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Countdown Timer Note that the Countdown timer changes based off your timezone. As in it is only accurate for PST players. I apologize.

Remember that while PM’s are open, you MAY NOT EVER PM ANON ACCOUNTS. They may not PM you either. Please include both GM’s in all your PM’s.

There will be a lynch today. Remember that there is a 0 vote minimum for the lynch, and that tied vote will result in a coinflip.


Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Gammalv leaned back in his chair, a forgotten plate of half eaten nachos lay on a stand next to him.  In front of Gammalv his computer screen glowed with energy as it displayed the latest copy of Rhythms of War, the fourth book in the all important Stormlight series.  Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be one of the lucky few to be an alpha reader.  Gamma level was the most he had ever dared hope for but here he was reading a rough draft of one of the most highly anticipated books on his favorite forum.

Thinking of the 17th Shard Gammalv tabbed over to it, refreshed the page and noted the recent topic listings was once more filled with Spam.

Sighing, Gammalv started to squash a couple of the spambots but found his thoughts drifting back to the book.  He had only read a couple of words for the next chapter but it was looking like one of the best, a Gaz chapter.  Gammalv had long wondered how Gaz had lost his left eye and it looked like this chapter might just answer his question not to mention that Gammalv could do with something to take his mind off the last chapter.  Who thought that Wyndle would die of all spren?

Another Mod will take care of these Bots I’m sure. Gammalv thought as he tabbed back to Rhythms of War.

He just had to know what happened next.

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As is tradition, I'm going to openly claim eliminator and see how long I can survive the game.

1 minute ago, Gammalv Fiend said:

Gammalv leaned back in his chair, a forgotten plate of half eaten nachos lay on a stand next to him.  In front of Gammalv his computer screen glowed with energy as it displayed the latest copy of Rhythms of War, the fourth book in the all important Stormlight series.  Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be one of the lucky few to be an alpha reader.  Gamma level was the most he had ever dared hope for but here he was reading a rough draft of one of the most highly anticipated books on his favorite forum.

Thinking of the 17th Shard Gammalv tabbed over to it, refreshed the page and noted the recent topic listings was once more filled with Spam.

Sighing, Gammalv started to squash a couple of the spambots but found his thoughts drifting back to the book.  He had only read a couple of words for the next chapter but it was looking like one of the best, a Gaz chapter.  Gammalv had long wondered how Gaz had lost his left eye and it looked like this chapter might just answer his question not to mention that Gammalv could do with something to take his mind off the last chapter.  Who thought that Wyndle would die of all spren?

Another Mod will take care of these Bots I’m sure. Gammalv thought as he tabbed back to Rhythms of War.

He just had to know what happened next.

Spoilers!!!!!!!!! :(

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Haha, with Steel's laptop I can sabotage him! Steel is definitely evil, and you should lynch him as soon as possible! 
Edit: Dude, I thought we agreed you WOULDN'T do this anymore. Otherwise you aren't getting ANYTHING for that laptop, if you keep this up. 

Edited by NotASteelClone
fixing clone shenanigans
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5 minutes ago, NotASteelClone said:

Haha, with Steel's laptop I can sabotage him! Steel is definitely evil, and you should lynch him as soon as possible! 

Hmm... okay. I'm convinced.


Edited by Adavantos
added paragraph break and period after Steel
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4 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Spoilers!!!!!!!!! :(

Oops.  Guess you all don't wish to know which Cosmere character makes a surprise appearance in the interludes then. :P 

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sigh Clone, why, just why would you bring the day one lynch down on us? Do you not understand the appeal of having fun? Fun, that will DIE if we get lynched? 
Also, public safety announcement: My clone should not be trusted under any circumstances. He will only say what lands me in the hottest water. 
Edit: Yeah, like the fact that Steel definitely has a kill role, with double lives, and invincibility to everything but the lynch. 

Edited by NotASteelClone
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Hello! Something we need to remember here, is for the first time this isn’t a game. There are spambots, and if we don’t stop them, Chaos will ban us all.

We’ve all played this game, we know how it goes. Now we have to use these skills in the real world! Against real threats like Vishkaran and Babaji.

This is real! And the entire forum depends on us, the SE subforum!











忒開庭裁定喔觀察阿特金森大廈地下停車場等你這種人民幣國際化進程與人之間的ㄉLiveLongBrothers.exeis rebooting...





Edited by I think I am here.
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Wow, okay, you all seem rather trolly.  Granted, that actually makes me think you are village (elimimators) as I dont think even spambots can be as trolly as SE players.



Vodiyehi: Has a script that can make thousands of posts per day. If Vodiyehi targets you, no one else will be able to do so. Only Votes and Lynches will be able to target a player.

This seems like not a great role for the elims. The chances of using this effectively are low, and it depends on others targetting the same player.

Babaji: Has access to Near Eastern magic that can inspire love or hate. If they target you with love, you will end up joining them. Luckily the cooldown for this is yearly, so they’ll only be able to get one of us before we get them. If they target you with Hate, you will die, no matter what. This can also only be used once.

This seems like an incredibly powerful role.  It both grants an extra kill, and a conversion.  In a game with 23 players, there are likely 4-5 elims.  If this role is used, there will likely be 3-4 elims, likely 3, purely because of how momentous this role seems to be.

SookeSiled: Posts lots of corrupted URLs and infects computers. If they target you, everyone on the forum who didn’t use their computer will also target you that night.

This one seems fascinating... this actually means by doing nothing, we can still learn information. Granted, info the elims want us to.  We probably dont want to use this unless necessary, as any info gained from this will be a IKYK. Especially if there is a hidden elim role to modify scanning results.

Beirst1928: Built one of the Best Firewalls known to man. Immune to everything except the Lynch.

@xxGaea @A Joe in the Bush is this a passive ability?

If this is passive, this could actually be used to find elims. However, I dont think there is much to be said on this role.  This actually could be a really powerful role, or a weak one.  It depends on what other roles are in this game.

Temptation: Absolutely terrifying with Code. They get into the code and corrupt it. If they target you, your action will do exactly what you didn’t want. You will accidently ban a player instead of protect them. Or you will accidentally reveal your IP address instead of PM them. Or something. And then they will know what and who you are.

@xxGaea @A Joe in the Bush is an IP address a players allignment?

Also, does the effect of this role cause the *abilities you have* to do what you dont want, or can it actually cause you to take an action that you normally wouldnt have available?

What determines what the action actually does? Is this up to the choice of the elims, or is this decision at the discression of the GMs?

Vashikaran: They’re rather good at deleting code, so if they target you, there is a good chance that your account will be temporarily disabled.

What does being disabled entail? I assume you cant take any actions?



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15 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Beirst1928: Built one of the Best Firewalls known to man. Immune to everything except the Lynch.

@xxGaea @A Joe in the Bush is this a passive ability?

Yes. Beirst does not need to activate their ability.

16 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Temptation: Absolutely terrifying with Code. They get into the code and corrupt it. If they target you, your action will do exactly what you didn’t want. You will accidently ban a player instead of protect them. Or you will accidentally reveal your IP address instead of PM them. Or something. And then they will know what and who you are.

@xxGaea @A Joe in the Bush is an IP address a players allignment?

Also, does the effect of this role cause the *abilities you have* to do what you dont want, or can it actually cause you to take an action that you normally wouldnt have available?

What determines what the action actually does? Is this up to the choice of the elims, or is this decision at the discression of the GMs?

IP address is flavor. Temptation works under the basic assumption that you are using your role to do something good for your faction. Temptation's power makes it do something good for the Spammers instead. It will not always do the same thing at the same time. It only affects abilities that you have and are using, but it can bend or even reverse the ability. A doctor might kill their target, or poison them so that they have to be healed every turn to survive, or they might just be unable to save the target.

It is technically up to us. We made a list before the game started of how this role affects every other role. No player knows about the list.

21 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Vashikaran: They’re rather good at deleting code, so if they target you, there is a good chance that your account will be temporarily disabled.

What does being disabled entail? I assume you cant take any actions?

Standard Role Block

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Everything was going to plan. The name, Metabardnition, had been chosen through a genetic algorithm process, taken from data of this "SE" forum, and generated a name that was a combination of two existing members. With such a disguise, it was likely everyone would think he'd been a member for years.

Hey everyone! It's great to be part of another SE game, of which I've played many!

As a senior and well-respected analyser, I thoroughly recommend everyone keep me alive, and follow my lead in the lynch, in order to most effectively root out these pesky spambots.

I will be PM'ing many of my old buddies shortly, of whom I have played a number of previous games with, and I look forward to seeing what's changed since the last time I played.

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40 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Wow, okay, you all seem rather trolly.  Granted, that actually makes me think you are village (elimimators) as I dont think even spambots can be as trolly as SE players.

To be fair, I don't really think Gammalv or ITIAH has said or done anything particularly trolly (though I'm still upset about those RoW Spoilers :angry:). But if you're using trolliness as a qualifier for eliminatorness, then I'll happily accept the label for myself. Also, Steel. While I doubt I'll ever be able to parse whether or not it's you or your clone talking, and subsequently never be able to develop trust towards you in general, I have a more critical lead.

HIGH PRIEST OF LORD TEKIEL! I demand you answer for the crime of baking a sharp metal object into this cookie you gifted me! @High Priest of Lord Tekiel

Just now, Metabardnition said:

Hey everyone! It's great to be part of another SE game, of which I've played many!

As a senior and well-respected analyser, I thoroughly recommend everyone keep me alive, and follow my lead in the lynch, in order to most effectively root out these pesky spambots.

I will be PM'ing many of my old buddies shortly, of whom I have played a number of previous games with, and I look forward to seeing what's changed since the last time I played.

Hello Meta! Long time no see! Honestly a bit surprised you haven't PM'd me already. I do qualify as one of your old buddies, don't I? Don't I...? ...please.

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Hey guys! I’ve been a Sanderson fan for awhile, read everything except White Sand and Skyward(I cant find it at my library!). Wait... what’s going on? Can someone help me out?

And how do I change my username and profile pic? I just had it randomly generate and now I have this boring Guest name.

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It seems the D1 voting shenanigans are already in full swing. Before I join in on those, I'd like to quickly go over the elim roles.

Vodiyehi: Makes someone untargetable. This seems mostly a defensive ability, but that also makes it perfect for trolling the village by 'protecting' random villagers, so i urge some caution on lynching someone just for having been protected by this ability. @A Joe in the Bush, @xxGaea, will someone using an action that gets stopped be told about the exact case (roleblock, Vodiyehi, etc.)?
Babaji: One conversion, one kill. It's fairly straightforward, and also not really an abilty we can easily detect.
SookeSiled: If they target you, everyone on the forum who didn’t use their computer will also target you that night. This can be an incredibly powerful ability. If you have an ability that allows you to ban someone, please make sure to sue it every night to avoid letting the elims use it instead.
Beirst1928: Immune to everything except the Lynch. If it's revealed why an action failed, this particular role can be detected relatively easily.
Temptation: If they target you, your action will do exactly what you didn’t want. This is interesting, and something to keep an eye out for. If your action gets changed like this, consider the possibilities of them targeting you again the next night, especially if your action turned into a kill. If your action gets changed like this, I'd definitely report it int eh thread. The spambots will already have a  pretty good idea of what you can do, so the information gained from speaking up would be most useful to the village, especially if the action can be proven, as that clears you to some degree.
Vashikaran: A straightforward roleblock. I can't really see a way to use the markers of this ability to our advantage.

There's another thing to keep in mind: the villager's abilities are unknown to the elims, so depending on the effects, they could be used to hard-clear some people. Alternatively, if the abilities are non-unique, it can once again be used top hard-clear some people by comparing notes. Therefore, I'd be willing to swap role-names, but not the actual abilities I might or might not have with anyone contacting me in PM's.

Edited by Aranduensis
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5 minutes ago, Aranduensis said:

Temptation: If they target you, your action will do exactly what you didn’t want. This is interesting, and something to keep an eye out for. If your action gets changed like this, consider the possibilities of them targeting you again the next night, especially if your action turned into a kill. If your action gets changed like this, I'd definitely report it int eh thread. The spambots will already have a  pretty good idea of what you can do, so the information gained from speaking up would be most useful to the village, especially if the action can be proven, as that clears you to some degree.

As much as I historically like sharing this type of info publically, I disagree with your logic.  The elims wont necisarily know what effect their action had. All they know is it benefited them.  The problem is, as we dont know most of the roles/abilities in this game, any positive thing that happens for them could just as likely be a villager taking a well-intentioned action.

Basically, the elims will only have a minor amount of additional info in this area.

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1 hour ago, Furamirionind said:

As much as I historically like sharing this type of info publically, I disagree with your logic.  The elims wont necisarily know what effect their action had. All they know is it benefited them.  The problem is, as we dont know most of the roles/abilities in this game, any positive thing that happens for them could just as likely be a villager taking a well-intentioned action.

Basically, the elims will only have a minor amount of additional info in this area.

Hmmm, you're right. I realize that for some reason I was assuming that the elims knew who the person whose action they changed was targeting, and that's not the case as far as I can tell.

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5 hours ago, Aranduensis said:


Vodiyehi: Makes someone untargetable. This seems mostly a defensive ability, but that also makes it perfect for trolling the village by 'protecting' random villagers, so i urge some caution on lynching someone just for having been protected by this ability. @A Joe in the Bush, @xxGaea, will someone using an action that gets stopped be told about the exact case (roleblock, Vodiyehi, ?)

You will only be told your action failed.

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8 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Wow, okay, you all seem rather trolly.  Granted, that actually makes me think you are village (elimimators) as I dont think even spambots can be as trolly as SE players.

  Hide contents


Vodiyehi: Has a script that can make thousands of posts per day. If Vodiyehi targets you, no one else will be able to do so. Only Votes and Lynches will be able to target a player.

This seems like not a great role for the elims. The chances of using this effectively are low, and it depends on others targetting the same player.

Babaji: Has access to Near Eastern magic that can inspire love or hate. If they target you with love, you will end up joining them. Luckily the cooldown for this is yearly, so they’ll only be able to get one of us before we get them. If they target you with Hate, you will die, no matter what. This can also only be used once.

This seems like an incredibly powerful role.  It both grants an extra kill, and a conversion.  In a game with 23 players, there are likely 4-5 elims.  If this role is used, there will likely be 3-4 elims, likely 3, purely because of how momentous this role seems to be.

SookeSiled: Posts lots of corrupted URLs and infects computers. If they target you, everyone on the forum who didn’t use their computer will also target you that night.

This one seems fascinating... this actually means by doing nothing, we can still learn information. Granted, info the elims want us to.  We probably dont want to use this unless necessary, as any info gained from this will be a IKYK. Especially if there is a hidden elim role to modify scanning results.

Beirst1928: Built one of the Best Firewalls known to man. Immune to everything except the Lynch.

@xxGaea @A Joe in the Bush is this a passive ability?

If this is passive, this could actually be used to find elims. However, I dont think there is much to be said on this role.  This actually could be a really powerful role, or a weak one.  It depends on what other roles are in this game.

Temptation: Absolutely terrifying with Code. They get into the code and corrupt it. If they target you, your action will do exactly what you didn’t want. You will accidently ban a player instead of protect them. Or you will accidentally reveal your IP address instead of PM them. Or something. And then they will know what and who you are.

@xxGaea @A Joe in the Bush is an IP address a players allignment?

Also, does the effect of this role cause the *abilities you have* to do what you dont want, or can it actually cause you to take an action that you normally wouldnt have available?

What determines what the action actually does? Is this up to the choice of the elims, or is this decision at the discression of the GMs?

Vashikaran: They’re rather good at deleting code, so if they target you, there is a good chance that your account will be temporarily disabled.

What does being disabled entail? I assume you cant take any actions?



Fura, I’m pretty sure those roles can only be held by the Spambots, not the village eliminators. 

7 hours ago, Adavantos said:


HIGH PRIEST OF LORD TEKIEL! I demand you answer for the crime of baking a sharp metal object into this cookie you gifted me! @High Priest of Lord Tekiel

Hello Meta! Long time no see! Honestly a bit surprised you haven't PM'd me already. I do qualify as one of your old buddies, don't I? Don't I...? ...please.

I think I count as one too? 

Also, anonymous accounts..? What?

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57 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

You will only be told your action failed.

That's a shame, as it makes it harder to tell whether you targeted someone protected by Vodiyehi or Beirst or something else happened.

Also, I was wondering about the reference to anonymous accounts in the PM rules. At a guess, I'd say the anonymous account is villager with a role that, among other things, doesn't allow them to be PM'd.

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1 minute ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

Yeah, as if this weren't all not confusing enough, we need me stuck in an anonymous account. It's a crime, I tell you. 

Can you tell us who you are?

Just now, Aranduensis said:

That's a shame, as it makes it harder to tell whether you targeted someone protected by Vodiyehi or Beirst or something else happened.

Also, I was wondering about the reference to anonymous accounts in the PM rules. At a guess, I'd say the anonymous account is villager with a role that, among other things, doesn't allow them to be PM'd.

The OP states that they can’t PM or be PMd. 

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8 hours ago, Adavantos said:

To be fair, I don't really think Gammalv or ITIAH has said or done anything particularly trolly (though I'm still upset about those RoW Spoilers :angry:). But if you're using trolliness as a qualifier for eliminatorness, then I'll happily accept the label for myself. Also, Steel. While I doubt I'll ever be able to parse whether or not it's you or your clone talking, and subsequently never be able to develop trust towards you in general, I have a more critical lead.

HIGH PRIEST OF LORD TEKIEL! I demand you answer for the crime of baking a sharp metal object into this cookie you gifted me! @High Priest of Lord Tekiel

Hello Meta! Long time no see! Honestly a bit surprised you haven't PM'd me already. I do qualify as one of your old buddies, don't I? Don't I...? ...please.

Do not fear, Adavantos. Lord Tekiel would never let a mere Shard influence your actions. You will be safe from Ruin, provided you learn these mind-calming techniques pioneered by the Church of Enlightenment...

Moving on to this contest of credentials that we currently have, I will nominate myself for village leader. As the protégé of Orlok Tsubodi (may he rule forever in glory) I have more than enough analysis to find the spambots among us, assuming you peons do not get in my way. Vote as I do and all shall be made clear.

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