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why not now? But first we need more detailed characters- what they look like, what oath they're on, the name/ appearence of their spren , what their background is, how they were broken, etc. On top of that, some more general rules. 


Edited by BookishOcelot
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Ok, AonEne is the boss here, but to move things (I want play, but we will se how it evolves) let me suggest : if you have the character description, post it here. You can edit or erase it later. Just share and inspire. Rules will come soon I hope;).

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I don't know if I will be allowed in, but I'm going to give this a try.

Character: Molan Gates (Name could be subject to change.)

Appearance (before bonding): Sandy hair, with dark brown eyes. About 5'10, maybe 180-ish.

Personality: A lover of jokes, including wordplay and practical jokes (Looks like your breakfast has been replaced with a Lightweaving), but when the situation calls for it, can be serious and at times you have trouble believing he isn't a Windrunner. Always ready to comfort those who are hurting, and has been known to entertain young children with illusions. 

Radiant status: Has sworn 3 ideals, (maybe plate? I don't particularly care).

Spren: Cryptic (female) named Fractal.

Background: Was the oldest of a family of boys, but with a mild personality. Was broken by abusive behavior of alpha-male younger brother, causing Molan to doubt himself. Later, he found himself in an abusive relationship, which has led to extreme anger towards similar abusers, and immense sympathy to the victims. Also, has always been fascinated with the world and science, and dabbles in making fabrials, including trying to make a Lightweaving fabrial. Has had the powers for a few years but still geeks out about them. His parents sent him to the school because it would be better since he is a KR. 

Random trivia: Has anxiety, randomly summons his Sharddagger and dismisses it as a coping mechanism, which Fractal doesn't mind. Doesn't often wear his Plate (if he has it), because it's red and he doesn't particularly like red. Instead of an artist, he is a writer. Occasionally Lightweaves a version of himself to give himself pep talks.

Also, is a total nerd.


Again, I don't know if I will be allowed to use this, but I want to.

Edited by Stormgate
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Alright. If we’re gonna let multiple people in from different orders, I wanna be an Elsecaller. (currently listed as dustbringer)

Name: Leona Westfall

Appearance: 5’6” with medium build (150) , low muscle content. Black hair to just above her stomach. Dark hazel eyes and paleish skin. Walks with limp in right ankle due to injury when she was seven. Current age is 15. 

Spren: Onyx (inkspren-female)

Radiance: Elsecaller of second ideal. Very skilled in soulcasting  

Personality: introverted and judgy. Avoids conflict at all costs. Loves learning and books, but only when the subject interests her. Calm under pressure. Very sarcastic, but this can hurt people as she tends to not think before she speaks  

Background: Broken by repeated conflicts with friends in school. She always felt like an outsider and unable to make the right decision. Still gets anxiety over her past choices. 

Trivia: Enjoys sailing, reading, playing the violin, and baking. But now she just soulcasts the food





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Remember quote boxes from here on out, everyone!

Okay, the results are to use Earth names (though that's fairly broad, so just don't get too crazy or use Rosharan name patterns and we'll call it good), we live in a normal house or normal houses and go to a normal school (or schools? Should we all go to the same one? New poll question). Clearly we need to have two people per order, so I'll expand the list to have two sets. I'd prefer that the first set is filled before we move on to the next, but I'll move BO...nope, that nickname's not gonna work. Do you go by anything? Ocelot? Book? I need to know. :ph34r: Anyway, I'll move you to Elsecaller, so if anyone wants to be a Dustbringer, you're up.

Character profiles will be added to the list as needed. I'll update the poll with new choices. After we get a few more worldbuilding details ironed out and more characters in, we should be good to start.


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I'll bite.

(Warning, this is very preliminary)



Name: James Deoven (goes by Doc)

Age: 29

Order: Bondsmith

Spren: Stormfather, third Ideal.

Abilities: Fairly adept at using his Surges. Very good at engineering (he has a doctorate and several Masters degrees in various disciplines of engineering) Good at reading a situation and reacting to it. Has a lot of general knowledge. Pretty good in a fight.

Appearance: An average hight guy (some may say he's on the short side) with a brawny frame and strong face. Yellow eyed, with a bold nose and smooth jawline often dusted with stubble. He keeps his red and gold hair in a neat tail at the base of his neck when he remembers to. Otherwise it curls cown to his shoulders. He usually wears a leather duster, cargo pants, combat boots and various t-shirts with symbols on them. 

Personality: Charismatic, fairly witty, likes being around people. Enjoys working on problems involving math, engineering, or physics. Love to build stuff, or improve things that don't work well.

History: Grew up as the oldest child in a middle class family in Seattle. Chafed against the sctrict rules his parents imposed and rebeled against them. Finished high school at age 15 and left home to go to Caltech. He got several degrees in engineering before leaving at age 20. He ended up on the streets for a few years, living a hard life, broken by his experience. Managed to get back on his feet after hearing a voice grumbling at him, telling him to 'Unite Them'. He ended up swearing the First Ideal a few weeks later and has been looking for other Radiants since.


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I thought we were all school age...? Or not.

Edit: How do I wipe the voting history so we can vote anew?


Edited by AonEne
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I did, the results appear to be the same as last time. (There's no way everyone voted the second after I posted.)

...You're not wrong.

I like Flicker, Glint, and Beam the most, but it's your spren.


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