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7 hours ago, Sorana said:

"I hope everything works out for all of us."

Her voice turned serious.

"That unmade gives me the creeps."

”Yeah. The very thought of something that invades your dreams, attacks you when you are at your most defenseless...”

He shuddered.

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Just now, Lunamor said:

”Yeah. The very thought of something that invades your dreams, attacks you when you are at your most defenseless...”

He shuddered.

"It was pure chance we woke. I wish I knew how to fight it."

Shuddering as well she closed her eyes.

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Just now, Sorana said:

"It was pure chance we woke. I wish I knew how to fight it."

Shuddering as well she closed her eyes.

Ben wished he could close his eyes like Shana but knew that if he did so he would be asleep within seconds.

”Maybe... could practicing fighting her off help us become more powerful, building up our strength? We might be able to escape the dream much more quickly the next time we must face her.”

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"My name's Evelyn, and those people are dangerous! They were chasing me, and I think now they're after someone else. There was someone, a woman I think, by the entrance, and they called out. After she did, the people, the ones with red eyes, started running in their direction. Please, we need to stop them before someone gets hurt," Evelyn said, wanting to stop the people, but being stopped by the sight of the newcomers gun.

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I'm only filling the gap. I can finish Shana's conversation with Ben at any time so that we can skip.

"Practicing sounds good. But I'm not sure how. I can train with a weapon, but how can I train to fight a monster in my dream?"

Shana continued to lean against him, reached out for his hand.

"I don't want to loose you."

She said quietly, looking at her hands.

"I never had a boyfriend, I want to keep you, to build a relationship, to see where we will end. I don't want to loose you to a dream."

Worry darkened her words, he was so tired, and he was afraid to sleep. Gently she hugged him.

"I wish I could tell you, I'll protect you, but I can't."


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28 minutes ago, Karger said:

"Anyone still at home?" Asked Luther poking around.

"I need to learn the basic sword stances."

James entered the room. "I understand that you want to be prepared, Luther" he said, with a level expression, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But we all had a rough night. Give them a day, I think we all need it." he requested

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21 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James entered the room. "I understand that you want to be prepared, Luther" he said, with a level expression, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But we all had a rough night. Give them a day, I think we all need it." he requested

"Very well, but this will undermine the scheduled practice necessary to gain and maintain competence."

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19 minutes ago, Karger said:

"Very well, but this will undermine the scheduled practice necessary to gain and maintain competence."

James sighed, "I think our emotional wellbeing as a whole outweighs the schedule right now" he shook his head regretfully, "I don't think anyone left unscathed"

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12 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James sighed, "I think our emotional wellbeing as a whole outweighs the schedule right now" he shook his head regretfully, "I don't think anyone left unscathed"

"Emotional welling may be important but so is the task at hand.  We must remain and become as capable as possible."

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

"Practicing sounds good. But I'm not sure how. I can train with a weapon, but how can I train to fight a monster in my dream?"

Shana continued to lean against him, reached out for his hand.

"I don't want to loose you."

She said quietly, looking at her hands.

"I never had a boyfriend, I want to keep you, to build a relationship, to see where we will end. I don't want to loose you to a dream."

Worry darkened her words, he was so tired, and he was afraid to sleep. Gently she hugged him.

"I wish I could tell you, I'll protect you, but I can't."


Ben stared silently ahead, pondering what to say. He wanted to say something to make her feel better, to get rid of some of her worries. He wanted to say We’ll be fine or We will make it out ok, but he wasn’t sure he could believe that. He hated that he couldn’t solve this problem, hated that he had no clue what to do. 

“It’s not your fault. I don’t think any of us, even Doc, could stand against that thing alone.”

He wrapped a slightly shaking arm around Shana.

”I don’t want to lose you either. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will fight as hard as I can to keep us from being separated.”

He just had to figure out exactly how to do that.

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10 hours ago, Hope Spren said:

"My name's Evelyn, and those people are dangerous! They were chasing me, and I think now they're after someone else. There was someone, a woman I think, by the entrance, and they called out. After she did, the people, the ones with red eyes, started running in their direction. Please, we need to stop them before someone gets hurt," Evelyn said, wanting to stop the people, but being stopped by the sight of the newcomers gun.

I dashed after Jamie, blinking in surprise at the girl she cornered. "Did you say red eyes?"

9 hours ago, BookishOcelot said:

whenevrr the above is finished, Ene will hit the magic button and skip us to prom 


Ooh, it's a button? I was picturing a switch! Yeeessssss I love buttons. So ready to PRESS A BUTTON YAY. :D


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On 6/5/2019 at 0:51 AM, Dr. Dapper said:

Doc smiled. "There are ways to trap an Unmade, as I'm sure you know. If we were to do that, we'd need a perfect gemstone. I could get one, given about a month." he shrugged, "But that's just a thought."

Draug's eyes widened briefly. "That'd have to be one big gemstone... but I don't think it would work. She's too spread out. However," he asked, a thought coming to him, "could you get a Shardblade? A dead one? I know pretty much of them go to Guardians, but maybe if one of them swears an oath...?"

He looked at Doc hopefully.

@Dr. Dapper

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4 hours ago, Karger said:

"Emotional welling may be important but so is the task at hand.  We must remain and become as capable as possible."

Alright James, keep your cool. keep your cool he told himself mentally to no avail. "Do you have no heart!?" James burst out "You know what we dealt with in there!" And just like that, the long fuse on James's temper finally burned out. "Ben can hardly walk for the Almighty's sake!" his voice rose slightly, gaining in intensity "Show some empathy for once in your life! Perhaps then, you'd understand why we need this!" 

in the heat of his rant, James had hardly noticed that he had begun shaking from emotion, a feeling now become all the more strong and apparent after his finishing remarks. He left Luther standing there, as he strode intently to his room, as hot rage cooled into cold disdain.


Well, James just really lost it there. He's normally pretty cool, except when he views someone else's actions as un-empathetic. I hope I make it perfectly clear that the opinions, and angry words of James, do not necessarily represent my own opinion (although in this case they kind of do align), and that all of James's animosity is not directed towards @Karger as a person, but toward the character he's writing. (Just gotta cover your bases on the internet. No flame wars. except for fictional flame wars against voidbringers. Someone write that down.)


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