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Conversational Sanderson quotes

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Inspired by a post by @Ark1002, I wanted to try to compile a list of quotes in Sanderson books that can be used in everyday conversation. They need not make total sense, but comedic value is appreciated.

For example: Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do.

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“I’m refined, you insolent farmer"

"There were books involved."

“I ain't grouchy, I just have a low threshold for stupidity.” 

"I've always been very confident in my immaturity."

"Wasing not of wasing is.” 

These are the ones I'd use.

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“You see, that is the sad, sorry, terrible thing about sarcasm. It's really funny.”

“If you're always on time, it implies that you never have anything better you should be doing.”

“Why hasn't anyone killed him yet?”

“I strive for nothing if not consistency” 

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3 hours ago, AonDii said:

Alcatraz or mistborn?

Mistborn, when the gang made fun of Breeze, when he couldnt understand Spooks street slang: 


“Breeze strolled over to the table and chose a seat with his characteristic decorum. The portly man raised his dueling cane, pointing it at Ham. 'I see that my period of intellectual respite has come to an end.'

Ham smiled. 'I thought up a couple beastly questions while I was gone, and I've been saving them just for you, Breeze.'

'I'm dying of anticipation,' Breeze said. He turned his cane toward Lestibournes. 'Spook, drink.'

Spook rushed over and fetched Breeze a cup of wine.

'He's such a fine lad,' Breeze noted, accepting the drink. 'I barely even have to nudge him Allomantically. If only the rest of you ruffians were so accommodating.'

Spook frowned. 'Niceing the not on the playing without.'

'I have no idea what you just said, child,' Breeze said. 'So I'm simply going to pretend it was coherent, then move on.'

Kelsier rolled his eyes. 'Losing the stress on the nip,' he said. 'Notting without the needing of care.'

'Riding the rile of the rids to the right,' Spook said with a nod.

'What are you two babbling about?' Breeze said testily.

'Wasing the was of brightness,' Spook said. 'Nip the having of wishing of this.'

'Ever wasing the doing of this,' Kelsier agreed.

'Ever wasing the wish of having the have,' Ham added with a smile. 'Brighting the wish of wasing the not.'

Breeze turned to Dockson with exasperation. 'I believe our companions have finally lost their minds, dear friend.'

Dockson shrugged. Then, with a perfectly straight face, he said, 'Wasing not of wasing is.” 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Basically, anything Shallan says, for example: 

Kaladin: “The only time you seem honest is when you’re insulting someone!”
Shallan: “The only honest things I can say to you are insults.” 

“The world isn't fair? What a huge revelation! Some people in power abuse those they have power over? Amazing! When did this start happening?” 

Shallan: “Are you that afraid of being wrong? One would assume you’d be accustomed to it by now.”
Vathah: “Be careful, girl. You wouldn’t want to accidentally insult a man.”
Shallan: “The last thing I’d want to do is accidentally insult you, Vathah, to think that I
couldn’t manage it on purpose if I wanted!”

Adolin: “I can see what you’re up to.”
Shallan: “Five foot six inches, I suspect that’s all I will ever be up to, unfortunately.” 

“This is insanity!"
"No, this is scholarship!”

“Ah, the outdoors," Shallan said. "I visited that mythical place once. It was so very long ago, I've nearly forgotten it. Tell me, does the sun still shine, or is that just my dreamy recollection'

Edited by Emperor Stick
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"That's kind of like a homicidal hat trick."  (HoA)

"That evil force of doom trying to destroy me certainly has style." (HoA)

"Authors like making people squirm." (Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians)


And, of course:

"You're like a potato! In a minefield!" (Firefight)


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30 minutes ago, Tariniel said:

"That's kind of like a homicidal hat trick."  (THoA)

"That evil force of doom trying to destroy me certainly has style." (THoA)

"Authors like making people squirm." (Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians)


And, of course:

"You're like a potato! In a minefield!" (Firefight)


*cringes at capital t*

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  • 2 weeks later...

" Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do. " < I prefer the first time this idea was echoed.

Not exact quote doing it from memory.



"I need to know if honor is dead" - Kalidin

"He is, but he lives on in men" - Syl


alternatively I think Kalidin's 3rd oath


"I will protect even those I hate as long as it is right".


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