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Mid-Range Game 35: Final Flight

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It's yo inactive, incompetent Walin, signing up again. This might be my last game, but I'm bringing in every tool of non-participation I have to the table.

Signing up as Ildem, callsign: Isekai Inbred, and I'll be bringing you backwards hats and I-based alliteration with everything I've got.

Edited by Walin
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13 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

The defected is the Traitor, the serial killer. 

Right okay makes snes

EDIT: Some last minute questions and clarifications after having read through all the rules extensively. @Steeldancer


What happens if more than one eliminator puts in a kill order?
What happens if the same ship is requested by two non-leader players C1? What happens if two squad leaders request the same ship?
Should the Lifebuster return after being delayed, will its health be refreshed?


The rules say that destructors deal damage equal to the number of destructors your assigned ship contains. I'm assuming you can have more than one ship under your control (the requested one, or do they rotate?) And if so, do the destructors on the assigned and requested ships stack in damage?

You continually refer to a required amount of 'force', "Force of Krell (...) Force against Krell". By this do you mean net damage dealt? Sum of damage dealt? Inclusive of shields? What exactly are you saying here?

And how do the AA turrets work exactly? Do gunners have an assigned ship? Can they be considered to be interchangeable? if you attack a Rebel, does damage go through to the ship or the turret?  Or is it like the Krell with surplus damage going to the turrets?

When making actions, do you specify the ship you are targeting or the player?


Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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14 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Right okay makes snes

EDIT: Some last minute questions and clarifications after having read through all the rules extensively. @Steeldancer


What happens if more than one eliminator puts in a kill order?
What happens if the same ship is requested by two non-leader players C1? What happens if two squad leaders request the same ship?
Should the Lifebuster return after being delayed, will its health be refreshed?


The rules say that destructors deal damage equal to the number of destructors your assigned ship contains. I'm assuming you can have more than one ship under your control (the requested one, or do they rotate?) And if so, do the destructors on the assigned and requested ships stack in damage?

You continually refer to a required amount of 'force', "Force of Krell (...) Force against Krell". By this do you mean net damage dealt? Sum of damage dealt? Inclusive of shields? What exactly are you saying here?

And how do the AA turrets work exactly? Do gunners have an assigned ship? Can they be considered to be interchangeable? if you attack a Rebel, does damage go through to the ship or the turret?  Or is it like the Krell with surplus damage going to the turrets?

When making actions, do you specify the ship you are targeting or the player?


Only the last kill order will be put in. They'll have a document to coordinate. 
If the same ships is requested by two players, one of them will get the ship. The other will get as similar of a ship as is available, before the players who did not put in requests get assigned ships. So, if you request a specific Poco, and someone else gets the specific Poco you asked for, you'll still probably end up with a Poco. 
Any ship that comes back will not have its health refreshed, other than it's shield regenerating. 

You may only have a single ship assigned to you at a time. The reason assigned is used is because technically eliminators have ships assigned to them that they do not use. 
Force refers to how much damage is dealt, inclusive of shields. 
Gunners do have an assigned ship that they cannot use. Attacking a rebel does damage to the turret. 
When making an attack on Krell, you will specify ship, which will be labeled Krell 1A, indicating what turm they arrived on and what number they are. When making an attack on a player, you will specify player. 

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Alrighty then! Now being free of responsibilities in other games, and with a grand total of 15 people signed up, I think we're ready to go tomorrow. Alvron will be the IM (he seems to IM all of my games, doesn't he?) and I will be your glorious GM. 
One last time... Steeldancer is going to Texas 

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19 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Alvron will be the IM (he seems to IM all of my games, doesn't he?) 

What can I say?  I need to get my fix of Steel before you're gone for two years.

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Day 1- Reach for the Sky
He preferred to be called by his callsign. Steel. He'd been flying for several years now against the Krell. But now it would soon be time to put down the ship, and do something else with his life. Like being a librarian or something more mundane like that. He had had a range of medical conditions crop up in his time in the sky, and would be unable to fly while he got some advanced medical treatment.  
But he still had some time. 
So he was surprised when he was called into Alta base unexpectedly. Ironsides glared at the collection of pilots before her. "I'm sure most of you have heard by now that Bountiful Cavern has decided to rebel against our leadership. I have also heard that there are pilots who feel that perhaps we have overstepped our bounds in governing the Defiant League. Well, let me make this clear."
She looked over the terrified pilots. "Any rebellious tendencies will not be tolerated. Our job is to protect the human race. Anyone who decides to threaten that all-important mission will be promptly court martialed and drummed right out of the Defense Force. Do you understand?"
The hall was hushed. Someone near the back coughed. Ironsides nodded, and the pilots scattered at the implicit dismissal. 
Steel was from Bountiful cavern. That could put a delay on his medical leave. He grimaced, and headed to his flight. Maybe his flight leader would be able to work things out for him in this case. 
As he walked to the bunker, he remembered stories his mother had told him when he was young. Of Earth, the planet they heralded from. Of blue skies, not the oppressive gray color of Detritus. He wondered what it would be like to fly through a blue sky. It would probably be a lot easier to see Krell ships against that backdrop. 
The game has begun! Role PMs will be sent out as soon as possible! 
Alta Base currently has 25 health. The ships available are listed below. Largos have 8 health, Pocos have 6 health, and Fresas have 4 health. 






















All other health will be as indicated in the initial rules. Player list is below. Remember PMs are closed in the day, and remember to submit a ship request. Otherwise a random ship will be assigned to you. 


1. Snipexe, "Scissors"
2. Xinoehp512, "Llerk"
3. Elandera "Bad Wolf" Brenna 
4. Mailliw73, Millis “Storm” Stromberg
5. Devotary, “Yaw(n)” Yafrion
6. Ark1002, Bard "Bastard" Dominion
7. Furamirionind, Julis "Junior" Elliot
8. Cadmium "CadCom" Compounder
9. StrikerEZ, Seth "Striker" Johnson
10. Young Bard, Rivelda "Topsy-Turvy" Kline
11. Sart, Sarah "Seraph" Potts
12. Darkness Ascendent, Noel "Skinny Ship" Miller
13. Walin, Ildem "Isekai Inbred"
14. XXGaea, Iradesca "Paradise Song" Aleh
15. A Joe in the Bush, Knowstoo "Number 4" Much
16. _Stick_, Stick "somethingcool" stick
17. Drake "
:ph34r:" Marshall

The turn will end in 24 hours, at 8:00 PM EDT 5/26/19. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Millis “Storm” Stromberg was so confused. Who was this random latecomer? And his call sign was : ph34r :? How in the world was anyone supposed to say that quickly in flight? Weirdo. 

Edited by Mailliw73
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2 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Millis “Storm” Stromberg was so confused. Who was this random latecomer? And his call sign was : ph34r :? How in the world was anyone supposed to say that quickly in flight? Weirdo. 

Knowstoo Much looked at the list and tried to sound it out himself. "Ffthirtyfar? Is that correct?"

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3 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Knowstoo Much looked at the list and tried to sound it out himself. "Ffthirtyfar? Is that correct?"

“Are the colons supposed to be pronounced somehow?” Millis added.

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9 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

“Are the colons supposed to be pronounced somehow?” Millis added.

Its ya boi skinny ship, let me give you the inside deets, I consulted one of those robot voices and the colons are silent.

Noel suddenly had flashbacks to Toy Story 3 When McCree used his ultimate


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