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Alleyverse Character Discussion


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Hello everyone, here is the new thread for Alleyverse Character discussion.

Here you can ask questions about characters, rank characters if you aren't a mod, or chat about character policy. 

As a reminder, unless you are submitting a character bio, you should not post in the Original Alleyverse characters thread.

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7 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Ummmmmm... is the first part up for debate? Like, I could just stop making new characters and keep it at eleven.

6 minutes ago, Sherlock Holmes said:


4 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:


EDIT: Moved here from the other character thread, which as mentioned should be reserved purely for character bios and responses at this point.

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Thank you Voidus. So, you guys just implemented a new rule without asking the Alleyverse community? That seems like tyranny... Distasteful.

Ax, I can't do that. I only kill characters when I feel I can do it in a way that doesn't make them pointless, and redundant. Essentially, I don't feel comfortable simply killing off the majority of my characters simply because of a character limit, that I don't agree with.

To why I don't agree with it, besides the part of me removing six characters, it doesn't make sense. Just, I understand that we should stop making more characters, but I don't understand why we should have to make the extras non-characters.

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3 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

I don't understand why we should have to make the extras non-characters.

We decided that this would allow them to remain in the RP and be present  in case they were important for plots. The alternative would be completely cutting them from the RP.


3 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

So, you guys just implemented a new rule without asking the Alleyverse community? That seems like tyranny... Distasteful

Also, we implemented a rule that only affected 3 members of the alleyverse. One of which was the person authoring the rule.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Just now, Darth Woodrack said:

Thank you Voidus. So, you guys just implemented a new rule without asking the Alleyverse community? That seems like tyranny... Distasteful.

Ax, I can't do that. I only kill characters when I feel I can do it in a way that doesn't make them pointless, and redundant. Essentially, I don't feel comfortable simply killing off the majority of my characters simply because of a character limit, that I don't agree with.

To why I don't agree with it, besides the part of me removing six characters, it doesn't make sense. Just, I understand that we should stop making more characters, but I don't understand why we should have to make the extras non-characters.

Calling someone a tyrant is not a great way to convince them of your point. This is an administration and moderation motivated decision, not content related. That's why this was not put up for community polls.

Arbitrarily allowing some people to have more characters than the limit would be unfair to anyone else who wants the same number of characters.

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So. I have been working on this character, I am playing him in another RP. But anyway, he got burried by the other characters. 


Name: AJ Carter. Epic name Nightshot

Physical Characteristics: Brown hair, Brown eyes, WIld scar on right shoulder.


  • Epic powers

    • Portals: Can make a small rift in space to create a one way gateway between two points within eyesight that he can see. It sends any object that goes in to the other one on a side of his choosing. Objects maintain momentum and come out at the same point that they went in at the corresponding portal. Portals cannot close if there is something moving through them. It takes roughly 2 seconds to make a portal.

    • Perfect aim: If he looks at something and shoots at it, if his power is activated, his hand will automatically point nightsoul (See equipment)l toward the spot at which he was looking. 

Skills: (Consider epic ability 3 as projectile weapon training expert)


  • Night Soul

    • A handgun with a 1 foot long barrel and 6 inch long handle. Has many modes to shoot. Including semi-auto bullets, full auto bullets, plasma, nets, grenades, shotguns, lasers, stun blasts, coinshot hazekiller rounds, flash bang grenades, seeking shots, flames, and freeze rays. Can engage a system that stabs a needle through his skin. Barely enough to avoid the gun being pushed or pulled.

WeaknessHis epic weakness is large guns. (See backstory) Whenever he is touched by a large gun or is shot by one his powers will all be nullified. 

Family: Mother dead. Father alive. Girlfriend: Sliver. Alive. Goes by Tamika.

Home Planet: Earth (Reckoners)


When he was 8, his father took him shotgun shooting. AJ was amazed on how well his dad shot and wanted to try to. However, the shotguns knockback broke his shoulder joint and he had to go to the hospital to get surgery. Henceforth giving him a petrifying fear of shotguns.


He still was curious with guns and began to practice with handguns, learning to have exceptionally good aim with them. He competed and won a fortune. He had a dream, for a powerful weapon that he could use. So he got to work building nightsoul.


He had nearly perfected it by the time that his epic powers manifested. He accidently killed his mother with his new powers and felt horrible and guilty. His father, his partner in nightsoul’s creation ran away in fear and anger, disowning AJ. Depressed because of her death, AJ left and was taken as Calamity’s pawn. An assassin and world hopping monster. He was at lady brought by Calamity to steal a shard. They succeded, but AJ was thrown from the shard by calamity though was clear in mind for the first time ever. He traveled and survived with the sliver from that point on. In fear of becoming a pawn of calamity again, he won’t unnecessarily kill people.

Guild: TUBA

Psyche: Stable. Sometimes has haunting moments but stable.

Personality: Upbeat, Kind, has a dark side though that appears under stressful situations. A dark side that pushes everyone away and goes alone to do things.

Appearance: Coming soon?

Theme Song: Psyche theme song, except all “Psyches” have been replaced with “Snipes”

Fighting Style: Long range combat

Voidus and Mac have been scoring him. They say that the skill points may contribute to the perfect aim which totals at 80. Portals are 40, and the equipment is 50. The epic weakness is -5 making a total of 165. I was thinking for another weakness, he follows the wind runner oaths essentially. The second, third, and fourth. If he doesn’t do so, he’ll go insane.

Edited by beantheboy12
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4 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

Also, we implemented a rule that only affected 3 members of the alleyverse. One of which was the person authoring the rule.

You implemented a new rule that currently affects 3 members of the Alleyverse. Maybe someone with five characters wanted another one?

5 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Calling someone a tyrant is not a great way to convince them of your point. This is an administration and moderation motivated decision, not content related. That's why this was not put up for community polls.

Arbitrarily allowing some people to have more characters than the limit would be unfair to anyone else who wants the same number of characters.

When did I call it tyranny?:)

Yes, but these people already had more characters. To me, making someone a character is the only way to permanently keep them alive, until you want them to die. If they are an npc, someone can kill them in a godmodding way and then you can't get mad at them, because there is no rules against killing an NPC. So, Ax, if I make them NPCs, and then use them to go against someone like Ark, it is the same as killing them.

Also, Ark will definitely be mad when he comes on tomorrow. Just warning you.

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4 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

When did I call it tyranny?:)

Again, really not helping yourself here.

4 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Yes, but these people already had more characters.

Already having more characters is the reason we are now needing to implement this limit, not applying it to the characters that caused the issue wouldn't really make sense.


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Is this a place where we could help people with weaknesses and cohesive backstory-creation? Because if so I would be 100% willing to help people workshop these character elements. They are my favorite. Just throwing my hat into the ring on this one. :) 

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18 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

You implemented a new rule that currently affects 3 members of the Alleyverse. Maybe someone with five characters wanted another one?

ITIAH is the only person with 5 characters. I'm sorry if he wants to RP with more, he would need to retire at least one of them.

18 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

To me, making someone a character is the only way to permanently keep them alive, until you want them to die. If they are an npc, someone can kill them in a godmodding way and then you can't get mad at them, because there is no rules against killing an NPC. So, Ax, if I make them NPCs, and then use them to go against someone like Ark, it is the same as killing them.

Why should they want to kill them? The point of a FFRP is to tell a story together. There is no winning, no way to beat the other characters. Killing off NPC's shouldn't be done unless it makes the story better.

In addition, making a lot of characters and using them all to go fight in the same fight is exactly what you aren't supposed to do with multiple characters. You should not use multiple characters in the same fight to help one side or gang up on the other characters.

7 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Is this a place where we could help people with weaknesses and cohesive backstory-creation? Because if so I would be 100% willing to help people workshop these character elements. They are my favorite. Just throwing my hat into the ring on this one. :) 

Yes, this is the perfect place to do so.

1 minute ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Can someone please tell me why a theme song is part of the base character sheet?

I honestly don't know. I think it helps iron out what kind of presence you want a character to have.

Like vaders march always lent him an imposing presence on screen, this theme song would allow people to better see what kind of person a character was.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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34 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

So. I have been working on this character, I am playing him in another RP. But anyway, he got burried by the other characters. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: AJ Carter. Epic name Nightshot

Physical Characteristics: Brown hair, Brown eyes, WIld scar on right shoulder.


  • Epic powers

    • Portals: Can make a small rift in space to create a one way gateway between two points within eyesight that he can see. It sends any object that goes in to the other one on a side of his choosing. Objects maintain momentum and come out at the same point that they went in at the corresponding portal. Portals cannot close if there is something moving through them. It takes roughly 2 seconds to make a portal.

    • Perfect aim: If he looks at something and shoots at it, if his power is activated, his hand will automatically point nightsoul (See equipment)l toward the spot at which he was looking. 

Skills: (Consider epic ability 3 as projectile weapon training expert)


  • Night Soul

    • A handgun with a 1 foot long barrel and 6 inch long handle. Has many modes to shoot. Including semi-auto bullets, full auto bullets, plasma, nets, grenades, shotguns, lasers, stun blasts, coinshot hazekiller rounds, flash bang grenades, seeking shots, flames, and freeze rays. Can engage a system that stabs a needle through his skin. Barely enough to avoid the gun being pushed or pulled.

WeaknessHis epic weakness is large guns. (See backstory) Whenever he is touched by a large gun or is shot by one his powers will all be nullified. 

Family: Mother dead. Father alive. Girlfriend: Sliver. Alive. Goes by Tamika.

Home Planet: Earth (Reckoners)


When he was 8, his father took him shotgun shooting. AJ was amazed on how well his dad shot and wanted to try to. However, the shotguns knockback broke his shoulder joint and he had to go to the hospital to get surgery. Henceforth giving him a petrifying fear of shotguns.


He still was curious with guns and began to practice with handguns, learning to have exceptionally good aim with them. He competed and won a fortune. He had a dream, for a powerful weapon that he could use. So he got to work building nightsoul.


He had nearly perfected it by the time that his epic powers manifested. He accidently killed his mother with his new powers and felt horrible and guilty. His father, his partner in nightsoul’s creation ran away in fear and anger, disowning AJ. Depressed because of her death, AJ left and was taken as Calamity’s pawn. An assassin and world hopping monster. He was at lady brought by Calamity to steal a shard. They succeded, but AJ was thrown from the shard by calamity though was clear in mind for the first time ever. He traveled and survived with the sliver from that point on. In fear of becoming a pawn of calamity again, he won’t unnecessarily kill people.

Guild: TUBA

Psyche: Stable. Sometimes has haunting moments but stable.

Personality: Upbeat, Kind, has a dark side though that appears under stressful situations. A dark side that pushes everyone away and goes alone to do things.

Appearance: Coming soon?

Theme Song: Psyche theme song, except all “Psyches” have been replaced with “Snipes”

Fighting Style: Long range combat

Voidus and Mac have been scoring him. They say that the skill points may contribute to the perfect aim which totals at 80. Portals are 40, and the equipment is 50. The epic weakness is -5 making a total of 165. I was thinking for another weakness, he follows the wind runner oaths essentially. The second, third, and fourth. If he doesn’t do so, he’ll go insane.


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53 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

We decided that this would allow them to remain in the RP and be present  in case they were important for plots. The alternative would be completely cutting them from the RP.


Also, we implemented a rule that only affected 3 members of the alleyverse. One of which was the person authoring the rule.

Wait. Sorry, what the STORM is wrong with you. You have to ask. You can't just make me get rid of my characters, all of which I invested time and effort into. God, that's just...

Seriously, if you can't keep up, get more mods.

Edited by Arky-boi
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26 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Sorry, what the STORM is wrong with you

Last I checked, nothing.

26 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

all of which I invested time and effort into

I would say this.

Out of all your characters, 3 haven't seen action in era three. 1 is moving to the other side of the world, and thus doesn't count, this leaves you at 5 listed character, with one who isn't listed on the sheet.

26 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Seriously, if you can't keep up, get more mods.

If you have a production line, and you are spending tens of thousands of dollars on Quality control every year. Thousands more than any other factory nearby, maybe its not your quality control people that are the issue, maybe there's something wrong with the machines producing the goods.

Out of everyone who would be affected by this, there are at least 3 characters that haven't seen any screen time during Era 3. If you have characters that you guys are running through and trying to get approved, and they aren't being used, then maybe the issue isn't that we cant keep up, maybe the issue is that you are trying to get too many characters approved.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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52 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Can someone please tell me why a theme song is part of the base character sheet?

As someone who gains an immense amount of meaning from these choices, it really does invoke the ideal mood for the character to me. I love this category! :) 

46 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

I was thinking for another weakness, he follows the wind runner oaths essentially. The second, third, and fourth. If he doesn’t do so, he’ll go insane.

So, is he actually a Windrunner, or does he just follow the oaths? What are his specific limits on the oaths (aka, "I will protect those I hate, [insert addition here]".) Why is he following the oaths? What will cause him to go insane? You don't actually need to answer this but I find that these are the questions that deepen a character into someone who feels more real. 

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14 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

Out of everyone who would be affected by this, there are at least 3 characters that haven't seen any screen time during Era 3. If you have characters that you guys are running through and trying to get approved, and they aren't being used, then maybe the issue isn't that we cant keep up, maybe the issue is that you are trying to get too many characters approved.

I have two characters waiting approval right now. All of the others would be actively rpd, but I can't get enough membership in THftJ thread. Also, us not rping with a lot of our characters is not a symptom of us not being able to do so, it is a symptom of there not being any main threads. If we had a main lot, my characters would see action. Maybe not as much, but with these characters, I can rp diversely and openly, with the ability to do anything I want with my personality quirks and numerous desires, becuase it has not been since the days of era 0 that we have had any character that can have anything that we want it to. Right now, I have a steel compounder which is my favorite power, and awakener, which is my second, The Jackal, who is my favorite character, Sarah Drown, where I can put in my mischievous elements, Wraith, who has sneaky powers that I would love, Darkhold, who honestly is just fun to rp, Zack Rickers, where I can pump all of my animosity and hatred into a character who is fun to rp, Silva, where I can put honor, and I would honestly want of be a space marine, Thel, who also is a carry over form the Halo guild, which I really wanted but got shot down(remind me to get you his revised character sheet later), Drirk Drake, who honestly I made so I could have a bloodlflame character, and Doomhorn the Wise, God of Honor, who's only purpose is to be a TUBA rep, becuase I didn't have a qualified character. If your argument to why we shouldn't have so many characters is that we haven't rpd with either unconfirmed, or out of place characters, then I do not see why we should have to remove them. If you want to have less work, give Bean the right to score charcaters, but don't make him a miny mod. Or me, or Ark. Bean does it for fun, and the two fo us would take it on to save our characters. You guys all got to rp in era 0, where there really were no rules. I don't know much about Alleyverse history, but I do know this; back then, you could make anyone you wanted. We can't do that anymore. We make multiple characters to do what we want with out fantasies, and Ark and I have a lot of fantasies. We can stop making more characters if you like, but sayign that we haven't rpd with them, or are moving some to the other side fo the planet, which is still part of the Alleyverse, which explains why we shouldn't have them anymore, not only makes no sense to me, just seems ilogical and mean.

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6 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

 or are moving some to the other side fo the planet, which is still part of the Alleyverse, which explains why we shouldn't have them anymore,

Actually, my understanding is that if they are moving to the other side of the planet it's fine cause they are in a different setting. It's just the main Alleyverse setting that is restricted to 5 PCs. Don't quote me on that though.

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