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2 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

Actually, Joe has told me my account is related to the multi-boxer and SE or something. I haven't been able to figure out what it's a reference to, but he wanted sapphire elephant for a reason... so... shrug

Not to the Multi-boxer, Sapphire Elephant was just picked because of its relevance to SE.

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Just now, Sapphire Elephant said:

Actually, Joe has told me my account is related to the multi-boxer and SE or something. I haven't been able to figure out what it's a reference to, but he wanted sapphire elephant for a reason... so... shrug

Which really just furthers my perspective. A part of the reason I was so hasty in getting role claims from some people, and part of the reason why I trust some very specific players because of it, is due to me noticing the pattern quickly and reaching out to people before they could effectively lie, if they were a Spammer. Devotary's role claim hit the exact note I was looking for as a telltale lie. Could it be true? Sure. But I'm skeptical until I see otherwise.

Sapphire, if you'd switch your vote off of Fifth, I would be grateful. @Seventh Saint, @tiny wilson, same thing.

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12 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Firewall Expert? Eh. My own role is Super Active. We've seen Disciple of Herowannabe. I'm aware of four others, and they each have a very specific theme. The roles are undeniably meta, but for the exception of Multi-boxer, each one is specifically related to SE in some way. To me, it sounds like the Spammers didn't get many role claims in PMs and based this fake claim on the one role we've known from the beginning.

Ok, if we are discussing this publicly, I know of 5 unique names of roles. (One of which is a Super Active) All of them are SE related as well. When I PMed people about sharing names of roles, I was considering lying back to them.  However the name I was going to use was "Overclocker" as it is a computer reference, but once I realized the roles are SE themed, I figured this would be a poor roleclaim.

I apologize to Crimsn as they have had horrible luck in recent history with dying quite early in these games.  However, I think they may be a better lynch target than Fifth at the moment.  If Crimsn is actually an elim, this could go far as to clearing players that have had many people roleclaim to them.

If anyone has, or knows of a role that's name is not SE themed, you should claim that now!


I always read "Multi-boxer" as comparable to "multi-quoter". But what do I know.

Edited by Furamirionind
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4 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Honestly I find this extremely concerning. A lot of people have come out of the woodwork to save Devotary and for what, exactly? Because they claimed to be the one role that just so happens to be immune to attacks? I don't buy it. Not for a second.

I'm not against lynching Devotary, but I'm not entirely sure I'm convinced on the arguments against her regarding her vote D1. And as for her role, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. We're all basing this off one claim from CadCom, and some (in my opinion) understandable hedging from Devotary. 

I understand not claiming exactly which role she had right away, when it's now apparent that it's a valuable role to whichever side she's on. If it's village, she'd become a quick spammer target just in case she can keep protecting herself. If she's spammer, then she becomes a quick target for village lynch. 

I'm willing to let her have one more night turn, mostly because I'm more suspicious of Fifth at the moment.

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4 minutes ago, Elandera said:

I'm not against lynching Devotary, but I'm not entirely sure I'm convinced on the arguments against her regarding her vote D1. And as for her role, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. We're all basing this off one claim from CadCom, and some (in my opinion) understandable hedging from Devotary. 

I understand not claiming exactly which role she had right away, when it's now apparent that it's a valuable role to whichever side she's on. If it's village, she'd become a quick spammer target just in case she can keep protecting herself. If she's spammer, then she becomes a quick target for village lynch. 

I'm willing to let her have one more night turn, mostly because I'm more suspicious of Fifth at the moment.

That's completely fair. If I didn't think Crimsn had a likelihood of being Babaji of all Spammers, I wouldn't care so much. I just really don't want to deal with the headache of a conversion. After all the claims that happened today I see a lot of fruits ripe for the picking.

Edited by Adavantos
added just
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41 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Well, we will see how this goes. : )

Hmm, I don't see a priest or representative for @Mailliw772, so I hope you won't mind me declaring myself as your temporary mortal... accomplice(?)

Memoirs of an Everyday Person: Article IV

See, each deity seems to want to push for a certain concept or concepts:
Alvron - Luck/Chaos
Wilson - Intelligence/Understanding
Orlok - Control
Meta(bard/cog)nition - Honestly I have no idea. Creation or something?
Fifth Scholar - Something between Democracy and Anarchy

And what about Mailliw? 

You can get lucky, but what does it matter if you don't realize you are lucky?
You can be intelligent, but what good is that intelligence doing for you if you are bored due to said intelligence?
What is the point of having control if you can't enjoy said control?

The most important thing in life, is being able to use and enjoy what you are given.  These are the lessons Mailliw has taught me, and now I consider it my responsibility to share my enlightenment with the rest of you.

According to Socrates, the "Supreme Good" for people is the act of pursuing happiness, as happiness is the only thing we strive for for the sake of itself, and not to gain another thing.
For example:
You don't want to be lucky to be lucky.  You want to be lucky so that [insert good thing] happens to you.
You don't want control for control's sake, you want it so you can either do or not do actions you do or don't like.

The only thing you will strive for, for it's own sake, is happiness.  And this is what Mailliw will teach you. As well as other things that may or may not be relevant to this discussion.

So join me, and together we will conquer the world! find a way for everyone to get the fullest out of their circumstances!

I must interrupt this heartwarming comment in order to do some fact corrections.

*takes off priest hat

First of all, Wilson is typically associated with Light, the soft morning glow and harsh afternoon glare alike. Meta, in the old order, was death, clean and simple. Not the gloat of an enemy or the sobs of those left behind, but the creeping inevitability that takes all without judgement. And finally, of course, we come to Orlok.

Orlok is easy to satirize, hard to understand. The basic persona is that of a rules-lawyering tyrant in the making who would impose British culture on everybody. I've been satirizing him all game as this, and many times before this game, but that is not who he is as a mod deity, or should be.

If I had to describe what Orlok represents, I'd say that he's an attempt to understand. Humanity's struggles to find a semblance of how or why things happen the way they do, our best construction against the chaos and pain of this world. That doesn't mean that he's right, or we're right. If you know him, he takes great joy in debating anything, and often will argue against his own beliefs, just to mess with you. For him, part of the joy is in the process, the observation, inference, and updating of our models of how we think the world works.

 In a loose way, this could be considered to be control -- but barely. Do you control the weather because you hear that there's an 80% of rain and take your umbrella with you? Of course not. But someone in a bad mood who didn't bring their umbrella can take solace from knowing that rain is just precipitation of water, and that it is not a malicious act of the world, even if now they are sopping wet and every footstep squelches. In the same way, one can draw comfort from being able to understand why the world works as it does, and plan around it, even if they cannot stop it.

*ends preaching

As the person who first talked up Orlok's persona from nothing, I feel like he deserves to be more than the cardboard cutout mock terror of a 15 year old's imagination :P

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15 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

And... I still have no idea what he's talking about. 

Sapphire Elephant. SE. 

Storm it Ada. Devotary. I hate changing my vote late but you have a decent point and I’m really confused between the two of them and I’m tired so we’ll see. 

Edited by tiny wilson
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3 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

That's completely fair. If I didn't think Crimsn had a likelihood of being Babaji of all Spammers, I wouldn't care so much. I just really don't want to deal with the headache of a conversion. After all the claims that happened today I see a lot of fruits ripe for the picking.

So your reasoning for thinking she's Babaji is that the role is important enough that she'd be protected by her teammates indefinitely until the ability is used?

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2 minutes ago, tiny wilson said:

Sapphire Elephant. SE. 

Storm it Ada. Devotary. I hate changing my vote late but you have a decent point and I’m really confused between the two of them and I’m tired so we’ll see. 

My tie!  My beautiful tie!

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Just now, tiny wilson said:

I’m not even sure what the votes are... I think I put it over the top, but idk and I’m going to bed any minute. Hopefully. 

It was 7-7 with Rands extra vote. It's now 8-6 on Devotary.

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I'll have an hour and a half from when I get home to read the thread and leave plenty of time to post. There won't be that much content between then and now, will there?

Ha. Hahaha. (Note: I'm pleased there's so much content. I just seriously miscalculated.)

Right. I want to get this out in time for people to react to it, so I'll be brief. Crimsn Chanarach.

First (and weakest), the timing of their claim feels kind of off, like they're trying to find a way to avoid suspicion rather than being open and honest.

25 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Firewall Expert? Eh. My own role is Super Active. We've seen Disciple of Herowannabe. I'm aware of four others, and they each have a very specific theme. The roles are undeniably meta, but for the exception of Multi-boxer, each one is specifically related to SE in some way. To me, it sounds like the Spammers didn't get many role claims in PMs and based this fake claim on the one role we've known from the beginning.

This was my exact thinking when I saw the role they claimed, and is probably my strongest source of suspicion. Glad someone got to this before I did. I can confirm that this matches with my own knowledge of the roles that exist right now.

Also, I'm inclined to trust Seventh Saint, and don't see a need to lynch them right now, and there's not time to create a new lynch, so Devotary seems like the obvious choice for that reason as well. Yes, Fifth has an extra life, but if I think there's a villager, I'd prefer them to keep that life for now until I have reason to doubt that claim.

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10 minutes ago, tiny wilson said:

Sapphire Elephant. SE. 

Storm it Ada. Devotary. I hate changing my vote late but you have a decent point and I’m really confused between the two of them and I’m tired so we’ll see. 


9 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:


Bingo! You win @tiny wilson you solved what Sapphire Elephant could not.

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