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8 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Therefore, in the equation, making it the value of nicroburst. Nicrosil would have to multiply the power by 1,837,500,000,000,000,000,000.

Also known as ~ 21 rounds of compounding. Exponential growth gets insane very quickly.

8 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

The sheer amount of nicrosil needed to generate this much investiture is probably non-existant and would rip the compounder and the coinshot apart.

If you've read Hero of Ages then you'll have a hint as to what happens when someone uses too much Allomancy. In the case of Lerasium it's Ascension. You'd basically just become a super savant. Which, yes, would damage your sDNA but not necessarily kill you.

8 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

True, Melee attacks wouldn't be dodgeable, but the bendalloy compounder is faster in the first place and if he has guns, than he only has to outlast the gold compounder. Having unlimited energy would make that more than possible. 

Not really, again the increased speed is only applicable to dodging or getting closer, not when they're actually in melee. And if they're using guns then they can't be using the speed bubble so they're back on equal footing again. Also it is borderline impossible to 'outlast' a gold compounder. The other problem is going to be that if the Bendalloy compounder gets hit literally once then they'll lose. The gold compounder needs to get hit millions of times if not more, without getting hit once in return, that is just going to be impossible.

8 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

I can understand this. But that would make a gold cube underrated because the distraction it would provide would be... strange. And a cadmium cube would be lower than a bendalloy cube which just doesn't work.

If your goal is distraction and you are able to throw something close enough that an enemy is in range and you're not then there are more useful options which have no point requirements at all.

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

There's a limit to how much investiture you can get, though; you're limited by the amount of metal you have.

A piece of metal the size of a speartip held enough Investiture for all 16 metals Allomantically and feruchemically to TLR levels of strength for an extended period of time. A little bit of metal can hold a lot of Investiture. Also, while I did mention Steelpushing on the moon as an extreme example, it gets dangerous well before that.

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

A piece of metal the size of a speartip held enough Investiture for all 16 metals Allomantically and feruchemically to TLR levels of strength for an extended period of time. A little bit of metal can hold a lot of Investiture. Also, while I did mention Steelpushing on the moon as an extreme example, it gets dangerous well before that.

It's bigger than a speartip. To quote the coppermind


The Bands of Mourning is an oversized, spearhead shaped object made of all of the Allomantic metals.

To be honest, we don't even know if that's what Nicrosil Feruchemy actually does. It might just store ability to use a certain type of magic.

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3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

To be honest, we don't even know if that's what Nicrosil Feruchemy actually does. It might just store ability to use a certain type of magic.

That's exactly what it does, confirmed as per the bands of mourning. But that's exactly my point, that's a terrifying ability to be able to compound.

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26 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I think I see... but that doesn't make sense. Are you thinking that having more ability gives you more allomantic strength?

That's basically how it works, according to BoM. Tapping the bands gives extreme levels of allomantic strength, but they still needed metals, so it isn't just storing the Investure you get when burning metals, instead it's storing your allomantic ability.

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34 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I think I see... but that doesn't make sense. Are you thinking that having more ability gives you more allomantic strength?

Yeah what Kenod said basically. Simply storing the Investiture you get from burning metals would be convenient but ultimately still limited in your rate of actually burning them. Storing the ability itself means you can achieve more power from the same amount of metal, leading to quickly ridiculous scenarios such as the one I mentioned above.

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46 minutes ago, kenod said:

That's basically how it works, according to BoM. Tapping the bands gives extreme levels of allomantic strength, but they still needed metals, so it isn't just storing the Investure you get when burning metals, instead it's storing your allomantic ability.

That's not what I was confused about. Are you saying that tapping more ability gives you more allomantic strength?

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

That's not what I was confused about. Are you saying that tapping more ability gives you more allomantic strength?

I was pretty explicitly trying to state that yes, as confirmed in BoM.

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On 3/15/2019 at 3:36 PM, MacThorstenson said:

I’m not sure how many fire based active characters there are, but fire can feature a large role in fights. *cough the waiter, den of thieves cough*

*why she gave Pry F-brass*

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2 hours ago, FatherTiempo said:


Okay, I'm putting a hold on Askaldar for now. Here is my new, main Alleyverse character.


Name: Cumbert Swishysword

Physical Characteristic: Average height, bushy beard. Strong muscled arms.

Investiture: None

Skills: Can slice fruit better than a fruit ninja. He also is very able at snatching, then slicing fruit, and is able to appear as having a limitless supply. His crumpets are heralded throughout the pirating world as the best in all of the British empire. He is also is great a piratey things, such as swinging on ropes hoisting the mainstay, or swabbing the poop deck. 

Equipment: Rapier, Hat, and crumpet making supplies.

Weakness: He hates cats. If you throw one at him he will scream like a girl (don’t tell him I told you that). He also has a deep aversion to sea monkeys, and sea fleas.

Family: His father: Bluebeard the ‘Not so Great’, was a caring father, and brought Cumbert up in the proper way. Equal parts, pastries and pirating. His mother was understanding of her husband, but did not approve of his drinking. There is not more to be said about Cumbert’s family life, unless you want to hear about his second cousin twice removed, Blackbeard, but who wants to hear about him?

Home Planet: Earth: Pre-Epic

Backstory: Cumbert Swishysword. 32nd most feared pirate of the second sea. Right behind Eric Bluebottom, and Edward ‘I’ll eat anything star shaped’. He was a fine buccaneer with a fine crew born and thrived in the seventeenth century in the rule of Great Britannia. 
He began his thieving career early, when he was only an infant. A robed group of men, that he vaguely remembered as having spikes in their eyes, were carrying platters covered in silvery metallic foil. These were inquisitors in the service of Voidus, dark lord of pastries. Though only a youth of 2 years old, Cumbert leaped upon the men of spikes. Unfortunately, due to his small stature he only landed on the first man’s foot. He clung with the strength of ten mice/squirrels/small rodents but the robed men were able to through him off. During the struggle, however, a small pastry had dropped from the platters. 
After the men had left, Cumbert delved into the spoils. Alas! These were no safe delicate pastries, but traps bearing hemalurgic spikes, as our Hero would later discover many years later. This hemalurgic spike gave Cumbert the allomantic ability of duraluminum, which increased the ferocity at which another metal inside of him burned. But, as Cumbert could not burn any other metals, the spike was useless.
Later in life, Cumbert Swishysword took up the pirating trade, from his father. His father on his dying day asked Cumbert to take up his own sword and carry on the family trade, namely: sailing the seven seas, and baking delicious crumpets to spite the savages of the mythical crumpetless Isle.
One day on the sea, Cumbert spotted a ferocious whirlpool. He tried to alert his crew, but their ears were stuffed with styrofoam peanuts. As the ship dipped toward the whirlpool, Cumbert lost his balance and fell into the waves. Only, they weren’t waves, but a crack in time and space to the Alleyverse.
Cumbert’s fall was broken by an inquisitor, so he survived. The inquisitor did not. 
Cumbert after viewing the Alleyverse in all its glory, decided that he had better go home. Unfortunately it was not so easily out as the portal was thirty-six feet overhead, and swiftly closed. Cumbert was in the Alleyverse for better or worse.

Guild: TUBA (Or at least it will be when they get wind of his crumpets.)

Psyche: Cumbert is overpowering and extremely confident. He assumes that everyone is on his side, unless he thinks they aren’t, then he will throw fruit at you. He is well meaning, unless he’s pillaging you, but a little unconscious of any damage he may be doing to you.

Personality: Boistrous and energetic. He gets his energy from dealing with people, either at sword point, or at the other end of a table in a drinking contest.

Appearance: Fair of skin, and broad of shoulder. Cumbert Swishysword, is by no means handome, but nay is he the most wrinkled apple in the barrel. 

Theme Song: “The Pirates Who Don’t do Anything” By Phil Vischer

Fighting Style: Piratical, I can assure you. With deep swings of his cutlass, a boot on the backside, and a kiwi up your nostril, is the fighting way of Cumbert Swishysword.

@FatherTiempo, He looks good! I don't even think I have to bother scoring him. It looks like he has 75 points max. Plenty of room to hemalurgically spike something in or bond a spren. 


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28 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

@FatherTiempo, He looks good! I don't even think I have to bother scoring him. It looks like he has 75 points max. Plenty of room to hemalurgically spike something in or bond a spren. 


Please JOIN don't THE use these GHOSTBLOODS threads WE"RE THE BEST for OF GUILDS  recruitment

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If someone has already stated a guild preference then I think accepting them in is appropriate for here, so that the character can be finalized. Just try to keep it simple and the preference would probably be that whoever the head of recruitment for that guild is, is the one to respond so that it's official.

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I request someone look over my new character and point out any flaws with him, thanks.


Name: The Mailman

Physical Characteristics: 6’ 7”, blue eyes, gray hair, light brown skin

Epic Power: Floats half an inch of the ground at all times

Skills: He’s good at the piano

Equipment: A brown messenger bag and a shotgun

Weakness: Receiving mail

Affiliations: Ghost Bloods & Alleyzon

Home Planet: Alleyplanet

Psyche: Mentally unstable

Personality: Polite with a slight bit of crazy

Appearance: Wears a blue mailman hat, a blue button up shirt, blue pants, and black boots. He has a thick beard and usually keeps most of his hair under his hat.

Backstory: He was born in an alley in the Alleycity and was abandoned by his mother. He was then raised by a homeless couple for fourteen years until they were both hit by a car speeding down the road. He then seeked out a group for him to belong to, eventually joining the Ghost Bloods and taking a job as a mailman for Alleyzon.


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