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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
21 hours ago, Aon-CHRISTMAS-Ene said:

Shooting a Shana a quick look when she came down - I still need to talk to them about what they were doing up there - Cassie stepped forward. "Explain Amberite armor. Is that like Shardplate?" @Somebody from Sel @Sorana

"I don't know, what is Shardplate?"

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22 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

"I don't know, what is Shardplate?"

Taking a deep breath, she summoned hers, letting it fall lightly onto her in a matter of seconds. She left the helmet off. "It's this."

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
7 hours ago, Aon-CHRISTMAS-Ene said:

Taking a deep breath, she summoned hers, letting it fall lightly onto her in a matter of seconds. She left the helmet off. "It's this."

"It looks vaguely similar, mine comes on different though." He grows his Amberite, it grows from his palm out.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 hour ago, Aon-CHRISTMAS-Ene said:

"Okay," she said cautiously. He was something other than a Radiant, apparently. "And why did you..." She waved at the door vaguely.

"...I wanted to know what's inside."

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24 minutes ago, Somebody from Sel said:

"...I wanted to know what's inside."

"So you busted into our house." Cassie rubbed her forehead. "How have you not been arrested yet. Okay, well, hang on." She Transported herself to the Cognitive Realm, taking their hands, and brought the others back into the house.

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Shana frowned at the words. Taking down a door to know what was behind it? Even Mahad didn't go to such extremes.

"And who told you where to find us?" She asked while Cassie vanished for a while.  "Why this house?" It could be pure chance, or another enclave had told him where to go, or he had his own ways - there were way too many possibilities to ensure he hadn't been sent here by the enemy, but at least she could try. "We've got some cake in the kitchen, if you'd like to eat something. " She offered as some way to soften her other question. James disliked it, when she was to hard with new people.

@Somebody from Sel


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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
48 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Shana frowned at the words. Taking down a door to know what was behind it? Even Mahad didn't go to such extremes.

"And who told you where to find us?" She asked while Cassie vanished for a while.  "Why this house?" It could be pure chance, or another enclave had told him where to go, or he had his own ways - there were way too many possibilities to ensure he hadn't been sent here by the enemy, but at least she could try. "We've got some cake in the kitchen, if you'd like to eat something. " She offered as some way to soften her other question. James disliked it, when she was to hard with new people.

@Somebody from Sel


"I...felt from my Amberite to go here," then I saw them, he waves toward them. "It somehow confirmed my suspicion, so I went in, I was acting more than a little irrationally."

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6 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

"I...felt from my Amberite to go here," then I saw them, he waves toward them. "It somehow confirmed my suspicion, so I went in, I was acting more than a little irrationally."

“‘Irrational’. That’s one way to describe it,” Rob called out to the newcomer, making his way down the stairs. He stopped midway, leaning on the railing to get a better look at the strange armour. After the initial surprise of armour that grew out like an organic thing, Rob’s thoughts drifted to possible weaknesses. It seemed to grow from the guy’s hand. Weak spot?

Sighing, he stood up straighter and crossed his arms, steadying his gaze at the new kid, though as always he kept his face completely still. Unreadable. That way no one could find your own weak spots.

“You’re lucky no one tried to kill you. A door broken in? I would’ve.”

He knew Shana would have as well. He tried to suppress the surprise he felt at her questions of the newcomer. They were direct, but Rob didn’t expect the offering of food. Someone needed to be a bit harsh with this kid.

And then there was the other matter. For a moment he found his gaze locked on Cassie instead of the newcomer, studying her. Fifth Ideal, but no spren, right? Storms, looking for weaknesses in his friends was wrong, but Cassie was a witness. Would she consider their friendship when she told Doc what happened, told the rest of the Radiants?

Storms. They’d cross/burn/whatever that bridge when they got to it. Rob nodded to himself. That was the way.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
5 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“‘Irrational’. That’s one way to describe it,” Rob called out to the newcomer, making his way down the stairs. He stopped midway, leaning on the railing to get a better look at the strange armour. After the initial surprise of armour that grew out like an organic thing, Rob’s thoughts drifted to possible weaknesses. It seemed to grow from the guy’s hand. Weak spot?

Sighing, he stood up straighter and crossed his arms, steadying his gaze at the new kid, though as always he kept his face completely still. Unreadable. That way no one could find your own weak spots.

“You’re lucky no one tried to kill you. A door broken in? I would’ve.”

He knew Shana would have as well. He tried to suppress the surprise he felt at her questions of the newcomer. They were direct, but Rob didn’t expect the offering of food. Someone needed to be a bit harsh with this kid.

And then there was the other matter. For a moment he found his gaze locked on Cassie instead of the newcomer, studying her. Fifth Ideal, but no spren, right? Storms, looking for weaknesses in his friends was wrong, but Cassie was a witness. Would she consider their friendship when she told Doc what happened, told the rest of the Radiants?

Storms. They’d cross/burn/whatever that bridge when they got to it. Rob nodded to himself. That was the way.

"An Amberite bond can beat most overzealous Americans with a gun, don't know about you though. Especially if you have one of those, Shardthingies too."

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1 hour ago, Somebody from Sel said:

"An Amberite bond can beat most overzealous Americans with a gun, don't know about you though. Especially if you have one of those, Shardthingies too."

"Do you just...go around fighting people with guns?" Cassie asked, staring at him. Are we safe? He might not be sane. Where did Doc go...

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
11 minutes ago, AonEne said:

"Do you just...go around fighting people with guns?" Cassie asked, staring at him. Are we safe? He might not be sane. Where did Doc go...

"No, but my curiosity has gotten me in trouble before," he says, only a little shameful. 


I love how your characters are reacting to this, I hope I can make it clear he doesn't do this often. 


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On 28.12.2020 at 9:01 PM, Somebody from Sel said:

"No, but my curiosity has gotten me in trouble before," he says, only a little shameful. 

  Reveal hidden contents

I love how your characters are reacting to this, I hope I can make it clear he doesn't do this often. 


He was a fighter. Shana nodded curtly, relieved that Rob had shown up, too.

"Sounds as if you know how to handle your weapon. "She stated, wondering whether he might use this amberite of his. "How about a match? Friendly, nothing serious. "

Her eyes darted over to Rob wondering if he understood what she was aiming at. A match would allow them a closer look at his skills, making it easier to fight him. And it would quite easily show him that they weren't ones to be pushed around as well.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
10 hours ago, Sorana said:

He was a fighter. Shana nodded curtly, relieved that Rob had shown up, too.

"Sounds as if you know how to handle your weapon. "She stated, wondering whether he might use this amberite of his. "How about a match? Friendly, nothing serious. "

Her eyes darted over to Rob wondering if he understood what she was aiming at. A match would allow them a closer look at his skills, making it easier to fight him. And it would quite easily show him that they weren't ones to be pushed around as well.

"Sure, why not." He forms his armour and sword.


I'm not sure if Shardblades can cut Amberite or not, but for the sake of this fight let's not.

Also, he's been raised to not put value on the fight or it's outcome, instead he puts value on what happens. He's a nice guy, so I'm finding your characters judging off of first impressions funny.


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I'd assume they can't cut it, since it's Invested.

I'm not sure what we're supposed to do besides judge on first impressions - he smashed through their front door and has Investiture they don't understand yet, and that's about all they know right now. I wouldn't trust him either. :P


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James rubbed his temples, blinking groggily as he stood up. Well that had been a decidedly strange experience, no two ways about it. That sea of beads, that strangely cold sun. Somehow, he knew it would be called Shadesmar, the realm of the mind. Indeed the Nightwatcher said, Realm of all minds, and home to many of my kin. James nodded, pondering the fact, and more strangely how he had known it. Did he have some connection to that place? His powers didn't allow him to enter that place like Cassie and some of the others could, but perhaps his powers were tied to it as well. "Nightwatcher," he whispered as he balanced himself against a small table in the hallway- only peripherally aware of the confrontation with the newcomer. "What was the other light I saw as I fell into Shadesmar? It felt so warm, and pure."

The Spiritual Realm the Nightwatcher said, with an air of reverence that was distinctly unlike her usual colloquial demeanor. James cocked his head to the side, intrigued, although to all who may have seen it, it probably appeared more like a failed attempt to crack his neck. The Spiritual Realm, the Nightwatcher began to explain, Is the home of power, of Investiture, and Connection. Those things that connect you to all the things that were, are, and are yet to be. It is the Realm of the Soul, of the ideal.

James looked down at his hand, feeling an odd twitch in it, like maybe, if he reached hard enough, he could touch that place and its Light again. There's so much I don't understand about my powers he thought, Who knows where their limits truly lie?

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Hi guys! This thread will have RoW spoilers; check the pinned topic for more details, but basically, TKND can have whatever spoilers people want, and Radiants may do things untagged. I would like it if you didn't be obnoxiously RoW-y at someone who you know hasn't finished yet, though. And we shouldn't really have any reason within the context of our world to go deep into the plot of what happens on Roshar.

The below was decided by a few of us on Discord after Somebody from Sel was banned for being underage.

Romero abruptly turned and ran out the empty doorway, losing himself in Seattle where he was unlikely to ever be found again.

Cassie blinked after him. "Should we...follow? Jeez, that was one of our stranger encounters."

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James watched as the newcomer, whose name he'd never learned bolted out the door, running into the street. "Not the smartest way to introduce yourself, banging down a door.", James noted, one eyebrow raised in visible annoyance. Suddenly James felt something, a tugging on his soul coming from the general direction of the shattered doorframe, and he heard a faint voice in his mind. We are a door the scattered bits of wood cried out, Unite Us!  

James nodded, and walked forward kneeling by the shattered doorframe, the brisk spring breeze chilling his fingers. "Everyone, please stand back." he said, mustering his best commanding tone. He let Light flood his body and enter his fingertips, as he grasped the largest remaining chunk of the door. He concentrated on the door as it once was, its ideal state, and the splinters' Connections to each other. Suddenly the splinters began to float into the air, returning to their original positions in the door like pieces of a jigsaw fitting together again. The voices in his mind, quite different from the Nightwatcher's, urged him onward, He lifted the large chunk, several beads of sweat running from his brow. Unite Us! the splinters' chorus rising in volume and intensity. With one last massive effort the pieces fit together, as light glowed along the cracks. The light faded, leaving no trace of the broken door, for what stood there showed no sign of damage. James' eyes widened in disbelief It worked! he thought triumphantly, as he turned back to the others, beaming. 

@Ookla the Stick @AonEne @Sorana   

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26 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

With one last massive effort the pieces fit together, as light glowed along the cracks. The light faded, leaving no trace of the broken door, for what stood there showed no sign of damage. James' eyes widened in disbelief It worked! he thought triumphantly, as he turned back to the others, beaming. 

"Ho-ly crap," Cassie breathed, staring at the door. "James, what the hell was that?" 


I'm sorry for the curse, it's a character experiment and also therapy 


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Just now, AonEne said:

"Ho-ly crap," Cassie breathed, staring at the door. "James, what the hell was that?" 



No offense taken, my friend.

James looked at Cassie, slightly shocked by the girl cursing. "I don't know." He said, quite honestly. "It was like the voice of the door called out to me, helped me Connect it again. It was like I was using both of my Surges together." He said, attempting to explain the situation without sounding like he'd gone mad. hearing the voice of someone who wasn't his spren? surefire way to sound like he'd lost a few marbles. "Has Doc ever experienced anything like that?" He asked her.

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For what felt like a long moment, Lissa simply stood there in that strange abyss of glass beads, wondering if she would be stuck there forever. Then suddenly, she felt like something was tugging on her very being, and she felt herself being somehow pulled away from this place, back into reality.

She shouted in surprise as a few moments later, she found herself stumbling to the ground of the house she'd been in before, where Fib had been standing before, they were back to a strange symbol on the carpet.

"W- What on earth- What is this place, what was that?!" She demanded, looking to Cassie. 

Lissa stared at James in shock. She'd been able to do things, unnatural thing with herself, but this- She didn't even know where to begin. What even was this? 

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1 hour ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James looked at Cassie, slightly shocked by the girl cursing. "I don't know." He said, quite honestly. "It was like the voice of the door called out to me, helped me Connect it again. It was like I was using both of my Surges together." He said, attempting to explain the situation without sounding like he'd gone mad. hearing the voice of someone who wasn't his spren? surefire way to sound like he'd lost a few marbles. "Has Doc ever experienced anything like that?" He asked her.


I'm gonna tentatively say it's normal for Cassie to use small curses like that, stuff that's allowed on the Shard, because it fits with her character, I think. 

"Maybe. I don't talk to him about his powers much - 'special Bondsmith business, Cass' and then he wanders off to do another draft on his latest invention..." She shrugged. "But that's super useful! The house has accidents -" a rueful smile "- all the time, and that's great, really great. Do you think it was the soul of the door that you heard? That's what all the beads in Shadesmar are, souls." She trailed off, staring at the fixed door. "Um, thanks." 

51 minutes ago, Ookla the Stick said:

"W- What on earth- What is this place, what was that?!" She demanded, looking to Cassie. 

"That was the Cognitive Realm - like another dimension where everything is a mind, a little bit? Sorry, I didn't want you to get tackled." 

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Luke watched as the door pulled itself back together. Huh. I guess they didn't notice me. "I think we are at the right place Silk" and how could they not be? None of that was normal. People dissappearing, armor appearing, and he didn't understand what it all meant. After an affirmative from Silk, He left his hiding place from the wall that hadn't been destroyed, and knocked on the door.

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"That was incredible." Shana looked over at James and shook her head. If he could do that to a door - "well at least we won't have to worry about that guy breaking it again." She shrugged and started to turn around, to leave before could start her questioning when another knock sounded through the room.

"Did anybody of you leave an ad of some kind outside?" She asked and reached for her weapon before walking over. "Strays welcome - we accept any and all kinds of magic users. Cake and a bed are free." She attempted to joke, to lightenthe mood a little. Ever since Cassie had caught her snd Rob she felt weird standing around like that. As if she didn't belong anymore. Cold wrapped itself around her and she frowned, quickly turned away facing the door. How could something that was so right, feel do wrong at the same time? But she couldn't. She couldn't leave them without protecting, she had to do the hard things, to prevent them from having to them on their own.

Forcing a smile on her face she opened door, holing her weapon outof sight of whoever was standing on the other side. "Hello." She offered as some kind of greeting, hoping that this guy would be nice.


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All words left him high and dry when someone opened the door. What was he doing? Luke thought he was ready, but that man- Romero? Didn't seem right. What other kind of people were brought to a place like this? People who are going to threaten him with magic swords? Perhaps he shouldn't have knocked on the door, but it was already too late. Someone was smiling at him, but obviously waiting for an answer. While searching for the words, Luke noticed she was hiding something and his anxiety spiked. We should go we should go we should go- he glanced at Silk, who gave him a look, and Luke felt like he could hear him talking, Don't let emotions dominate you, analyze the situation. And he- he was right. First, the person. don't make a worse impression then you already have. Luke tried to untie his tongue, "Um, my- er, Silk said I should come here."


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