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Alleyverse Character Discussion


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This is a character I’ve been working on for a while, and I promise I came up with him before I watched captain Marvel, even if his powers are really similar.



Name: His real name is David Hill, but his nickname was Sun and his Epic name was Sun’s Wrath.

Physical Characteristics: 17 years old, but acts older. 6’ 2”, decent build, Brown hair, hazel eyes, when not in battle gear he like to wear a grey T-shirt and jeans.

Investiture: Epic. He can shoot beams of light, has enhanced strength, speed and durability (comparable to pewter) and healing. All of these must be activated on purpose. 

All of his powers are reliant on sunlight. While in the sun, he absorbs it, and then can later use it a basically fuel for his abilities. While in the sun, he doesn’t have a limit on how much he can use his powers, but while indoors (without many windows) or during the night, he will drain his light reserves whenever he fires a beam of light, heals, or enhances himself.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat expert. He also is good at cooking and is really good at ping pong. ;)

Equipment: Heat resistant clothing (He learned the hard way that this is a good idea when you shoot lasers). Epic suit: All extremely heat resistant. Light armor with strong arm guards.

Weakness: Epic weakness: Becoming like his older brother. (Or like most epics in general.) His weakness triggers any time he tries to hurt someone that he truly thinks is innocent (he can’t lie to himself about it), kill anyone, or destroy things without any reason, and anything else of the sort. If his conscience goes against it, it triggers his weakness. He also refuses to use guns.

Family: Mother: Anna Hill (dead) Father: Jackson Hill (also dead) Older brother:        Jonathan Hill/Annihilator (Epic with the power to create explosions, disintegrate anything he touches-including things like bullets-and enhanced dexterity. Also dead)

Backstory: David was born 10 years before Calamity appeared. During his childhood, he as absolutely loved being out in the sun, watching sunrises or sunsets, and eventually got the nickname Sun. When Calamity rose, his brother was one of the first to become an epic. His brother wasn’t that great a person to begin with, but he wasn’t a very bad person either. Despite his flaws, Sun idolized his brother. After he became an epic he was one of the most ruthless and vicious epics around. His brother killed his parents and hundreds of others. Sun wasn’t in his house when his brother attacked and decimated his home with an explosion, and his brother assumed he was dead. Sun ran off into the wilderness, and was taken in by a group of people who was hiding out in the mountains, though he didn’t tell them who he was. He lived among them for several years, during which time his brother ruled the city they used to live in. He occasionally went in to the town to trade for supplies, and he saw what his brother was doing. He was devastated and it became a constant fear of his that someone else he trusted would turn, or that he would. Just after his 16th birthday he was out in the woods when the sun started setting and Calamity began to rise. He was watching the sunset, and Calamity’s light seemed to grow brighter. He turned to face it, and he heard something. Offering him power. He woke up the next morning to a member of a search party from his group shaking him awake. He felt his new power coursing through him and an incredible urge to destroy. He stood, and was about to destroy the insolent mortals for waking him, but right before he was about to release his power to kill them, his power left him. 

After a few months, he figured out how his weakness worked, how his powers left him as soon as he started to do things that his brother had done, hurting innocent people, killing, not caring about the destruction he caused. During those months he learned to use his powers and resist the darkness as best he could. He decided the best thing he could do for his brother was to put him down, and he went back to the city, and fought him. The battle ended with his brother defeated at his feet. Sun tried to finish his own brother, but he could not kill him, and his weakness triggered, stopping him. Their battle lasted until Annihilator had him on the ground about kill him, when Sun swept out his legs, sending him tumbling to the ground where he hit his head and was knocked out, leaving him defenseless. Sun shot him up n the head. Ever since he has refused to use a gun.

He left the city after he killed his brother and he just lived out in the mountains alone. He recently accidentally found his way to the greater cosmere, and has visited a few different worlds, and just recently came to alley city.

Guild: unaffiliated 

Psyche: smart, but doesn’t like to scheme or anything. He also doesn’t have any patience for puzzles.

Personality: Friendly, but reserved. Usually optimistic, wants to assume the best in people.

Theme song: Superheroes by the script

Fighting style: his powers let him fight at a distance, but he prefers to get up close, letting him use his physical enhancement abilities, augmented by point-blank light blasts.

Edit: Since it’s an epic @Voidus

Edited by Sunbringer
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1 hour ago, Sunbringer said:

This is a character I’ve been working on for a while, and I promise I came up with him before I watched captain Marvel, even if his powers are really similar.


Name: His real name is David Hill, but his nickname was Sun and his Epic name was Sun’s Wrath.

Physical Characteristics: 17 years old, but acts older. 6’ 2”, decent build, Brown hair, hazel eyes, when not in battle gear he like to wear a grey T-shirt and jeans.

Investiture: Epic. He can shoot beams of light, has enhanced strength, speed and durability (comparable to pewter) and healing. All of these must be activated on purpose.

All of his powers are reliant on sunlight. While in the sun, he absorbs it, and then can later use it a basically fuel for his abilities. While in the sun, he doesn’t have a limit on how much he can use his powers, but while indoors (without many windows) or during the night, he will drain his light reserves whenever he fires a beam of light, heals, or enhances himself.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat expert. He also is good at cooking and is really good at ping pong. ;)

Equipment: Heat resistant clothing (He learned the hard way that this is a good idea when you shoot lasers). Epic suit: All extremely heat resistant. Light armor with strong arm guards.

Weakness: Epic weakness: Becoming like his older brother. (Or like most epics in general.) His weakness triggers any time he tries to hurt someone that he truly thinks is innocent (he can’t lie to himself about it), kill anyone, or destroy things without any reason, and anything else of the sort. If his conscience goes against it, it triggers his weakness. He also refuses to use guns.

Family: Mother: Anna Hill (dead) Father: Jackson Hill (also dead) Older brother:        Jonathan Hill/Annihilator (Epic with the power to create explosions, disintegrate anything he touches-including things like bullets-and enhanced dexterity. Also dead)

Backstory: David was born 10 years before Calamity appeared. During his childhood, he as absolutely loved being out in the sun, watching sunrises or sunsets, and eventually got the nickname Sun. When Calamity rose, his brother was one of the first to become an epic. His brother wasn’t that great a person to begin with, but he wasn’t a very bad person either. Despite his flaws, Sun idolized his brother. After he became an epic he was one of the most ruthless and vicious epics around. His brother killed his parents and hundreds of others. Sun wasn’t in his house when his brother attacked and decimated his home with an explosion, and his brother assumed he was dead. Sun ran off into the wilderness, and was taken in by a group of people who was hiding out in the mountains, though he didn’t tell them who he was. He lived among them for several years, during which time his brother ruled the city they used to live in. He occasionally went in to the town to trade for supplies, and he saw what his brother was doing. He was devastated and it became a constant fear of his that someone else he trusted would turn, or that he would. Just after his 16th birthday he was out in the woods when the sun started setting and Calamity began to rise. He was watching the sunset, and Calamity’s light seemed to grow brighter. He turned to face it, and he heard something. Offering him power. He woke up the next morning to a member of a search party from his group shaking him awake. He felt his new power coursing through him and an incredible urge to destroy. He stood, and was about to destroy the insolent mortals for waking him, but right before he was about to release his power to kill them, his power left him.

After a few months, he figured out how his weakness worked, how his powers left him as soon as he started to do things that his brother had done, hurting innocent people, killing, not caring about the destruction he caused. During those months he learned to use his powers and resist the darkness as best he could. He decided the best thing he could do for his brother was to put him down, and he went back to the city, and fought him. The battle ended with his brother defeated at his feet. Sun tried to finish his own brother, but he could not kill him, and his weakness triggered, stopping him. Their battle lasted until Annihilator had him on the ground about kill him, when Sun swept out his legs, sending him tumbling to the ground where he hit his head and was knocked out, leaving him defenseless. Sun shot him up n the head. Ever since he has refused to use a gun.

He left the city after he killed his brother and he just lived out in the mountains alone. He recently accidentally found his way to the greater cosmere, and has visited a few different worlds, and just recently came to alley city.

Guild: unaffiliated

Psyche: smart, but doesn’t like to scheme or anything. He also doesn’t have any patience for puzzles.

Personality: Friendly, but reserved. Usually optimistic, wants to assume the best in people.

Theme song: Superheroes by the script

Fighting style: his powers let him fight at a distance, but he prefers to get up close, letting him use his physical enhancement abilities, augmented by point-blank light blasts.


So, basically he has pewter and gold, which is 95. Then you would add the points for a complimentary twinborn, making it 105. I don't know how the light ranks, but that's already over the points, even assuming it's not really powerful healing. If it's gold compounding level it's near 200.

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Yeah. I should have clarified the healing a little more. It isn’t at gold compounder rating.

alloy of law spoilers


If he got hit with a explosion at point blank range like miles did, it would kill him.

He also has to choose to activate the healing, so it’s more like a normal blood maker, but always a constant rate, so he can’t like flare his healing to go faster.

also @Steel Inquisitive Do you mean it is a powerful weakness as in very limiting or not very applicable? 

Also sorry for the extremely long backstory. I’ve been working for n this one for a while! ;) 

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7 hours ago, Element of Chaos said:

So, basically he has pewter and gold, which is 95. Then you would add the points for a complimentary twinborn, making it 105. I don't know how the light ranks, but that's already over the points, even assuming it's not really powerful healing. If it's gold compounding level it's near 200.

Well no, not gold. He's talked to me about this IRL and it is more of just pewter if not a bit buffed.

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I know I already have five characters, i'm just posting this because I'm going to character develop this guy, as an NPC, and then probably demote Thel, to hen make this guy a primary character of mine. Unless that is, I decide I don't like rping with him, or someone pichtes me an adoption request with a plan that I like, from someone I trust to do this guy justice.


Kevin James

Investiture: None

Build: He is of average build, though is very muscular.

Age: 27

Skills: He is an expert marksman, very good with hand to hand fighting, and very good with small melee weapons.

Gear: He has the basic Special Incursion loadout, but has a large bowie knife strapped over his shoulder in a sheath. 

Personality: He is a loyal soldier, who is kind, believes in the Precursors goals, with a strong belief in justice for all those who deserve it, though has problems with non-lethal action.

Weakness: Besides having absolutely no Investiture, he also has deep trauma from [INCOMPLETE] which cause him to question whether or not he should stay with the Precursor, and cause him to question his actions.

Backstory: He joined the Precursors almost immediately on Alleyplanet, when they were founded, and quickly rose through the ranks, being offered a choice between sniper, riot, and chaser positions in his regiment, chose the prior, and was then chosen for the second Special Incursion regiment when they were founded. He then participated in [INCOMPLETE] which gave him deep doubts about his purpose, and brings him to his position now.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Adoption requests?

Edited by Darth Sir Woodrack Groot
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On 23/03/2019 at 3:29 AM, Sunbringer said:

This is a character I’ve been working on for a while, and I promise I came up with him before I watched captain Marvel, even if his powers are really similar.


  Reveal hidden contents

Name: His real name is David Hill, but his nickname was Sun and his Epic name was Sun’s Wrath.

Physical Characteristics: 17 years old, but acts older. 6’ 2”, decent build, Brown hair, hazel eyes, when not in battle gear he like to wear a grey T-shirt and jeans.

Investiture: Epic. He can shoot beams of light, has enhanced strength, speed and durability (comparable to pewter) and healing. All of these must be activated on purpose. 

All of his powers are reliant on sunlight. While in the sun, he absorbs it, and then can later use it a basically fuel for his abilities. While in the sun, he doesn’t have a limit on how much he can use his powers, but while indoors (without many windows) or during the night, he will drain his light reserves whenever he fires a beam of light, heals, or enhances himself.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat expert. He also is good at cooking and is really good at ping pong. ;)

Equipment: Heat resistant clothing (He learned the hard way that this is a good idea when you shoot lasers). Epic suit: All extremely heat resistant. Light armor with strong arm guards.

Weakness: Epic weakness: Becoming like his older brother. (Or like most epics in general.) His weakness triggers any time he tries to hurt someone that he truly thinks is innocent (he can’t lie to himself about it), kill anyone, or destroy things without any reason, and anything else of the sort. If his conscience goes against it, it triggers his weakness. He also refuses to use guns.

Family: Mother: Anna Hill (dead) Father: Jackson Hill (also dead) Older brother:        Jonathan Hill/Annihilator (Epic with the power to create explosions, disintegrate anything he touches-including things like bullets-and enhanced dexterity. Also dead)

Backstory: David was born 10 years before Calamity appeared. During his childhood, he as absolutely loved being out in the sun, watching sunrises or sunsets, and eventually got the nickname Sun. When Calamity rose, his brother was one of the first to become an epic. His brother wasn’t that great a person to begin with, but he wasn’t a very bad person either. Despite his flaws, Sun idolized his brother. After he became an epic he was one of the most ruthless and vicious epics around. His brother killed his parents and hundreds of others. Sun wasn’t in his house when his brother attacked and decimated his home with an explosion, and his brother assumed he was dead. Sun ran off into the wilderness, and was taken in by a group of people who was hiding out in the mountains, though he didn’t tell them who he was. He lived among them for several years, during which time his brother ruled the city they used to live in. He occasionally went in to the town to trade for supplies, and he saw what his brother was doing. He was devastated and it became a constant fear of his that someone else he trusted would turn, or that he would. Just after his 16th birthday he was out in the woods when the sun started setting and Calamity began to rise. He was watching the sunset, and Calamity’s light seemed to grow brighter. He turned to face it, and he heard something. Offering him power. He woke up the next morning to a member of a search party from his group shaking him awake. He felt his new power coursing through him and an incredible urge to destroy. He stood, and was about to destroy the insolent mortals for waking him, but right before he was about to release his power to kill them, his power left him. 

After a few months, he figured out how his weakness worked, how his powers left him as soon as he started to do things that his brother had done, hurting innocent people, killing, not caring about the destruction he caused. During those months he learned to use his powers and resist the darkness as best he could. He decided the best thing he could do for his brother was to put him down, and he went back to the city, and fought him. The battle ended with his brother defeated at his feet. Sun tried to finish his own brother, but he could not kill him, and his weakness triggered, stopping him. Their battle lasted until Annihilator had him on the ground about kill him, when Sun swept out his legs, sending him tumbling to the ground where he hit his head and was knocked out, leaving him defenseless. Sun shot him up n the head. Ever since he has refused to use a gun.

He left the city after he killed his brother and he just lived out in the mountains alone. He recently accidentally found his way to the greater cosmere, and has visited a few different worlds, and just recently came to alley city.

Guild: unaffiliated 

Psyche: smart, but doesn’t like to scheme or anything. He also doesn’t have any patience for puzzles.

Personality: Friendly, but reserved. Usually optimistic, wants to assume the best in people.

Theme song: Superheroes by the script

Fighting style: his powers let him fight at a distance, but he prefers to get up close, letting him use his physical enhancement abilities, augmented by point-blank light blasts.

Edit: Since it’s an epic @Voidus

Kicker here is going to be how powerful you see these light beams as being. Could they melt through metal/stone? Or mostly just a weapon against people?

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I’ve got an idea for an Epic character, of I ever make one. Somebody who can dull and intensify light sources (lamps, flames, lightbulbs etc.). Meaning he can focus on them and make them glow much brighter, or dull them to effectively looking off. He has to focus on it and actively exert the change, of he ever stops they go back to normal, it takes more effort the further away the light source is and how much he’s dulling or intensifying it, but he has a pretty large range of how much he can affect. Secondary power being immune to super bright light so he doesn’t blind himself with his power.

How many points do you think that would be?

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6 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

I’ve got an idea for an Epic character, of I ever make one. Somebody who can dull and intensify light sources (lamps, flames, lightbulbs etc.). Meaning he can focus on them and make them glow much brighter, or dull them to effectively looking off. He has to focus on it and actively exert the change, of he ever stops they go back to normal, it takes more effort the further away the light source is and how much he’s dulling or intensifying it, but he has a pretty large range of how much he can affect. Secondary power being immune to super bright light so he doesn’t blind himself with his power.

How many points do you think that would be?

Again, very dependent upon the limits. Could he look at a firefly for long enough and turn it into the sun? :P

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51 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Again, very dependent upon the limits. Could he look at a firefly for long enough and turn it into the sun? :P

... I never said he couldn’t. :P

It would be based on how much light is already there. So something like a firefly he could brighten to maybe become a strong flashlight in terms of brightness, and a regular flashlight’s upper limit he could make would be spotlight level of brightness.

Edited by I think I am here.
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1 hour ago, Voidus said:

Kicker here is going to be how powerful you see these light beams as being. Could they melt through metal/stone? Or mostly just a weapon against people?

(I have authority to speak for Sun)

Depends. A basic one will be a simple attack. But one that uses all his light reserves would break plate.

And the physical enhancements are like stormlight. I was rereading WoK and have been thinking about it all day.

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Actually this version isn’t exactly the same as the one I discussed with bean, as I realized some issues that I had with that one. (He also had forcefield abilities. I decided that made him overpowered so I cut them, and made a couple other changes)

The light beams are primarily a weapon against other players, but if he focused it on a single point for a bit, it could melt stone or some types of metal.

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Yes, but you would have to make it seem more like a disadvantage at first glance, like being really bad a following instructions or something like that. Or maybe making things that don’t work as in they don’t work the way you would expect.

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1 hour ago, Sunbringer said:

Yes, but you would have to make it seem more like a disadvantage at first glance, like being really bad a following instructions or something like that. Or maybe making things that don’t work as in they don’t work the way you would expect.

Oh yeah no they don't always go the way he wants. That's half the fun! He tried to make a shoe polisher and it broke his foot.

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