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Alleyverse Character Discussion


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27 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

So, is he actually a Windrunner, or does he just follow the oaths? What are his specific limits on the oaths (aka, "I will protect those I hate, [insert addition here]".) Why is he following the oaths? What will cause him to go insane? You don't actually need to answer this but I find that these are the questions that deepen a character into someone who feels more real. 

Well, not the oaths. He just won't kill, and will protect all those he can.

16 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

I have two characters waiting approval right now. All of the others would be actively rpd, but I can't get enough membership in THftJ thread. Also, us not rping with a lot of our characters is not a symptom of us not being able to do so, it is a symptom of there not being any main threads. If we had a main lot, my characters would see action. Maybe not as much, but with these characters, I can rp diversely and openly, with the ability to do anything I want with my personality quirks and numerous desires, becuase it has not been since the days of era 0 that we have had any character that can have anything that we want it to. Right now, I have a steel compounder which is my favorite power, and awakener, which is my second, The Jackal, who is my favorite character, Sarah Drown, where I can put in my mischievous elements, Wraith, who has sneaky powers that I would love, Darkhold, who honestly is just fun to rp, Zack Rickers, where I can pump all of my animosity and hatred into a character who is fun to rp, Silva, where I can put honor, and I would honestly want of be a space marine, Thel, who also is a carry over form the Halo guild, which I really wanted but got shot down(remind me to get you his revised character sheet later), Drirk Drake, who honestly I made so I could have a bloodlflame character, and Doomhorn the Wise, God of Honor, who's only purpose is to be a TUBA rep, becuase I didn't have a qualified character. If your argument to why we shouldn't have so many characters is that we haven't rpd with either unconfirmed, or out of place characters, then I do not see why we should have to remove them. If you want to have less work, give Bean the right to score charcaters, but don't make him a miny mod. Or me, or Ark. Bean does it for fun, and the two fo us would take it on to save our characters. You guys all got to rp in era 0, where there really were no rules. I don't know much about Alleyverse history, but I do know this; back then, you could make anyone you wanted. We can't do that anymore. We make multiple characters to do what we want with out fantasies, and Ark and I have a lot of fantasies. We can stop making more characters if you like, but sayign that we haven't rpd with them, or are moving some to the other side fo the planet, which is still part of the Alleyverse, which explains why we shouldn't have them anymore, not only makes no sense to me, just seems ilogical and mean.

As much as I would like to score characters officially, I kind of have to play both sides here. 

In favor of the mods: The mods are busy people. They dedicate so much time to helping us have an RP experience with so many people! I think that's a blessing that we all take for granted all the storming time. @Voidus, @Lord Meeker, @MacThorstenson, @Kidpen, @Nohadon. I want to thank you all so much for coping with our many tasks we require of you after Archer left. This rule would fix the problem here. And honestly, among my characters, only half of them have a life yet. And I've been around here months (And I'm still so storming thrilled that everyone knows my name! Anyway,) and haven't found a life for some old ones. Your characters may all have unique skill sets, but how many of them actually have a life in relation with everyone else? I think 5 is a very generous limit anyway.

Opposed to the mods: Woodrack is right. I am here and they are too. They have characters that they have fought to develop. I know personally that trying to get a character that goes over 100 in investiture is storming difficult and I would hate to see Benson go away despite the effort I put into giving him enough weaknesses to be a steel compounder. All characters do different things and we want them for different threads. Some characters have fun being bad while others try to survive. Some characters live a life. Those players (I think it's Ark, Woodrack, and Mac) might have 6 separate lives on different characters. If I had to choose between Hasharan's life and Benson's life, I would choose both like I did before when I was made to do so.

My view: The mods are busy but I will score any extra character there is. Like my brother has done, he only has one character, but has run 3 others past Archer as backup characters so that whenever he wants to return to the RP if Jacien dies, he can. So my solution: Embrace the rule. 5 characters max only in the main alleyverse setting. Any others can be still approved by me, or someone as to conserve the mod's precious and busy time. Other characters should be put into a bank as extras for when another character of yours dies. Thoughts?


Edit: I was ninja'd 3 TIMES! :P

Edited by beantheboy12
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17 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

In favor of the mods: The mods are busy people. They dedicate so much time to helping us have an RP experience with so many people! I think that's a blessing that we all take for granted all the storming time. @Voidus, @Lord Meeker, @MacThorstenson, @Kidpen, @Nohadon. I want to thank you all so much for coping with our many tasks we require of you after Archer left. 


This is all true. I didn't mean to sound like I was taking for granted how much work they do, I was just saying, that this doesn't seem like a fair solution. I mean, I can't speak for Ark, but that's what I meant.

My problem is with them saying I have to remove 6 of my characters from PC role. You realize that is half of my characters right? Doomhorn pretty much  already is a special NPC, but the other 6 are people who I have plans for. I don't have enough threads for them. I can rp with almost all of them at the same time, and the others are doing BTS stuff. I will actively rp with any character that fits any plot, but there are not any plots, and since only Bureau members can make new main plots, we can't get that ball rolling. Now, I only had four more characters bouncing around my head, one of which I decided was to OP, and was going to go to the Reckonerverse rp with. another I'm going to wait for my massive slaughter at the end of this ea, and then bring in, a third I do really want out, but I can wait for, and a fourth I can keep as an NPC. Essentially, I wills top creating new characters, I just want to keep the ones I have. If you let me do the Shadow Master, that would be great, if not, I won't be to sad. I can wait 5 months for the era to end.

The Problem is, I created three of my characters to counter characters I already have, for THftJ, which, again, I wish had more members. I am reserving Sarah for a Benson plot that Bean still hasn't gotten around to(could dead stare at bean) and Silva is really just waiting. I just don't think 5 character PC limit is the best course of action. 

Edited by Darth Woodrack
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3 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:



4 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

I am reserving Sarah for a Benson plot that Bean still hasn't gotten around to(could dead stare at bean)

Wait what?

@Arky-boi Despite my hardest efforts, it seems like me and you are the only ones who don't want Benson alive. I mean, I don't want him dead, it's just a ton of work to keep him alive.

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1 hour ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Can someone please tell me why a theme song is part of the base character sheet?

I think someone slipped it in as a joke at some point and then we kind of accidentally added it to the official template. The Alleyverse is a weird place. :P

1 hour ago, Arky-boi said:

Wait. Sorry, what the STORM is wrong with you. You have to ask. You can't just make me get rid of my characters, all of which I invested time and effort into. God, that's just...

Seriously, if you can't keep up, get more mods.

Please try to remember to be respectful when discussing these things. I get that this is going to be difficult for some people but discussing things logically and respectfully is going to move things along a lot faster and going to help your points be clearer to us.

We have a limit on the number of mods we can have for the Alleyverse and that's not the only reason that this is happening.
No one is making you get rid of anything, you can keep characters around as NPCs, but 3 players owning nearly half the characters in the Alleyverse was getting a little ridiculous.

29 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

I have two characters waiting approval right now. All of the others would be actively rpd, but I can't get enough membership in THftJ thread. 

Not getting enough activity in a thread is exactly the issue, if you want to develop a plot yourself, write all the characters yourself, have full control over all the characters, settings and plot development yourself then what you want is fanfiction not FFRP.

33 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Also, us not rping with a lot of our characters is not a symptom of us not being able to do so, it is a symptom of there not being any main threads.

There are plenty of threads to RP in at the moment, if your problem is that you already have characters in all of them then that's kind of the point.

36 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Right now, I have a steel compounder which is my favorite power, and awakener, which is my second

These are not great reasons to create a character. Characters should be more than just a powerset to you.

37 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Doomhorn the Wise, God of Honor, who's only purpose is to be a TUBA rep, becuase I didn't have a qualified character.

This is also not a great reason to have a character. If you're literally only creating a character to be a rep so that you can still be a rep, you may want to consider that you should let someone else from TUBA be the rep.

29 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

I probably missed that. If so, then would that mean that since The Jackals base is on Teodin, all of those characters are out of this limit?;)

If all characters exist and stay within the setting of the other side of the world, not affecting the Alleycity side or related threads, then yes. You're also welcome to move them to any of the other settings which are being established, if they're appropriate for that setting, which may help you with your issue of having no main plot.

29 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

In favor of the mods: The mods are busy people. They dedicate so much time to helping us have an RP experience with so many people! I think that's a blessing that we all take for granted all the storming time. @Voidus, @Lord Meeker, @MacThorstenson, @Kidpen, @Nohadon. I want to thank you all so much for coping with our many tasks we require of you after Archer left. This rule would fix the problem here. And honestly, among my characters, only half of them have a life yet. And I've been around here months (And I'm still so storming thrilled that everyone knows my name! Anyway,) and haven't found a life for some old ones. Your characters may all have unique skill sets, but how many of them actually have a life in relation with everyone else? I think 5 is a very generous limit anyway.


I appreciate that thanks. But just to clarify: This is not motivated solely by the time it now takes for character approvals, we could resolve that simply by not approving new characters. The issue is that a few players are dominating a large number of plots and given that we already have issues with too many characters in the setting it doesn't seem fair that a large amount of the virtual space is devoted to a small number of players. It really limits the room that new players have to fit in if the same players continue to try to lead and drive plots in every single thread.

32 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Opposed to the mods: Woodrack is right. I am here and they are too. They have characters that they have fought to develop. I know personally that trying to get a character that goes over 100 in investiture is storming difficult and I would hate to see Benson go away despite the effort I put into giving him enough weaknesses to be a steel compounder. All characters do different things and we want them for different threads. Some characters have fun being bad while others try to survive. Some characters live a life. Those players (I think it's Ark, Woodrack, and Mac) might have 6 separate lives on different characters. If I had to choose between Hasharan's life and Benson's life, I would choose both like I did before when I was made to do so.

I understand that this is upsetting to those it affects, this issue should have been caught sooner so that we didn't need to remove existing characters but unfortunately the only time you really notice a problem is after it becomes a problem. I do apologize that this is what needs to happen, but I would appreciate it if those involved could try to work with us instead of just blanket rejecting this, insulting the moderators and complaining. There are more constructive ways to voice their concerns.

23 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

The Problem is, I created three of my characters to counter characters I already have, for THftJ, which, again, I wish had more members.

Again, this really highlights one of my chief concerns, a player should not have to counter themselves in a plot where they play both sides and dictate all actions. That's really a better fit for a story than an RP, if you don't want other players to have control over your plots then you might want to try a format that doesn't have other players. The Shard does have numerous threads for sharing fanfiction, we have an entire subforum for it.

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6 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Again, this really highlights one of my chief concerns, a player should not have to counter themselves in a plot where they play both sides and dictate all actions. That's really a better fit for a story than an RP, if you don't want other players to have control over your plots then you might want to try a format that doesn't have other players. The Shard does have numerous threads for sharing fanfiction, we have an entire subforum for it.

No, that was just part of a lightside/darkside format that is in The Hunt for the Jackal. When you create a character for THftJ, one of the suggestions/loose rules, was that you were supposed to create a moral counterpart, and then the counterpart would die in the final battle, or vice versa. It wasn't me controlling everything, it was a plot dynamic that I was following.

8 minutes ago, Voidus said:

No one is making you get rid of anything, you can keep characters around as NPCs, but 3 players owning nearly half the characters in the Alleyverse was getting a little ridiculous.

To Ark and I, who are well familiar with the ease of which NPC's can be destroyed, this is the same thing.

9 minutes ago, Voidus said:

This is also not a great reason to have a character. If you're literally only creating a character to be a rep so that you can still be a rep, you may want to consider that you should let someone else from TUBA be the rep.

No. I am the rep, and the only other option was Dusk, who had already angered most of the proceeding. Would you like it if I said that you should just get rid of a character because you made them for a specific role? Would you?

12 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I appreciate that thanks. But just to clarify: This is not motivated solely by the time it now takes for character approvals, we could resolve that simply by not approving new characters. The issue is that a few players are dominating a large number of plots and given that we already have issues with too many characters in the setting it doesn't seem fair that a large amount of the virtual space is devoted to a small number of players. It really limits the room that new players have to fit in if the same players continue to try to lead and drive plots in every single thread.

I cycle between which characters I am using. I have numerous, so I can do that. If you recall, the only time that I have ever put all my characters in one thread is when I had The Jackal beat them up. I also like participating in a multitude of things, and if i only have 5 characters, I need to hand waivium at least one of them into two places at once.

15 minutes ago, Voidus said:

These are not great reasons to create a character. Characters should be more than just a powerset to you.

You have god.

16 minutes ago, Voidus said:

There are plenty of threads to RP in at the moment, if your problem is that you already have characters in all of them then that's kind of the point.

This is strictly untrue. I have characters in THftJ, The Citadel, and The Republic of the Alleycity. If there were threads they would fit in, like I am sending Silva to Vargo's fortress, I send them there. I would like to have some fun with The Tattered One, but apparently I can't have him and half of my other characters.

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So I just finished reading through this thread, correct me if I’m wrong and feel free to give input.

So the problem is Ark and Darth have more than 6 characters (11 and 8 respectively, IIRC) and doesn’t want to get rid of them, there are things we could do that could let people keep RPing with them, but they are less free. 

First off, I suggest we make The hunt for the jackal a thread where characters stay there, that would mean that people can still create characters there and so long as they don’t interfere with other threads, meaning characters like the Jackal wouldn’t have to be removed or made an NPC, if people want to keep RPing with them, they keep it localised to those threads. I’m not saying we approve more than 6 characters per player, but pre existing characters could potentially stay so long as they are in localised threads (IE: other side of the world)

Also, if a character hasn’t received any use during this era (in Ark’s case, three of them have not been used), then it would be easier to either put them in a thread like tHftJ or make them NPC’s. (As they haven’t been used by players)

What do you all think? I have to cut this short right now because my physics teacher is walking right towards me. Sorry for spelling errors cause I’m trying to finish this before he sees.

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4 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

ITIAH is the only person with 5 characters. I'm sorry if he wants to RP with more, he would need to retire at least one of them.

:P I was actually thinking of retiring the Haunt just now but I’ll see if I’ll make him more active.

You said those on the other side of the world don’t count, does that mean they don’t factor into the character limit. Because Red’s going there, Lusk’s going to die, and I’ll see what to do with the Haunt, which leaves me with 2-3 character slots once all that happens. Seems fine to me ^_^

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1 minute ago, Nohadon said:

That’s exactly what it means, if characters are over there they won’t be limited

Thanks. Anyway, off from this quite limiting conversation (ba dum tiss for the pun), I think theme songs are a great way to get the theme of a character, even though I haven’t got a theme song for any of them. It’s just hard to think of some ;-;

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15 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

To Ark and I, who are well familiar with the ease of which NPC's can be destroyed, this is the same thing.

The ability to die and the inevitability of death are not the same thing. And if someone kills an NPC then that's organic story development, which I would argue is kind of a good thing.

21 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Would you like it if I said that you should just get rid of a character because you made them for a specific role? Would you?

I don't make characters just to fill a role. But also, that's not why this is happening it's just a point that that is an obvious choice given that it is happening.

24 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

You have god.

Voidus isn't god, and is also not defined by his powers, his entire story is primarily about avoiding any use of his power.


4 hours ago, Nohadon said:

So I just finished reading through this thread, correct me if I’m wrong and feel free to give input.

So the problem is Ark and Darth have more than 6 characters (11 and 8 respectively, IIRC) and doesn’t want to get rid of them, there are things we could do that could let people keep RPing with them, but they are less free. 

First off, I suggest we make The hunt for the jackal a thread where characters stay there, that would mean that people can still create characters there and so long as they don’t interfere with other threads, meaning characters like the Jackal wouldn’t have to be removed or made an NPC, if people want to keep RPing with them, they keep it localised to those threads. I’m not saying we approve more than 6 characters per player, but pre existing characters could potentially stay so long as they are in localised threads (IE: other side of the world)

Also, if a character hasn’t received any use during this era (in Ark’s case, three of them have not been used), then it would be easier to either put them in a thread like tHftJ or make them NPC’s. (As they haven’t been used by players)

What do you all think? I have to cut this short right now because my physics teacher is walking right towards me. Sorry for spelling errors cause I’m trying to finish this before he sees.

If it's moved to a different setting then yeah that's fine as mentioned.

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7 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Also, Mac? Bean has six characters. It affects 4 people in the Alleyverse.

Malutioganti'amor LIX isn't alleyverse and AJ isn't alleyverse yet...


5 hours ago, Nohadon said:

What do you all think? I have to cut this short right now because my physics teacher is walking right towards me. Sorry for spelling errors cause I’m trying to finish this before he sees.

I feel your pain!

And I tried to bring people to the middle ground here with my post. The thing is, I think everybody overlooked it. You know? 

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8 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

My view: The mods are busy but I will score any extra character there is. Like my brother has done, he only has one character, but has run 3 others past Archer as backup characters so that whenever he wants to return to the RP if Jacien dies, he can. So my solution: Embrace the rule. 5 characters max only in the main alleyverse setting. Any others can be still approved by me, or someone as to conserve the mod's precious and busy time. Other characters should be put into a bank as extras for when another character of yours dies. Thoughts?

Not sure if I understand your suggestion here. 5 characters max but others can still be approved? Assuming you mean they can be approved but not used until another character is removed then yes, that's also fine. I don't mind pre-approving characters and if they're not active characters then there's not a rush for approval which means less pressure on mods and less of an impact when all our mods are busy for a while.

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7 hours ago, Nohadon said:

First off, I suggest we make The hunt for the jackal a thread where characters stay there, that would mean that people can still create characters there and so long as they don’t interfere with other threads, meaning characters like the Jackal wouldn’t have to be removed or made an NPC, if people want to keep RPing with them, they keep it localised to those threads. I’m not saying we approve more than 6 characters per player, but pre existing characters could potentially stay so long as they are in localised threads (IE: other side of the world)

Maybe you should ask those, who have characters there if that works for them. Because the thread started as normal AV thread.

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11 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Out of everyone who would be affected by this, there are at least 3 characters that haven't seen any screen time during Era 3. If you have characters that you guys are running through and trying to get approved, and they aren't being used, then maybe the issue isn't that we cant keep up, maybe the issue is that you are trying to get too many characters approved.

Sure, but what's wrong with the characters I already have?

Plus, you count yourself as one of the three, but what's it to you? All you have is a bunch of Mac's, all easily replaceable. The only ones it affects, really, is me and Woodrack, and both of us are against it.

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2 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Sure, but what's wrong with the characters I already have?

Plus, you count yourself as one of the three, but what's it to you? All you have is a bunch of Mac's, all easily replaceable. The only ones it affects, really, is me and Woodrack, and both of us are against it.

The issue is that affects everyone involved, not just those who would lose characters. We're the ones who have to interact with your characters, and who are affected by the large number of them you have. This is why the rule was created I believe, not to punish people who create large numbers of characters (since of course those who would lose characters would be against it), but to help the majority who don't do this have a good experience, and to help with the story in general. This means that if you want to put it to a vote, which suggesting both of you are against it implies, everybody should have a say, since everyone is affected by it.

My suggestion, keep the characters, but change them a bit and ship them off to one of the new settings that are being developed. This would allow you to keep the characters without overcrowding the current setting.

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2 minutes ago, kenod said:

The issue is that affects everyone involved, not just those who would lose characters. We're the ones who have to interact with your characters, and who are affected by the large number of them you have. This is why the rule was created I believe, not to punish people who create large numbers of characters (since of course those who would lose characters would be against it), but to help the majority who don't do this have a good experience, and to help with the story in general. This means that if you want to put it to a vote, which suggesting both of you are against it implies, everybody should have a say, since everyone is affected by it.

My suggestion, keep the characters, but change them a bit and ship them off to one of the new settings that are being developed. This would allow you to keep the characters without overcrowding the current setting.

Each is in a different thread, not one in the same. So, excuse me, how is that overcrowding.

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Just now, Arky-boi said:

Each is in a different thread, not one in the same. So, excuse me, how is that overcrowding.

Because the different threads affect each other, and things that happen in one thread will impact the overall world. For example, Hellbent's and Devaan's mutual knockout changed the structure of one guild, was affected by a different Hellbent incarnation in a different thread (counting them as separate characters here), created a power vacuum in the Den of Thieves thread, presumably impacted the power structure of the GB to some degree, and created a new character, who I'm assuming will also have a large impact on the world.

On a more meta note, seeing the same person write replies to you and have a large impact on the plot no matter what thread you're in can be regarded as overcrowding as well.

Also, it's not just your characters I'm talking about here. I'm also talking about Darth having three characters in a single thread, which is probably a case of overcrowding, even if your characters aren't.

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In addition to what everyone else has said, here is the logistical point of view.

48 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Sure, but what's wrong with the characters I already have?

Nothing specifically wrong with any of the characters. But you are getting us to approve them for the general alleyverse and they aren't being used. In addition, having 3 players control nearly half the population of the active alleyverse is excessive.

The question is, why do you need that many characters?

You and darth and me were the three biggest causes of unnecessary character thread bloat. All of us have other characters that we can use, and don't need to post any more characters.

48 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

The only ones it affects, really, is me and Woodrack, and both of us are against it.

As a rule of thumb, any time a rule affects someone negatively, they don't like it. That doesn't mean the rule is invalid.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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9 hours ago, Nohadon said:

So I just finished reading through this thread, correct me if I’m wrong and feel free to give input.

So the problem is Ark and Darth have more than 6 characters (11 and 8 respectively, IIRC) and doesn’t want to get rid of them, there are things we could do that could let people keep RPing with them, but they are less free. 

First off, I suggest we make The hunt for the jackal a thread where characters stay there, that would mean that people can still create characters there and so long as they don’t interfere with other threads, meaning characters like the Jackal wouldn’t have to be removed or made an NPC, if people want to keep RPing with them, they keep it localised to those threads. I’m not saying we approve more than 6 characters per player, but pre existing characters could potentially stay so long as they are in localised threads (IE: other side of the world)

Also, if a character hasn’t received any use during this era (in Ark’s case, three of them have not been used), then it would be easier to either put them in a thread like tHftJ or make them NPC’s. (As they haven’t been used by players)

What do you all think? I have to cut this short right now because my physics teacher is walking right towards me. Sorry for spelling errors cause I’m trying to finish this before he sees.

I would agree to this. The Jackal will leave that thread occasionally, but Darkhold, and the Alchemist can be practically kept in the thread. That leaves me with Walker, Dusk, Silva, Sarah, Wraith, The Tattered One, Dirk, Thel, and Doomhorn. I will put Doomhorn as a special NPC, and just say, don't make him talk. Don't vote or do anything with him other than hitting him. If I could only rp wiht Wraith in THftJ thread, and use him as a special NPC out of it, that would be alright. I can just forget Dirk for now, which leaves me with 6 characters. I ask for the limit to be 6 instead of 5.

Edit: Thel is in the republic of the Alleyverse because he is lobbying for the Precursors, Dusk is there because Vargo needed help, and Doomhorn is the rep. Also, Doomhron is a special NPC.

Edited by Darth Woodrack
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54 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

I would agree to this. The Jackal will leave that thread occasionally, but Darkhold, and the Alchemist can be practically kept in the thread. That leaves me with Walker, Dusk, Silva, Sarah, Wraith, The Tattered One, Dirk, Thel, and Doomhorn. I will put Doomhorn as a special NPC, and just say, don't make him talk. Don't vote or do anything with him other than hitting him. If I could only rp wiht Wraith in THftJ thread, and use him as a special NPC out of it, that would be alright. I can just forget Dirk for now, which leaves me with 6 characters. I ask for the limit to be 6 instead of 5.

Edit: Thel is in the republic of the Alleyverse because he is lobbying for the Precursors, Dusk is there because Vargo needed help, and Doomhorn is the rep. Also, Doomhron is a special NPC.

First off, I would point out that the tattered one and dirk haven't been approved yet. We will work on approving them once everything is set up.

That leaves us with: The Jackal, Darkhold, Alchemist, Walker, Dusk, Silva, Sarah, Wraith, Thel, and Doomhorn.

Darkhold and the Alchemist are in the hunt thread.

Doomhorn is a special NPC. 

The Jackal, Walker, Dusk, Silva, Sarah, Wraith, Thel.

The Jackal and Wraith may pose an issue. The point of having a separate thread is that its separate. @Nohadon can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he meant that the thread would be separate like the Other Side of the World is separate. That would mean no crossing over. Why would they need to leave that thread? If you wanted to, you could make the entire plot and its related locations a separate setting.

If you want to make the Jackal affect other things in the main alleyverse RP, then he will have to be either a PC or a special NPC. For the wraith, that would be fine with the character limit, but it may also violate the separation.

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