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1 minute ago, Aragorn said:

Nym looked down "Yeah.". She bit her lip, hoping someone would come save her.  Alas, no help came and she looked at the girl, " The name's Nym. " She said, offering her hand. "I'm a Windrunner of the seco-no, Third Ideal."

"Nym, huh?"

That was an odd. It fit though, an odd name for an odd girl. She cocked her head at that last part, but took her hand.

What the heck is a Windrunner? Some kind of track team? And what's this about Ideals?

Fib had mentioned something about the First Ideal, but had said after that she... What was it again? Right, Lightweavers- Whatever that meant- were different from the others, they spoke truths instead of ideals.

Windrunners must be one of the "others" it mentioned.

Lissa thought to herself. Well, it didn't really matter anyway, she could ask more about it later.

"My name is M- Er, Lissa. Lissa Streving, Lightweaver of the... First Truth?" 
She shrugged at that last part, but shook her hand

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On 11/16/2020 at 6:35 PM, Empress Stick said:

"Nym, huh?"

That was an odd. It fit though, an odd name for an odd girl. She cocked her head at that last part, but took her hand.

What the heck is a Windrunner? Some kind of track team? And what's this about Ideals?

Fib had mentioned something about the First Ideal, but had said after that she... What was it again? Right, Lightweavers- Whatever that meant- were different from the others, they spoke truths instead of ideals.

Windrunners must be one of the "others" it mentioned.

Lissa thought to herself. Well, it didn't really matter anyway, she could ask more about it later.

"My name is M- Er, Lissa. Lissa Streving, Lightweaver of the... First Truth?" 
She shrugged at that last part, but shook her hand

"Oh, ok, ummm..."  Nym looked around, not sure if she was allowed to invite Lissa in or not.  Looking around and finding nobody, she asked,

"Do you want to come inside, maybe?"

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50 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

"Oh, ok, ummm..."  Nym looked around, not sure if she was allowed to invite Lissa in or not.  Looking around and finding nobody, she asked,

"Do you want to come inside, maybe?"

She hesitated, peeking inside at the large house. Was it really a good idea to go into some random house, full of strangers?
It'll be fine- If I need to, I can just use- No, no no, you promised you wouldn't do that again- They'll call you a freak, just like them- But, aren't they supposed to be like me? 

She wavered, unsure for a moment before looking down at Fib and whispering to him.

"What do you think, Fib?"

The Cryptic hummed to itself, sliding forward and inside the house. Well, at least it was something. She shrugged, following him inside and marveling at the inside of the house.

"... Holy crap-"

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Edwin got up from his chair and walked toward the entrance, Twinkle flying ahead. He had heard Nym when she went to open the door but now someone else seemed to be coming in.

"Nym? Who was it?" Edwin asked as he saw a new face stepping into the house. 

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6 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Edwin got up from his chair and walked toward the entrance, Twinkle flying ahead. He had heard Nym when she went to open the door but now someone else seemed to be coming in.

"Nym? Who was it?" Edwin asked as he saw a new face stepping into the house. 

She blinked, looking up at the bespectacled man, and paused. 

Is he one of them too...?

"Er- I'm Lissa, sorry. Nice to meet you?"

She waved a bit nervously to the stranger, while Fib continued across the floor, buzzing to itself.

Stupid little- What are you doing?! 

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10 hours ago, Empress Stick said:

She blinked, looking up at the bespectacled man, and paused. 

Is he one of them too...?

"Er- I'm Lissa, sorry. Nice to meet you?"

She waved a bit nervously to the stranger, while Fib continued across the floor, buzzing to itself.

Stupid little- What are you doing?! 


Holy storms, Ed uses glasses! I somehow didn't remember.

"I'm Edwin." he said to the new girl. Was she a visitor? Or was she a Radiant? This house was like a magnet for people with powers.

He was trying to come up with a way to ask her about magic without sounding suspicious when Twinkle streaked through the air and stopped right in front of Lisa's face. Wait, don't tell me. Had she become visible? 

Should he say something? For now he waited to see if she reacted. No need for explanations if he was just assuming things. As he decided this he thought he saw movement on the floor. Was he imagining things? No, first things first. Though the idea of shapes moving through the floor seemed familiar... 

Edited by Eluvianii
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15 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

"I'm Edwin." he said to the new girl. Was she a visitor? Or was she a Radiant? This house was like a magnet for people with powers.

He was trying to come up with a way to ask her about magic without sounding suspicious when Twinkle streaked through the air and stopped right in front of Lisa's face. Wait, don't tell me. Had she become visible? 

Should he say something? For now he waited to see if she reacted. No need for explanations if he was just assuming things. As he decided this he thought he saw movement on the floor. Was he imagining things? No, first things first. Though the idea of shapes moving through the floor seemed familiar... 

"Well er- It's nice to meet you Ed-" 

She cut off, as a strange, small thing suddenly popped in her face.


She stumbled back, nearly falling over.

"Geez- A bit of warning would be nice-" 

Lissa paused, glancing back to Edwin.

"I don't suppose that little thing's yours?"

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5 hours ago, Empress Stick said:

"Well er- It's nice to meet you Ed-" 

She cut off, as a strange, small thing suddenly popped in her face.


She stumbled back, nearly falling over.

"Geez- A bit of warning would be nice-" 

Lissa paused, glancing back to Edwin.

"I don't suppose that little thing's yours?"

Lissa seemed surprised but not scared. Well, scared too, but a different kind of scared. That was a relief.

"The floating ball of light is called Twinkle and she should think before doing something like that." he said glaring at her for a moment. Though would it matter? Could normal people see spren when they wanted to be seen? He hadn't thought about that. 

"You don't seem too surprised though. I assume you have one too?" 

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1 hour ago, Eluvianii said:

Lissa seemed surprised but not scared. Well, scared too, but a different kind of scared. That was a relief.

"The floating ball of light is called Twinkle and she should think before doing something like that." he said glaring at her for a moment. Though would it matter? Could normal people see spren when they wanted to be seen? He hadn't thought about that. 

"You don't seem too surprised though. I assume you have one too?" 

She nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I do- It's name is Fib." 

She glanced down, where Fib seemed to be bumping into the wall, over and over like a roomba.

".... I think it's broken though."

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James overheard something of the commotion near the entryway, and arose from his stupor. "The new ones keep coming, and they don't stop coming" he said, speaking to no one in particular. He walked into the entryway, where Ed and Nym were greeting the new girl. Judging by the Cryptic, it would seem we've got a Lightweaver on our hands he thought, as he raised his hand in a static wave "Hey there, nice to meet you!" he said, enthusiastically, "Name's James Freeman, Bondsmith of the Fourth Ideal. Welcome to our humble abode"

@Empress Stick

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Edwin followed Lisa's gaze. There it was! So it was something familiar. There was a shape on the floor. A spren. Its behavior was, strange, however. "...I'm sure you guys will work it out." 

At that moment he saw James arriving too. The entrance would soon be cramped. For the moment he watched the scene unfold, it should be easier now. Sure, Edwin had been living here for months already, but the presence and authority of a Bondsmith were always reassuring.

@Empress Stick @Wyndlerunner @Aragorn

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 hour ago, Ookla the Divine Blade said:



It says the characters only know about Aon Dor, Allomancy, Feruchemy and surgebinding.


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53 minutes ago, Somebody from Sel said:
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It says the characters only know about Aon Dor, Allomancy, Feruchemy and surgebinding.



Yeah. At the beginning they only knew about surgebinding but other people started joining. So that line would mean that there are still other magic systems in the Cosmere that have not entered the story. Though Ene is the boss here so she's the one that can approve things. 


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40 minutes ago, Flyingbooks42 said:

I'd like to join as the Truthwatcher in the second set. Is there any format that I should follow or any particular detail that I should includei n my character sheet? What's happened since the beginning that I should be aware of?


Yay new person! Just so you know, whenever we have non-rp posts we put the text in a quote box like this to prevent any confusion. In the character sheet, it is recommended that you include your character’s name, appearance, personality, oath level (1st oath, 2nd oath, ect.), spren description, any weakness, and a short backstory. Currently, there’s a group of characters secretly uncovering corruption in the Knight Radiant system. A few new characters have also arrived. If your character needs someone to talk to when they join, mine is free. I will tag AonEne, the OP of this thread, so she will see your character sheet and add you to the first post. (The first post also has filled out character sheets that can be used as examples as well as some useful information on what is/has happened in the rp.)

@Ookla the Intimidating

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial

Hey I'll join as an Amberite bond will edit the sheet in in a second

Name: Romero Actinciono (this is a pretty standard Brazilian name)

Investiture: Amberit bond

Backstory: Romero was born to two Brazilian immigrants and is a bilingual (fun fact that I'm stealing from a Brazilian friend of mine, he speaks Brazilian with an American accent). He was raised on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and when he got older he went on to learn several other martial arts. He got his Amberite bond from his mother's side of the family.

Personality: He's a bit if a joker, but he can get quite serious at times.


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On 11/27/2020 at 1:30 PM, Somebody from Sel said:
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Hey I'll join as an Amberite bond will edit the sheet in in a second

Name: Romero Actinciono (this is a pretty standard Brazilian name)

Investiture: Amberit bond

Backstory: Romero was born to two Brazilian immigrants and is a bilingual (fun fact that I'm stealing from a Brazilian friend of mine, he speaks Brazilian with an American accent). He was raised on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and when he got older he went on to learn several other martial arts. He got his Amberite bond from his mother's side of the family.

Personality: He's a bit if a joker, but he can get quite serious at times.



Pardon my asking but what's an amberite?


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On 11/22/2020 at 10:43 PM, Ookla the Divine Blade said:

Edwin followed Lisa's gaze. There it was! So it was something familiar. There was a shape on the floor. A spren. Its behavior was, strange, however. "...I'm sure you guys will work it out." 

At that moment he saw James arriving too. The entrance would soon be cramped. For the moment he watched the scene unfold, it should be easier now. Sure, Edwin had been living here for months already, but the presence and authority of a Bondsmith were always reassuring.

@Empress Stick @Wyndlerunner @Aragorn

On 11/20/2020 at 11:38 PM, Ookla the Unamused said:

James overheard something of the commotion near the entryway, and arose from his stupor. "The new ones keep coming, and they don't stop coming" he said, speaking to no one in particular. He walked into the entryway, where Ed and Nym were greeting the new girl. Judging by the Cryptic, it would seem we've got a Lightweaver on our hands he thought, as he raised his hand in a static wave "Hey there, nice to meet you!" he said, enthusiastically, "Name's James Freeman, Bondsmith of the Fourth Ideal. Welcome to our humble abode"

@Empress Stick


Sorry I disappeared for a bit! Was busy with thanksgiving stuff, my apologies.

She looked to the new guy, and waved back, a small grin on her face. 

So many- They're all Radiants? I'll need to learn whatever the heck all these words are.

"Hello! Nice to meet you too, James. I'm Lissa, Lightweaver of... I think the second Ideal? Something like that."

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