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I am a fellow Cosmere Addict


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I just wanted to introduce myself cause I have been hooked on Cosmere books. This started back when I had some free credits on Audible and I wasn't really into audiobooks yet. I still had to spend the credits I wasn't using so I did a Google search for best fantasy books and it say The Way of Kings. I grabbed it but never started it right away.

I then started my audible addiction on The Dresden Files and went through all 15 books one after another. I figured I was a Jim Butcher fan for life and Harry Dresden could only ever be done by James Marsters. It was so good but once I ran out I was left with a void. 

Then I finally decided to pick up The Way of Kings. I didn't understand what was going on but the copper mind wiki helped me while also giving me spoilers. The spoilers I found were not ruining the book but they gave me something to look forward to. Then I find that the spoilers were vague enough that the events even though I knew they were coming still blew my mind. I instantly got hooked after WoK and went through WoR of Oath in less than a month. It was the best month of audiobooks ever (listening while driving, working, doing the dishes, playing video games).

After that I wanted to know about the Cosmere and what it meant so I looked up the reading order and realized I kind of already started at the tail end. So I just started Mistborn and did the first 3 books then wanted to read the side story and saw it's in the Arcanum Unbound which includes all the other side stories. So that got me to do Elantris and now I'm finishing warbreaker. All of which have been great stories and I think it has been great going through Stormlight cause although it was really confusing I noticed so many other little details in the other books. Anyways now I'm here on the forums fueling my Cosmere addiction more. Glad to be here.

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Warbreaker really has me curious of the timelines between all series and the Storm light archives. After hearing about Gallodon and Demiuex looking for Hoid. Makes you really wonder what happened between their stories and Stormlight Archive.

As for my order preference it would either be Windrunners or Bondsmiths since they are both around Honor. Skybreakers I can't really get behind. Blind justice thing kinda bothered me.

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We're going to need to start a Cosmere Anonymous group, aren't we? Welcome! If you haven't already read Arcanum or at least Mistborn: Secret History, I'd recommend reading it after Mistborn Era 2 because it gives slight spoilers to a certain character.

Way of Kings is my favourite of the Cosmere, if not ever. I hope you enjoy the ride!

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Welcome! I too started on the tall end, with the Stormlight books, and then I read Mistborn because many of my friends had, and they reccomended it to me so strongly I couldn't say no (the number of people who read Mistborn around me is unreal- helps when the author is somewhat local I guess)

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On 4/27/2019 at 5:10 PM, cbgenoseven said:

I wanted to especially since I finished the trilogy. However in the audible format they don't have the story standalone it is merged into arcanum unbound. So I am finishing up rest of cosmere before I start that.

Well, then allow me to bring you good news. There IS an audiobook for Secret History (and 2 other Mistborn short stories) that you can check out.


Only, it is not from audible but from Graphic Audio. The main difference between those companies is that Graphic audio focuses on quality over quantity. You see, they hire different professional voice actors for every main character and most secondary characters so the voices are really distinctive. Not to mention well acted. I remembered being so engrossed when I first listen to Final Empire not just because of the amazing story but because of how much I loved the performances of pretty much everybody but especially for Kelsier, Breeze, and Sazed. They also compose an original soundtrack for their audiobook adaptations that make the scenes in Mistborn more intense and epic and also have special sound effects. Also important to note is that while the GA adaptations have a few hours less of content than the audible counterparts they are not actually abridged. More like, some sound effects allow them to summarize some text (like, say, the sounds of horses running making it unnecessary to narrate every detail from that moment) which speeds up the production and when characters have their dialogue it never ends with the narrator finishing their sentences with things like "he said" before the other character replies. So, the essence isn't lost at all despite being a little shorter.

I thoroughly recommend this option for you. Every Cosmere story in Graphic audio has fantastic production values so they would also be great alternatives for you if you ever want to reread the Cosmere in the future. I am particularly fond of Warbreaker and the Stormlight Archives among their other Cosmere productions. But for now I really hope you like this and if you give it a shot, I hope you let me know what you thought at some point.

Happy binge listening!

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I checked out that site and I think I'm so used to Michael Kramer that I really enjoy anticipating him tell the stories and very satisfied with him which makes me think I'll really enjoy Wheel of Time once I'm done with all the Cosmere books.

I started Wax and Wayne and I thought I wouldn't like it since I don't really like Western themed stories but this is great. The fact they reference Era 1 so much as mythology and Revere Kelsier, Vin and Ellend so much is great. I was really happy to hear Harmony is active in the series. I'm half way through SoS and I'm assuming something happens that makes me bitter with Harmony soon but I figure I'll still enjoy the story. I am happy I started these Wax is way better than I expected. Him being a Ladrian I was expecting a Breeze like character but I'm glad he turned out the way he did. I had a hard time with Wayne early on but he is growing on me fast the way he can read situations and people is a fitting touch for someone you assume is borderline simpleton. I enjoy seeing the struggles of the city from the Connor General and how much Wax helps while at the same time creating problems for the city at the same time.


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On 4/27/2019 at 5:09 PM, cbgenoseven said:


I just wanted to introduce myself cause I have been hooked on Cosmere books. This started back when I had some free credits on Audible and I wasn't really into audiobooks yet. I still had to spend the credits I wasn't using so I did a Google search for best fantasy books and it say The Way of Kings. I grabbed it but never started it right away.

I then started my audible addiction on The Dresden Files and went through all 15 books one after another. I figured I was a Jim Butcher fan for life and Harry Dresden could only ever be done by James Marsters. It was so good but once I ran out I was left with a void. 

Then I finally decided to pick up The Way of Kings. I didn't understand what was going on but the copper mind wiki helped me while also giving me spoilers. The spoilers I found were not ruining the book but they gave me something to look forward to. Then I find that the spoilers were vague enough that the events even though I knew they were coming still blew my mind. I instantly got hooked after WoK and went through WoR of Oath in less than a month. It was the best month of audiobooks ever (listening while driving, working, doing the dishes, playing video games).

After that I wanted to know about the Cosmere and what it meant so I looked up the reading order and realized I kind of already started at the tail end. So I just started Mistborn and did the first 3 books then wanted to read the side story and saw it's in the Arcanum Unbound which includes all the other side stories. So that got me to do Elantris and now I'm finishing warbreaker. All of which have been great stories and I think it has been great going through Stormlight cause although it was really confusing I noticed so many other little details in the other books. Anyways now I'm here on the forums fueling my Cosmere addiction more. Glad to be here.

Hello, welcome!  If you could live in one of the cosmere worlds, which would you choose and why?

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