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The Newcago Court


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At the Gala! (At the Gala!)

At the Gala!

In Newcago!

It's where we want to be!

All the factions,

And the leaders,

And the ponies! (And the Ponies!)

Great singing Quiver! :D

I searched this song on YouTube, biggest mistake. It's extremely catchy.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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A cloaked figure observes the Great Hall from a support beam high above. Raising their hand they vanish and reappear in the middle of the floor. With a flourish they throw back their hood, revealing pointed ears, blonde hair and a sly, boyish grin. "Well kiddies I'm back. And by the Outsider am I excited to be here." 

Edited by lwd24era
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A cloaked figure observes the Great Hall from a support beam high above. Raising their hand they vanish and reappear in the middle of the floor. With a flourish they throw back their hood, revealing pointed ears, blonde hair and a sly, boyish grin. "Well kiddies I'm back. And by the Outsider am I excited to be here."

As the figure pulled his hood off, a large grin spread across the queen's face.

"Lwd!" "It is so great to see you again! It's good to see you finally back in the lands of the seventeenth."

Also, when the time comes that we hit 100 pages, a great ball shall be held with all the guilds invited and celebration throughout Newcago and it's empire.

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I noticed. Elsa's rule is as strong as ever eh?

We have a new Epic overlord, although no one I sure who exactly it is... probably not the necromancer though. :P


And that thread is rapidly approaching 100 pages, at which point we'll probably have to start another thread. That, or 150 pages. 

You could say that it is a question of epic proportion. B)

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*kisses the Queen's hand* "Thank you for the warm welcome your majesty. Indeed, thank you all. It's good to be back." *eyes light up at the mention of a party* "Ooooh! Fun. What sort of food and drink will be present?"

The queen smiled and blushed . "You are very welcome. We are all delighted when a member returns.

The party will have magnificent food, also the national foods of Newcago such as the Newcagoan Donuts and Waffles and Snow cones. . Including Dark Alley baked goods. As well as that, there will be maginificent meals, with meats and almost any food you could desire. The dessert will be delightful, with lots of choclate flavored items. The Royal Kitchen will work hard to make sure this food's ball will be one to remember.

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