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The Newcago Court


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Elsa and I were having a crazy conversation, and since 17th shard thoroughly invaded in every aspect, we thought we'd share this for your amusement.

Delightful: i can just picture this hug dance on a slanted red rooftop. I don't know how we're not falling

Elsa: Well it would be kinda peculiar if everyone in Newcago saw the queen and princess dancing on top a roof top :D

Delightful: Hahaha but if you're royal you can get away with anything



Delightful: and marshmallow!

Elsa: Hahhhahahhahha

And Hans!

Delightful: Nah, kick him off.

And then the roof stars crashing under the weight

Elsa: And I create a ice cloud for us to keep dancing :)

Delightful: Jack Frost waves as he shoots on past, meanwhile on the ground Quiver Swimmingly Leftinch and the rest of Newcago come running to join the celebrations, Followed by quitecontrary and Kobold King stumbling under the weight of their waffles

Elsa: And I use the ice cloud as a lift to bring them on the roof And then Ashitok who is carrying a enourmous platter of chocolate gets ambushed by the royals because they can't resist the chocs

Delightful: And the featherblades stick their heads in to see all the fun

Elsa: Lady Feather strolls in carrying a feather waffle

Delightful; scribbling at fanfic as she walks, muttering under her breath about Renarin.

Elsa: And then the Observers come in!

This is a very crazy party.But then the Shroomies walk in! :o

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Hey hey hey, wait a second!


(Elsecalss Smurf back into room and locks doors)


You do realize that the Wafflesworn won't be very happy with you, since they're the food suppliers of Newcago. And I just happen to have accidentally locked you into a room full of them.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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That blue Shroomie is either very brave or very crazy. And I suddenly feel in the mood to create a dish!

The Fun-gwaffle

The waffle so blue nobody wants to eat it, except the shroomies from which they are made of. Made of fluffy egg whites folded in "Essence of Shroom Smurf", this blue concoction can make anyone want to raise arms in protest.

"Wafflesworn, grab that blue Shroomie! Which one? That one holding 2 atium spikes, whichelse? I need some of him for my recipe!"

*brings out cauldron*

<Insert mad cackle here>

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Hold up. How much you need? That sounds pretty good, I like blueberries, they are blue therefore I likes all the blue food. I may be willing to sacrifice some small portion of myself. But only in the name of Blue Science Guy.


EDIT: punctuations and smurf

Edited by SmurfAquamarineBodies
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I KNEW there was another semi-creepy recipe! Go ahead Ashiok, take him, he's yours.

There is always another recipe.




Make that 2. I bribed Porridge into the Observer's Guild.



Make that 1. The Smurf is cooked.

Edited by Quitecontrary
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I protest! No such thing is happening. The Wafflesworn do not own the Current Factions/Guilds thread. They have their own Wafflesworn thread. (I figure I have the right to protest because I was recruited on the CFG thread and asked everyone for suggestions on what guild to join).

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Peng, before you charge gung-ho into the ranks of the Waffles, please pause and reconsider the alternatives. There's plenty of other groups. Allow me to list them for you:


Feathertips: the fandom of Featherwriter. The oldest LIVING group there is and with the most reputable members.

Positives: Probably the most powerful group there is, and you do get a sneak peek at Feather's next fan-fic.

Negatives: The Feathers are constantly in a state of turmoil and arguing, and they are the most trigger-happy group there is.

(Notable) Members (I've lost count of them):

  • Featherwriter (leader)
  • Malliw
  • lwd24era
  • Joe


Newcago: Founded by Quiver (an ex-follower of Feather), the Newcagos are dedicated to Elsa Steelheart. They gained power and reputation VERY quickly.

Positives: Most popular group, and still gaining followers. Very notable followers, too.

Negatives: They are a tad random and goal-less.

(Notable) Members (I've lost count of them too):

  • Elsa Steelheart (Leader)
  • Delightful
  • Quiver 
  • Swimmingly
  • Grey Pilgrim

Observers Guild: My guild. We are sworn to observing, laughing at others and such. We are like Hoid

Positives: We get awesome Items, and we are not involved in petty conflict but we can enjoy them on the sidelines.

Negatives: Some people call us creepy. I actually don't know why.


  • Lightsworn Panda (Founder and Leader)
  • PorridgeBrick (Master Worldhopper)
  • MozytheHealer (Master Observer)
  • Sunshine (Apprentice)
  • Surgebound Rainspren (Apprentice)
  • Gaz (Apprentice)

Wafflesworn: I hope you know the guild you are about to join, Peng.

I saw This in the Wafflesworn thread.

Peng was asking to become a part of the WAFFLESWORN! If he wanted a part in any other guild, he could have gone to the CFG thread. 

Bit of a delayed reaction, but I just remembered it. Also, I can't read, and thought that you [Theorymaker] came from our thread too because of the whole syrup pool discussion

Edit: The fact that I am not sure how conscious I was at that point in time is also part of my misreading the thread names... Sorry

Edited by Ashiok
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Yes, you did at that, Theorymaker (Ghostblood killer).

Ashiok, leave him be. Observers won him fair and square. And Peng is now Wafflesworn so all good. For now, my problem is the pilfering and tilted kitchen. Let's prep a contract for The Observer's Guild.

Your Majesty, Queen Elsa, Princess Delightful, your esteemed court should not have to pay for the pilfering that Observers do. We are happy to absorb these losses and not charge you so long as you ensure that Observers take their own catering contract with us.

Otherwise, you will keep funding the Elsecalling they've been doing (by feeding them waffles).

Here, take cupcakes. The snowflake designs are all tilted, because our kitchen staff was Elsecalled by the Observers while making it.

They have definitely NOT been just observing.

Edited by Quitecontrary
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