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Welcome, Taken, character added to the OP!

Welcome back Per!

I'll be putting up another TKND thread in a bit, which should hopefully make this a bit more active.


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On 11/12/2020 at 2:48 PM, AonEne said:

Welcome, Taken, character added to the OP!

Welcome back Per!

I'll be putting up another TKND thread in a bit, which should hopefully make this a bit more active.


Wait, what do you mean by another thread. Like a TKND part 2?


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I haz finished character! Here she is!


Name: Lissa Streving

Age: Sixteen years old

Gender: Female, she/her

Spren: A Cryptic, nicknamed Fib that appears as a small, spherical fractal, constantly moving and changing shape.

Radiant Status: A Lightweaver. Has spoken her first truth. (2nd Ideal, basically.)

Appearance: A somewhat short, blonde girl with long hair tied back in a ponytail. Almost always wears a blue cap over her head, with a matching jacket or sweater. Wears a grey, dotted mini-skirt, and light grey tights, with blue sneakers.

Personality: Surprisingly enough for a Lightweaver, she acts quite outgoing and friendly, often going out of her way to strike up friendly conversations or keep the tone light- Although truthfully this is mostly because she is terrified of being disregarded or hated again, and acts this way so she won’t drag people down by being anything other than optimistic and happy, in an effort to keep people around.

History: Lissa grew up in a very harsh family, and although she managed to avoid the worst of her parent’s ire, they always regarded her with disdain, especially after certain events. When she manifested her powers, her parents called her a freak and tried to force her to break her bond with Fib. Eventually, Lissa left, unable to take the abuse anymore, and let Fib guide her to wherever she was going.



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You guys can knock on the door! We have a few characters who'll be able to answer, I believe. I sadly can't, becaue Cassie is busy staring in shock at Shana and Rob. :P These are all the people who are in the house right now, I think: 

@Wyndlerunner @Tesh @Channelknight Fadran @Aragorn @Lunamor @xinoehp512 @EmiTheNinja @Bookish Ocelot @Eluvianii @The_Archivist 

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You got it! Writing time go brr-

"... Holy crap this place is huge."

Lissa Streving, Lightweaver of the Knights Radiant, or so Fib told her, stared up at the large building incredously.

 "This has got to be the wrong place, right Fib?" 

She glanced to the ground next to her, where a strange, spherical shaped thing seemed to bulge out of the ground, it's shape shifting and changing like a fractal. It buzzed strangely, not responding for a moment.

Mmmm.... Fib does not think it is incorrect.... Mmm, but Fib has been incorrect before. The signs all seem to point to here, however. If it is incorrect, it is most interesting to Fib s...

She sighed, shaking her head. "Never a straight answer, huh Fib?
... Fib does not understand. Fib's linguistic has little to do with shape or lines, so how could- Ahhh, is this another of those figure-giving-speeches? Yes yes, Fib understand now, Ma- Lissa was referring to the vagueness of Fib's answer, yes yes.

The so-called "Cryptic" buzzed happily, as if proud of itself. Realizing she wasn't likely to get more out of it, she sighed again, ringing the doorknob. 

"If I get in trouble for this it'll be your fault- Hey! Hello? Is anyone home?" Her tone changed from annoyed to happy and cheerful almost instantly.

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19 minutes ago, Empress Stick said:

"... Holy crap this place is huge."

Lissa Streving, Lightweaver of the Knights Radiant, or so Fib told her, stared up at the large building incredously.

 "This has got to be the wrong place, right Fib?" 

She glanced to the ground next to her, where a strange, spherical shaped thing seemed to bulge out of the ground, it's shape shifting and changing like a fractal. It buzzed strangely, not responding for a moment.

Mmmm.... Fib does not think it is incorrect.... Mmm, but Fib has been incorrect before. The signs all seem to point to here, however. If it is incorrect, it is most interesting to Fib s...

She sighed, shaking her head. "Never a straight answer, huh Fib?
... Fib does not understand. Fib's linguistic has little to do with shape or lines, so how could- Ahhh, is this another of those figure-giving-speeches? Yes yes, Fib understand now, Ma- Lissa was referring to the vagueness of Fib's answer, yes yes.

The so-called "Cryptic" buzzed happily, as if proud of itself. Realizing she wasn't likely to get more out of it, she sighed again, ringing the doorknob. 

"If I get in trouble for this it'll be your fault- Hey! Hello? Is anyone home?" Her tone changed from annoyed to happy and cheerful almost instantly.

Nym, who had been summoning a shardspork and disolving it over and over and over again, you know, like you do, when she heard the doorbell being rung.

"I can get it!"  She opened the door and was met with a girl.

"Hello." She said, smiling.

Lopen buzzed, mmmmm.... another one.

She quirked her eyebrow at him, but said nothing, instead turning to the person at the door.

"What can I do for you?"

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Luke had made a bad decision. Yes, he was uncomfortable in his home life, but at least he had food, potable water, and a place to sleep up until leaving his home earlier that day. Still, he stared at the mansion across the street from him. "You're sure this is the right place, Silk?"

Silk jumped off his shoulder, growing to human size. A normal size. Silk took the appearance of a man in his early thirties, except everything about him was in shades of black and grey. "As sure as reasonably possible. I am fairly certain I have seen multiple spren around this area." Luke sighed, then glanced back over to the house when he noticed someone knocking at the door. A girl in their late teens.

"I think we should wait until they go in. Sit back, see what happens. Can't hurt to be careful." Luke glanced back at Silk, looking for an answer.

After a pause, Silk shrank back down and Luke proffered him a hand back onto his shoulder. Then, they waited.

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2 hours ago, Empress Stick said:

She looked down at the... What was she? Twelve? Yeah, let's go with that. She looked down at the twelve year old girl with confusion, frowning.

"... Shoot, uh- Are your parents here? Maybe an older sibling?"

This was almost definitely the wrong place- Couldn't hurt to check, however. 

"Uhhh.."  Nym didn't know quite how to answer this.

"Don't have any, now how can I help you?" Nym asked, again

you already said that, ya dingus. Lopen said, innocently.

"Dingus?"  She questioned aloud, looking at Lopen.

I heard some people say it that one time!!! Lopen replied, extatic.

"Well then..." Nym shrugged and looked away from Lopen and back at the girl.

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Now the girl was talking to herself? And what was with the strange hesitation? Maybe she had some kind of imaginary friend or- ... Wait, imaginary friend? Was this girl like her? But, she couldn't see another Liespren- Er, Cryptic she had been told to call them- Around her. Fib buzzed on the ground, plainly visible to anyone who cared to notice.

Crap- If she's normal then I shouldn't let her see Fib-

She stepped forward slightly, angling her foot as to block view of Fib. 

"Er- I was well-" Quick, think of a good excuse! "I was told to come here, kinda. Do you know anyone here that would know about that?"

It came out awkwardly, and likely a bit too close to the truth. Still, what's done is done, she'd just have to roll with it if it turned out this really was the wrong place.


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18 minutes ago, Empress Stick said:

Now the girl was talking to herself? And what was with the strange hesitation? Maybe she had some kind of imaginary friend or- ... Wait, imaginary friend? Was this girl like her? But, she couldn't see another Liespren- Er, Cryptic she had been told to call them- Around her. Fib buzzed on the ground, plainly visible to anyone who cared to notice.

Crap- If she's normal then I shouldn't let her see Fib-

She stepped forward slightly, angling her foot as to block view of Fib. 

"Er- I was well-" Quick, think of a good excuse! "I was told to come here, kinda. Do you know anyone here that would know about that?"

It came out awkwardly, and likely a bit too close to the truth. Still, what's done is done, she'd just have to roll with it if it turned out this really was the wrong place.


"Oh..."  Nym's posture changed, realization dawning.

Told you. Lopen snggered.  "Shut up."  She hissed at him.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about... spren?"  Nym asked, piles of excuses going through her mind at once if the girl said no.

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25 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

"Oh..."  Nym's posture changed, realization dawning.

Told you. Lopen snggered.  "Shut up."  She hissed at him.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about... spren?"  Nym asked, piles of excuses going through her mind at once if the girl said no.

So she does know something! She must have one too, that's who she keeps talking to!

She nodded, relieved. 

"Yeah, I uh- I have one myself. I assume that's the person you're telling to shut up?"

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11 minutes ago, Empress Stick said:

So she does know something! She must have one too, that's who she keeps talking to!

She nodded, relieved. 

"Yeah, I uh- I have one myself. I assume that's the person you're telling to shut up?"

Nym looked down "Yeah.". She bit her lip, hoping someone would come save her.  Alas, no help came and she looked at the girl, " The name's Nym. " She said, offering her hand. "I'm a Windrunner of the seco-no, Third Ideal."

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