifabrian would be yes, or an inventor or something like that, but just sharpening a sword? No.

Don't think any canonical art galleries but feel free to make one! I can add it to our worldbuilding doc.

I don't think anyone has explicitly mentioned New Seran and we don't like to make much in the way of changes to canonical locations so assume it is as depicted in Era 2.

And the listed merit numbers are limits, not mandatory. Though I would suggest trying to think of something for each, can be a good chance to flesh out characters. And I love to see unusual ones in there. Like someone with a Major merit that is just strong willed or something could be super fun.

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On 11/8/2022 at 0:33 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:
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Note: for clarity in the sheet, I will be referring to the spren as Render and the epic as Engy

Name: Render(originally The Engeromancer, and before epic powers Engy Bard)

Appearance: blood-red skin, with bone-white veins and hair, maroon eyes.


Guild (or intended guild): Unaffiliated (D.A. might want to study him, though)

Personality: Enjoys destruction and pain, and is very crafty. He is somewhat reckless, though less so now that he is inhabited by Render. Considers himself the most powerful person he has met. Overconfident

Concept: this is going to be somewhere between Shallan’s DID and a spren bond. The spren is functionally a sliver of Ruin and Cultivation, with a strength level of around Nightwatcher

Motivation (Short & long term goal):

Merits: Minor: decently good at hand-to-hand combat and sneaking.

Normal: Prime invincibility of regrowth, though is not particularly fast. He can regrow a limb in a day.

Major: Engy has a set amount of energy each day that he can do what he wishes with. This energy does not stack, and is reset every 24 hours. The energy is sufficient to let him do one lashing equivalent or fly for 30 minutes, but he is not able to affect time. Originally on Earth, he was only able to duplicate the effects of epic powers, and only for limited times each day. Most often, he uses his powers subtly, along the lines of finesse over power. He has grown adept at gauging how much energy an effect would require, and if it is within his capabilities. He is now possessed by Render, a bondsmith level spren with a twisted combination of Cultivation and Ruin’s investitures. With the corruption of Calamity, he has welcomed the possession, which has heightened his powers and given him knowledge. He is now able to limitedly duplicate the powers of nine of the Surges(not adhesion) for one use of one every reset. He is also able to duplicate the effects of any of the allomantic metals except the temporal ones, for an equivalent of ten minutes burn time. (All numbers are assuming he has not used any energy that day, and he uses it all up on one thing. Using any surge completely drains his reserves for that day.) He instinctively knows when he is unable to perform an action with what energy remains to him. With the help of Render, he has learned to drain the life-energy from other beings and use it to fuel his powers, though any in him is also removed at the reset. He is even able to store drained energy(only the drained energy) in diamonds, though not any other gem, and each diamond is limited in how much it can hold without exploding(the more perfect the gem, the more it can hold. The bigger the gem, the more it can hold). Depending on the gem, the explosion can have anti-light level explosions. He is also unable to completely identify how much energy a given diamond can hold, but a mark can hold about a life-force. When the diamonds are full, they give off a throbbing red glow. The energy super compacts along the lines of Conflux’s batteries. A life force is approximately twice his daily energy. All use of his powers requires a command.

Flaws: the number 13 is his epic weakness, in any form. However, he has to be cognizant of it being 13, and generally it has to be in a group. On the 13th day of any month, he is completely powerless. Also, cutting off both of his feet will seal his powerlessness. Highly superstitious, but disguises this by loving the number 14 to a ridiculous degree.
He is also reckless and overconfident, and prone to underestimating his opponents.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): He killed his family in his initial Epic outburst. He has a few paid servants in his secret base.

Home Planet: Reckoners Earth/ Scadrial/Roshar

Current Residence: A hidden stronghold underneath Alleycity, with secretive ways in and out - most via sealed alleys(need more info in this).

Backstory: Originally an inhabitant of Earth, when Calamity came Engy gained a strange energy Epic power(see merits). As with most people,  He has the corruption of Calamity, which leads him to seeking more power at any cost. He discovered a path to the cognitive realm in a circle of six standing stones. He traveled through the Cognitive realm, eventually ending up in the Alleyverse. There was a rent in space, and he was pulled into the Physical realm in the midst of an Alleystorm. In this Alleystorm, he made a deal with Render, allowing Render to possess him in trade for knowledge and power. His powers increased and became more complicated. He spent about a week renovating some caverns he found underneath the city, transforming them into a suitable stronghold.The possession of Engy by Render has mostly manifested in his outward appearance, it being a twisted version of his original self. Render is slowly worming his way into Engy’s mind, seeking full control. Render seeks growth by destruction, and destruction with growth. He has used Engy to create what he creatively calls Rendlings, twisted creatures that are a vicious combination between a whitespine and a raptor. They obey his every word, but each requires a whitespine, the entire daily energy, and 3 brimming-full broam-size diamonds(30 lifeforces or so). Render’s current goal is to completely possess Engy, who he has already succeeded in getting to take the name Render. 
The possession of Engy by Render has mostly manifested in his outward appearance, it being a twisted version of his original self. Render is slowly worming his way into Engy’s mind, seeking full control. Render seeks growth by destruction, and destruction with growth. He has used Engy to create what he creatively calls Rendlings, twisted creatures that are a vicious combination between a whitespine and a raptor. They obey his every word, but each requires a whitespine, the entire daily energy, and 3 brimming-full broam-size diamonds(30 lifeforces or so). Render’s current goal is to completely possess Engy, who he has already succeeded in getting to take the name Render.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Engy has an insatiable desire for more power. Render wants to gain control of Engy completely.

I'm not sure if this classifies as an OP character, I believe it does. Also, if anything seem unclear please point it out.

Edit: @ZincAboutIt? don't know who to contact.

Good afternoon! While this is certainly an interesting concept for an antagonist, the mod team can’t in good faith approve it largely for these reasons:

1. The fact that this character is designed for RP mostly with your own other character. We are really looking to focus on collaborative RP and you have specifically indicated this character exists largely to RP with your other character, Balance. RPing extensively with oneself in an isolated plot is generally discouraged 
2. Conflicts with canon in a major way - splinters of Ruin don’t exist, splinters of Cultivation are on Roshar and under her direct supervision especially large level ones like the Nightwatcher. Neither Shard is accessible to the Epic earth universe. We’ve always focused on filling gaps in canon or bending small rules here and there a la “the rule of cool”; this is much more of a deep deviation/contradiction to Cosmere canon.

You are looking to introduce some conflict into your character’s arc and that’s totally awesome! We would instead encourage you to possibly work with another player who wants to RP an antagonist that could fill a similar narrative role to this one, with the added bonus that the character is RP’d by someone who isn’t you, making things more fun and dynamic for everyone.

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14 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Good afternoon! While this is certainly an interesting concept for an antagonist, the mod team can’t in good faith approve it largely for these reasons:

1. The fact that this character is designed for RP mostly with your own other character. We are really looking to focus on collaborative RP and you have specifically indicated this character exists largely to RP with your other character, Balance. RPing extensively with oneself in an isolated plot is generally discouraged 
2. Conflicts with canon in a major way - splinters of Ruin don’t exist, splinters of Cultivation are on Roshar and under her direct supervision especially large level ones like the Nightwatcher. Neither Shard is accessible to the Epic earth universe. We’ve always focused on filling gaps in canon or bending small rules here and there a la “the rule of cool”; this is much more of a deep deviation/contradiction to Cosmere canon.

You are looking to introduce some conflict into your character’s arc and that’s totally awesome! We would instead encourage you to possibly work with another player who wants to RP an antagonist that could fill a similar narrative role to this one, with the added bonus that the character is RP’d by someone who isn’t you, making things more fun and dynamic for everyone.

fair enough, thanks for the feedback. I'll probably revisit the power some other time. Thanks again to the mod team!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/27/2022 at 11:49 PM, Stormlightsong said:

updated crescendi

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Name: Crescendi

Appearance: they are a singer in artform, their carapace forms what looks like studded leather.

Guild: NA

Personality: they like showing off and really like a crowd.

Concept: they are a rock and roll artist who mixes Nathis rock and roll with the tones of roshar (they might cheat by rioting the crowd)

Motivation: they want to become the most famous artist in Alleycity.

Merits: they can play the tones of roshar on their base guitar allowing them to control stormlight around them, they are a rioter, and they are a willshaper of the first ideal.

Flaws: can’t fight physically, over confident, questions authority.

Relationships: they are new and don’t know many people

Home Planet: Roshar

Current Residence: Alleycity

Backstory:they grew up on Roshar but moved to Nathis when they went they were 16. They made their own type of rock and roll and took it to Alleycity 


TBH, I only need the bestower’s lens. It’s the one that allows me to store or tap determination and then give that determination to someone else.

Discussing this with the other mods at the moment, only question from me here now would be how a Singer ended up as a Rioter as Allomancy is genetic. Are they a hemalurgist?

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7 hours ago, Voidus said:

Discussing this with the other mods at the moment, only question from me here now would be how a Singer ended up as a Rioter as Allomancy is genetic. Are they a hemalurgist?

Probably sometime long long ago one of my ancestors had larasium and so there was a line of alloymancers singers

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On 12/1/2022 at 7:03 PM, Ookla the Nerdy said:

I have a really cool character concept in mind. However, I probably need mod guidance before I make it a reality.

I wanted a villain/spy type thing (either freelance or DA), and I also have always wanted to play a Singer. I figured that a Smokeform singer with Aluminum Feruchemy with a personality not unlike Kaz (Six of Crows. Read it. It's good) would be a really fun character to play. However, given that we know next to nothing about Smokeform and very little about F-Aluminum, I think that I'd need mod guidance. Please advise. Thank you so much!

Hey! Just moving this on over here :) 

You are free to play either of these things and interpret them as you like, particularly the Trueself Ferring. I might advise going with a different form we know more about rather than smokeform, possibly nimbleform for a spy? But if you think smokeform would better suit the character, I'm cool with you pitching ideas for it to us. 

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12 hours ago, Ookla the Archivist said:

Hey! Just moving this on over here :) 

You are free to play either of these things and interpret them as you like, particularly the Trueself Ferring. I might advise going with a different form we know more about rather than smokeform, possibly nimbleform for a spy? But if you think smokeform would better suit the character, I'm cool with you pitching ideas for it to us. 


I'll look up nibleform to see its capabilities. I'm in the process of combing through Arcanum to look for any mention of Smokeform, so that'll be fun. Procrastination ahoy!

I'd like to make a major correction here. I mixed up Trueself and Connector ferrings. I wanted to play a Connector b/c that would be a really fun spy-esque character to play, but I accidentally put Aluminum instead of Duralumin. Sorry for the mix-up.


I just looked through Arcanum.

There was one hit for 'Smokeform', and it had to do with Listener culture.

*Grabs books and dumps them on desk, locates thumbtacks and string, and puts on tinfoil hat*

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10 hours ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

I'd like to make a major correction here. I mixed up Trueself and Connector ferrings. I wanted to play a Connector b/c that would be a really fun spy-esque character to play, but I accidentally put Aluminum instead of Duralumin. Sorry for the mix-up. 

Should still be fine. Though for the record, you'll want to think about why your character, if they are both of these things, exists - the Metallic Arts are genetic, and singers don't normally have them. 

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I have abandoned my previous character and have an idea for a new one. His name is Dionysus and he has the Smedry gift of sleepwalking so whenever he falls asleep his body is taken over by the Smedry gift who has the name Bacchus. he also has F bronze so he can store wakefulness. (this is the first draft. I am not expecting this to be approved yet. I’m just looking for thoughts.)



Name: Dionysus Smedry

Appearance: thin, wearing a nice clean suit, with some nerdy glasses.

Guild (or intended guild): TUBA

Personality: pure hearted, values honesty

Concept: an honest businessman who can stay up long hours but has to lock himself up when he sleeps or else.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): to promote honest business practices in Alleycity.

Merits: can tap and store wakefulness for longer hours, good with money, very rich, always has handcuffs on him, punctual, loyal.

Flaws: completely ignorant to what Bacchus is doing, can’t fight.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): a terris mother and a rich Smedry dad. Also the local locksmith.

Home Planet: Alleycity 

Current Residence: a small estate in Mistkeep riddled with locks.

Backstory: for most of their childhood, they were stuck at home because their parents were scared of what would happen if Bacchus took control outside. so they got a timer installed with his metalmind in his chest so that when he starts storing wakefulness there is a 10 hour timer until it jolts him awake. He recently joined TUBA  as an accountant.




Name: Bacchus

Appearance: thin, wearing a ragged suit, eyes closed, a ticking timer instead of a heartbeat.

Guild (or intended guild): dark alleys

Personality: devious and battle hungry.

Concept: Dionysus’s alter ego that takes over when he sleeps. 

Motivation (Short & long term goal): they want to live a full life separate from Dionysus.

Merits: very good at fighting with any short range weapon, very sneaky, can sense things around them without seeing, good at lock-picking, has a set of nice brass knuckles, unnatural internal clock.

Flaws: can’t see, can’t talk, can only stay “awake” for ten hours.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): they know some people in the dark alleys (open to suggestions for who they know)

Home Planet: Alleycity 

Current Residence: a small estate in Mistkeep riddled with locks.

Backstory:when Dionysus finally left for the new world, Bacchus went out looking for a way to separate from Dionysus. They met some DA agents who promised to help. Now they work for the dark alleys, while also hiding what they’re doing from Dionysus.

Edited by Stormlightsong
I have made a few changes.
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4 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

I have abandoned my previous character and have an idea for a new one. His name is Dionysus and he has the Smedry gift of sleepwalking so whenever he falls asleep his body is taken over by the Smedry gift who has the name Bacchus. he also has F bronze so he can store wakefulness. (this is the first draft. I am not expecting this to be approved yet. I’m just looking for thoughts.)


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Name: Dionysus Smedry

Appearance: thin, wearing a nice clean suit, with some nerdy glasses.

Guild (or intended guild): TUBA
Personality: pure hearted, values honesty

Concept: an honest, hardworking baker who fights against the dishonesty in the baking industry.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): again to be able to live in a world in which you can look at the nutrition label, and it would accurately display what’s in the food.

Merits: a pretty good baker, I can tap and store wakefulness for longer hours good with money, rich.

Flaws: completely ignorant, to what Baccus is doing, can’t fight.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): a terris mother and a rich Smedry dad.

Home Planet: Alleycity 

Current Residence: Alleycity 

Backstory: for most of their childhood, they were stuck at home because their parents were scared of what would happen if Bacchus took control outside.so they got a timer installed with his metalmind in his chest so that when he starts storing wakefulness there is a 10 hour timer until it jolts him awake. He recently joined TUBA and found that he j was surprisingly good at baking. (explained later) 



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Name: Bacchus

Appearance: thin, wearing a ragged suit, eyes closed, a ticking timer instead of a heartbeat.

Guild (or intended guild): dark alleys

Personality: devious and battle hungry.

Concept: Dionysus’s alter ego that takes over when he sleeps. 

Motivation (Short & long term goal): they want to live a full life separate from Dionysus.

Merits: very good at fighting, decent at baking.
Flaws: can’t see, can’t talk, can only stay “awake” for ten hours

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): they know some people in the dark alleys

Home Planet: Alleycity 

Current Residence: Alleycity 

Backstory:when Dionysus finally left for the new world, Bacchus went out looking for sleeping pills. They bought some from a shady vendor‘s, but figured out too late that they were hemalurgically spiked! Now they has to work for the dark alleys, while also hiding what they’re doing from Dionysus.

Hi! Thanks for checking in, definitely looks like this might be able to fit in a little better just a couple things to discuss. Would appreciate a little more detail in some of these sections, most especially the merits section. You can refer to the OP of the Character thread for details but character should have one major merit, two normal and three minor. Can go under this if you want but we recommend filling in all sections to help flesh the character out a bit more. Merits should also be specific where possible (For example master swordsman/gunslinger rather than just good at fighting).

Would also appreciate some details of their residence beyond just the city which is kind of assumed, give some thoughts to where they live and what it's like. Could be as simple as 'A small cottage on a street of Scadrians' or much more detailed. I'll be posting a list of the suburbs we have some Worldbuilding done for later today so that may be a good place to get some inspiration.

Last point is just a small backstory quibble, a spiked sleeping pill doesn't feel very DA-appropriate. At least not during this era when we're going for a bit more serious of a vibe. Some possible alternatives would be a full actual recruitment by the DA, or possibly being coerced or threatened though in that case some thought may need to be given as to why this would happen. The DA has a whole lot of knowledge and raw power as is so they're not necessarily likely to just threaten someone into being a hitman for them. However if that person were in an influential position then perhaps. Or perhaps they have a more personal relationship with someone in the DA (Could be something to flesh out the relationships section)


Do love the idea of the ticking heartbeat though, love the vibes for that which one of the other mods also commented on and wanted me to pass along. These kinds of little details are the stuff we absolutely love to have, really gives them some character.

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18 hours ago, Voidus said:

Hi! Thanks for checking in, definitely looks like this might be able to fit in a little better just a couple things to discuss. Would appreciate a little more detail in some of these sections, most especially the merits section. You can refer to the OP of the Character thread for details but character should have one major merit, two normal and three minor. Can go under this if you want but we recommend filling in all sections to help flesh the character out a bit more. Merits should also be specific where possible (For example master swordsman/gunslinger rather than just good at fighting).

Would also appreciate some details of their residence beyond just the city which is kind of assumed, give some thoughts to where they live and what it's like. Could be as simple as 'A small cottage on a street of Scadrians' or much more detailed. I'll be posting a list of the suburbs we have some Worldbuilding done for later today so that may be a good place to get some inspiration.

Last point is just a small backstory quibble, a spiked sleeping pill doesn't feel very DA-appropriate. At least not during this era when we're going for a bit more serious of a vibe. Some possible alternatives would be a full actual recruitment by the DA, or possibly being coerced or threatened though in that case some thought may need to be given as to why this would happen. The DA has a whole lot of knowledge and raw power as is so they're not necessarily likely to just threaten someone into being a hitman for them. However if that person were in an influential position then perhaps. Or perhaps they have a more personal relationship with someone in the DA (Could be something to flesh out the relationships section)


Do love the idea of the ticking heartbeat though, love the vibes for that which one of the other mods also commented on and wanted me to pass along. These kinds of little details are the stuff we absolutely love to have, really gives them some character.

I have updated my character with these suggestions and I’m eager to know what you think.

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