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6 hours ago, Dr. Dapper said:

"Ypu mean James?" Doc asked, a smile on his face.

"Yes, him. Anyways, what he did was enough to protect Jamie- and the other people in the house too, although they needed less help. If that can be repeated, it could make all the difference. Sha-thoexis is going to attack again. And she's going to keep attacking until Jamie leaves."

@Dr. Dapper

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9 hours ago, Lunamor said:

“I can sleep on the floor of your room.”

Ben immediately offered. He was immensely glad that she had brought up this topic- he had been afraid of falling asleep alone, but didn’t want to be a burden.

Storms. He had known what she was aiming at, without her voicing it loudly. Albeit the other way round.

"I can sleep on the floor of your room?"

She asked and added quickly to forestal any argument:

"My room is so untidy, I'm not sure if I've got enough space on the floor left."

The truth. And more importantly she didn't want for him to sleep between her things. She had to tidy up, soon. His room was so clean and neat, she felt bad about her own.


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11 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James breathed an inward sigh of relief. "Cool" he responded. Cool! his brain screamed, Is that the best you can come up with!? 

"I think this could be a good chance to get to know you" he added. 

Well The Nightwatcher noted, That went better than I thought it would. I was sure you'd faint of nerves.

Thanks for the vote of confidence James shot back sarcastically



Yeah, really sorry that it took five hours, I wasn't exactly sure how to word it and I was busy for some of that time.

Wow, was she in a relationship now? Sawyer'd never been in one before. Was James her boyfriend? Did she want James to be her boyfriend? Shoot! Sawyer was pretty sure her blush looked more like an angry rash at this point.

"Yeah...I'd really like to get to know you better too."

Sawyer felt like she should say something else, but what?

What happens now? Romeo questioned.

I'm...I'm honestly not really sure. I've never been asked to a dance before.



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7 hours ago, Sorana said:

Storms. He had known what she was aiming at, without her voicing it loudly. Albeit the other way round.

"I can sleep on the floor of your room?"

She asked and added quickly to forestal any argument:

"My room is so untidy, I'm not sure if I've got enough space on the floor left."

The truth. And more importantly she didn't want for him to sleep between her things. She had to tidy up, soon. His room was so clean and neat, she felt bad about her own.



Ben paused, unsure. He didn’t want to make Shana reorganize her room so he could sleep on the floor. He would have helped her do so any other day, but he was too tired to stand up without help, let alone clean.


He felt awful accepting her offer, making her sleep on the floor, but he was just too exhausted to argue or try and find another solution.

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11 minutes ago, Lunamor said:


Ben paused, unsure. He didn’t want to make Shana reorganize her room so he could sleep on the floor. He would have helped her do so any other day, but he was too tired to stand up without help, let alone clean.


He felt awful accepting her offer, making her sleep on the floor, but he was just too exhausted to argue or try and find another solution.

"Thank you."

Shana smiled at him happily. Ben was to tired to argue and that suit her fine. Her room was her problem, and she would clean it up. Tomorrow. No, they went shopping tomorrow, the day after. For sure, the day after tomorrow.

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"Hello? Anybody here?" Evelyn heard. It was a new voice, definitely not one of the people chasing her, but she didn't have the breath to respond. Then, she heard the footfalls behind her slow. Evelyn glanced back to see the people who had been chasing her turn away, starting towards the noise. Evelyn felt a spike of panic. They were going to go after the person who had called out.

Evelyn skidded to a stop, turned, and began to draw frantically. She still couldn't call out to warn the person who had called out, but maybe she could warn them a different way. The first Aon Daa hit one of blond guy's lackeys, a petite woman with short brown hair. The Aons still weren't doing as much as they should have, but hopefully it would be enough.


@Dr. Dapper

Edited by Hope Spren
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8 hours ago, Taradiddle said:

Wow, was she in a relationship now? Sawyer'd never been in one before. Was James her boyfriend? Did she want James to be her boyfriend? Shoot! Sawyer was pretty sure her blush looked more like an angry rash at this point.

"Yeah...I'd really like to get to know you better too."

Sawyer felt like she should say something else, but what?

What happens now? Romeo questioned.

I'm...I'm honestly not really sure. I've never been asked to a dance before.



James shuffled his feet, entirely unsure of what to say next. "likewise" he said, awkwardly.

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

"Thank you."

Shana smiled at him happily. Ben was to tired to argue and that suit her fine. Her room was her problem, and she would clean it up. Tomorrow. No, they went shopping tomorrow, the day after. For sure, the day after tomorrow.

Shana smiled at Ben and he just couldn’t help but smile back. The way her grin lit up her face seemed to push back a little bit of his exhaustion, a little of his constant worries. He wondered why he of all people was lucky enough to know such an amazing person.

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1 hour ago, Lunamor said:

Shana smiled at Ben and he just couldn’t help but smile back. The way her grin lit up her face seemed to push back a little bit of his exhaustion, a little of his constant worries. He wondered why he of all people was lucky enough to know such an amazing person.

Shana leaned against him and gestured towards Sawyer and James.

"They are cute."

She whispered close to his ear.

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46 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Shana leaned against him and gestured towards Sawyer and James.

"They are cute."

She whispered close to his ear.

Ben looked at Sawyer and James. They were both standing awkwardly, shuffling their feet and blushing. They were indeed adorable together. His smile widened slightly.

”They are. I hope everything works out for them.”

He whispered back.

Edited by Lunamor
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Jamie was slowly walking further into the park when she was almost plowed down by a small group of people. "Hey!" she shouted, "Watch-" she was cut off by a blast of energy slamming into one of the group, knocking her over. She started, dropping her helmet and running towards the source of the blast. 

Jamie stepped up across from a young woman, perhaps a few years her junior. "Who are you?" she asked coldly, drawing her gun, "And what was that?"

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9 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Ben looked at Sawyer and James. They were both standing awkwardly, shuffling their feet and blushing. They were indeed adorable together. His smile widened slightly.

”They are. I hope everything works out for them.”

He whispered back.

"I hope everything works out for all of us."

Her voice turned serious.

"That unmade gives me the creeps."

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48 minutes ago, BookishOcelot said:

“Yes.. I mean, he acts pretty different around me so I figured...” she trailed off. “But don’t you think he needs to be part of this conversation?”

Rob kept his expression neutral and shook his head.

“I don’t think so. I just wanted to tell you that although we’re going to the Prom together, and it definitely sounds like fun,” he gestured to thin air. Going to Prom with someone did sound fun. He just didn’t know any dances. Storms, he’d have to learn at least something.

“I don’t want to get in the way between whatever you and Flid have going on. That would create an awkward love-triangle, I’d say. He already asked me if I liked you in that way and I told him the same thing.”

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