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Let's just all role claim while were at it. 

I'm an eliminator. I have the special ability of joining Sanderson Elimination games in order to try to get rid of spam bots! Oh wait that's everyone else's role too? Dang it

Edit: does anyone know the mobile code for strikethroughs?

Double edit: Nevermind. I figured it out. Its [*strike][*/strike] without the stars if anyone wants to know. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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4 minutes ago, Elandera said:

That was the impression of Rath's claim, which he says falsely returned a village elim scan on Devotary.

Rath would have taken this action while Temptation was still alive, so it is possible he was their target, which is why he was able to target Dev?

Oh, Rath said it was a day action right? Dev would have self targeted during the night to avoid CadComs kill, meaning she could have been targeted during the day... So either Rath is lying (I think unlikely), was targetted by Temptation, or there are some weird role things going on we still dont know about.

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@Cadmium Compounder didnt you say you attacked Devotary N1 as well?

I suppose we just dont know the extent of Temptation's role, so raths action may have failed, but fed back a false positive?

Rath, is there anyone you roleclaimed to or who knew you were targetting Devorary?

(Sorry, on mobile right now)

Edited by Furamirionind
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Yes, I attacked devotary as well, but they survived. That's it. It didnt say my action failed, it didnt say it was redirected, it just said that they survived. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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1 minute ago, Furamirionind said:

@Cadmium Compounder didnt you say you attacked Devotary N1 as well?

I suppose we just dont know the extent of Temptation's role, so raths action may have failed, but fed back a false positive?

Rath, is there anyone you roleclaimed to or who knew you were targetting Devorary?

(Sorry, on mobile right now)

I actually have a bit of information about the temptation role because joe wanted me to pick up temptation and then get converted (I turned him down). Apparently there was a list of what temptation would do to each and every role, all of which was bad for us (therefore why I didn’t pick it up), it seems pretty logical that a scan role answer with temptation would cause the role to uncover a false result. 

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2 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Oh, are we just all role claiming? Sounds good. My role is a Chronic Inactive. I have, oddly, the same ability as @NotASteelClone, but as far as I know I don't scan as anything special. 

Huh, that’s odd. I mean you can scan me if you want, unfortunately I was stupid and picked up the Herowannabe disciple role in an attempt to restore PMs. Needless to say, it didn’t work. So my main way of proving my role is being scanned, which isn’t my favorite thing in the world. 

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1 minute ago, NotASteelClone said:

Huh, that’s odd. I mean you can scan me if you want, unfortunately I was stupid and picked up the Herowannabe disciple role in an attempt to restore PMs. Needless to say, it didn’t work. So my main way of proving my role is being scanned, which isn’t my favorite thing in the world. 

*asked Joe about herowannabe*

How would I scan you, exactly? Or are you just generally talking to everyone? 

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Just now, Kidpen said:

*asked Joe about herowannabe*

How would I scan you, exactly? Or are you just generally talking to everyone? 

That would have been the smart thing to do, yeah. And I was talking in general. I think it might be a reference to my previous work as a neutral, without me being a neutral in fact? I’m not entirely sure how Joe’s brain works. 

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1 hour ago, NotASteelClone said:

You know I have to say I’m impressed at how active this game is. There’s actually a significant amount of discussion going on, and it’s nice to see. 

Just a little bit of discussion, yeah. :P I’m having a bit of trouble keeping up, and had a generally busy day, but if I survive tonight I’ll try cobbling something together tomorrow. I’d still like to take a close look at both Rath and Steel. 

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2 hours ago, Mailliw772 said:

@Furamirionind No, I do not have a doc to talk in.

I would like to note that on Friday (which I believe was D1), Lum PMed me saying that she had an extra win condition to convert players toward her goals. Most notably, she said that this alliance could involve spammers. Thus, I do not believe that she is nearly as village-aligned as she has claimed, though I do not believe her to be a spammer.

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Alright. I can't help but feel all these role claims are a bad idea (even if you don't think you have a powerful role, it narrows down the pool for those who do, like the vigilante.)

Anyway, I may as well do a list like Ada and Fura, so here goes:

  1. Elandera
  2. @May I suggest The Only Joe
  3. xinoehp512
  4. Furamirionind
  5. Adavantos
  6. Crimsn Chanarach
  7. Aranduensis
  8. NotASteelClone
  9. I think I am here.
  10. Seventh Saint
  11. Cadmium Compounder
  12. Mailliw772
  13. Snipexe
  14. alVoidus
  15. |257|-|
  16. Araris Valerian
  17. High Priest of Lord Tekiel
  18. Kidpen
  19. tiny wilson
  20. Sapphire Elephant
  21. Walin

I was much more suspicious of Maill, but CadCom's argument makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised if they're true Neutral instead of Neutral Village, but even so, that's not a problem for us.

Alv's claim seems trustworthy to me, and is in line with the kind of trollish behaviour I'd expect from Joe. Plus, it's fairly easily verifiable, and I don't think a Spambot would make a claim that can so easily be disproven.

Ada (who's template I scrimped off of, since most of our reads seem to be quite similar this game) had Xino marked as suspicious - I don't remember seeing something that made me lean either way, but if there's some evidence I'm missing, please let me know.

Well, those are my reads. Hopefully I didn't just catch the Vigilante for the Spambots by undoing Ada's spoofing (the only other games I've seen with this much roleclaiming going around are the Shard games - this, strangely, feels almost like a spiritual successor to me, even though they're completely different narratively). :P

Meta waited for Wilson, one of their oldest companions, to come back online. It wasn't like her to go inactive like this - she should have posted by now. Idly, Meta flicked over to Wilson's profile, to see what was going on.

"This account was banned on 26th March, 2019."

What? Meta didn't have the powers to undo this - his mod powers had been stripped since he'd gone inactive for so long - why would anyone ban Wilson? She clearly wasn't a spambot, as anyone with half an eye could see. It must have been a Spammer who managed to do it, trying to stop Wilson from getting too close to the truth.

Meta sent off a PM to the mods, but he wasn't optimistic about them replying any time soon - they were all too busy reading Rhythms of War, lucky people. In the meantime, Meta would just have to figure out the rest of the Spambots himself.

He smiled.

The Spambots didn't know what they'd unleashed.

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3 hours ago, Metabardnition said:
  1. Elandera
  2. @May I suggest The Only Joe
  3. xinoehp512
  4. Furamirionind
  5. Adavantos
  6. Crimsn Chanarach
  7. Aranduensis
  8. NotASteelClone
  9. I think I am here.
  10. Seventh Saint
  11. Cadmium Compounder
  12. Mailliw772
  13. Snipexe
  14. alVoidus
  15. |257|-|
  16. Araris Valerian
  17. High Priest of Lord Tekiel
  18. Kidpen
  19. tiny wilson
  20. Sapphire Elephant
  21. Walin

@Contribution_Crusader. I dont know if you'll see this before the turn is over, but using this list and the code I made up the previous turn, I would be pretty okay with a kill on "e".

Anyway, in case this is where I bite the dust, good luck Eliminators!

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