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2 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Her face paled visibly. "Wait. That isn't what you were talking about?" She groaned. "I... um... you see... I can control sand. With my mind. But it has to be a special kind of sand. If I control it for too long, I could dehydrate, and possibly die. Getting to that point is what we call overmastery. I actually overmastered when the plane crashed. I... I was trying to save my parents. But there wasn't anything I could do. I just didn't have enough sand. Actually, when you overmaster, you are supposed to lose your powers. But mine... mine are coming back!"

Cassie blinked, taking it all in. Sure, why not. One more type of magic and it's this. Sand. Because there's a lot of it on Earth, I guess. "Well, good for you that you didn't lose them, then. I'm definitely not what you are, but I can do some of my own magic." She glanced at Luke, who seemed to be waiting for her. "Here, I can give you my phone if you want to call the police. You can stay here until they show up, of course." 


So since we're probably nearing the end of this RP, I'm thinking of how we should segue into wrapping it up. Maybe the police are busy with other disturbances that Voidbringers are causing, or a fight between them and the other group Shana and Rob discovered; or maybe things just start to happen before they can pick Lapis up. What do you all think? Ideas? 


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12 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Cassie blinked, taking it all in. Sure, why not. One more type of magic and it's this. Sand. Because there's a lot of it on Earth, I guess. "Well, good for you that you didn't lose them, then. I'm definitely not what you are, but I can do some of my own magic." She glanced at Luke, who seemed to be waiting for her. "Here, I can give you my phone if you want to call the police. You can stay here until they show up, of course." 



Maybe... THE VOIDBRINGERS HAVE MISSILE CODES. ;) (I liked that last idea. Also, what is the address of the house? It would be asked.)

"Yes please."

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8 hours ago, AonEne said:


How did air save her when she was falling through the sky? Maybe she's Radiant, it can't be a coincidence she came here... "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry," Cassie said quietly. "I'm Cassie. I'll grab a phone, and some water or lemonade if you want, and..." And she didn't want to get the police and just leave this poor girl! If she's not a Radiant, the Unmade will do what it always does and make her think we have really good medicine or something, she decided. "HEY, GUYS, I NEED REGROWTH HERE," she yelled behind her, guiding the girl to a couch where she could sit. 

@Lunamor @Sherlock Holmes (calling all healers) 

Ben bolted awake from his inactivity nap on the couch. “Huh? Regrowth? What?” His eyes drifted over to Cassie, then to the girl sitting next to her. Another new person? Doc was gonna have to build a new wing at that rate. The newcomer looked young, way younger than the average Radiant. This worried him- what had the poor girl gone through to already be broken enough for a bond at such a young age? Walking closer to her, his eyes focused on her wrist. The way that she carefully held it told him that it was what was hurt. “Is it all right if I heal you?” he asked, motioning towards her injury. Luckily it wasn’t anything relatively dangerous, so he didn’t need to rush. It was best to be polite with a stranger, anyways. 


Ben is a very deep sleeper :P


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3 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Ben bolted awake from his inactivity nap on the couch. “Huh? Regrowth? What?” His eyes drifted over to Cassie, then to the girl sitting next to her. Another new person? Doc was gonna have to build a new wing at that rate. The newcomer looked young, way younger than the average Radiant. This worried him- what had the poor girl gone through to already be broken enough for a bond at such a young age? Walking closer to her, his eyes focused on her wrist. The way that she carefully held it told him that it was what was hurt. “Is it all right if I heal you?” he asked, motioning towards her injury. Luckily it wasn’t anything relatively dangerous, so he didn’t need to rush. It was best to be polite with a stranger, anyways. 


"Yeah." She said it very cheerfully because she felt relieved that she didn't have to watch her words anymore. "Thank you." She added as an afterthought. She then turned to Cassie. "Is healing another magic power? You said you have magic too, right? What can you do?"

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48 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Yeah." She said it very cheerfully because she felt relieved that she didn't have to watch her words anymore. "Thank you." She added as an afterthought. She then turned to Cassie. "Is healing another magic power? You said you have magic too, right? What can you do?"

“No problem,” Ben said, carefully touching her on her arm, just above her wrist. He closed his eyes, sucked in some stormlight, and focused for a moment. His glow diminished, and the kink in her wrist straightened itself out. “Oh, I’m Ben, by the way.”

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12 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

“No problem,” Ben said, carefully touching her on her arm, just above her wrist. He closed his eyes, sucked in some stormlight, and focused for a moment. His glow diminished, and the kink in her wrist straightened itself out. “Oh, I’m Ben, by the way.”

"What? You can glow? Why can't I glow?" She sounded annoyed. "Oh, and I'm Lapis. Wow. That feels way better."

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1 hour ago, Random Bystander said:

"What? You can glow? Why can't I glow?" She sounded annoyed. "Oh, and I'm Lapis. Wow. That feels way better."

“Um... I’m not sure,” he replied, shooting a questioning glance at Cassie. “I mean, I can make you glow if you really want to. I can do illusiony stuff.” He awkwardly scratched his head, not entirely sure what to say next. “If you ever need any more healing, just let me know, ok? Oh, and nice to meet you, by the way!”

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8 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

“Um... I’m not sure,” he replied, shooting a questioning glance at Cassie. “I mean, I can make you glow if you really want to. I can do illusiony stuff.” He awkwardly scratched his head, not entirely sure what to say next. “If you ever need any more healing, just let me know, ok? Oh, and nice to meet you, by the way!”

"Ok! Thanks again." Lapis then starts thinking out loud. "I wonder if him glowing is related to how I make white sand glow." She mused. She then turned to Cassie. "What did you call the magic? Investure?" She grinned. If he gets to show off, I should be able to as well. "Do you want to see what I can do? It seems like you know a lot about this magic stuff, and you might be able to learn more." 

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6 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

Maybe... THE VOIDBRINGERS HAVE MISSILE CODES. ;) (I liked that last idea. Also, what is the address of the house? It would be asked.)


Pffft maybe not, but I snorted :D
Um. Um. Put in something generic, lol.

So Ocelot may not be here, in which case we'll just say nobody came out of the kitchen.

Cassie answered questions as they came. "I can't heal, except myself, but I can teleport into an alternate side of reality, make rock into play-doh, and summon armor and a giant sword that can cut through anything. There is another Elsecaller, that'd be Leona." She twisted behind her and yelled, "HEY, LEONA, IF YOU'RE STILL IN THE KITCHEN, COME SAY HI, WE FOUND ANOTHER ELSECALLER!" then turned back to the rest. "Thanks, Ben. Our world gets bigger and bigger every day, huh? Oh we'd love to, Lapis!"

@Bookish Ocelot @Lunamor

1 hour ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Ashlyn puts the car in park and takes a deep breath. She gets out, makes sure the door is locked, then walks up to the house and gives the door a knock, her eyes unconsciously going to the unremovable bracelet.

As Ben handled Lapis, Cassie went to get the door yet again, but was pleased this time to see a familiar face. "Oh, hey Ashlyn, how's it going? Come on in, I'm sure Rob is around - he was here a second ago..."

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3 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Cassie answered questions as they came. "I can't heal, except myself, but I can teleport into an alternate side of reality, make rock into play-doh, and summon armor and a giant sword that can cut through anything. There is another Elsecaller, that'd be Leona." She twisted behind her and yelled, "HEY, LEONA, IF YOU'RE STILL IN THE KITCHEN, COME SAY HI, WE FOUND ANOTHER ELSECALLER!" then turned back to the rest. "Thanks, Ben. Our world gets bigger and bigger every day, huh? Oh we'd love to, Lapis!"

@Bookish Ocelot @Lunamor

As Ben handled Lapis, Cassie went to get the door yet again, but was pleased this time to see a familiar face. "Oh, hey Ashlyn, how's it going? Come on in, I'm sure Rob is around - he was here a second ago..."


The phone call is going to be one way. It will be easiest for me to do.

"Okay. I'll call the police, and then sometime after that, I can show you what I can do." She dialed 911, and after a few seconds she started talking. "Hi. Um, I was on a plane, but it crashed. I managed to survive unscathed somehow, but my parents were in the plane, and are now dead." There is a pause, and then she started speaking again. "I am currently at 27 Lake Street." She paused again. "Ok. Thank you. Bye." She walked over to Cassie, and handed back the phone. "The man who I was talking to said they can probably get here in about 20 minutes. I can show you my skills whenever you want." She paused. "We'll want to go outside for that part. Unless you want sand all over the floor." She grinned again. "I am excited to jump onto your roof." She announced happily.


I hope this works for the police call.


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26 minutes ago, AonEne said:

As Ben handled Lapis, Cassie went to get the door yet again, but was pleased this time to see a familiar face. "Oh, hey Ashlyn, how's it going? Come on in, I'm sure Rob is around - he was here a second ago..."

13 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"The man who I was talking to said they can probably get here in about 20 minutes. I can show you my skills whenever you want." She paused. "We'll want to go outside for that part. Unless you want sand all over the floor." She grinned again. "I am excited to jump onto your roof." She announced happily.

“Thanks.” Ashlyn says, stepping inside. You know what, not going question the small child that wants to jump onto the roof.

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7 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Ben raised an eyebrow. Sand magic? That was certainly a new one. Somehow even weirder than swallowing metals. “Yeah, definitely!” he said, eager to learn about more investiture. Lapis continued on. “Wait, roof-“

@Random Bystander @AonEne


7 hours ago, AonEne said:

Pocketing the phone, Cassie nodded. "Yeah, going outside is probably the best idea there."

"Okay!" She grabbed her luggage and ran to the backyard. "Wow! Is that a pool?" She set down her bag, and opened it. "That pool is going to make this so much safer!" She looked toward Cassie. "Ready when you are!" She called. She grabbed the water bottle and looked to see how much more was in it. I'll show them Slatrification first!

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38 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Ben apprehensively followed Lapis outside, inhaling a good bit of stormlight in case something went wrong. Was she planning to land in the pool or something?

Lapis turned around. "Well, since I don't have much water left, I'll show you Slatrification." She unscrewed her water bottle, grabbed a handful of sand, and held it over her water bottle. She then concentrated as hard as she could, and turned the sand into water. She let the water fall into the bottle, and screwed the lid back on. "Okay." she grinned. "Now it's time for the fun part." She concentrated, and created 3 sand ribbons. She shot up into the air. and dropped onto the roof. She then had the sand ribbons lift her bag into the sky, drop it, and then catch it again. She grinned. She loved using her powers. She then jumped off the roof, and let 5 sand ribbons catch her. She was able to control 12 sand ribbons at a time. She grabbed her water, and drank some of it. Now for the grand finale. She started to control as many ribbons as she could, which was surprisingly NOT 12. She could now control 16 sand ribbons! She shot into the air again, and this time dove into the pool. She let go of the ribbons, letting the sand turn black. "CANNONBALL!!!" She cannonballed into the pool. She then climbed out with a grin on her face. "Ta Da!" 


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It seemed a lot had happened- Some little kid that could apparently control sand of all things had popped up, and now she was flinging sand around-

Like this day hasn't already been odd enough...

Lissa sighed, but forced on a smile as always.

"So, is she another of those... Order things?"
She was still catching up mentally, and was a bit out of shorts from being suddenly teleported to another dimension, or something. 

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On 1/28/2021 at 2:31 PM, Ookla the Stick said:

"So, is she another of those... Order things?"

"Nope, she's something else, apparently," Cassie said, occasionally glancing out the back window at Lapis and Ben, but standing by Lissa, Ashlyn, and Shana. "Apparently we don't know all the different types of magic in the world. Just a couple months ago I would have told you Radiants were it, but our world got way bigger way too quickly." It was extremely cool to learn that they weren't alone in the world when it came to Investiture, but at the same time...who knew what organizations might seek to control things?

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

"Nope, she's something else, apparently," Cassie said, occasionally glancing out the back window at Lapis and Ben, but standing by Lissa, Ashlyn, and Shana. "Apparently we don't know all the different types of magic in the world. Just a couple months ago I would have told you Radiants were it, but our world got way bigger way too quickly." It was extremely cool to learn that they weren't alone in the world when it came to Investiture, but at the same time...who knew what organizations might seek to control things?

Lapis skipped cheerfully to Cassie, who was in the house. She had a huge grin on her face. "That was so much fun!" She paused. "Um, the sand will turn white again in a few hours. Also, do you have a room I can change in? I don't want to stay wet."

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14 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Lapis skipped cheerfully to Cassie, who was in the house. She had a huge grin on her face. "That was so much fun!" She paused. "Um, the sand will turn white again in a few hours. Also, do you have a room I can change in? I don't want to stay wet."

"There's a bathroom down that hall, first door on the right," Cassie said, pointing.

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1 minute ago, AonEne said:

"There's a bathroom down that hall, first door on the right," Cassie said, pointing.

"Thanks!" She ran back outside to grab a change of clothes, and then ran into the bathroom. She quickly changed into a tee-shirt, sweatpants, and tennis shoes. She then went back outside, and drank some of her water.

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