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The Newcago Court


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"Well I have MY sword, but if I remember correctly, I was supposed to get a IceShard Blade and some Frostplate was I not?" BT looked at his WONDERFUL queen, "Is that true Queen Elsa?"

That is true, and steel armour.

*hands them both a ice shard blade with a golden handleand steel armour with the Newcago logo.* the sword will give you the power to create ice and snow in battle when moved in certain patterns.

With this armour and weapon, will you serve me and me only?

You also must say the Newcago Oath:

Your Majesty, Elsa Steelheart, First of Thy Name, Titan of Ice, Snowwarden, Frozenborn, Queen of Newcago and all Lands of the Seventeenth, I, _______, do swear my humble, undying fealty to thee. I shall forevermore serve thee and thee alone with the utmost fervency, till last I draw breath

Edited by Elsa Steelheart
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"Guess who's Baaack?" Mailliw proclaimed as he swooped into Newcago. Landing, yet again, in the center of the square, he shouted, "I am back and here to try this mysterious Soda pop. Oh, I'm also back to maintain the honor of the Featherswornthroughout the Cosmere." As he raised his Featherspear, the hosts of the Feathersworn Elsecalled, fell, flew, Steelpushed, iron pulled, and used Aons to rally behind Mailliw. "The Feathersworn you see here are willing to battle to defend our honor. But not today. Feathersworn, back to your positions." The Featherwarriors all left again, leaving feathers to float down in their places.

"War today is not necessary, but never forget the multitude of the Feathersworn. Now, BreathTaker, can I try some of that soda?"

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LeftInch sighed and backed away. Odius featherfans, couldn't keep interesting things happening in their own territory so they always came over for entertainment. Maillw73 shot a scornful look at the Scholar than went back to expectently looking at BreathTaker. Once he was sure that the Featherfan wasn't paying any attention to him, LeftInch gestured over for the Knave to come over. They conferred for a minute, chuckled quitely and then hurried away, after giving BreathTaker large winks. Maillw73 still was oblivious as he was finally handed a blueberry soda. Then hearing a snipping sound, he looked up, and saw a massive container of soda pop cans crashing down towards him. As he got hammered through the floor he heard the Scholar and Knave laughing uproariously. Grimacing he elsecalled back to the nest.

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For good taste, you shouldn't do anything that directly involves my character and RP for me. It's okay so far, but that means I not letting myself die so easily this time around.

Using Progression and Stormlight's regular healing, Mailliw quickly healed all of his bruises and injuries from the mass of soda cans. It had tasted pretty good though, he had to admit. That cursed Knave and the Scholar, Mailliw thought. He detested them. Once healed, he summoned one of his Shardblades and sheared through all the soda and flew outfoxed the hole In the ground.

"Leftinch, I challenge you to a formal duel. What say you? Your Queen can even be the referee, if you so desire."

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"Your Majesty, Elsa Steelheart, First of Thy Name, Titan of Ice, Snowwarden, Frozenborn, Queen of Newcago and all Lands of the Seventeenth, I, TwiLyght, do swear my humble, undying fealty to thee. I shall forevermore serve thee and thee alone with the utmost fervency, till last I draw breath, or until I learn what frozen things do in summer." 

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"Guess who's Baaack?" Mailliw proclaimed as he swooped into Newcago. Landing, yet again, in the center of the square, he shouted, "I am back and here to try this mysterious Soda pop. Oh, I'm also back to maintain the honor of the Featherswornthroughout the Cosmere." As he raised his Featherspear, the hosts of the Feathersworn Elsecalled, fell, flew, Steelpushed, iron pulled, and used Aons to rally behind Mailliw. "The Feathersworn you see here are willing to battle to defend our honor. But not today. Feathersworn, back to your positions." The Featherwarriors all left again, leaving feathers to float down in their places.

"War today is not necessary, but never forget the multitude of the Feathersworn. Now, BreathTaker, can I try some of that soda?"

If your intention was to be intimidating, Mailliw, rest assured you failed in that regard. Newcago is more than ready to defend itself, and we would appreciate if you did not bring in large armed forces without clearing it first. We wouldn't want to mistakenly assume that you were declaring war, now would we?"

*glares imperiously*

TwiLyght, use your weapons wisely. Welcome to Newcago :)

Perhaps we can organise tournaments as a manner of resolving minor disputes. Waffles will be the prize.

Edited by Delightful
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Mercenaries. "Uh, yeah, what TwiLyght said... I swear and stuff" BT took a long drink of his beer, finishing the last half of the flagon in a single draft and slammed the cup on a table. "OY! Could you lot NOT fight in my bleedin' brewery. There's expensive and delicate equipment here," Stormlight began to rise from BT as a giant frosty blade appeared in his hand "If there's going to be a fight, I think we should settle it like Horneaters" the blade disappeared and a table covered in pint glasses full of a beep amber colored drink rose out of the floor, "I CHALLENGE ANY FEATHER TO A DRINK OFF, and afterwards... Maybe we can stop this damnable fighting!"... "By the way, I totally don't always have a table ready for a drink off... Ever" BT said, blushing slightly at the incredulous looks that all were giving him and his seeming drinking "problem"

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Never mind, BreathTaker is my second!!!

The Mercs are a new guild. They hire themselves out for stuff, and they get payed with "Awesome Points"


"Breath Taker doesn't always have a drinking table, but when he does its always soulcast wood."

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Mistress Contrary appeared to hand Ashiok the revised NC contract. "Remember, Ashiok, in times of war, the Wafflesworn will choose sides, and only give a limited ration to Newcago."

She eyes the drinking table, and asks Breathtaker, "A drinking duel with beer? I much prefer single malt whisky."

She produces a bottle from her apron and sets it down the soulcast table. "Use this. If you're drink dueling with a friend of Chaos, this is a better brew."

And she leaves to go back to her kitchen crew.

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Thank you Ashiok. William, Caleb, are you sure you want to fight this out? I would prefer you Drink this out. Less chance of Death.


So Caleb. You were the Challenged. You choose the type of Duel, and the Weapons. or Drinks. William, as the Challenger, you choose the Time and the Place.

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"Guess who's Baaack?" Mailliw proclaimed as he swooped into Newcago. Landing, yet again, in the center of the square, he shouted, "I am back and here to try this mysterious Soda pop. Oh, I'm also back to maintain the honor of the Featherswornthroughout the Cosmere." As he raised his Featherspear, the hosts of the Feathersworn Elsecalled, fell, flew, Steelpushed, iron pulled, and used Aons to rally behind Mailliw. "The Feathersworn you see here are willing to battle to defend our honor. But not today. Feathersworn, back to your positions." The Featherwarriors all left again, leaving feathers to float down in their places.


you scared me there I was trembling until I noticed the missing space. then I laughed at your incompetence.


Great threat.


Edit: your honor is dead.

Edited by Matrim Bloody Cauthon
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