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2 minutes ago, Elandera said:

So your reasoning for thinking she's Babaji is that the role is important enough that she'd be protected by her teammates indefinitely until the ability is used?

After CadCom claimed they were the one who attacked Crimsn, this was Crimsn's immediate reaction.

15 hours ago, Crimsn Chanarach said:

I've had to spend most of my free time doing puzzle hunt, so I've mostly only had time to view the thread. Now that it's over, I will hopefully have more time to respond. 

A one use kill action, and you decided to use it night one to kill me. A one-time vigilante and a full time vigilante does make more sense than two vigilantes, though that presumes the circumstances under which you received your kill role cannot be replicated. I don't have time to respond more thoroughly now, but I am not Beirst, which can easily be proven by having an action successfully target me. I think the easiest way is for a vote manipulator to alter my vote for Xinoehp.

Followed by...

15 hours ago, Crimsn Chanarach said:

I am not the type of player who would immediately role claim upon a single vote being cast, even if I'd survived due to an extra life. If you really want me to claim a protection role, I can. If you see a better way for me to prove I'm not Beirst, I'm happy to move my vote to a more deliberative target.

Makes me think of a conversation in the Spammer Doc going like this:

  • Devotary: Dang, I can't believe voting on Temptation over Guest actually came back to bite me! Apparently someone tried to kill me last night and is now claiming it in thread. They think I'm Bierst.
  • Teammate #1: Well you're not Bierst, so we can get around this. Ask for a vote manipulator to prove it.
  • Devotary: Okay, got it.
  • Vodiyehi: Man what a close call. So glad I protected you.

Yes, I know I have a vivid imagination, and I jump to a lot of conclusions. But this progression feels a lot better explanation for Crimsn's immediate reaction as compared to that of a Villager.


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Just now, Sapphire Elephant said:

sits on tiny elephant no bingo prizes for you. 

Why are you sitting on small versions of yourself? That isn’t what they mean by babysitting. 

Edited by tiny wilson
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2 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Makes me think of a conversation in the Spammer Doc going like this:

  • Devotary: Dang, I can't believe voting on Temptation over Guest actually came back to bite me! Apparently someone tried to kill me last night and is now claiming it in thread. They think I'm Bierst.
  • Teammate #1: Well you're not Bierst, so we can get around this. Ask for a vote manipulator to prove it.
  • Devotary: Okay, got it.
  • Vodiyehi: Man what a close call. So glad I protected you.

Yes, I know I have a vivid imagination, and I jump to a lot of conclusions. But this progression feels a lot better explanation for Crimsn's immediate reaction as compared to that of a Villager.


That's a reasonable progression to her being Spammer. I'll go ahead and switch my vote. Devotary, just in case there's any vote shenanigans we aren't already accounting for, especially with the suspect role name claim.

Edited by Elandera
Also, in the time it took to write this very short reply, I was ninja'd several times. I enjoy the activity, but man! I agree with Tiny. It's difficult to keep up!
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36 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Honestly I find this extremely concerning. A lot of people have come out of the woodwork to save Devotary and for what, exactly? Because they claimed to be the one role that just so happens to be immune to attacks? I don't buy it. Not for a second.

Firewall Expert? Eh. My own role is Super Active. We've seen Disciple of Herowannabe. I'm aware of four others, and they each have a very specific theme. The roles are undeniably meta, but for the exception of Multi-boxer, each one is specifically related to SE in some way. To me, it sounds like the Spammers didn't get many role claims in PMs and based this fake claim on the one role we've known from the beginning.

I think Devotary is Babaji. I think that he was protected by Vodiyehi, because Babaji is probably they're most valuable role with it's conversion and extra kill. I think they were trying to save it so they could maximize the effectiveness of both abilities, and now they're trying to prolong his death to at least manage one. Some people might be willing to give Devotary the benefit of the doubt, but really? I think it's way too risky. Even if I'm wrong about this, from my point of view they are 100% the best, most logical lynch target today. Sorry to say.

Also, the role that killed Roadwalker? Its targets need to meet very specific conditions. I can tell already Devotary won't meet them tonight, meaning we can't prove their claim.

So the vigilante claimed to you  and described their exact role description? I suppose it doesn't matter, as you've found a slightly more permanent way for me to prove my role. Perhaps after I'm dead, you can figure out what my role was referencing. I got to Pyromancer and Burnt Spaghetti, but wasn't really sure on either. For future games, I now know that roleclaiming early to random strangers can be a good idea. Good luck, eliminators!

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13 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

The SE. I'm ranting with a bit of rage right now. 


3 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

sits on tiny wilson no bingo prizes for you. 

Little sapphire elephant, all a-hopping with rage...

Yes I am trollposting now. I've made my vote and see no reason to repeat my reasons for it, especially when Ada is doing that so well for me.

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1 minute ago, Crimsn Chanarach said:

So the vigilante claimed to you  and described their exact role description? I suppose it doesn't matter, as you've found a slightly more permanent way for me to prove my role. Perhaps after I'm dead, you can figure out what my role was referencing. I got to Pyromancer and Burnt Spaghetti, but wasn't really sure on either. For future games, I now know that roleclaiming early to random strangers can be a good idea. Good luck, eliminators!

I am sorry, Devotary, if you aren’t evil. Today has confused the storms out of me. I’m hoping the some roles can clear up a couple of these people for us tomorrow. I swear to use your death for good if you are good. 

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Just now, High Priest of Lord Tekiel said:


Little sapphire elephant, all a-hopping with rage...

Yes I am trollposting now. I've made my vote and see no reason to repeat my reasons for it, especially when Ada is doing that so well for me.

same I just don't care anymore, especially when I'm being emotionally destroyed. 

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Just now, Crimsn Chanarach said:

So the vigilante claimed to you  and described their exact role description? I suppose it doesn't matter, as you've found a slightly more permanent way for me to prove my role. Perhaps after I'm dead, you can figure out what my role was referencing. I got to Pyromancer and Burnt Spaghetti, but wasn't really sure on either. For future games, I now know that roleclaiming early to random strangers can be a good idea. Good luck, eliminators!

I'm aware of the person who killed Roadwalker, yes. I passed the info that Roadwalker was dying to Aranduensis, which probably clears him even without him proving his extra vote, since if he was a Spammer he could have likely got a protection order on him. I sincerely am sorry if you're telling the truth, too. There are just a lot of questions and coincidences, and sadly it is very hard to prove your claim, especially without PMs. If Jon didn't die I would have probably held back more to arrange something in the background.

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6 minutes ago, High Priest of Lord Tekiel said:

I must interrupt this heartwarming comment in order to do some fact corrections.

*takes off priest hat

First of all, Wilson is typically associated with Light, the soft morning glow and harsh afternoon glare alike. Meta, in the old order, was death, clean and simple. Not the gloat of an enemy or the sobs of those left behind, but the creeping inevitability that takes all without judgement. And finally, of course, we come to Orlok.

Orlok is easy to satirize, hard to understand. The basic persona is that of a rules-lawyering tyrant in the making who would impose British culture on everybody. I've been satirizing him all game as this, and many times before this game, but that is not who he is as a mod deity, or should be.

If I had to describe what Orlok represents, I'd say that he's an attempt to understand. Humanity's struggles to find a semblance of how or why things happen the way they do, our best construction against the chaos and pain of this world. That doesn't mean that he's right, or we're right. If you know him, he takes great joy in debating anything, and often will argue against his own beliefs, just to mess with you. For him, part of the joy is in the process, the observation, inference, and updating of our models of how we think the world works.

 In a loose way, this could be considered to be control -- but barely. Do you control the weather because you hear that there's an 80% of rain and take your umbrella with you? Of course not. But someone in a bad mood who didn't bring their umbrella can take solace from knowing that rain is just precipitation of water, and that it is not a malicious act of the world, even if now they are sopping wet and every footstep squelches. In the same way, one can draw comfort from being able to understand why the world works as it does, and plan around it, even if they cannot stop it.

*ends preaching

As the person who first talked up Orlok's persona from nothing, I feel like he deserves to be more than the cardboard cutout mock terror of a 15 year old's imagination :P

I apologize for any incorrect assumptions or interpretations on my part.  For instance, all I truly know of Wilson is from my LG49 GM-PM, which really wasn't much more than a little RP between Orlok, Wilson and myself, though was biased by the fact she claimed Honour.  And I know literally nothing of Metacognition, so that was based purely off of Metabardnition's post.

That being said:

Your counter argument actually does very little to counter my argument, and instead preys upon the poor TL;DR readers who are likely skimming if at all reading these posts.  In common political manner, you use my wording in your response ("Control", "Joy", "Understanding"), yet fail to address the core of my message.

In fact, you argue my point for me! Should I keep beating around the bush, or actually address what I am addressing... That is the question...

You say that "[Orlok] takes great joy in debating anything". Yes, he takes joy in debating.  But what if his followers don't enjoy debating? Are they debated with anyway? Are they rejected as followers? The difference between Orlok and Mailliw is that Maill's priority is the communal enjoyment, not an individuals.

Also, what inherant good does that understanding provide? Would you rather be in a community full of people that prioritize knowledge above all, including health and happiness, or a community of people that still care about knowledge and learning, but reconize that the importance in the learning is the people, not the knowledge itself?

Also just a note, I want to be clear that this is not intended to be derogatory towards Orlok's community.  I believe using Mailliw's philosophy, we should all be able to live together in Harmony.  However, I think there may be some fundamental disagreements as the the order of priorities, which is the primary concern.
(I also had no intention to diminish your hard work by attempting to summarize it into a single word)

(Just reread my post. I love that I just automatically capitalized the word "Harmony". I think I will leave it like that...)

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