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The Newcago Court


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(Worldhops back with an exact same replica and a kiwi as an extra)


Got one too. Bank security never notices.


(Worldhops back from New Zealand holding a kiwi)


Got one. Animal protection never notices


(Chucks it to Swim)


*grabs both the Kiwis* "You are advised not to repeat this behavior Mr Panda. Steal another kiwi and you will be dealt with accordingly."

*takes the Kiwis back to their sanctuary*

Edit: because its spelt 'to' not 'ti'

Edited by CrystalBodies
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The Knave must still be busy with his supplications, Brightlady Feather, and thus unable to provide the needed aid.

I come from afar, following the call of the warm desert winds and Jaeger footprints to find you here, in the midst of frigid frost, and offer you my allegiance, such as it is.

I am Mary of the wild lands, faithful to you till the end.

I will attest to the perils of replication, that which brings about a myriad of troubles but nevertheless a source of adventures, sweet adventures.

Edited by quitecontrary
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The Knave must still be busy with his supplications, Brightlady Feather, and thus unable to provide the needed aid.

I come from afar, following the call of the warm desert winds and Jaeger footprints to find you here, in the midst of frigid frost, and offer you my allegiance, such as it is.



Jaeger footprints? Is this a Pacific Rim reference or a German quote?


Mary, you sure you don't want to join the other groups? There's the Newcagos, the Wafflesworn, the Observers (my fun bunch) and even the Shrooms. 


Wait, why are you posting this in the NEWCAGO COURT THREAD?

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Sorry about that. I couldn't find that button my phone.

Unless the mobile site is different from the regular one, your Majesty, the Multiquote function should be right beside the quote one; click Multiquote on each of the posts you want to quote, and then reply to the same box that appears in the bottom right of thy screen.

"HISSSS!!!" *scrambles away* "Do not ask me to listen to HIS foul words..."


I remind thee, sir, that thou are the one casting slurs upon my name and that of my Queen. As sorrow-inducing as her writing may be, at least thy monstrous mistress knows when relations are best served through geniality. I pray thy follow her example, lest thou wish to test thyself in foolish contest.

Edited by Quiver
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Unless the mobile site is different from the regular one, your Majesty, the Multiquote function should be right beside the quote one; click Multiquote on each of the posts you want to quote, and then reply to the same box that appears in the bottom right of thy screen.


I do believe that the mobile site is indeed different from the regular one. However, there should be a way to get it to load the normal site as well. *sips tea and smiles helpfully* I do not, however, know if the multiquote function is the same on the rather wonky mobile site.....

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I do believe that the mobile site is indeed different from the regular one. However, there should be a way to get it to load the normal site as well. *sips tea and smiles helpfully* I do not, however, know if the multiquote function is the same on the rather wonky mobile site.....


when you first enter the mobile site scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit full site. this will bring up the site like you see it on a desktop.

yes it does have a multiquote button.


thank you for the wonderful gift Kobold King.

Edited by Matrim Bloody Cauthon
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The Featherpeoples now shall defeat any Shroomies that enter the realm of the Forum. For we have...official logos courtesy of Tempus.

WoR spoilers:

The Surgeborn was surrounded by nine of his spren, the Stormfather was staying where he was and only spoke in Featherstormblessed's mind. The spren all talked to him, trying to give him different ideas of what to do. "The Surgeborn will do what the Surgeborn will do. Spren, spear form now." Nine sprenspears formed around him.

His Featherspear was in his hand still. "Queen Elsa, you have shown me that you are a kind and considerate leader. We shall not go to war this day. But be warned, earn the irk of our Lady Feather or of the Featherclan and you will be destroyed and regret that decision.

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Mailliw, a word if you would, in deference to our former acquaintance.

Perhaps more apt would be to call it warning; for since thy troops have bandied such since their arrival, and now thou does the same. Allow me to return the favour:

Should any of thine raise hand or steel, blade or bolt against Queen Elsa, thou shalt regret it.

Not only shall her Majesty's magic be turned against;

Not only shall her Majesty's servants and armies bear up arms;

Not only shall thy name and that of thy monstress be scrapped from the world like rotten ice:

If thou move against my Queen in any way, thou shalt find arrayed against thyself all the armies of heaven and hell, and the form and power of the true Archer of the Night shall be brought upon you.


The form of the Archer of the Night is a pony.

Thou shalt still fear his power and tremble in his presence!

(Check the post count)

Edited by Quiver
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Mailliw, a word if you would, in deference to our former acquaintance.

Perhaps more apt would be to call it warning; for since thy troops have bandied such since their arrival, and now thou does the same. Allow me to return the favour:

Should any of thine raise hand or steel, blade or bolt against Queen Elsa, thou shalt regret it.

Not only shall her Majesty's magic be turned against;

Not only shall her Majesty's servants and armies bear up arms;

Not only shall thy name and that of thy monstress be scrapped from the world like rotten ice:

If thou move against my Queen in any way, thou shalt find arrayed against thyself all the armies of heaven and hell, and the form and power of the true Archer of the Night shall be brought upon you.


The form of the Archer of the Night is a pony.

Thou shalt still fear his power and tremble in his presence!

(Check the post count)

(666= Nightmare Quiver.)


that's well said!

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Mailliw, a word if you would, in deference to our former acquaintance.

Perhaps more apt would be to call it warning; for since thy troops have bandied such since their arrival, and now thou does the same. Allow me to return the favour:

Should any of thine raise hand or steel, blade or bolt against Queen Elsa, thou shalt regret it.

Not only shall her Majesty's magic be turned against;

Not only shall her Majesty's servants and armies bear up arms;

Not only shall thy name and that of thy monstress be scrapped from the world like rotten ice:

If thou move against my Queen in any way, thou shalt find arrayed against thyself all the armies of heaven and hell, and the form and power of the true Archer of the Night shall be brought upon you.


The form of the Archer of the Night is a pony.

Thou shalt still fear his power and tremble in his presence!

(Check the post count)

Did you just discover MLP: FiM or something?

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Aaaaaaay, QuiteContrary! You've read Scroungers? I am definitely going to pester you about what you thought about everything later.  And, yes Quiver's a fan of MLP. Speaking of which...


Quiver, Thou ignorest me? Am I not worthy of thine address? Thou mayest forsake thine allegiance to the Featherbows, though are we not yet acquantainces? Even as some might call friends? Thou callest me not mistress in these late days, yet dost thou forsake my good will towards thee?

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Yes, I have, Brightlady Feather, and it's a great read! I doubt if I can match the level of review detail that Quiver, Archer of the Night, and from his allegiance - formerly of the Featherbows - can do. I revel simply in the enjoyment of a well-written good idea...and of course, sumptious waffles! (Long live the Wafflesworn!)

Quiver: If thou dost betrayest once, thou wilt again.

*whispers to Queen Elsa* "Beware of your vassal's dual nature..."

Incidentally, how were the waffles? I have procured some Wafflerasium from the far lands to enhance their scrumptiousness.

Edited by quitecontrary
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I thought the Observer's Guild will just stand in the sidelines and observe, but obviously are responsible for the number of *giggle* turncloaks around here.


I wanted to join you before, Lightsworn, but I realized that you and your ilk must have been the one following Hoid...Hoidstorians, if you will, as he went around the Cosmere introducing the magic of waffles. How you can resist the aroma of freshly baked waffles is beyond me, so I thought it very odd, and decided not to be tempted to be an Observer. 

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I thought the Observer's Guild will just stand in the sidelines and observe, but obviously are responsible for the number of *giggle* turncloaks around here.


I wanted to join you before, Lightsworn, but I realized that you and your ilk must have been the one following Hoid...Hoidstorians, if you will, as he went around the Cosmere introducing the magic of waffles. How you can resist the aroma of freshly baked waffles is beyond me, so I thought it very odd, and decided not to be tempted to be an Observer. 

Oh, we don't resist it. We just introduce it to others, get them to make some then nab (sough) i mean order it off them

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What is scroungers about?


Here is a description from Archive of our Own:

A group of outcasts come together in Sydney to try to pull off some of the most daring heists in the this side of the equator, and all under the shadow of the Sydney Shatterdome. With a new Marshal in charge, set on cleaning up the territory, and a strange new sect of Kaiju cultists on the rise, this unlikely set of companions must face the odds if they're going to succeed!


I recommend checking out  FeatherWriter's blog to read it. It's really darned good.


Oh, we don't resist it. We just introduce it to others, get them to make some then nab (sough) i mean order it off them


Hah! Then you must nab, er, order, some more, at a discount of course, for introducing it to others.



Hello, Queen of the icy Newcago Court. Have you come to visit the waffle kitchen for more tea? Today, we have the Queen's Special: Buttermilk Corn Waffle with Blackberry Syrup sprinkled with cinnamon and confectioner's sugar, served with Four Red Fruits tea.

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What is scroungers about?


*a beautiful heavenly light drifts down from the sky as an angelic choir begins to sing*


That is my favorite question ever, congrats. So as not to derail the thread entirely I'll link to where I explained to Quiver what Scroungers is (Here, and here). Long story short, it's a story set in the Pacific Rim universe that I write with a group of people who are all awesome. I am completely obsessed with it and if you read Scroungers you instantly become one of my favorite people ever. If you liveblog and/or discuss Scroungers with me, you and I become eternal best friends and I will love you forever.


...which is why this whole betrayer!Quiver thing is so amusing. Because Quiver's one of the best Scrounger livebloggers I've got and he's and I are tight. Quiver's awesome and like one of my favorite people ever. If you're curious about reading it you can do so here on tumblr, or (possibly more easy to navigate) here on Archive of Our Own. Discussing Scroungers should probably go in that fanfic fanclub thread though, which has kinda turned into the 'talk about Scroungers' thread.


I would say sorry for de-railing the topic with Scrounger talk, but I've gotten used to the fact that in any given conversation over the last year, I will inevitably talk about Sydney Scroungers at least once usually.

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