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James put the game down, remembering that he'd promised someone something. He went to his desk, and opened up his email on his laptop. This is the message he typed:

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I guess you could say I've been doing fine, but I know I promised I'd give you consistent updates on my status. I found the place that I need to be- there are a heck of a lot of others like me in Seattle. They all seem pretty nice, and well-intentioned to boot, even the ones I disagree with. I'm going to prom in a week or so, and I suppose there's that- Sawyer's really quite amiable, I think you'd like her. 

I love you both, James. 

He pressed send, and decided to head downstairs, both for food, and to host a group intervention.


Dun, Dun, Dun!


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5 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James put the game down, remembering that he'd promised someone something. He went to his desk, and opened up his email on his laptop. This is the message he typed:

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I guess you could say I've been doing fine, but I know I promised I'd give you consistent updates on my status. I found the place that I need to be- there are a heck of a lot of others like me in Seattle. They all seem pretty nice, and well-intentioned to boot, even the ones I disagree with. I'm going to prom in a week or so, and I suppose there's that- Sawyer's really quite amiable, I think you'd like her. 

I love you both, James. 

He pressed send, and decided to head downstairs, both for food, and to host a group intervention.




Er, are they Radiants?


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Just now, Emperor Stick said:

Flid was sitting on the couch when he saw James walking downstairs.

"Hey, you alright? I heard you arguing with Luthor."

James sighed, and sat down next to Flid, "Yeah," he said, "I guess you could call it that." he ran his hands through his hair in frustration,  "It's just like he's been blindsided to our emotional needs- or at the most, completely ignoring them." He explained, "I figure it's something worth talking about as a group"


1 minute ago, Emperor Stick said:



This. James is a pretty open person, and he has a good relationship with his parents, so he just told them pretty outright that he was at least in some way 'different'


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1 minute ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James sighed, and sat down next to Flid, "Yeah," he said, "I guess you could call it that." he ran his hands through his hair in frustration,  "It's just like he's been blindsided to our emotional needs- or at the most, completely ignoring them." He explained, "I figure it's something worth talking about as a group"

Flid nodded.

"I agree. Some of us saw some... horrible things, and we wake up and he's just like 'Well, time to go through endless training!' give us a break dude!"

He sighed. "We all just need a few days to calm down, and just be teenagers."

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Just now, Emperor Stick said:

Flid nodded.

"I agree. Some of us saw some... horrible things, and we wake up and he's just like 'Well, time to go through endless training!' give us a break dude!"

He sighed. "We all just need a few days to calm down, and just be teenagers."

"Definitely" James said, nodding in agreement. "We're all in pretty emotionally unstable points in life, and what we just went through could traumatize the most stoic, and stable person alive" He paused for a moment, and looked over at Flid, "You and I see things very similarly- great minds think alike as they say." He said with a grin.

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3 minutes ago, Emperor Stick said:

Flid nodded.

"I agree. Some of us saw some... horrible things, and we wake up and he's just like 'Well, time to go through endless training!' give us a break dude!"

He sighed. "We all just need a few days to calm down, and just be teenagers."

“Maybe it’s his coping mechanism,” Rob said, coming back from the lawn after turning off the porch lights.

“To deal with everything he saw, he wants to be prepared. I can understand that.”

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James held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Cease Fire!" he called out jokingly, "We should probably wait for everyone to get back before having a full on group intervention!" he said near to laughter, "In the meantime, who's up for some lunch?"

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

"Seattle does have a lot of us," I said absently.

"That's odd. Elantrains live in the same area because that's usually where our powers are strongest. I would have thought that other magics would be more spread out. You said that your powers were caused by spren? Does that mean that there are more spren in Seattle?"

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3 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Cease Fire!" he called out jokingly, "We should probably wait for everyone to get back before having a full on group intervention!" he said near to laughter, "In the meantime, who's up for some lunch?"

"I will never surrender! Although, you might be able to convince me with a hotdog."

Edited by Emperor Stick
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2 minutes ago, Emperor Stick said:


Flid grinned.

"Always wanted to respond to a question with that."

Rob nodded, his face still impassive. He still didn’t know, whether the conversation had slipped to judging him or not.

“Lunch would be good,” Rob said. “Do you guys want to eat out? We could go to Subway or something.”

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Just now, I think I am here. said:

“I’ve never had a hot dog, so okay,” Rob said.

James' jaw dropped in astonishment, "You're telling me," He said in awe, "That you've never had one of America's trademark foods! That settles it, we're doing hot dogs!"

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"Last one to the kitchen cleans up." said Edwin before darting in that direction.


Sorry for disappearing for so long. I thought it might make the timeskip easier but, well, that didn't happen.

Edit: Ninja's. So we're making them or buying them?


Edited by Eluvianii
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2 minutes ago, Emperor Stick said:

Flid grinned even more. This felt so normal, considering what had happened a few hours ago.

"Where though? I don't know this area very well, you guys know any places?"

Rob shook his head. “Whenever I eat out, I always have a sandwich or something.”

They sold hotdogs in carts, right? Rob couldn’t think of many in the neighbourhood.

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