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30 minutes ago, HoidWasTaken said:

Luke glances in, "Yeah, I just need some time. Alone."

"Ah, yeah, okay. I'll leave you be, then."


Definitely okay!


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30 minutes ago, AonEne said:

"Ah, yeah, okay. I'll leave you be, then."



Okay, I've had a character idea for a while, but didn't know where exactly to use it. 


Name: Lapis Salah

Appearance: Long straight black hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes, tall, and skinny.

Investure: She is a Sand Master.

Personality: She is an impulsive optimist, who does what feels right in the moment without thinking about possible consequences. She is also very inquisitive.

Backstory: She was born in North Africa, and showed potential for Sand Mastery at a young age. She left Africa with her parents at the age of 7 to move to America, her mother's homeland. They often went back to Africa to visit family. After she turned 11, they went on a trip. As they returned, the plane they were in crashed, and she barely survived. She ended up overmastering, and once she woke up she found herself in Washington. She has been on her own, traveling toward Seattle where her home is located for a few days, and just barely got into Seattle. Her powers are starting to return, much to her surprise. Unfortunately for her, she has a very bad sense of direction, and is now lost. 



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Yessss, come back to us! I don't remember when you were last here, but we're probably getting into the evening of the current day, I think? I haven't been keeping track of the time like I should :P

Welcome, RB! Character added to the OP.

I am calling the poll; it seems that most of us would prefer that we allow spoilers by Feb. 1st, so we will do that.


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Lapis felt hungry, confused, and completely lost. Where am I? Am I even in Seattle anymore? She turned a corner, carting around her suitcase. She had been able to save that, at least. It had some snacks, 3 outfits, a water bottle, and sand. Lots and lots of sand. And her powers were returning. I thought that once you overmastered, that was it. I thought that you permanently lost your powers. Well, I am glad that isn't the case. As she continued, she saw a nice looking neighborhood. Maybe I can get directions to the nearest police station. Or my house. I don't think people in nice neighborhoods try to kidnap kids. She sighed, went up to one of the houses, and knocked on the door. Wow. These houses are BIG!

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3 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

I don't think people in nice neighborhoods try to kidnap kids.


That's just what thEY WANT YOU TO THINK :P 

Leaving Luke to think, Cassie moved around the others and back to the door, hearing another knock. Can't go five minutes without one...I wonder if something's going on, more spren bonding people, maybe? Throwing open the door, she waved at the girl outside. "Hi, what can I do for ya?"

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How long in story has it been since I left? (I think we where doing the RP school day and there was a lot of planning, and I know I was planning something else with other people. Idk if that’s still a thing)


Edited by Blessing of Potency
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38 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Leaving Luke to think, Cassie moved around the others and back to the door, hearing another knock. Can't go five minutes without one...I wonder if something's going on, more spren bonding people, maybe? Throwing open the door, she waved at the girl outside. "Hi, what can I do for ya?"

Lapis looked up. "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest police station is, would you? I kind of need to find one. You see, I was on a plane, but it crashed, and I am the only survivor. I was luckily also able to save my luggage, but I don't know what to do anymore, so I need to get to the police." She said that as quickly as possible, and was out of breath at the end of it.


As I said. Impulsive.


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People posted some school posts, some got together in the library and talked about making house defenses, then went to class. Shana saw a suspicious woman out the window and she and a few others went to investigate a nearby address which the woman left behind. They got in a fight and a couple others joined them. Cassie teleported them back home at the end. Sheln, the captive Voidbringer in the garage, was interrogated by Shana, Ben, and Everest. They discovered that the Voidbringers believe the Radiants are attacking them, not the other way around. Shana decided to let him go afterward, with some others disputing the choice, but allowing him to leave anyway. Rob (who has continued to slowly go Voidbringer) and Shana decided that the cycle of attacks was never going to be broken unless they did something to stop it, and snuck into Doc's office, where they found out that another group of Radiants based on the other side of Seattle have been seeking out and destroying Voidbringer hideouts. This group had additionally sent Doc a letter asking him if any of his Radiants had finished their training, as they were low on members from fighting. Cassie discovered them, but before she could talk to them about it, someone busted in through the front door in Amberite armor, was confronted, and ran right back out again because his RPer couldn't write him. James fixed the door with Bondsmith magic. 

At the house, over the course of the day, we've gained the new members Sara (Skybreaker), Everest (full Feruchemist), Fadran I think, Lissa (Lightweaver), and Luke (Elsecaller). Conversations and new-people-welcoming went on in between things; we decided Evelyn would name the cat Ene but I don't think she has yet, more spren cuteness, character moments yay. Wita, from TKNP, arrived and spoke with James about the Unmade. 

Our endgame plan is: Thade and the remaining Seedbound will attack the protagonists and be beaten by us. Thade will die, harming Sha-thoexis through their bond and sending her deep into the Cognitive Realm for a very long time, causing her influence to lessen to the point where it's barely noticeable. This would give us the situation we've been looking for for TKNG. Meanwhile, neighbors or passersby will notice the aftereffects of the battle, cluing our characters into the fact that Investiture is no longer hidden. 

We'll be going into full RoW spoiler territory on this thread in February. 

It's probably like five in the afternoon right now, so you could just come over if you want, Po. 

Following members, are you still active, and if so, where in the house are you? 

@King Aragorn of Gondor @xinoehp512 @EmiTheNinja @Bookish Ocelot @Channelknight Fadran @old man moomba @WrathofaShardKitten @Tesh @The_Archivist 

12 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

Lapis looked up. "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest police station is, would you? I kind of need to find one. You see, I was on a plane, but it crashed, and I am the only survivor. I was luckily also able to save my luggage, but I don't know what to do anymore, so I need to get to the police." She said that as quickly as possible, and was out of breath at the end of it. 

"Whoa," Cassie gasped. "Oh man, dude, I'm sorry, that's...yikes, that's awful. Are you hurt? Here, come in, we can call someone - you okay?" 

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12 minutes ago, AonEne said:

@King Aragorn of Gondor @xinoehp512 @EmiTheNinja @Bookish Ocelot @Channelknight Fadran @old man moomba @WrathofaShardKitten @Tesh @The_Archivist 

"Whoa," Cassie gasped. "Oh man, dude, I'm sorry, that's...yikes, that's awful. Are you hurt? Here, come in, we can call someone - you okay?" 

Lapis went inside. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think I might have sprained my wrist, but that's it" She smiled. "Luckily, my bag had san... I mean air in it, and I didn't die." Phew. I almost told them about Sand Mastery. I'm glad I caught myself. Her smile faded. "Unfortunately," she said softly, "My parents were in that plane."

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Yep, that's fine, Fadran. 


2 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Lapis went inside. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think I might have sprained my wrist, but that's it" She smiled. "Luckily, my bag had san... I mean air in it, and I didn't die." Phew. I almost told them about Sand Mastery. I'm glad I caught myself. Her smile faded. "Unfortunately," she said softly, "My parents were in that plane."

How did air save her when she was falling through the sky? Maybe she's Radiant, it can't be a coincidence she came here... "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry," Cassie said quietly. "I'm Cassie. I'll grab a phone, and some water or lemonade if you want, and..." And she didn't want to get the police and just leave this poor girl! If she's not a Radiant, the Unmade will do what it always does and make her think we have really good medicine or something, she decided. "HEY, GUYS, I NEED REGROWTH HERE," she yelled behind her, guiding the girl to a couch where she could sit. 

@Lunamor @Sherlock Holmes (calling all healers) 

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Just now, AonEne said:


How did air save her when she was falling through the sky? Maybe she's Radiant, it can't be a coincidence she came here... "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry," Cassie said quietly. "I'm Cassie. I'll grab a phone, and some water or lemonade if you want, and..." And she didn't want to get the police and just leave this poor girl! If she's not a Radiant, the Unmade will do what it always does and make her think we have really good medicine or something, she decided. "HEY, GUYS, I NEED REGROWTH HERE," she yelled behind her, guiding the girl to a couch where she could sit. 

@Lunamor @Sherlock Holmes (calling all healers) 

Lapis blinked. "You need what?" She sat down feeling slightly confused. Well, at least my Sand Mastery is returning. If they DO end up trying to kidnap me, I can just blast them with sand!

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1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:

Lapis blinked. "You need what?" She sat down feeling slightly confused. Well, at least my Sand Mastery is returning. If they DO end up trying to kidnap me, I can just blast them with sand!



"Uh, someone to help make your hand feel better. How old are you?" Cassie asked, perhaps blunter than she should. 

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Luke took a seat down the the chair, his head resting in his hands. He could feel Silk's displeasure without looking at him- he didn't like it when Luke let his emotions control him, which he shouldn't, but... Luke sighed. There was just a lot to take in. Not even 10 minutes ago, he was sure that he was just crazy and was seeing things, and now it was all becoming very real very fast. Luke took a couple deep breaths, I just need to calm down and think. What had Cassie said? Elsecalller. One of ten orders of Knights Radiant, each with a different spren and fantastical powers, and I was chosen. Chosen by... Who? his eyes drifted down to Silk. "Why me?"

Silk hopped off my shoulder, growing to full size. He looked like a statue made out of black marble, his voice a perpetual monotone, "Humans are erratic. We seek to find those among you who are least so."

Luke didn't think he was exactly a shining beacon of rationality, but he nodded anyway. "So, Cassie mentioned that there were magical powers. Would you happen to know how I use them?"

Silk gave me a bland look, but of course, that was generally how Silk looked, "Surgebinding. I know nothing more." Great. I can teleport and turn things into other things, but my magical guide doesn't know how to do it either. Although, thinking back on it, Luke was pretty sure that Cassie mentioned also being able to teleport. She called it Transportation. If that is the same thing I have, perhaps she could help me with it? Luke stood up, and with Silk on his shoulder again, went back out into the living room. 


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3 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

"I'm 11. Um, could I have a glass of water?"


1 hour ago, HoidWasTaken said:

Luke stood up, and with Silk on his shoulder again, went back out into the living room. 

"Of course," Cassie said instantly, heading for the kitchen. She passed Luke on the way and nodded to him, but mostly worried about the kid sitting in the other room. To lose her family like that, and then who knows where the plane was taking her or if she lives anywhere near here... She grabbed a glass, filled it, and returned to the girl. "Here. What's your name?" 

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6 minutes ago, AonEne said:


"Of course," Cassie said instantly, heading for the kitchen. She passed Luke on the way and nodded to him, but mostly worried about the kid sitting in the other room. To lose her family like that, and then who knows where the plane was taking her or if she lives anywhere near here... She grabbed a glass, filled it, and returned to the girl. "Here. What's your name?" 

"I'm Lapis." She took the water, and drank it. "Thank you!" 

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1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:

"I'm Lapis." She took the water, and drank it. "Thank you!" 

"It's nothing." Cassie hesitated. She should check; the chance that Lapis had Lashed her way to safety or healed with spheres amid wreckage was too high. "Hey, um, do you ever find yourself doing something that shouldn't really be possible? Something that helped you live when..." She avoided the words plane or crash with embarrassment. 

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Just now, AonEne said:

"It's nothing." Cassie hesitated. She should check; the chance that Lapis had Lashed her way to safety or healed with spheres amid wreckage was too high. "Hey, um, do you ever find yourself doing something that shouldn't really be possible? Something that helped you live when..." She avoided the words plane or crash with embarrassment. 

SHE KNOWS ABOUT SAND MASTERY!!! Lapis let out a sigh of relief. "And here I thought I was going to reveal something on accident." She grinned. "So you're a Sand Master too? That's great! I thought I was the only one in the entire state."

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2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

"It's nothing." Cassie hesitated. She should check; the chance that Lapis had Lashed her way to safety or healed with spheres amid wreckage was too high. "Hey, um, do you ever find yourself doing something that shouldn't really be possible? Something that helped you live when..." She avoided the words plane or crash with embarrassment. 

Luke was going to ask Cassie a question, but she seemed busy at the moment. Luke wasn't really paying attention until someone else in the living room mentioned something called sand mastery- That doesn't seem to match the pattern of powers Cassie was describing...

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15 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

SHE KNOWS ABOUT SAND MASTERY!!! Lapis let out a sigh of relief. "And here I thought I was going to reveal something on accident." She grinned. "So you're a Sand Master too? That's great! I thought I was the only one in the entire state."


Sorry, Taken, she did get a bit distracted by the new arrival who was in an accident :P

She was thrown. "I - I'm sorry, a what? I don't believe I'm a sand master." Stormlight didn't look anything like sand, and nothing came to mind when she thought about what else might fall under that description. The Allomancy and Feruchemy Jamie used had a focus on metals, and Evelyn drew little patterns in the air. None of their spren looked remotely like sand, except possibly peakspren. "I'm a Knight Radiant, actually. Do you have some other form of Investiture?" 

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Just now, AonEne said:

She was thrown. "I - I'm sorry, a what? I don't believe I'm a sand master." Stormlight didn't look anything like sand, and nothing came to mind when she thought about what else might fall under that description. The Allomancy and Feruchemy Jamie used had a focus on metals, and Evelyn drew little patterns in the air. None of their spren looked remotely like sand, except possibly peakspren. "I'm a Knight Radiant, actually. Do you have some other form of Investiture?" 

Her face paled visibly. "Wait. That isn't what you were talking about?" She groaned. "I... um... you see... I can control sand. With my mind. But it has to be a special kind of sand. If I control it for too long, I could dehydrate, and possibly die. Getting to that point is what we call overmastery. I actually overmastered when the plane crashed. I... I was trying to save my parents. But there wasn't anything I could do. I just didn't have enough sand. Actually, when you overmaster, you are supposed to lose your powers. But mine... mine are coming back!"

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