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Shana continued to hold on to Cass hand, vaguely felt herself end up on the ground. Bad habit. She had stop catching every blow with her body. Tiredly she closed her eyes, listened to their voices, how they talked about staunching the bleeding. About fetching someone.

Tiredly she closed her eyes, the pain felt as if from far away and she started to drift off, to let go. Warmth flooded her body and she recognized the hand, knew that Ben was here and she smiled, moved until she was leaned against him. He was saving her again. Bad habit as well. She had to save him. Shana opened her eyes when the light subsided, when the pain was gone. It felt good. Incredibly good. "Hey Ben." She whispered, tightened her fingers around Cass. "Sorry."

She wasn't sure why she apologized, for getting hurt, for failing again. "Thank you." She added. "For being here."



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Alright, three did feel a little small. Right now though? I can edit the post if you guys want more time.

Edwin had been watching for a while now, it was already dark. There was plenty of light around the house but it dissipated into darkness at a distance, it gave a strange effect, like if the house was the only thing in the world. That just made the red dots stand out even more. There weren't just three pairs like a while ago, he stopped counting at ten, and those were only the ones he could see coming from the front, there were probably more preparing for an ambush around the house.

"Guys," he called, without getting his eyes off the walking figures. "I think those three were just the beginning."

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Jace blinked, looking at how everything happened so quickly, then back at Edwin. "More...? Seriously? I..." He breathed, grimacing and squeezing Ax's hand. "Fine. but after these are all dead and done-for, I am determined to have one good night. I swear, if they attack again after this, or tomorrow, I will personally figure out a way to start exterminating them." He was furious. Tonight was his wedding night- it was supposed to be special, wonderful. A time to celebrate, and have fun with friends- to help make for the fiasco of prom the night before. Instead, it was going to be a fight. A bloody fight. He had never felt so upset about something wonderful being ruined before... he'd never had something this important to him get ruined before- not that he could remember. He breathed, stormlight not coming this time. He wasn't preparing any tricks- he was planning to fight with Ax or kill some of them with his bare hands... if it came to that. He'd never done anything to lethally hurt someone before, even though he knew how. He'd try, though. He gripped Ax's hand furiously, determined not to ruin the night. 

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I'm good with it. We can have as many as we want. >:D


That's the first time I've ever typed that emoticon, it looks werid :P

Bit of improvising here with my Surges, but we've been improvising Surges this whole time so I doubt anyone will mind. Also, when you really think about it, Cohesion is freaking terrifying in combat.

Cassie's head jerked around to stare at her fellow Willshaper. DO WE GET NO BREAKS? She grit her teeth and stood up, marching over to him and gazing into the night. He was right; the encroaching Voidbringers were obvious. This time, I'll do better. She summoned her Blade and forced her eyes to fix on it - her - scrutinizing every crevice until she was slightly desensitized to the idea of her spren being dead. Slightly. Maybe. She could look at the sword without face-planting into the dirt, at least.

"Okay," she whispered, one hand drifting to the gems in her pocket, burning bright. "Okay." She ripped the Light out of them, then extinguished her own glow, suppressing it. That was one thing she knew how to do, at least. Cassie closed her eyes and focused. The Cognitive Realm was always around her, but most of the time she never sensed it. Now, though, she automatically could as a Fifth Ideal Radiant. And space was different there.

She took one step forward, in. And one step forward, out. And just like that, she had teleported behind the enemy.

Stormlight still muted, she pinpointed a Voidbringer off to the side and crept forward, molding the grass underneath her feet together so it wouldn't rustle and give her away. With the Light lending her grace and her powers used on instinct, Cassie almost didn't feel like herself, the girl who studied alone in her room and worried about which path to take. She simply acted, like Willshapers in the old books. This is how I'm supposed to be.

She was behind the Voidbringer in a pounding heartbeat, Joyblade raised. For a moment she stared at the woman. Am I really about to do this? She thought of the wedding they were ruining, thought of the friends they might kill, thought of the people they had already killed. Oh yes, I am. And she jerked her Blade in one swift movement, sending a head toppling to the ground.

The body fell with a thud to the lawn, and Cass watched it leak blood, a cold horror freezing her over. This is the first time I've ever murdered anyone.

Her eyes found her Shardblade. No. It wasn't.

Her knuckles were white from holding on, her Stormlight wild, her face calm, her thoughts near-incoherent. A fragment from an old record, Words of Radiance, came to mind: "...if there were an uncut gem among the Radiants, it was the Willshapers..." along with one from a book called The Best and Worst of the Orders: "The Willshapers were often erratic and spontaneous, seen by many as thoughtless."

Thoughtless. She could do thoughtless.

Trying not to think about anything, Cassie lunged forward and stabbed a Voidbringer in the back, right where one of them had just stabbed Shana. She turned before she had a chance to comprehend whether or not it would live and beheaded another. She'd lapsed in retaining her glow, and now flamed with Light. Some of the Voidbringer started crying out, realizing she was there, and she ignored them, slicing at yet another; untrained though the attack was, you didn't need much training when you took someone by surprise. A stab to the heart. A chop to the face. Sword coming at you, don't think, go with what feels right, let your Light move you. Disappear and reappear in the air, fall a few feet, land on the sword, swipe your own through it, then follow up through the assailant's gut. Don't think.

Duck a punch of spiky carapace, shove the arm with all your Stormlight-enhanced force, infusing it with a rush of Cohesion. Ignore the screams as its arm is embedded in another's stomach, don't think. Grab for another to Transport it - Slicked itself, storm it - stab the Blade through the arm, keep it steady so it doesn't slide out, use that connection to take it with you as you take one step forward and throw it off into the sea of beads to choke. Back to the Physical Realm, reform precisely with your Blade already through a neck, yank it away.

Take a step back. Cognitive. Another back. Physical. Twenty yards away, Voidbringers are panicking, but DON'T THINK ABOUT IT. Stab here. Slice there. Two Voidbringers running at you, jump back, slam their heads together, reach out and fuse their foreheads together. They fall. Move, cut, teleport there, don't think, run, swing, block, don't think, burn out eyes, fight, kill, don't think.

Kill. Don't think.


Whoops, I wrote more than I meant to and seem to have sent my Radiant into a killing frenzy. Meh she'll be fiiiiiine :)

dOn'T BrEAk yoUR OaTHs KiDs


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2 hours ago, AonEne said:

What plot points do you mean?


The current attack + interviewing the Voidbringer.


57 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

Edwin had been watching for a while now, it was already dark. There was plenty of light around the house but it dissipated into darkness at a distance, it gave a strange effect, like if the house was the only thing in the world. That just made the red dots stand out even more. There weren't just three pairs like a while ago, he stopped counting at ten, and those were only the ones he could see coming from the front, there were probably more preparing for an ambush around the house.

"Guys," he called, without getting his eyes off the walking figures. "I think those three were just the beginning."


*sigh* Guess this is happening, then.

Twelve people sat around the table, their faces barely illuminated by the flickering candlelight. Twelve sets of glowing red eyes gleamed steadily, each marking their owner for what they truly were.

At the head, stood a man clad in carapace, his skin marbled the color of ash and fire, red eyes shining brighter than any of the others. A rhythmic pattern infused his every word, as though he were on the verge of bursting into song at any moment.

“You may be wondering why I’ve gathered you here tonight,” said the man in a low, thrumming voice. “As you all know, there was an unsanctioned attack on a group of young Radiants here in Seattle not twenty-four hours ago. A group of Seedbound got loose, made their way to Seattle somehow, and targeted the largest gathering of Radiants they could find. An unfortunate accident. Or so the Council thinks.” He turned his gaze steadily over the gathered individuals, observing each expression with a practiced eye. “In reality, the entire situation- escape, transport, attack- was organized by myself as part of a larger plan.” His eyes seemed to gleam even brighter now, pinpoints of light glowing in the darkness. “A plan that brings us hope.”

Twenty-four ears listened intently as Sheln laid out his plan. Twelve eyes gleamed with intensity, ready to strike back at the enemy that had oppressed them for so long.



There ought to be a scene with Draug getting kidnapped, but I don't have time to write it right now. So yeah, that happened. This is going to be a very eventful day, folks. :P 


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Okay. Voidbringer inside the house, but it's tied up. Don't panic. Please don't panic, Evelyn thought to herself. It's fine. It's totally fine. No problems here.

"Guys," Edwin called. "I think those three were just the beginning."

Evelyn tore her eyes from the unconscious voidbringer on the floor and looked out into the night. Red eyes, glowing like embers in the night. Were there more at the back of the house? Hidden, sneaking up under the cover of illusions. Evelyn didn't know. She couldn't tell, and didn't know how. She needed another radiant, but everyone was rushing away, drawing their weapons and preparing to fight.

Evelyn couldn't fight. She didn't have a weapon other than her aons, and even those would be hard to use offensively. She'd never learned how.

She shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts away. It wouldn't help. She had to get to the back of the house again. Find someone to come with her. Someone who could actually fight . . . She pushed the thought away and began looking for someone close by that she could convince to help her. Who actually knew about voidbringers, and could (hopefully) tell her that she was wrong.

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2 hours ago, Sorana said:

Tiredly she closed her eyes, the pain felt as if from far away and she started to drift off, to let go. Warmth flooded her body and she recognized the hand, knew that Ben was here and she smiled, moved until she was leaned against him. He was saving her again. Bad habit as well. She had to save him. Shana opened her eyes when the light subsided, when the pain was gone. It felt good. Incredibly good. "Hey Ben." She whispered, tightened her fingers around Cass. "Sorry."

She wasn't sure why she apologized, for getting hurt, for failing again. "Thank you." She added. "For being here."



Ben let loose a sigh of relief when Shana opened her eyes. That had been close, really close. Had he gotten to her just a little later, had he run just a little slower- no, he wasn’t going to think about that right now. It sounded like there were more Voidbringers coming, and he had to focus on getting her to safety.

”Hey Shana.”

He smiled weakly in an attempt to hide his nervousness.

”It looks like there are more Voidbringers coming, so I’m going to bring you inside.”

She was in no state to fight at the moment. He doubted that she could even stand. He sucked in quite a bit of stormlight to keep himself from falling over, then carefully scooped her up in his arms. Starting towards the house, he hoped that she wouldn’t protest having to leave the battle.

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Sheln crouched atop a building, watching the battle from afar. Watching and analyzing.
It didn't seem to be going too well for the Enlightened at present, despite their advantage in numbers and size. The Radiants fought with deadly accuracy and power, slaughtering the poor halfsingers one by one. One girl in particular - a Willshaper, by the looks of it - was having remarkable efficiency with her strategy of teleporting randomly around the battlefield.

Well trained, he noted. Powerful, too. At least fourth level, probably fifth. Remarkable power, for one so young. There was likely one or two more among the crowd, as well.
By contrast, most of Sheln's army was First Fusions- so weak with their power they almost might as well not have them at all. He despaired at seeing so many cut down, even if most were simply illusions. But he didn't have time to grieve. Not now.
Sheln stood up, eyes still on the Willshaper girl. In his mind, he began to count heartbeats.
Their enemies might be children in age, but their powers made them more. Much more.
But they weren't invincible. Sheln had Light too, after all. 
And as a full singer, he could match any fifth-oath in terms of power.
Sheln grinned as the Shardblade dropped into his hands. With one smooth motion, he leapt off the rooftop, sunset glinting of his Plate as he fell-
-and then he teleported, swinging his blade directly at the Willshaper girl.
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6 hours ago, Lunamor said:

She was in no state to fight at the moment. He doubted that she could even stand. He sucked in quite a bit of stormlight to keep himself from falling over, then carefully scooped her up in his arms. Starting towards the house, he hoped that she wouldn’t protest having to leave the battle.

Shana heard the voices, more enemies coming. She felt weak, wished again that she'd spoken more oaths, that she would heal more quickly. But she knew, that none of the othere trained enough to face something like that. She inhaled sharply, trusted on the stormlight to allow her to keep going and gently pried Ben's hands away from here.

"I love you." She told him quietly, leaned forward and kissed him, then she reached out for two bags full of gems and tied them to her belt. She felt good. Really good. Ben's healing was great. With a final squeeze of his hand she turned around, faced the mass of enemies. "Can you check on Evelyn? She's standing around clueless, and that's dangerous."She asked him and then took a first step, then a second one.

Step after step she rushed forward, picked up her blade while walking. Cass was bound by a tall man and Shana slickened her feet, rushed over and cut one of in half, she used Division to make it easier to yank free her blade. "Watch Cass." She called to Mahad and looked at the blood covering her body. It was her role, it was what she was supposed to do. She trained daily for this moment, kept fit and in shape, trained with a weapon. Fight for them. Kill for them. And so she did.


Feel free to tow her back, if you want to :D


6 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

And as a full singer, he could match any fifth-oath in terms of power.


When did they change to singers? So far they were human...


Edited by Sorana
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Nym wasn't sure how many Voidbeingers she had killed.  But, what was that?  She saw something going for Cassie.  Something swinging it's Shardblade at her.  Nym was too far away to intercept it.  She turned Lopenblade into a spear, sighted, and, a blade penetrated her gut.  Anotherone in her leg.  She didn't have enough Stormlight to heal them.  She turned around and killed a few more Voidbringers before she lost conciousness.

Edited by Aragorn
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Jace was watching the battle, trying to hide or keep Ax from getting into the fight. He did see his friends getting hurt, and he desperately tried to help- managing to make a few more illusions here and there, mildly trip them up or distract them. Of course he was also keeping an eye on Cassie- moreso than the others. She was so hard to keep track of that he had to focus more on her to keep aware of her, to not lose her and let an enemy stab her in the back... which is the only reason he could make a small flash-bang grenade near the new voidbringers eyes when he appeared. He was scared- if they could teleport, they could get at them no matter what. That one had to die... he just wished he could've done more. It was just a small flush of bright light in his eyes, and a shriek to disorient him- he couldn't manage anything more. All these small illusions... they were so difficult to make. He had no experience except that first one he'd made and these small ones. Besides- they faded really quickly. He wasn't good enough yet... he was still scared of remembering those days in the ward. He couldn't face that part of his past yet- not fully. Even the small glimpses he forced on all these enemies were enough that he'd have nightmares for a week... if he was lucky, it wouldn't be longer. If Ax weren't in danger, he doubted he'd have managed even this much. 

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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Hey all! I'm a Lightweaver of the who's only spoken the first Ideal, my name's Sahar, and my spren's is Spool.

"Spool, why are we doing this?" Sahar asked. "Because... I feeeell..." Spool buzzed. Sahar huffed a little. From what she'd seen of the other's spren, they were supposed to actually get more intelligent, though perhaps she'd misjudged. It wasn't like she was going to intentionally talk to those goody-two-shoes fools. Sahar rounded a corner and stared.

She saw several bleeding people, as well as ones bleeding... stormlight. They were all hiding from some huge dust clouds, from which screams were coming out of. "Spool..." She warned, "I'm going to turn around and walk away. Right now.". 

"Noo..." Spool made a groaning sound. "At least... you can... help. Yes, help. That's the word!" She sounded satisfied. Sahar huffed again, marched across the wounded, and into the dust cloud. Immediately, a girl Sahar's age stumbled up to her with both a gut wound, and a gash down one leg. She fell unconscious  onto Sahar's feet.

"Delightful." Sahar groaned, and pulled the girl back through the dust.

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@WannabeWorldhopper just so you know we use quote boxes to talk about stuff outside the RP.  

Lopen, who had been hovering over Nym saw a Crptyc spren with the newcomer, he growled at her.  He didn't want some strangers toughing Nym, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Edited by Aragorn
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Everyone else had gone. They were outside, fighting the voidbringers, while Evelyn stood around, trying futilly to find something she could do to help. The best she'd been able to do last time was to turn the voidbringers shoes to metal, but right now she couldn't even do that because she had another job she was useless at. She didn't know enough. She hadn't had enough time to train, and hadn't even considered the possibility of such an attack until now.

The house was supposed to be safe . . . A traitorous thought said.

It is! The house is safe. None of the voidbringers have gotten inside yet, and you're going to go back to your post and keep it that way.

But I don't know what to do!

Then be someone who does. Be someone who knows how to deal with this, or who can find something to do when it's time. You've read enough stories to know how this goes. How to act. You don't have to be a hero; Just pretend for a little while.

Maybe it wasn't the right advice. Maybe there was something better that Evelyn should have done. But at that moment, it was the only advice she had. No one else was around to help. So Evelyn took a shuddering breath, and became someone else.

Avina, a character Evelyn had written herself in a time before she'd known characters were supposed to have flaws. Avina always knew what to do, and everything always turned out right. Strangely enough, Avina had had white hair.

Avina turned away from the battle, Evelyn's fear replaced with a cold light and a hard smile as Avina strode toward the back of the house. Evelyn would have wanted a weapon - a sword or something. Avina knew her hands were the only weapons she needed. Avina was never afraid. Avina always knew what to do. A mistake in the character, perhaps, but right now Avina's story was exactly what Evelyn needed.

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Edwin went to the training hall, he needed a weapon, this time he knew they would need every bit of help available. There wasn't time to be picky but he instantly laid eyes on a naginata, or something that looked like one. The weapon wasn't his specialty --he didn't have one to begin with-- but with the chaos outside, anything was better than his bare hands. Even in the current situation he couldn't supress a grin. He had a soft spot for that thing, even if he barely knew how to use it.

He climbed back upstairs and looked at the pandemonium outside. They were attacking the housem their home. They couldn't allow themselves to just knock them out and run somewhere else. They would have to kill this time, each and every one of them.

He took a step forward and joined the others.

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16 hours ago, Sorana said:

Step after step she rushed forward, picked up her blade while walking. Cass was bound by a tall man and Shana slickened her feet, rushed over and cut one of in half, she used Division to make it easier to yank free her blade. "Watch Cass." She called to Mahad and looked at the blood covering her body. It was her role, it was what she was supposed to do. She trained daily for this moment, kept fit and in shape, trained with a weapon. Fight for them. Kill for them. And so she did.

A bit dazed from the kiss, Shana’s words didn’t really register to him until she defeated one of their enemies. That snapped him back into focus. She had asked him to take care of Evelyn, but she would be fine. She had offensive aons and hadn’t nearly just died. Ben strode through the chaos and grabbed Shana’s arm, towing her away from the fight. He then grabbed both of her shoulders and turned her to face him.

”I just want you to please hear me out.”

Before she could respond he continued on.

”Right now, I impressed that you are even managing to stand, let alone that you just killed a Voidbringer. But there is no way you can keep this up for much longer. I know exactly how close I came to losing you a few seconds ago, so I know exactly how exhausted you should be. If you keep pushing yourself way past your limits like you are now, you will either get yourself hurt again by a Voidbringer or do permanent damage to your body. If you use even a little bit more of your stormlight, I’m pretty sure you’ll collapse. You are in no shape to fight right now, which means that the best thing you can do for everyone is to sit the rest of this fight out. I know that it will be very difficult and frustrating to do- trust me, I know exactly how that feels. But I can’t let you hurt yourself like this.”

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