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AMA: Ghanderflaffle Edition.


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Because these seem like fun, AMA! I'd prefer something more random, but hey, you pick. 

Also, I'd be great if you would mention me or quote me so I don't forget about this thread, but if you don't I will try to fix my memories.

Edited by Ghanderflaffle
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Burger King or McDonalds?

If you had to wear one pair of shoes until your 46th birthday (they’re indestructible), what shoes would they be?

What’s the best word or phrase for greeting your friends, what about strangers?

Where do you live?

What’s your mother’s maiden name?

What’s your social security number?

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45 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Why won’t my cat quit trying to sit on my face?

Two possible reasons:

1. It loves you.

2. It is attempting to use mind control.

41 minutes ago, Taradiddle said:

Burger King or McDonalds?

If you had to wear one pair of shoes until your 46th birthday (they’re indestructible), what shoes would they be?

What’s the best word or phrase for greeting your friends, what about strangers?

Where do you live?

What’s your mother’s maiden name?

What’s your social security number?

1. McDonald's, but overall, Freddy's. Or Runza.

2. My cowboy boots, they are pretty great.

3. Tally Ho!/Howdy

4. I'm on the stalker map, but Nebraska.

5. ImGerman007

6. 4444444444444444444444444

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1. Pretty good, I got to go into the greenhouse for my ag class, so that was fun.

2. Mexican food, namely pupusas. Wait, I think those are Salvadorian... :wacko:

3. That's a more difficult one, but I say Mistborn.

4. About 5'10"

5. No, yours is... blue.

6. I've already been spiked, nobody warned me in time. 


Edited by Ghanderflaffle
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1. At which point does a microwave burrito become inedible?

2. How many trains does it take to cause a wreck?

3. How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

4. Pandas?

5. Would you rather eat a pickle or eat a cucumber?

6. Do you categorize pickles and cucumbers as the same things?

7. If x+11=5y, and x=2(3y-8), what are the values of x and y?


Edited by Aon GanchoLibre
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1 hour ago, Aon GanchoLibre said:

1. At which point does a microwave burrito become inedible?

2. How many trains does it take to cause a wreck?

3. How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

4. Pandas?

5. Would you rather eat a pickle or eat a cucumber?

6. Do you categorize pickles and cucumbers as the same things?

7. If x+11=5y, and x=2(3y-8), what are the values of x and y?


1. Never, just scrape it off the sides if it explodes.

2. None, all it takes is an engine or a car

3. Depends, who made the lightbulbs?

4. Sometimes, but you have to make sure they aren't spiked. Everything is spiked these days.

5. You mean a raw pickle?

6. There's pickle and raw pickle, no idea what this "cucumber" thing you're talking about is.

7. I know how to do that but I'm too lazy to do it at the moment.

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1: Why

43: Do you like cheese?

553: What is your favorite color that doesn't exist?

X: In your own words, explain the theory of relativity.

54#$4: What is a Ghanderflaffle?

$: Describe your surroundings in three words.

*^: What color is your shirt?

$##: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your first actions?

747: In the aforementioned scenario, would you rather have 3 mini minotaurs or 3 mega goats?

4543: Would your answers to the previous two questions change, if you were instead caught in a sentient book apocalypse?

(): Do you think it's ethical to give a llama allomantic powers through hemalugry?

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On 4/2/2019 at 9:57 AM, TheVillageIdiot said:


1: Why

43: Do you like cheese?

553: What is your favorite color that doesn't exist?

X: In your own words, explain the theory of relativity.

54#$4: What is a Ghanderflaffle?

$: Describe your surroundings in three words.

*^: What color is your shirt?

$##: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your first actions?

747: In the aforementioned scenario, would you rather have 3 mini minotaurs or 3 mega goats?

4543: Would your answers to the previous two questions change, if you were instead caught in a sentient book apocalypse?

(): Do you think it's ethical to give a llama allomantic powers through hemalugry?


1. Because I said so.

43. I do, mainly pepper jack

553. Ghanderflaffle

X. Pass

54#$4: A ghanderflaffle is a majestic creature with the body of a snake, arms, and some other things. It was created in TLT on page 5 or 6 I think.

$. Want to leave

*^. Red with blue

$##. Hug the zombies

747. 3 mega sheep, but goats will work

4543. I would read the sentient books and become queen.

(). Only if you feed it a cookie.

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  • 9 months later...
On 3/25/2019 at 10:12 AM, Ghanderflaffle said:

I'd prefer something more random, but hey, you pick. 

If fifteen blue tigers ate Butt Venture (the character, not the Sharder) and then ran from Britain to Japan, how many favorite color flavors of the alphabet can two people have? 

Who was the ninety-seventh person to be born in the United States of America? 

What's up? 

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14 hours ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

2. You Ene, because you are, for all aspects, immortal.

3. Not much, you?

I was not aware of this fact :o, so I'm feeling surprised and betrayed right about now. 

Is anything exciting happening this morning? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Given the choice between $10,000 now or $5 every week for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

An alien with the intent of killing you walks into the room. What’s your first move?

What’s your favorite band/musical artist?

What’s your favorite song?

What’s your favorite instrument to listen to?

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